"Of Anything Or Anyone" By Dario Levantine

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Rosario Altieri is a crude his background and environment. Several souls beating in the chest of the fifteen-person narrator and are partly in conflict with each other. He grew up in Brancaccio, a desolate suburb in the south-east of Palermo, where poverty, brutality and violence prevail. but at the request of his father he attended a good school in the fine center. he has neither here nor there friends. For some a dialect speakers from a notorious district has no chance simply, as though the neglect of his place of origin they infect.

In the other, he can not be at home because he does not share their posturing and interests and is not taken seriously.

Rosario’s closest reference person his mother Mary, a silent, restrained woman small entirely for their household and their family’s lives. in particular, it cherishes the memory of her father, who three months after their birth in the earthquake of Belice ( in 1968) spilled. he had caught just at a provincial tournament as goalkeeper talent sensation and receive a trophy.

the considered and polished Maria as if he were a symbol of lost happiness. when she herself a boy gave birth, she insisted that the child’s name of the grandfather’s wear, as it is in Palermo custom

Rosario’s father Roberto other hand, wanted a more elegant name that better together is with the harmony of his family name. Jonathan a ltieri – as a sovereign, cosmopolitan son he would have liked, do not call the all “Rosà” or “Saruzzu” an old-fashioned Rosario .

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The feeling of being a son of the second class, oppressed the boy, and his attitude towards his father fluctuates between contempt and cautious curiosity.

For Roberto is an opaque figure, one who raises the no near his own game play. He operates in the old town a thriving shop for athletes supplementary food, and thanks to its networking in relevant circles and local politics is booming and the backroom deal with illegal substances. For the family is neither the time nor interest. Only once he gives his son half jovial, half boastful a little insight into its activities ( “Questa cosa la sappiamo soltanto tu e io.”) And its simple view of the world ( “Non ci sono regole nella vita … se tu vuoi riuscire, devi pensare solo a te. “). His wife ignored or bullied him. As the only dream that is itself secretly at heart, is tangible, it wiped brusquely from the table.

The controversial cornerstone of his life, the boy can not bridge. He reads a lot (heroic legends, Dickens, Pirandello), identifies with strong protector figures, writes poetry, takes hours of driving a bus upon themselves to be liceo scientifico to visit. Language and education give him a footing, but no concrete help where no one tells him. Not only out of spite, he keeps on dialect certain: the hero, he says, Palermitanisch must have spoken, and in that language only he can tell them.

His emotional life is fragmented and agitated.. Hatred against the father (whose sordid secrets he comes gradually to the track) and unswerving care for the mother (who is becoming weaker) occur tender love feelings for Anna (an equally maladjusted peers) and between contempt, pity, hatred , appreciation and solidarity oscillating partnership with a stray dog.

doing a decisive step Rosario when he jumps in as goalkeeper in the local football team ( “Virtus Brancaccio”). Buoyed by the whisperings of the glorified Opas he discovered an almost magical talent that stands out even coaches and rivals. His life is complicated considerably. He is the first goalkeeper of the team and finds new appreciation, on the other hand make him top dogs and team Bullies then life hell, beat him to bits and blackmail him brutally. But again and again the voice of the grandfather and encourages him he himself Non ti spaventare di niente di e nessuno. (Du need of anything or anyone afraid to haben.)”

Impressed have me Dario Levan Tinos debut novel not only its fresh, unpretentious language and compelling design distinctive characters, but especially the scene. The author (vocational high school teacher) was born in 1986, even in Palermo and studied literature and philosophy there. He describes his city as a collection unterschiedlichster rioni ( “quarter”), that shape the nature of its inhabitants to their appearance: “Non era solo una questione di benessere, di abito, di accento fine: era qualcosa di percepibile dagli occhi. in quello di una donna del centro si l’leggeva affrancamento in quello di una donna di periferia, invece, si una paura scorgeva antica, un giogo esistenziale. ” Brancaccio has a particularly notorious area be “un aborto urbano, un non luogo”.

Rosario strays there> follow your nose ‘around: “C’è puzza di grasso e polvere e soffritto di cipolla C’è un odore saggio, che corrode, che mi conosce, quello del mare Il Tirreno dista pochi metri da casa mia.. , quando i indosso vestiti che mia mamma stende fuori, profumano di smog e mareggiate. ” Scrap, waste and the decaying remnants of torn and slain fighting dogs lie on the bumpy roads along the residential blocks, symbols of brutality among people, beat the all otherness, training and advancement willing mercilessly to adapt.

Like his intrepid protagonists can Levantino not create bridle also his style, not even to cure the reality or cruelty cushion. He writes gritty plain text. However, if he can tell Rosario about his experiences with Anna, succeed passages full of delicate poetry, light and away from any kitsch. (Even the descriptions of sadness and misery Brancaccio do not lack lyrical imagery.) Again and again the narrator plays with the syntax, with chains varied comparisons with lists ( “Di gente di ogni tipo ce n’è: …”), which reading a fascinating experience makes. The (not so many) dialect passages do not impede the enjoyment, as almost all are paraphrased. Uora ti fiddulìu tuttu tagliare la pelle della faccia: Finally, the average Italian is as perplexed as we northern lights against a sentence like this: “Quando Achille raggiunge Ettore, gli fa un coltello ‘.

Unfortunately, the author sometimes mixed too conspicuous in Rosario’s narrative flow, get rid of intellectual flights of fancy. The level break catapults the reader will immediately from its identification with the protagonists: “Anna è una disadattata, ma in un mondo in cui l’etica è la sua invertita emarginazione è il più sicuro marchio della sua autenticità.” – “Il mare che si distendeva sterminato Pareva il velo Annunciata di Antonello da Messina, prestato all’umanità per proteggersi dalla mostruosità del cemento.”

Near the end Rosario forces the truth brought about, revealing it in three lines. No one could have foreseen it, but it provides in retrospect a coherent psychological explanation for the strange conflict, the paradoxes of this family. With the consequences that Rosario draws from his findings, he proves to the mythical hero, which he revered so worthy.

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"Of Anything Or Anyone" By Dario Levantine. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/of-anything-or-anyone-by-dario-levantine-my-review/

"Of Anything Or Anyone" By Dario Levantine
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