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Black Diamonds by Martin Walker Review
It's amazing again how convincing "newcomers" are able, the local color to convey an area authentic - think of the American Donna Leon and her Venice thrillers. Another expert of this subject is the Scot Martin Walker, the (previously three) takes us into his thrillers to Périgord. One of the most expensive ingredients of an exclusive menu for gourmets include truffles, the "black diamond". Martin Walker I learn that they are better than looking with trained dogs with truffle pigs…...
Novel “Empty Mile” by Matthew Stokoe
Johnny is back. He wants to put his guilt and make amends for what he has previously left damaged eight years now to blame Johnny especially at the fate of his brother Stan. He was an intelligent lad, until the day in his twelfth year when Johnny left him alone am Waldsee, to indulge in a bit away undisturbed Marla and love. A hair Stan would have drowned. Since the accident he has fallen back to the mental state of…...
Raumpatrouille by Matthias Brandt Review
"No one there." Something like it, the little boy must often have felt, even when the large white house was never empty. Kiefernweg 12 in the Bonn district of Venusberg, which was the official residence of the Federal Chancellor. Security guards, servants, secretaries, guests will have around populated the clock. Quasi lives next door German President Heinrich Luebke with his wife Wilhelmine, with whom the child may afternoon drink cocoa. But these are all not the people who are looking…...
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Allmen and the pink diamond by Martin Suter Review
Only in the spring, the Swiss bestselling author Martin fired Suter with his first band "Allmendinger and Dragonflies" the go-ahead to a three-part crime series, and now we have the sequel "Allmen and the diamond" in hands. The unlikely pair Allmen and his servant Carlos founded the "International Inquiries Allmen" company two years ago, a company that operates worldwide and focuses retrieved works of art and antiques. The website is cocky: "The Art of tracing kind" ... After only two…...
Allmen and the dahlias of Martin Suter Review
In January 2011 was established "Allmen International Inquiries", a small, fine, thoughtful discretion private investigation, which focuses on the recovery of precious objects of all kinds. The high-sounding company name suggests global acting, as well as the website promises much: "The Art of tracing kind." But such marketing skills it requires even, if you look into the fine niche market of, say, boxing> unofficial 'art trade and wants to assert itself there permanently. And already the team (Friedrich Carlos and…...
Monte Cristo by Martin Suter Review
Located in the tunnel is the Intercity Zurich-Basel to a halt. The passengers - mostly financial jugglers in dark business suits who wish to quickly home to a rich working in the financial center Zurich - are annoyed: "a disgrace ... there are other methods such that do not mess up your evening from a few hundred non-depressives.. " Once again had jumped one from the train, a "personal injury". A video journalist on his way to a charity event…...
Delicacies by Martin Walker Review
The Scottish author Martin Walker has transferred his residence a few years ago to the French Périgord. All that he has learned there appreciate, he lets into his detective series by Benoît "Bruno" Courrèges, the Chef de Police of the fictitious village of Saint-Denis, incorporated: a tranquil, idyllic landscape; friendly people, where evil is foreign; the savoir vivre with delicious wines, fresh vegetables, wild game from the region. The variations of the recipes are inexhaustible, and a foie gras heard…...
“Life Is Not Waiting” by Marco Balzano
Marco Balzano is a master of soft sounds, the objective logging. The disillusioning fate of his protagonists unfolds its power from itself and leaves no one untouched. By bridging the gap to the immigrants of our days, it relieves the author of his past specifies the general experiences open, had to probably make the people at all times. Ninetto Giacalone born in 1950 as a premature baby in the Sicilian town of San Cono. Until he spent nine years old,…...
La briscola in cinque Marco Malvaldi Review
The young man's has severely after he varies on this early August morning in the nightclub. Although he has it only just managed to put his car in gear and to take the way home, but when it's over full bladder drives into a parking lot and walk to the dumpster there, he look out of his heart against the dead eyes of a girl. While it is clear that he has to call the police, but unfortunately the battery…...
“The Heart Comes Last” By Margaret Atwood
It has done it again. This time, the Canadian Queen wisely conceived future scenarios has been thinking about possible ways out of the crash of the financial world and the economy, driven so many people into ruin and destroy jobs, homelessness and crime has driven up. How about, so when the gepurzelten down from the company acquiring another fellow even procured her mind game Employment and bread? Namely a rotating basis: until after a month roles and accommodation in rotation…...
Margaret AtwoodOther
“Life sticking” by Marina Lewycka
In the early morning, Georgie Sinclair and her husband Rip compete for the installation of a toothbrush holder. But Rip changed the world with more important things. So a popliger job does not belong in the working field. He finally leaves the family. Now Georgie with her pubescent Ben alone. As Georgie after heavy Heulattacken the separation has survived, she ordered a container. Nothing to remember Rip. In the evening she hears noises. Rumble, clink of glass. but as someone…...
“My First Lie” of Marina Mander
The following sample essay on ""My first lie" of Marina Mander" is an analysis of a literary work. Roman shows an unusual child in a precarious from the outset situation dramatically worsened and the boy in premature ownership and insulation drives. That it can withstand the extreme emotional stress, he owes his intelligence and maturity, and at the same time certain naivety that the author has left him to protect him. When Luca, with its nearly ten years about himself,…...
“Rusty Wing” by Manfred Wieninger
Manfred Wieningers novel "Rusty Wings" is another Marek Miert thriller. He is aware on the current crime fiction. Its content is not filled with "literary Blutsäuferei" (p 47). The story is told from the perspective of the lovable, quirky private detective Marek Miert. He lives, as usual, in a dilapidated building house in the red light and immigrant environment in the fictional small Austrian town of Harland. The author characterizes Marek Miert (as well as any other action-related people -…...
Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs
The following example essay focuses on the Lisa Nicole Brennan-Jobs, daughter of Steve Jobs. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. If this book has become a best seller when the father of author John Doe ( "John Doe") would mean? How many buyers have in reality for the illustrious father and not so much interested in the little-known daughter? And it is because belang rich, almost four hundred pages about the problems of the unloved…...
Book “No trace” of Lisa Gardner
Sandra and Jason Jones will perform with her little daughter Ree a normal family life. But it is normal to provide his house with grilles and security locks? Without any contact with relatives, neighbors or friends completely sealed off to live a partnership, father and mother actually see in only during the handover of her daughter? Sandra is a teacher and works during the day, Father Jason, a reporter who works at night. How did it happen that his wife…...
In The Jaws Of The Alligator By Lisa Moore Review
A lot of losers inhabit St. John's, Newfoundland, the scene in Lisa Moore's debut. Only the seventeen year old Colleen exudes positive. Sheltered life growing on the girl; but her stepfather she lacks nothing. The cover assembly like to meet her princess image, but so she's cute now not (any longer). Now she fights committed against everything that is unjust in the world, and is committed to all what has to be saved. Although they do not actually riding it…...
“And Again in February” by Lisa Moore
"And again in February" is a piece of good literature that deserves attention. The sinking of the "Ocean Ranger" oil rig in February 1982 was one of the many Lehrstücke invent about the hubris of people who believe that we could have all get a grip, if we think just enough count, Hi-Tech. The Newfoundland relied on this principle - but nature was, as always, unimpressed and exposed the dream of absolute technical security as ridiculous illusion. had the price,…...
Lady Bag by Liza Cody Review
Davor: was until she forty, Angela Mary Sutherland bravely held on the socio-compliant side of life. Your job: Employees in a building society, reliable and committed. Her home: home in Harrison Mews, South Kensington. Milieu: "a cobble-paved small stage of impasse with dinky row houses, the facades berankt with wisteria and flowering clematis." Her family: unmarried, lives with her mother-term care. Then Graham Attwood enters her life.. His attractive figure, his winning smile conquer without resistance. She loves "Gram" idolatrous,…...
Crash of Lorraine Adams Review
Lorraine Adams was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism 1,992th . Accordingly, high my expectations were on her novel "Crash". The novel begins very exciting and highly technical, as men the love: The onboard computer of a fighter jet goes crazy at once. In the cockpit sits Mary, one of the few black combat pilots in the US Air Force. You can not prevent their machine crashes - Washington, DC! With ejection seat and parachute it can save and…...
Sin graves of Kristina Ohlsson Review
The following sample essay on "Sin graves of Kristina Ohlsson Review": analyzing mental dislocation in Sin graves of Kristina Ohlsson. What might that be, "sin graves"? Holes in the ground where you make your bed in any figuratively misdeeds to rest in order to eradicate once and for all from the ground? Or are the people who do this gravedigger work? Or rather those which, by analogy with "gold diggers" tugging terrible deeds to light again? Whether and what off…...
The Second Best Chef Kurt Bracharz Review
The best sauce was hunger. In second place Wang Li Shui follows. Born in Hong Kong, he lived like a hundred and fifty thousand Chinese, as a cage man on two square meters floor area. His career began as chef of a Triad boss. About Belgrade he traveled illegally to Vienna. His own restaurant was closed quickly, because a dog scandal. (I do has always had an uneasy feeling sour-sweet in the umsoßten cubes of meat in the Chinese buffet…...
Return to Somerton Court of Leila Rasheed Review
The fact that Edward Francis Averly, the 6th Earl Westlake, resign his office as vice governor of the British colony in the East Indies had, was a heavy blow for the recently widowed and his two daughters. Regarding the reasons the rumor mill from "cowardice" and "dishonor" rumor. Now they have to say goodbye to a life in the lap of luxury. With a steamer they travel in the late summer of 1912 returned to England to henceforth on the…...
Book “The Unfinished” by Kate Atkinson
The young woman enters the Munich Café and controls loaded with plenty of cake table at the end of the room. A pale, not male-looking man dominated the round "of vassals and sycophants", next to him a "heavily made-up, permed Platinum Blonde". They know each other: "Our English friend," says the man Miss Ursula before and offers her a chair next to him. It establishes their heavy handbag, ordered chocolate, tried to her Pflaumenstreusel offered, dabbing with his handkerchief, which…...
Not for beginners by Kevin Maher Review
A lot of laughing Jim Finnegan was not in his life, but as he tells it, that's for bagels. . And hearty setting this novel of growing up - Dublin, the mid-eighties - arouses certain thematic expectations and met them in full: Catholic Church, WORKING- class -Milieu, rival boy bands, abuse, alcohol, pop music, suppressed strong women, beatings, rough manners ... Actually, Jim might appreciate doubly happy here: In his family, he's thirteen years the youngest and - along with…...
Dream Collector by Khaled Hosseini Review
The following sample essay on Dream Collector by Khaled Hosseini Review. In the winter of 2010, Pari recalls her childhood to a cherished ritual. Her father Abdullah sitting at her bed, cover it well. He runs his fingers over her temples, looking "patiently behind my ears and back of head" pulls "with your thumb and index finger" - and plop as it has again collected a nightmare. One by one, he can disappear, never to return to the "invisible, lying…...
Secret in White by Joseph Jefferson Farjeon Review
Six people rolls chance on December 24 together in a train third-class compartment. To 11:37 leaves her train Euston Station, London, with the aim of Manchester. But the days since sustained snowstorm makes the heavy steam locomotive the advancement impossible. Snarling the train is coming soon on the open road to a standstill. The masses of snow are insurmountable. What to do? According to their different temperaments the fellow sufferers express their ideas. no one wants to spend Christmas Eve…...
A Paradise For All Of Justus Peacocks Review
In the heyday of the early years Georg Wertheim and his brothers recognize an unprecedented business idea and start in the late 19th century, a department store with a large, wide gefächertem offer at reasonable prices. The idea quickly developed a large group with numerous subsidiaries. This success story and its historical environment is the substance of the novel "A paradise for all" by Justus peacocks. Georg Wertheim was born into a poor draper family. With his brothers he founded…...
“Lord Merse breaks”
The following example essay on "Lord Merse breaks" is an analysis of a literary work by Karin Nohrs. The essay reveals the plot of the novel and reveals the images of the main characters of the story. Karin Nohrs debut novel "Lord Merse breaks" is more oppressive as the story progresses. At first, we still believe to be entertained simply amusing. Mr. Merse is presented as a strange fellow - a true bummer, unworldly washcloth, the mother's hand-knitted colorful socks…...
Thriller “Undergrowth” by Jörg Maurer
What did Richard Wagner, Francisco de Goya, Rainer Maria Rilke and Udo Lindenberg have in common? They are caught in the undergrowth of a German Alpine Mystery! 58 Chapter does Jörg Maurer's new alpine thriller, and each one has preceded the author a wonderful little mental-linguistic gimmick on the term "underbrush" - just commented definitions, quotes, contexts. As such, we learn that "kesken puu", the space below the deepest wooden board in the Finnish sauna (Ch. 4) that Russian chess…...
Bloodstone by Johan Theorin Review
The following sample essay on "Bloodstone by Johan Theorin Review". Johan Theorin novel is characterized by a calm, slowly unfolding plot. It was only towards the end of the tension reached its absolute peak. Vendela Larsson and Max have just arrived on the small Swedish island of Öland, there to spend the summer. To imagine that they invite you to a neighborhood party. So these are the islanders: Gerlof Davidsson was brought by his daughter from the retirement home in…...
The Late Confession of Tristan Sadler by John Boyne
The following sample essay is about Tristan Sadler's Late Confession by John Boyne. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. After the expulsion from the parental home than a year is more earlier this Tristan Sadler's last attempt to reconcile with his family. Perhaps there will be no reunion, because Tristan will return in the afternoon to his training camp Aldershot. When he disengages with his company to the front, waiting for him in the trenches…...
The professor of John Katzenbach Review
The following sample essay on "The professor of John Katzenbach Review". John Katzenbach wrote a technically good psychological thriller. Adrian Thomas is a psychology professor retired and decided to end his life. After a neurological examination of the findings is clear: dementia, in a very rapidly progressing variant. He drives home, remains a moment to sit behind the wheel - and sees on the sidewalk on the other side of the street, a 16-year-old girl in dilapidated clothing - ripped…...
“A Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole. Review
The following sample essay on: " "A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole. Review". So a scene leads to another; from misunderstandings arise grotesque comedies; the numerous figures add up to a motley panopticon anything abnormal. John Kennedy Toole, who was born in New Orleans in 1937, is drawn after studying in New York for military service. During this time he is working on a Southern novel "A Confederacy of Dunces". In Simon & amp; Schuster is in principle…...
Our Kind of Traitor by John le Carré Review
Gail and Perry - they successful lawyer, he frustrated university lecturer - travel to Antigua. On the ground, two tennis double play against a young couple. Perry is ambitious sporty and downright greedy to gain full vigor. The onlooking Mr Dima, a muscular bald head from Russia, makes his admiration no secret and calls Perry directly to the singles match. The next day appears Dima, accompanied by his wife Tamara, including children (twins), niece and nephew. Before one gets to…...
Never without her by Jocelyne Saucier Review
Albert Cardinal is a nerd. He is obsessed with minerals and stones and the treasures that they promised him. 1944 he discovered in Norcoville (a fictitious location in western Canada) a huge zinc deposits. Determined to make big money, he buys a house for his family. It includes four apartments, which he combined into one by breaking out the partitions. For it is not an everyday father-mother-child small group house. In the four residential and four bathrooms, a lively crowd…...
“Beautiful Ruins” by Jess Walter
Cinque Terre are five picturesque stuck to the rocky coast villages northwest of La Spezia on the Italian Riviera. Today they are National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site flooded by tourists, including countless young Americans looking for romantic Italy . Until 1874, the sites were accessible only over water or rocky, steep paths through the bush; then built to an adventurous railway line from Genoa to La Spezia, which each place gave a tiny station, wedged between tunnels, stairs,…...
“Blood on Snow: The order” by Jo Nesbø
Good-bye, Harry Hole! With his new thriller, the Norwegian author Jo Nesbø bestseller has undergone a radical change. The legendary series hero Harry Hole, a policeman of the broken variety, which it owes worldwide fame and prosperity, he retires. In its place one for which the Decommissioned probably would have applied only contempt occurs. The new stands on the other side of the law - Olav Johansen is a murderer, and worse, a wimp. At least at first glance. "Blood…...
Coma by Jo Nesbø Review
Around the clock guard police the mysterious person who is in the ICU of the Imperial Hospital of Oslo. It is hoped that the patient is out of the coma wakes up, because his statement could be the missing piece of the puzzle to an old case finally clear up The Nesbø fan remembers once. That one is resting in a hospital bed, no one can be different than Harry Hole, the legendary protagonist from now already nine bestselling thrillers…...
The Middle Stone of Jami Attenberg Review
Edie heart is the linchpin of her parents' house. Even as a five-year-old she is unable as unwilling to move "a cementitious Klops" said. After a few laboriously crested steps they can easily hinplumpsen: "I'm tired ... Carry me." Her to fulfill the desire of the mother is not easy, because it has the armful of shopping bags, the family's apartment is on the fourth floor, and the child along with a full 28 kilograms on the scales. Unfortunately, the…...
Day of last snow of Jan Costin Wagner Review
Anna Ekholm is acidic. Her father will not let stay with her friend. Because of the chemistry class work the next day her mother for today "early bed rest" is announced. Chemistry has yet checked anyway; they have long does not look longer. But the discussion with Father Lasse after the evening hockey practice brings nothing; at the end she gets good into his car, and he pushes the CD with their favorite song in the player. Suddenly he takes…...
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