Essays on Technology

Free essays on technology provide detailed analysis and examination of the various technological advancements, their impact on society, and the ethical and moral implications that arise from their use. These essays explore topics ranging from artificial intelligence and robotics to social media and online privacy concerns. Additionally, they analyze both the benefits and drawbacks of technology, highlighting the advancements that have led to innovation, as well as the negative effects that they have had on individuals and society as a whole. These essays are vital in helping readers understand the role that technology plays in our lives and what we can do to create a healthier relationship with it.
A Study on the Effects of Anime on the Lifestyle of People
Words • 530
Pages • 3
The word anime [pronounced as “ah -knee -may”] is an abridgement for animation, it was coined around 1970s. While in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is delineated as a style of animation that originated from Japan that uses colorful images of 2D characters with strong and remarkable personality in a story full of action. As for the, anime in Japan is used to pertain “all animation”. Anime is a kind of medium before it's launched on televisions it started as…...
Is Social Media Decreasing Our Privacy Or Increasing It
Words • 490
Pages • 2
In this era of fast-growing technology, has social media really taken over our privacy? Moreover, is social media really a private matter? Well the answer to these questions may be arguable but let me provide my insight to this topic. Well, what is privacy? Privacy is closing your curtains when getting ready for bed. Privacy is meeting your doctor behind the closed doors. While in real life, this type of privacy comes naturally, in the digital world the idea of…...
CommunicationPrivacySocial MediaTechnology
The Role of Meaning-Making in Social Media Repertories 
Words • 565
Pages • 3
In this article, a study was conducted to understand how the youth living in Argentina deal with rapidly multiplying social media platforms. The four conceptual frameworks: media repertories, niche theory, polymedia and media ideologies served as the baseline for this study and helped to explain how a different set of meaning attributed to a certain social media platform shape up the user practices. From the interviews, three major themes came across. First explained how these people use and give sense…...
CommunicationCultureScienceSocial Media
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Technology, Social Media, Playfulness, and Human Affect
Words • 632
Pages • 3
With social media becoming an even more prominent factor in our lives, play has evolved from the physical realm to the digital. One such trajectory of play is narrative play. Bakioğlu (2014) attempts to explore how the creation of video blogs (vlogs) fully explores the narrative possibilities of internet technologies. Even though the article chronicles a specific vlog that became one of the first social media franchises on YouTube, the fundamentals of the article hold true for any social media…...
CommunicationFictionSocial MediaTechnology
Company Offers and Content on Company Social Networks
Words • 498
Pages • 2
Social media manager job is not just about posting/commenting/promoting the company offers, and content to a company’s social media channels. This job has become a complex and has different aspects / scope to help the business to achieve the best results. This job role is not that works independently or in an isolated environment. I have been noticing this job demand spans so many levels and these people work under big people like CEO. They're also responsible for systematically evaluating…...
ComputersSocial MediaTechnologyWebsite
Let Them Make Their Own Choices
Words • 405
Pages • 2
The younger generation want a voice in our politics, but should there be an age restriction? Yes, there should be. People who arent legal adults shouldn't be able to choose the future of their country. The human brain isnt fully developed until age 25, kids don't know enough about politics, and their choices are heavily based off of what they hear and read from others. In a reach study that took place at the University of Rochester Medical Center showed…...
AdolescenceChoicesPsychologySocial Media
A Look at the Topic of Copyright Infringement and Online Piracy on the Internet
Words • 2605
Pages • 11
Copyright infringement and online piracy is definitely a huge problem on the internet. Whether one posts a video on YouTube with a copyrighted song or downloads the newest movies through a torrent website, people continue to infringe on the copyright holders. Is copyright infringement all necessarily bad? After all, Justin Bieber became famous and popular through a YouTube video of him singing someone else's copyrighted music. Lately, entire countries, like Europe and the United States, have been attempting themselves to…...
The Issue of Software Copyright Infringement
Words • 1049
Pages • 5
When it comes to the word "ethics," people often think of morals or principles. Ethical theory, in general, is defined as "Relativism"; Relativism is the belief that there are no universal moral norms of right and wrong. Computers are a piece of technology that scientists have been using and advancing for the last several decades. The concept of computer ethics started from the 1940s by Norbert Wiener; during World War 2, Wiener was tasked with assisting in the development of…...
Solutions to Overcome Some Obstacles During Weight Loss
Words • 973
Pages • 4
Nine years ago, I, Richard Thompson aka Tyrone, now 51, retired from the Army in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and was excited about all the new activities this location afforded me: hiking paths, biking trails, water parks and the Atlantic Ocean and a great climate for being outdoors. I only had one small issue: I weighed 240 pounds and didn’t want to do anything. I was never motivated to go outside, or take a walk. Being an Army Recruiter is…...
HealthInternetNutritionWeight Loss
A Study of Social Media Use in the Workplace
Words • 1713
Pages • 7
Social media is the online communication tool that aids exchanging information, ideas, create, and share status online. It is used by different means such as; communication, collaboration, conferences, and for business purpose. However, many of us do not know how to properly use these social media tools or these social networking sites. Like nowadays, due to globalization, there is a need for putting much attention of this social media tools in business because sometimes it is the hindrance among the…...
The Dissemination of Health Care Needs Through Social Media
Words • 424
Pages • 2
Another form of support offered by the social media to its ill-stricken users is medical support. This might sound funny on how someone could get medication online either through Facebook or Twitter. However, research shows that the social media has created a link of communication between the sick people and the health services. Doctors, nurses and the medical facilities, in general, have taken a technological phase and created online platforms in the social media to share their knowledge, create awareness…...
Health CareMediaSocial Media
The Impact of Negative Comments in Social Media on Ill Individuals
Words • 612
Pages • 3
Among the principal defects of social media is cyber bullying. A survey conducted by Slonje & Smith (2008) on cyber bullying shows an estimate of over 90% of social media users have witnessed cyber bullying. A similar studies by 'Enough is enough' - A Non-Government organization fighting for internet security showed that 33% of the users of the internet and social forums had fallen victims of cyber bullying. The cyber bullying is not limited to specific users. Those with the…...
CyberbullyingMediaSocial Media
During Early Industrialization, the Main Technologies
Words • 1169
Pages • 5
There are many factors that play an important role in the rise of the United States as the premier industrial nation. Technological innovations are arguably not what brought dominance over other industrial nations it was the advantages the United States had over these competing nations. These advantages include cheap labor supply, abundant resources, rapidly growing populations, and business and manufacturing innovations, as discussed in the lecture. During early industrialization, major technologies that were implemented were but not limited to, power,…...
The Innovation and Entertainment of the 1920s
Words • 805
Pages • 4
Life in America during the 1920s was a time of innovation and entertainment due to new food and beverages, the development of Mickey Mouse, and the invention of the Ford Model T. World War I had just ended at the beginning of the 1920s, so there wasn’t much food at first. Then, all of the men returning home needed jobs and that’s when all of the innovation and entertainment began to appear. A lot of men started farming again, so…...
Safety in Any DIY Project
Words • 492
Pages • 2
Tracking knob- Adjustable knobs control the tilt of both of these wheels and adjustments. Dust port- it collects dust. Table tilt lever- it tilts the table. The blade cuts wood. The on and off switch turns it on or off. The table holds the wood. A band saw consists of a band of steel with a serrated edge that rotates around two large wheels. It is a must-have tool for any skilled woodworker. Band saws can cut curves and shapes…...
Beyond Football And Engineering
Words • 1274
Pages • 6
Initially, interest in this candidate surfaced from my personal love of soccer and every part of it. As an active player at YSU, familiarity arose with Abdulaziz. Not only does he run and manage the soccer team at this University, he also has dual degrees; one in mechanical engineering, and the other in electrical engineering Both prestigious and difficult degrees to obtain, came naturally to him. Although, he certainly undergone several of his own obstacles on his life course, his…...
EducationHealthMechanical EngineeringReligion
I Was A Mechanical BIM Designer
Words • 609
Pages • 3
One experience I have working in teams is at my former employer known as X-nth, The team structure was divided into two separate departments, the Mechanical and the Electrical departments, The Mechanical side was made up of the mechanical engineering manager, the mechanical engineer, the mechanical BIM drafter, (BIM stands for Building Information Modeling) the plumbing engineer, the plumbing BIM drafter, The Electrical side was made up of the Electrical engineering manager, the electrical (power distribution) engineer, the lighting designer,…...
CommunicationDesignMechanical EngineeringTechnology
A Profile of My Friend and Roommate
Words • 626
Pages • 3
On a groggy drunken weekday, the clicking of keyboard buttons and pencil tapping flow from my roommate‘s fingers, The small, abrasive noises from him doing homework woke me from my post-noon slumbering. I examined, with eyes half open, the room for any damages and mess. I am shocked back to life when Anthony calls my name. “Justin!” he says lightly, but abrasive like that pencil tapping. “If you are looking for your bottle opener, it’s in the trash. You told…...
CultureDrawingMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Mechanical Engineering Preview Course
Words • 703
Pages • 3
Each individual sentient being has at least one unique characteristic that makes them who they are. It is not the physical traits that separate them but rather their own actions, feelings, ideas, and experience. As for me, what makes me who I am is my knowledge of technology, my relationship with my family, and my drive to accomplish more. As a child visiting my grandparents, l was fascinated by the computer. Every time I would visit them, I would always…...
EducationLearningMechanical EngineeringPsychology
Engineering Closest To My Goal
Words • 597
Pages • 3
As a kid, I often wondered about what my future career would be; I did not want to work for someone else or be stuck in a field that I hated, but rather I wanted to create something of my own, The idea of being a self-made man was something my father taught me, which influenced me from the time I was a small child. I tried pitching ideas for various products to my dad, none of which were practical,…...
Mechanical EngineeringPhysicsPsychologyScience
The Benefits of the Space Exploration Program for the Public
Words • 947
Pages • 4
Martin Elvis has his Ph.D. and is the Senior Astrophysicist at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO). He has written over 300 articles features in scholarly journals and is on the top 250 most cited researchers list, with over 15,000 citations, according to ISI Highly Cited Research. Elvis believes that the American people have lost interest in space because NASA has been stereotyped as a facile operation for expensive journeys of adventure. The public are unaware of the sublime potentiality the…...
AstronomyInnovationSpace Exploration
Tour Package Types & Industry Dependence
Words • 625
Pages • 3
After analysing the tourism industry, Bruce Poon Tip realized there's an opportunity to provide a different type of tours which travelers would be interested in. The traveling industry primarily offered two types of tour packages: Western-style comforts with fancy hotels and air-conditioned transportation or backpacking. The first type of travel which has tourists stay in hotels and eat at places owned and staffed by Western companies doesn't provide the tourists the chance of experiencing the local culture. Western-style tours offer…...
Internet Censorship Should Exist as Means of Protection
Words • 473
Pages • 2
The Internet is an important part of our global culture, With a click of the mouse, you can get access to a lot of information. Sometimes access is limited and some contents of the Internet are blocked. That is Internet censorship. It is control information from being easy to reach it. Should there be Internet Censorship or .not? In fact, the censoring of the Internet is a good idea for three reasons Protecting from accessing pornographic material is the first…...
An Essay on the Censorship of the Internet in America
Words • 625
Pages • 3
Censorship of the internet by the US government has been an important issue for the past several years. Each time a new bill is put before congress involving stricter internet censorship, it ends up being shot down, due to a massive public outcry against it However, internet censorship is a must. Just as there are laws in real life keeping people from committing murder, or possessing illegal firearms or substances, the internet requires certain measures to keep people from dealing…...
The US Government Should Be in Control of the Internet and Its Censorship
Words • 725
Pages • 3
The internet as it stands today is truly the wild wild west. With everything available on the darknet from cocaine to hitmen to prostitutes, and unregistered guns. There is no censorship. No FCC to censor and regulate like TV and radio are subject to. An abundance of anonymity allows for everyone’s voice to be heard equally. The internet has become an integral part of most of our lives, From transactions to communication to entertainment and social media It’s a medium…...
The Revolution of the Animals in the Novel Animal Farm by George Orwell
Words • 1052
Pages • 5
George Orwell’s 1945 novel, Animal Farm, follows the revolution of farm animals against their cruel, human ownerst What starts off as a rebellious mutiny, leading to the improvement of conditions on the farm, quickly morphs into a tyrannical rule, similar to that of the humans before them. Likewise, many similar revolutions have taken place throughout human history; The French Revolution, The Bolshevik Revolution, and more recently, the 2011 uprisings in Egypt. In the case of the revolutions of both Egypt…...
Animal FarmGovernmentPoliticsSocial Media
Video games and Consoles Including Nintendo DS, Wii and Nintendo Switch
Words • 616
Pages • 3
Nintendo Co., Ltd. is a Japanese game and consumer electronics company headquartered in Kyoto, Japan. Their website can be found at. Their primary goods are video games and consoles, including Nintendo DS, Wii and Nintendo Switch. The multinational company is also famous for its creation of video game franchises such as Mario and Pokemon. I selected this particular company because growing up in Tokyo for 18 years, I always witnessed the constant innovation that Nintendo showcased through its franchises and…...
BusinessManagementTechnologyVideo Game
The Spread of Islam and the Rise of Islamic Art and Culture
Words • 447
Pages • 2
The rise of the Islamic culture and religion after Muhammad’s death in 632 CE spread farther and faster than any other before it; even Christianity couldn’t match the spread of Islam. People flocked to Islam for many good reasons though, including their standards of learning to read and write, as well as the beautiful art and architecture exhibited throughout the lands of the Islamic World. One important building created in Jerusalem is the Dome ofthe Rock, The great Islamic building…...
Frankenstein’s Influence on Popular Culture
Words • 565
Pages • 3
Many timeless novels impact daily popular culture and science through music, books, or films. Most of the renowned novels have many adaptations that reshape how individuals their interpretations in ways that are not noticeable. Frankenstein focuses on science, innovations, and the development of technology. Discoveries in technology have been honoured by individuals and reversed. Majority of individuals have been made to believe that technology can assist people in inventing anything. In addition, they do not acknowledge the coexistence of supreme…...
Hereditarily Modified Organisms, Too Known As (GMOs)
Words • 528
Pages • 3
Shown within the foods we have nowadays. The method of genetically modifying a plant or creature includes controlling its genetic material to make characteristics that cannot happen through conventional crossbreeding. GMOs are developed to have preferred traits counting expanded abdicate, dry season resilience and defense against bothers. A few of the foremost flexible crops, which are utilized as fixings in numerous food items, are generally composed of GMOs. Moreover known as genetic engineering, genetic modification includes the method of taking…...
Technology Change and The Use of GMOs
Words • 530
Pages • 3
What are the health and the environmental problem addressed in the article? Detail the background of the health problem. What solution/ findings does the cartoon suggest? What are pros and cons of this solution? What problems did the actual research and the application of the results face? How does this relate to material we have covered in class? The environmental issue addressed in the article can be branched off into many issues. The main issues is that over time technology…...
Time Spent on Social Media Should Be Diverted to Productive Activities
Words • 643
Pages • 3
How many times have your parents asked you to get off the internet? Ever since the invention of the internet in the nineties, many problems were solved, such as; communicating with friends and relatives who lived abroad, However, the invention of the internet was supposed to help countries to advance and develop, and it may have succeeded in doing so. But, many teenagers are now addicted to the internet that they have to check their phones every five minutes. Social…...
FacebookInternetSocial MediaSocial Media Addiction
The Prevent School Shootings
Words • 814
Pages • 4
Can Gun Control prevent school shootings? When owning a gun, there is a forty-three times higher likelihood of killing a family member, friend, or neighbor than an intruder. Parents who negligently allow kids to access their firearms should face some type of charge for not taking extra precaution or providing a better safety environment around their child and others. Studies have shown that these laws reduce both unintentional firearms deaths and suicides of children in the states they enacted the…...
Gun ControlSocial MediaViolence
Problems With Cable TV
Words • 1622
Pages • 7
Not only does cable have problems but do does Direct TV which prides itself on offering a wide variety of options for customers that people can enjoy. They have had more and more cord cutting over the years and their decision to team up too with AT&T they are clearly trying to regain their leverage and be in control. It is no longer good enough just to have a set program but customers elect to vote with the money that…...
EntertainmentNetflixSocial Media AddictionTechnology
The Impact of Social Media on Billions of Lives
Words • 1353
Pages • 6
Three billion people, around 40% of the world’s population, use social media and spend an average of two hours every day sharing, liking, tweeting, and updating on social platforms. Without question, social media has had a profound impact on billions of lives. Our lives have become increasingly more public as we all share information on a variety of networks. As seen in Appendix A, “over 78% of the U.S population has a social network profile. This behavioral shift has reverberating…...
AdolescenceSocial MediaSocial Media Addiction
Aerie Lingerie Store
Words • 979
Pages • 4
Is bringing something new to the modeling industry. Opening their stores in 2006, Aerie was known for their intimates, swimwear, and activewear. Aerie took a bold move though in 2014, and started promoting women without the use of photoshop and retouching (Marsh par. 1). With their newest campaign, #AerieREAL, released in spring of 2014, they are encouraging women to be confident, be brave, and embrace their imperfections. Aerie is featuring all women, not just typical supermodels. They are not looking…...
CultureDisabilityRole ModelSocial Media
The Significance of Social Media in the Success of Dance Marathon
Words • 1363
Pages • 6
Many people from my generation and beyond have turned to social media in order to accomplish many positive things. Social media has the ability of reaching people across the nation in order to collaborate when it comes to things such as philanthropic events. Throughout this essay I will describe the power of social media by identifying how social media operates to transform social relations when it comes to the philanthropic event, Dance Marathon Through research involving two articles written by…...
CommunicationCultureDanceSocial Media
A Critique of Bernice Reagon’s Speech on Coalition Politics
Words • 366
Pages • 2
Bernice Johnson Reagon starts off with a scenario to relate herself to the audience, The scenario is that what if you felt like you could breathe? Because some people are born at high altitudes, causing their lungs to be bigger and more open. So when they‘re in normal oxygen levels, it causes them to wheeze and not be able to be, staggering around and confused. Then Reagon compared that same feeling to how she felt at that same moment. Doing…...
The Major Role of News Media in American Politics
Words • 675
Pages • 3
The news media plays a huge role in politics, By performing three functions — signaling, common-carrier, or watchdog, the media is able to keep the public informed about as much as possible, The signaling function alerts the public about important developments as soon as possible after it has happened. This function is used mostly by traditional media, but social media has been known to use it at times as well. The common-carrier function serves as a conduit for political leaders…...
The Importance of Working at an Architecture Office in the Tehran
Words • 198
Pages • 1
I had a good memorable experience when I was in Iran ,I had 3 architecture office in the Tehran, and I was working to the big project .That was very important in my life because I had a bIg chance to show everybody my talent In design. First, I started to the drafting and design on the project, and I made sample model in the computer. Next, I had finishing design, and I started working on the computer to show…...
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