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Rione Serra Venerdì of Mariolina Venezia Review
Immacolata Tataranni is " PM " ( Pubblico Ministero ) in the Procura della Repubblica in Matera, that prosecutor. So that they exert a state-supporting function, you can not see her. Your flash clothing style for example is a blow to the dignity of their office, if not against good taste, but compensated for their unobtrusive height and strengthened as her fiery red mane, the effect of their energetic appearance. Office work is, as expected, not their thing. Unlike her…...
Literature ReviewOther
“Maria di Isili” by Cristian Mannu
This is a powerful, coherent and tightly constructed, linguistically fascinating and very Sardinian novel that the bank employee Cristian Mannu has (born in 1977 in Cagliari) written the first fruits. He was honored with the Premio Italo Calvino in 2015, a prize for unpublished literary debuts. In April 2016, the book was published in the great tradition publisher Giunti (founded in 1497). Mannu traces the complex portrait of an extraordinary and impressive woman, Maria Piga from the town of Isili…...
“Of Anything Or Anyone” By Dario Levantine
Rosario Altieri is a crude his background and environment. Several souls beating in the chest of the fifteen-person narrator and are partly in conflict with each other. He grew up in Brancaccio, a desolate suburb in the south-east of Palermo, where poverty, brutality and violence prevail. but at the request of his father he attended a good school in the fine center. he has neither here nor there friends. For some a dialect speakers from a notorious district has no…...
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Stirpe Selvaggia Of Eraldo Baldini Review
Eraldo Baldini has invented a genre. After the local-man, born in 1952 in Ravenna, has always delighted its rural area for the folk traditions and scientific papers had written about it, he started in the nineties to write stories and novels with this issue. With " Gotico rurale " Eraldo Baldini: "Gotico rurale" at Baldini's latest novel" Stirpe selvaggia ", published on 29 November 2016 set in the first four decades of the twentieth century in the dark, rough, hilly…...
Angelica e le Comete Fabio Stassi Review
Anyone who Sicily, they will be somewhere in person address: as restaurant decoration, the museum, in a junk, at best, on a stage. The sight of her enchanted and amazed we pause. We are talking about those brightly painted Sicilian puppets, a half to three feet tall, so very different experience than their counterparts in our latitudes. These are not funny dubs, fussy or Gendarme stars of children's literature, but handsome knight in silver armor with plumed helmets. They carry…...
Literature ReviewOther
Un posto anche per me
The following sample essay on "Un posto anche per me ": what's the deal with this guy only to be he who crouches in the middle of the night on the last bench of the bus, muttering to himself? What has he in his plastic bags? And who is Marisa, to which he seems to speak? Questions like these burn us when reading on the lips and make sure that we do not put the book down before we reached…...
Book “Il Casale” Francesco Formaggi
Francesco schwant no good. The drive over narrow streets through the lovely countryside in blistering summer heat intently at him. He would enjoy the soothing emptiness of the city dear. But Giulia, with whom he has lived for half a year, was thrilled when cial esters and zio Franco invited them for a few days on their property. For years she had not seen the childless couple, and they raved about the large estate, surrounded by fields, forests and wildlife.…...
“The Stone Courtyard” by Francesco Cheese
Hard to imagine the poverty that prevailed in many rural areas in Italy after the war, before the economic boom began. Courageous young people left their homes to help out in the Po Valley or beyond the Alps in agriculture and industry and to support their families at home with the money earned. The history of these "guest workers" in Germany and abroad is well researched and repeatedly (told recently by Marco Balzano, winner of the & nbsp; Premio Campiello…...
La mia maledizione de Alessandro Roma Review
Everything appears to be clear in the life of Emilio Corona and his younger brother Carlo. Your papà , a successful maker, has acquired the construction company of his father and expanded - in Oristano, on the coast, in Nuoro - and the two are to expand the empire and consolidate. Far ahead, he has purchased for his sons all the hill by the sea, the building is once cement their prosperity Carlo blends smoothly into this program. He is…...
La piramide di fango by Andrea Camilleri Review
The story mysteriously raises the next case requires a shadow. A nightmare troubled the commissario Montalbano. He staggers, threatens to collapse a kerosene lamp in his hand through a dark tunnel, which at any moment. Behind him, he heard the gasps and moans of the injured who complains of not being able to keep pace because of his loss of blood; then he falls forward to the ground. From the back of the skull protrudes a large kitchen knife. A…...
La Ruga Del Cretino By Andrea Vitali Review
Villa Alba is the opportunity of a lifetime. La Serpe , the resolute sacristan in the santuario di Lezzeno would urge their third daughter Birce accommodate as a maid, but the girl is severely plain, clumsy and stubborn. The pastor has recommended the fine signora Giuditta Carvasana, but will take the innocent country bumpkin in their services? "Dimmi un po 'tu sai cosa fare," she encouraged Birce three times before the finally opens his mouth: " Niente', disse." Fortunately, the…...
Un Bel Sogno D’amore By Andrea Vitali Review
Oh, on which horse they should just put that woken Adelaide Pizzi? In the race are Alfredo Denti and Ernesto Tagliaferri (called "il Taglia"), and both are far from the ideal of a man, a young woman wants to give her favor. Ernesto looks better and is the kessere of both. He even has already wrested her a kiss - and on that occasion the same brash little more taken away. Since then, he exerts a certain fascination for her.…...
The missing link – Five surveys Rocco Schiavone by Antonio Manzini Review
The following sample essay on with four very different criminal cases dealing Rocco Schiavone in this volume. The fifth story introduces him perhaps diffizilste task, although it is not even parked illegally. But that of all the capricious, to compile Grass consuming vicequestore a football team and train, is simply laughable. But the annual charity tournament between the police station and the court is approaching, and Rocco's chef holding beinhart fast to the tradition and his coaching choice. How Rocco…...
Rust by Philipp Meyer Review
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was until 1987 the most important Stahlproduktionsort the world. With the end of the era hundred and fifty thousand people lost their jobs. Against this background, the action contributes to the novel. Twenty year old Isaac English maintains his father, who is tied after an accident at work in the steel mill to a wheelchair. His mother killed herself, and his sister Lee lives in Connecticut, where she is married to Simon, the son of wealthy parents. Should…...
A special boy by Philippe Grimbert Review
Louis holed up in his books rather than playing with other children. The quiet, introverted boy grows up as closely guarded only child in a family of the Parisian upper classes. The summer is spent in the seaside resort Horville on the Atlantic coast. There learns Louis Antoine know, an age-matched, lively, adventurous boys. They dig in the sand, roam the city, looking everywhere for relics of the Allies, who were here for the war on land. Especially attractive is…...
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce Review
"When someone goes on a journey, he can tell what" already formulated Matthias Claudius (1740-1815), and who is going to walk on a week-long pilgrimage, experienced certainly extraordinary. But Harold Fry, 65 years old, did not even make a pilgrimage before; he just wants a response letter to his former colleague, the accountant Queenie Hennessy, bring to a mailbox. For twenty years he had not heard from her until he had now received a farewell letter from her -. From…...
Bella Ciao by Raffaella Romagnolo
The following sample essay is a description of the action of the novel and its idea. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. In the mountainous hinterland northwest of Genoa, where the rivers Stura and Orba flow together and the border between Liguria and Piedmont runs, has Raffaella Romagnolo the fictional village of Borgo di Dentro settled, the starting point of the plot of her latest novel. In this remote, impoverished area live around 1900…...
The Strange Appointment Of Mr Heming Phil Hogan Review
Mr Heming knows his business. One can already see from his living room wall. Since key hang unterschiedlichster colors, shapes and sizes. Every single part of a house or an apartment that has given the real estate agent, and everyone hangs like on a map of the city at the location of the property concerned. His collection is not intended Mr Heming to her sometimes lovingly and look admiringly. He uses the objects intended. Oh no, he's not a burglar.…...
The seer of the Pharaoh of Pauline Gedge Review
Egypt at the time of Thutmose III The following sample essay on "The seer of the Pharaoh of Pauline Gedge Review". Did the book live up to the reader's expectations? The four-year Huy, son of simple peasants, Temple School in Iunu allowed to visit to learn writing and reading. His rich uncle Ker generously takes over the costs. About his initial homesickness he quickly comes across as he meets Thutmose, son of Prince night as a trustworthy friend. For holidays…...
Book “The storm” by Per Johansson
A key novel? A scandal? A literary assassination of two journalists at a unloved colleagues? No sooner had busted their camouflage pseudonym, was discussed in the arts pages hot, if the writers Thomas wanted to take Steinfeld (literary editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung) and Martin Winkler revenge when they wrote a detective story in which one of the FAZ publisher Frank Schirrmacher every detail similar to, gets the skull smashed with a shovel we can readers the excitement care because…...
“Mortimer Miss Molly” by Peter Henisch
Miss Molly is her little house on the city wall when their luck falls from the sky at the window. Just point it ends up at the circle center of the Renaissance garden in front of their eyes. The American parachutists had jumped at the last moment from his fighter-bomber before the German flak hit the machine. Twenty years earlier, Miss Molly herself in San Vito, a fictional village in southern Tuscany, arrived here. In his native London she had…...
The Susan effect by Peter Hoeg Review
The Svendsens are a phenomenal family. Each of the four "extreme individualists" accomplishes Big hitters. Therefore has "Time Magazine" them recently included a feature portrait on the front page dedicated ( "The Great Danish Family"). Susan Svendsen, 43, has a doctorate in experimental physicist, her husband Laban, 45, a concert pianist, and the fair-haired twins Thit and Harald, 16, shine on the violin. But you can also quite ride into mess if they even give free rein to. This happened…...
Literature ReviewOther
The Gentle Indifference of the World of Peter Stamm Review
Christopher's writing career is idle. It's been fifteen years since his first and only book was published and found enough attention to attract audiences to this day for reading tours. As the relationship with Magdalene, from whom he told in his first, failed after three years, including Christopher's artistic ambitions are silted. The memories of Magdalena accompany the fifties course unabated until his dreams After a reading evening in his hometown happens to Christoph Frappierendes. In the night porter of…...
OtherWar Of The Worlds
Book “Seerücken” by Peter Stamm
The beautiful cover of the small collection of stories "Seerücken" by Peter Stamm gives a visual impression of what awaits us in the texts. In seven tiny, finely engraved, filmstrip-like panoramas prefer us few people, most alone, left or right over. The trees have no leaves more, the background color is white - or is snow? Everywhere are abandoned bicycles around, and there is a tram. On closer inspection, you can always find the same picture elements, cut differently, and…...
I Saw a Man by Owen Sheers Review
London is groaning under a summer heat wave. The windows of the houses in South Hill Drive are opened to allow the passage may provide a little cooling. Michael Turner has worked in his garden before he goes over to its neighbors, listening through the back door if anyone was there. our mental cinema sets in motion - Shortly after this happened, "the incident that changed all their lives" The quoted sentence -., the first of the novel. What could…...
Literature ReviewOther
Milano Criminale by Paolo Roversi Review
Seven armed men robbed on February 27, 1958 in a cinematic coup an armored car and captured the gigantic sum of 600 million lire. The attack took place in broad daylight instead, and many residents of the Via Osoppo were eyewitnesses. Antonio (almost 14) and Roberto (10) were among them, and what did they have just observed their future life had a substantial impact. For Antonio, it is "the day of his appointment." From now on he has only one…...
“The Sisters Brother”s by Patrick de Witt
You do not ask much and not waste any time. It's just a normal job. The brothers Eli and Charlie Sisters have earned all their lives long their living thus, wegzupusten other the brain. And because they doing a good job, they are famous as a contract killer, notorious and searched. It is the year 1851, and the American West is still largely wild and undeveloped. Who wants there to seek his fortune, or to take a piece of farmland,…...
Anna Niccolò Ammaniti Review
Anna is thirteen. This means that soon she must die - like all children. The virus was first detected in 2016 in Belgium and rapidly spread across the world, appears to act on hormones, have the adults only. Therefore, all the "big ones" have long since died while the children a grace period remains. All on his own, they fight for four years now alone, in groups or organized gangs through the remains of civilization. With the onset of puberty…...
The lavender room Nina George Review
The following sample essay on "A sea of signs of life" is the house in which the fifty-year-old Jean Perdu lives in Paris - surrounded a beautiful metaphor for the motley little people of individualists Jean. There are: - the somewhat older couple Goldberg, is constantly at odds - the former pianist Clara Violet, which is now confined to her electric wheelchair - Che, the blind cook, who can rely unconditionally on his sense of smell - a native of…...
“Last Exit” by Milo Weaver
The following sample essay on "Last Exit by Milo Weaver" analyzes the author's second exciting novel. Olen Steinhauer can Robert Ludlum, John Le Carré, Tom Clancy et al quite hold a candle and if he can keep his level best spy thriller soon be included in the group of renowned authors. Olen Steinhauer has constructed a perfect spy thriller. He is particularly prickly because Steinhauer classifies him in the current world events. It is the time after 9/11. The wars…...
Companions by Michael Morpurgo
The following sample essay on "Companions by Michael Morpurgo ": my name is Joey, I'm a plow horse. As Captain Nicholls bought me and I, became a cavalry horse as I went to the military school, was brought by ship from England to France and on the battlefield galloping always forward against the enemy Germans preschen must, I want you tell exactly. Actually, I belong Albert. But his father desperately needs money to renovate the farm, so he has touted…...
“Cat Table” by Michael Ondaatje
A boat ticket from Colombo to England 1954 lasted about 21 days and was certainly an impressive, memorable experience for most passengers. Through the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea, the trip went. In Port Said, Aden and other exotic ports the ship put on. How overwhelming all the novel-foreign impressions had to be only for three eleven year old boys who were sent without their parents alone The three…...
Exit West Mohsin Hamid Review
Your city remains nameless. It's a grab violence and destruction around him, scarce resources of many in the trouble spots of the east and south of Europe, where militant groups want to impose their ideology. And yet the people "of the abyss on the edge of town" do not go in such a their everyday life differently after than we do. The young Nadia example, leads a life that is completely 'seems normal...
The Dark Knight: Lojacono Determined In Naples By Maurizio De Giovanni
In Italy, Maurizio de Giovanni's crime series has grown over the Neapolitan Commissioner Pizzofalcone already six volumes. They were well received by the readers at home and abroad and have been filmed for television (first broadcast in spring 2017 RAI). Their success is undoubtedly due to the fact that the focus is not only one protagonist is in his dispute with one or more adversaries, but a whole team that parallel several cases must execute. So, you buy if you…...
“The Crooks Of Pizzofalcone” By Maurizio De Giovanni
Something is always hanging. While you have the inspector Giuseppe Lojacono can never prove that he really has collaborated with the Mafia, but was enough the accusation to deport to the applicable uncomfortable policemen. Thus Lojacono lost everything he had been fond of. He had to vacate his position in Agrigento and even left his native Sicily, to pull on his new job in Naples. His family life was broken. Wife Sonia and the teenage daughter Marinella broke away to…...
The Complaints Of The Dead By Maurizio De Giovanni Review
Tullio Iovine del Castello thinks of Sisinella and smiles until it hits the pavement. In the darkness of a relentlessly hot night of the Chair of Gynecology crashes his office on the fourth floor of the Poli Clinic at the Royal University of Naples from the window. Has killed himself the acknowledged specialist on the peak of his career, or he was thrust down? His case concerned the next morning the whole town, for he had helped the women from…...
The Life of Max Landorff
The following sample essay on "Max Landorff" tells the biography of the writer about his first steps in his work and the books he wrote. In the lonely Mörlbach in the Bavarian Alps of Jedlitschka farm is located. Gabriel Tretjak had since rented a hall equipment years ago and developed into an observatory with a rotating dome on the roof. Here he spends in front of his telescopic many nights, because the view of the universe has for him something…...
The end of the innocence of Megan Abbott Review
The following sample essay on: "The end of the innocence of Megan Abbott Review" Megan Abbott's latest novel "The End of Innocence" focuses on the awakening of sexuality, the search for it, the early idea. affecting two 13-year-old girl, Lizzie and Evie, and what they ER and live through, is characterized by the peculiar two-faced America: On the one side is demonized physicality of puritanical prudery and oppressed, on the other is the citizens all freedom guaranteed , their personal…...
Vita by Melania G. Mazzucco Review
Mutterseelenallein come Vita (9) and Diamante (12) in 1903 from their desperately poor native village Tufo di Minturno (province of Caserta) on Ellis Iceland to. In the tangle of thousands of poor immigration Williger they manage to smuggle through the strict control procedures, they that the soil of the New World can enter: New York In the working class neighborhood of Little Italy operates Vitas Father Agnello (the first from! Tufo, who had taken the plunge with his American wife…...
Matchbox Theater by Michael Frayn Review
Read a novel everyone can. Here we give an author a theater! The curtain rises, when and where each owner so desires, and the only audience he enjoys the bargain royal privileges, such as coughing during the performance at will to eat and drink, to make phone calls, take pictures, yawning and snoring . Or simply make off. But that will do no one. For what is presented, is delicious. It tickles the intellect as well as the funny bone.…...
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