Essays on Other

Paperap is an online platform that offers a plethora of free essays examples on diverse topics, including Other. The website provides a user-friendly interface that enables students and researchers to find, read and download essays on various subjects from different academic levels.Users can use the website's well-organized search bar to navigate essays available in the Other category, and filter results based on relevancy, date, and other criteria. Additionally, users can make use of the website's rating and review system to evaluate content and give feedback.Paperap offers a great tool for students and educators struggling to find relevant and well-written essays on Other topic.
The Silent Visitors By Jan-erik Fjell Review
Words • 703
Pages • 3
Norway: Mr. Wilhelm Martiniussen, principal shareholder of Mardan AG, invites the Management Board and other major shareholders to an emergency meeting. What did he tell them those present feared in advance; therefore, most listening disappointed, but nevertheless quietly. Only one of them loses his composure, announced as Martiniussen that he will not sign off on the multibillion dollar Canada project by his signature. The reason for his decision is Nora, a nearly 30-year-old environmental activist and for three months, the…...
“Panic” of Comic Book Author Jason Starr
Words • 399
Pages • 2
Marissa Bloom, art student, is torn on the night of eerie noises from sleep. She wakes her parents, Dana and Adam. Very quickly captured Adam the situation: Out the back door of his secured with burglar alarms Villa invaded. He takes his Glock 45, tells Dana and Marissa to hide in the closet, and shoots the criminal when he comes up the stairs. Only half aware he takes the sound of a fleeing person true. The police are under the…...
Breton Surf From Jean-luc Bannelec Review
Words • 773
Pages • 4
Scientists have found that the Danes are pretty much the happiest people in the world. This novel reveals that not for true all Danes. Asger for example is not a good mood. However, the forty years of his fortune has gambled himself because he screwed up his job at an advertising agency thoroughly. Just because his last campaign went against the grain in person, he has made it easy for yourself and download photos from the Internet. Of course, flew…...
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Maya’s Diary by Isabel Allende Review
Words • 787
Pages • 4
"Chit ... you are the sunshine of my dim old days," the 70-year-old Manuel, the 19-year-old Maya insured in slightly sarcastic tone. He lives in a stake building works on a small, secluded Chilean island, introverted and reclusive. He often deters Maya in their sleepless nights when his screams cut through the silence: "Get me out!" The anthropologist Manuel has taken an old friend of Maya's grandmother Ninis, and only for her sake he has her granddaughter in his hideaway.…...
“The Third Mountain” of J.f. Dam
Words • 884
Pages • 4
The three male bodies are intact, but "naked" "bloated" and "The swelling flesh" makes it look like "bloodless ghosts" because of her features only a few furrows are left, "as if the men can not believe that a possibly still existing divine judgment was so hard to deal with them." In the narrow valley of the Himalayas the monsoon raged for eight days. The second Mountain Division have little time to recover the dead by helicopter. Before the dense rain…...
The Father, Who Fell From The Sky By J. Paul Henderson Review
Words • 522
Pages • 3
Lyle Bowman died of his addiction. His unbridled lust for sweets cost him not only a plethora of teeth, but at the end of the life. At least indirectly. When it drove the irrepressible desire for a chocolate bar from the safe shelter of his house to shop, age of eighty three collided with a double-decker bus and a wide Three weeks later, a manageable mourners gathered at the crematorium. • Uncle Frank, Lyles unmarried brother, download • Lyles son…...
Novel “Overboard” by Ingrid Noll
Words • 546
Pages • 3
Gladly accepted the invitation of the half-brother Gerd to a Mediterranean cruise Ellen and daughter Amalia. Ellen Tunkel is divorced, is in the midst menopause and could never afford such a trip with her salary as employees in the registration office. The 24-year-old Amalia's assistant and still lives with nuts. The third in the league is living the widowed grandmother Hildegard, the other next to Ellen four children has raised. "Nonnenhaus" called in the vernacular the heavy need of renovation…...
“Adèle” of Irene Ruttmann
Words • 984
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Adèle of Irene Ruttmann" is an overview of a literary work. With its quiet title, the incomplete woman portrait, only one hundred sixty thin pages and already looking small format you have to this gem. Worth it. The empathy of the protagonists unobtrusive develops reading as if by itself. Max is twenty years old and hungry for education. He loves books, devouring Reclam books, learning the classics, Jean Paul and Fontane. He would have liked…...
The Enemy Shaded By Henning Mankell Review
Words • 652
Pages • 3
Kurt Wallander has just become a grandfather. Linda gave birth to a baby and is in a relationship with Hans von Enke. His father Hakan Enke, retired former submarine commander, they loaded on his 75th birthday. Kurt Wallander he leads a stimulating conversation in which he told him about a commitment of the highest political and military explosive: In the fall of 1982, the Warsaw Pact Polish and Russian submarines in Swedish waters penetrated during maneuvers; a Russian ventured even…...
An Event in Autumn by Henning Mankell Review
Words • 733
Pages • 3
Thirty years of service under his belt. he has cleared up with patience and flair countless cases. My colleagues respect him. But in his bones and even more so in his mind he feels that he is old. Kurt Wallander now shares an apartment with his daughter Linda, for a year even policewoman in Ystad. Your everyday dialogues are reduced to the bare essentials - "a question that was not asked, nor asked for an answer." On Sundays, the "Days…...
Holy Blood by Harry Chamberlain Review
Words • 671
Pages • 3
From Munich's cheerful white-blue sky came a man in a black cassock down! To be precise: brother Wolfgang fell from a window of the church's Palais at Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strasse. A fallen angel in Munich Boulevard? An unfortunate accident? Or even a murderous act? But who - other than the devil himself, of course - could have motives to kill a man of God The murder Commissioner to chief investigator Mader takes over?. Abt Notkar is heard. Brother Wolfgang was not only…...
“The pilgrims years of the colorless Mr. Tazaki” by Haruki Murakami. Review
Words • 1025
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on: " "The pilgrims years of the colorless Mr. Tazaki" by Haruki Murakami. Review". The people of  novel talk a lot about their feelings. The desire for harmony, security and love is overshadowed by vulnerability, heartbreak and sadness. Tsukuru Tazaki is only twenty, and has already been invested for six months in a major life crisis. He studied engineering at the University of Tokyo, but really interests him nothing. He longs cause death. Then not only…...
Reeds in wind | Canne al vento by Grazia Deledda Review
Words • 415
Pages • 2
What Mintonia, the protagonist of Salvatore Niffois great novel "Lesen She's here my review of Salvatore Niffoi: "Die barefoot Witwe" on books Rezensionen" Your most important work" Canne al vento < "Grazia Deledda: "Canne al vento" at" Basically, it revolves around the decline a once respected, wealthy, now impoverished family material in a remote area in the arid inland of northern Sardinia. We experience the uneventful, drab everyday life in the modest, cramped lives of three sisters, their servants and…...
“Grundlsee” by Playwright Gustav Ernst
Words • 867
Pages • 4
The father has come on a business trip in Asia in an aircraft explosion killed. If only he had quit his job! His wife would not have minded, but they never talked about it. Now he is dead and can only look down on his family from a higher dimension. The memories of the beginnings of marriage and the great time with the children fade away: "Your name and my wife, I do not know already more." A bit monotonous…...
A woman at 1000 ° of Hallgrímur Helgason Review
Words • 821
Pages • 4
"An old woman is found dead in a garage, its curved fingers clasping a German hand grenade from the Second World War, on her arm, a swastika scar." She had some time ago to reserve the date for their cremation by cell phone and let it also confirmed that the temperature of the oven will be 1000 degrees. is the lady reliable: time on Monday 14 December at 13.30 her body is transferred. Your hands will be sawed off and…...
“Film Reif” by Hanna Marjut Marttila
Words • 528
Pages • 3
Named after his birthday "Thursday"/ Torsten has thus not expected: his one year older sister Tarina confesses to him that she is pregnant. Unexpectedly, it does not apply this example because it is only 16 years old, but because they became pregnant for the second time. The first time she was fourteen. At that time, Torsten, though the younger, overnight adult brother. From now on assume he had for his sister responsibilities. He wore long been responsible for his parents.…...
“Santa Claus – What Now?” By Hans Fallada
Words • 1141
Pages • 5
That the Christmas degenerates into orgy of consumption, is lamented for decades, and yet the meaninglessness proceeds unabated. The provision of wish lists at online retailers an absolute low point seems to be reached: The Gifted-be-wishers lists the items that he wants, and who is committed to giving, the object clicks on which he allows the Wünscher. Packaging and shipping: Done. Disappointment largely ruled out (otherwise: return form is enclosed). Participating feelings: none. While the religious significance as a celebration…...
Among enemies by Georg M. Oswald Review
Words • 712
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on review Among enemies by Georg M. Oswald.  Georg M. Oswald's new crime drama "The Departed" is set in Munich - and draws all white and blue expectations quickly the shoes. For the Bavarian "cosmopolitan city with heart" go in this novel not only Weiwurscht-comfort and Bussi-Bussi glitterati from, but law and morality the same time. Markus Diller and Erich boilers are the two plainclothes police officers who are sitting in the BMW (well, at least…...
“L’onore e il silenzio” by Gianni Mattencini
Words • 1097
Pages • 5
The following example essay on ""L'onore e il silenzio" by Gianni Mattencini" is an analysis of a fascinating detective story. In addition to the plot, the essay tells about the characters of the book. Remote, wild and impassable, the Calabrian inland. For centuries villages and nature were to leave themselves. Only the railroad created in the last third of the 19th century additions and passages of Naples and Bari ago to Reggio Calabria and Sicily, branch lines then opened up…...
“Help me, Jacques Cousteau” by Gil Adamson
Words • 864
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Help me, Jacques Cousteau by Gil Adamson is an analysis of a literary work. The essay reveals the plot of the story of growing up and reveals the images of the main characters of the story. In this family is to help anyone, because even Jacques Cousteau could not change anything. Day after day gushes sheer madness, and author Gil Adamson draws us into the middle of the flow. Narrator Hazel reported in short chapters…...
Thriller “Eismord” by Giles Blunt
Words • 562
Pages • 3
What is presented as impaled on stakes, are heads - severed human heads with an ax. As bloodthirsty and brutal begins Giles Blunt thriller "Eismord" ( "Crime Machine", translated from Anke and Eberhard Kreutzer). We are in Algonquin Bay, Canada's icy desert with its many lakes and impenetrable forests. Whoever commits only as a cruel act? What could have driven to such bestiality these people? And who are the two dead, Detective John Cardinal Tracking the night on the boards…...
“The Beetle Girl” by Gina Mayer
Words • 912
Pages • 4
Dusseldorf in autumn 1945: Kathe Arensen, born Mertens was forty and a devout Catholic. Nothing private has saved her when she was forced to flee in a bomb alarm headlong into the shelter. After her home was bombed, she has found refuge in an attic. Only her Bible remained her. She likes to read from the Gospels, or simply strikes randomly on a page, the passage then be interpreted as a message for their day. Her husband Wolf in captivity.…...
Black Souls of Gioacchino Criaco Review
Words • 1308
Pages • 6
Dark are the wild mountain regions of the Calabrian Aspromonte. In the extreme south of the Italian boot, between the towns of Catanzaro and Reggio Calabria, the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian Sea, this mountain range rises to almost two thousand meters. Nature is set in a vast national park under protection, and also in some villages still spoken Greek dialect ( "Grekaniko") is to be saved from extinction. Moreover, the people who live separated here, on their own, and so…...
The best location of Gaetano Capelli Review
Words • 970
Pages • 4
In the middle of Basilicata stands the majestic massif of Monte Vulture, halfway between Bari and Salerno. a red wine is on the slopes of the 1,326-meter-high extinct volcano up to 800 meters cultivated connoisseurs already pull out the corkscrew at the mere mention of: the Aglianico del Vulture is a liquid delicacy to see this DOC wine and a lot more is there in Gaetano Capellis novel " Storia controversa dell'inarrestabile fortuna del vino Aglianico nel mondo" reduce Gaetano…...
Literature ReviewOther
“Padre Padrone” of Gavino Ledda
Words • 930
Pages • 4
This is an autobiographical novel about a shocking hard childhood and youth in an archaic Sardinia the shepherds: What looks like Stone Age, was located only "recently" to - from 1938 (Leddas year of birth) and about 1,970 the venue is the village Siligo in the hilly north-west Sardinia (Sassari), but above all the endless pastures around it. Which are covered by dry stone walls, offer a barren hut for shelter and protection against the ravages of nature and must…...
The Better Person By Georg Haderer Review
Words • 601
Pages • 3
After a long rehabilitation Shepherd, has taken his 42 years the youngest major in the Vienna criminal police his service again. Although he is not yet in outpatient therapeutic treatment, but the new psychotropic drugs that optimize its dopamine and serotonin levels, have a positive effect on him, and he is fully motivated. The warning his colleagues, the crime scene to enter, he dismisses tersely that he was no longer a rookie after 20 years of dealing with violent crimes.…...
Nothing About His Head To Bed By Françoise Frenkel Review
Words • 825
Pages • 4
From fished the unsorted boxes of books a flea market in Nice Michel Francesconi the original edition of a biography that had been largely ignored and forgotten printed 1945th But the bibliophile, himself an author and illustrator, recognized the qualities of his chance discovery and initiated a new edition. She appeared in 2015 with an unchanged text and a preface by the Literature Nobel Prize winner Patrick Modiano by Gallimard, Paris, and in 2016, translated by Elisabeth Edl by Hanser.…...
“Someone Else” By Franz Kabelka
Words • 698
Pages • 3
Is there any relationship between the suicide of Father Xavier in the Franciscan seminary and the two deaths nifty fitness center "New Life"? The 62-year-old Edgar has two lives. For 35 years he was a "Braunschweiger" a little man with "a brown habit and nothing to talk," as Father Fidelis in the Franciscan monastery of Gerlach. Now, in his new life, he is with the resolute Regina together and head of the "New Life" studios in drivers, an Austrian backwater…...
Arturo’s Island | L’Isola di Arturo by Elsa Morante Review
Words • 349
Pages • 2
"Ricerco un bene fuori di me", sings Cherubino in Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro" and suspects that he will not find it there. Elsa Morante (1918-1985), the agency has the 6th chapter "L'Isola di Arturo" (1957) preceded her novel as a motto. This book plays on Procida, the brittle sister of Capri in the Gulf of Naples, it comes from her, it is hers, and it brings us closer. the little Arturo grows there under the most primitive conditions on their…...
American Bestseller Room by Emma Donoghue
Words • 762
Pages • 4
The next sample essay will be about Emma Donoghue's The Room, which is incredibly fluent and easy to read and, in view of the horrific crime, opens up new and discussion-worthy omissions of the victims. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Ma and her son Jack live in a sparsely furnished room of about sixteen square meters, and they have everything you need to live: bed, chair, dresser, TV, wardrobe, sink, toilet and a "Frierer".…...
Mama Tandoori by Ernest van der Kwast Review
Words • 851
Pages • 4
What is the most beautiful declaration of love that can dedicate a son of his mother? The Dutchman Ernest van der Kwast knows. He has written a book about it. It is extremely entertaining, because Veena Ahluwalia is not only an incredibly energetic personality, but through her marriage to the Netherlands Theodorus Henricus van der Kwast collision of two cultures, even worlds to each other that the sparks fly. In ten fun chapters raises the son spotlights on mother, father,…...
The Angel With The Trumpet Of Ernst Lothar Review
Words • 1419
Pages • 6
Large Ernst Lothar had in mind when he wrote this novel: "all those who do not or did not know enough to give a picture-Austria in hand, who made an attempt to look behind the facade and the image to show the shadows. " Without nationalist colored embellishment still embittered settlement there should be a differentiated portrait of Austria's development, are since the collapse of the Habsburg Empire about the "connection" to the Nazi war everyday that clearly distinguishes the…...
Book “Forfeited” by Esther Verhoef
Words • 566
Pages • 3
Esther Verhoef, born in 1968, is one of the most successful authors in the Netherlands. She has received many awards, among others with the Dutch thriller price. Dianne and Eve are neighborhood children, they become friends, to blood sisters. They have sworn eternal loyalty and mutual trust. Dianne, the older, is always the stronger, the leader, looks up to the Eva. Dianne spends days in Eve's family, where a lovable, caring mother care, while Dianne's parents as do-gooders and protesters…...
“Jacob’s Coat” by Eva Weaver
Words • 1097
Pages • 5
Mika is proud. With his mother Halina and grandfather Jacob Hernsteyn, affectionately called "tatus" (Papa) called the shrewd, inquisitive boy lives in Warsaw, the "flourishing center of Jewish culture." (His father died in 1929, when he was three years old.) In September 1939, everything changes. The Wehrmacht rolled over Poland, and the occupiers begin with "precision and power" their work of destruction against anything they deem "unworthy". First prohibitions and regulations follow stricter measures. Mika can no longer attend school,…...
Beautiful Appearance by Donna Leon Review
Words • 437
Pages • 2
Maggior Filippo Guarino from the Commissariat Maghera turns to the Questura in Venice. He is an expert in the field of organized crime specializing in environmental pollution. For a long time he has the waste transport in their sights. Export trucks that fruits and vegetables to northern Europe, are on the way back with toxic waste, loaded in extreme cases, radioactive material. The Camorra are visiting their "Chinese whispers". Stefano knew Ranzato too much? He was shot in his office.…...
Three of Dror Mishani Review
Words • 709
Pages • 3
On the surface, says Dror Mishani in his new novel by the relationship and life crises of three women, of their search for a kick in the every day life, and for a way out of their loneliness. A dating site for divorcees to establish the place where the high school teacher Orna adjusts its profile in the first of the three parts to new acquaintances. She wears heavy on her divorce, and she manages with difficulty to resume their…...
Bloody sands of Edith Kneifl Review
Words • 523
Pages • 3
Sizzlin is the Texas desert sand, blood is far and wide no trace. Edith Kneifls latest crime novel you have to read the epilogue to arrive at the point that gives the title where the plot culminates where one stabbing the other with a knife and he brought himself to the track: "splashed in a large jet blood out ... the sand under his feet changed color red. "The consistently short declarative sentences of this novel may recall the creaky-scarce…...
The White Road of Edmund De Waal Review
Words • 1087
Pages • 5
Edmund de Waal, born in 1964 in Nottingham, is a professor, author and ceramist. His 2010 published literary debut "The Hare with the Amber Eyes". His second book" The white road  "Edmund De Waal: "The white road not "in" De Waal lecture just what is collected in numerous standard works. He has researched and personally consuming more than five years now and has traveled to the locations concerned. His book is therefore a description of an actual approach to his…...
Finally, by Edward St Aubyn Review
Words • 675
Pages • 3
The following samle essay on "Finally, by Edward St Aubyn Review": discussing theme of maternity in Finally by Edward St Aubyn. According to Aunt Nancy's taste the funeral of her sister Eleanor is not befitting. When they Mummy then carried to the grave, were "eight hundred people there, half the French cabinet, and the Aga Khan, and the Windsors; simply all ". In contrast, Nicholas Pratt Commenting on today's ceremony: "You have to partying life: As it goes, our Schulflittchen!"…...
My Brilliant Friend of Elena Ferrante Review
Words • 1288
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on My brilliant friend of Elena Ferrante Review. Almost no other book has been in recent years so picked apart internationally like this to no other, there was a major hype. This can include the self-imposed game of hide contributed to the writer who wanted to completely withdraw behind their work and caused just by this act of humility a flood of Investigationen and speculation. It was not until the beginning of this October she was…...
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The Father, Who Fell From The Sky By J. Paul Henderson Review
...A lot has rectify Lyle also with Billy, his elders. Who lives in a parallel world, from his wife must never learn for a long time. For when he felt sincere for the first time in his life dedication to a woman who was the object of his desire not Jean...
“Santa Claus – What Now?” By Hans Fallada
...This book does not revel in cheap nostalgia. Even the language is far from any sweetness. Fallada is considered a representative of the "new objectivity"; he observes from a distance logged sober, formulated unaffected, Argue illusions. The tone: hum...
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