Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
A Most Undisciplined Profligate Crew Summary
During the past twenty years, historians have learned that there were at least two Continental armies, the first being the army of 1775-1776, which was mostly made of large land owners who were expecting a short conflict, untrained and undisciplined, the second Continental army was built out of the first but had more discipline, a more difficult training regime, and called for longer enlistments.Essay Example on What Is A Child's Innate Drive To Play The first Continental army believed the…...
American Revolutionary WarArmyGeorge WashingtonMilitaryPolitics
Persuasive Essay Daedalus And Icarus
Daedalus, an ingenious Athenian craftsman, having murdered a potential rival, fled with his son Icarus to the island of Crete. There he was commissioned by King Minos to design a labyrinth as a place of confinement for the monster Minotaur. Daedalus contrived a labyrinth so intricate that escape from it was virtually impossible. By falling into disfavor with the king, Daedalus himself, along with his son Icarus, were eventually imprisoned there. Not to be outdone, the “famous artificier,” Daedalus explained…...
Ancient GreeceDaedalus And Icarus
Mary Warren Essay
At the beginning of act three we hear voices from the court, of Martha Corey being accused of witchcraft, showing the extent that the accusation has risen to. Proctor brings Mary Warren to the court to tell the truth, that the girls and Abigail were making up everything about the women being witches, so as Proctor can prove his wife’s innocence and gain her freedom from jail. During the proceedings, Proctor is forced to sacrifice his name and admit to…...
CultureMccarthyismSalem Witch TrialsWarWitchcraft
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China And Mesopotamia Similarities
Essay Example on Mesopotamia In Chinese Around 5,000 years ago early civilizations settled near rivers. Ancient China civilizations established on the Hang-He River Valley, while early Mesopotamia civilizations settled near the Tigris and Euphrates River Valley. While both Hang-He River Valley and Mesopotamia have similar politics they also differed in the interactions with the environment and economics. China and Mesopotamia had several ways of interacting with the environment. China ‘s type of farming differed from Mesopotamia ‘s farming style. China…...
Literature And Philosophy Of The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a period of European history that would change the world forever. It changed the way people saw art (and other things) and the way people acted. The Renaissance began in 14th-century Italy and spread to the rest of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this period, the society of the Middle Ages with its agricultural economy and church filled life, was transformed into a society that was increasingly influenced by central politics, with a more…...
HistoryLiteratureMedieval EuropePhilosophyRenaissanceScience
War Horse Analysis Essay
War Horse review This film creates an atmosphere of heartache and hope. Throughout the film, a variety of characters are focused on, causing a feeling of distress for each character as an inconvenient event occurs. Joey meets a diversity of people throughout the war who tend and care for him. But no care from another matches Albert’s longing for his horse to someday return to him. After years have passed, Albert is reintroduced in the film as he is fighting…...
HistoryHorseHuman NatureResearchScienceWar
Andrew Carnegie Essay Hero
What would make him a hero? Andrew Carnegie was a man who became a millionaire. He started working at 12 due to his poor family and slowly rose to riches. He grew up In Pittsburgh near family; he then later was the supervisor of Pennsylvania?was Western Division. In 1861 he was asked to help with troop transportation in D. C. He then moved to New York City, NY, and that was where he primarily live till he died.Essay Example on…...
Us History
Julius Caesar And Mean Girls
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and Mean Girls Both of these works were written in two different time periods, but have some of the most similar ideas. One way that these ;o arts are similar is the main leader Of their respective places. Another way they’re similar is the surrounding characters. Lastly, the other thing that is similar is the plot of each. In short, these two pieces of work are similar because the main ruler inside the work, the…...
Julius Caesar
Decline Of Indus Valley Civilization
The decline of the Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harpoon Civilization, was caused by both environmental and cultural factors. Spanning across the Indian subcontinent, the Indus River Valley Civilization was a strong society. There was a good agricultural system that allowed the cultivation of wheat, rye, and vegetables. There was also a prominent cultural and religious presence. The civilization also had a strong government that was ruled by priests from each city.Essay Example on The Merchant Of Venice…...
America The Multinational Society Summary
Shame Reed, discusses how many people In modern American society believe that America Is a monoculture, despite Its long history as a melting pot of diverse cultures. He successfully uses varying appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos to convince the audience of his Ideas and to persuade them that, indeed, America is more than just a descendent of European, or “Western” ideals and warns of the dangers of believing otherwise.Essay Example on America: The Multinational Society He does this by…...
Global Warming And Remedial Measures Essay
Most of the governments all over the world have laws by which no one is suppose to exceed creating pollution in air or water beyond prescribed limits. Law breakers often face punishments to the tune of heavy fines and even stoppage of work. Opal, India gas tragedy is the best example to explain the necessity to take adds Tate measures to control pollution. Thousands of people were affected due to lack of adequate measures. The managing director of the company…...
Air PollutionChemistryGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsPollution
History Ia Example
Memoirs and History journals a re mostly used to analyze the torture methods of the French. Two Of the sources used in the essay, The Question a written memoir by Henry Allege, The Battle of the Casaba written by General Paul Secretaries will then be evaluated for their origins,purposes, values, and limitations. Word Count: 124 3 B. Summary of Evidence There were roughly 60,000 French troops in Algeria when the war began on t he night of November 1, 1954.Essay…...
FranceInternational RelationsMilitaryPoliticsTortureWar
What Was The Driving Force Behind European Imperialism In Africa Essay
King Leopard expressed his desire for a slice of “African cake”. Leopard compared Africa with a piece of cake because he believed Africa to be a very “delightful” continent as a cake would be, so he becomes hungry to establish his own colony In a country of Africa. Between the 1 sass and 19005, Africa faced European Imperialist aggression, diplomatic pressures, military Invasions, and eventual conquest and colonization. The driving forces behind European domination in Africa included political power, economic…...
AfricaCountryHistoryImperialismImperialism In AfricaMedieval Europe
Is A Hero Really Nothing But A Sandwich
Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich? In the article titled “Is a Hero Really Nothing but a Sandwich? ” by Ted Toeless, he states what makes a person a hero. One Interesting Idea he mentions Is a hero has ability to boost change of community, and another important factor he raises is all heroes around the world are instructive and inspirational. While these are not the only factors that make up a hero, I believe they are the…...
CommunismHeroMao ZedongPersonality
Betrayer Or Patriot Chart
Evidence Betrayer or Patriot Act and scene (provide citation) Explanation Our course will seem Patriot too bloody, Caucus Cassias, To cut the head off and then hack the limbs, Like wrath in death and envy afterwards; For Antonym is but a limb of Caesar: Let us be sacrifices, but not butchers, Caucus Act 2, Scene 1, Page Here Brutes explains 8 that while they must kill Caesar to save Rome from dictatorship, they must not kill Marc Antonym as well,…...
CommunicationJulius Caesar
Channel Firing Essay
Essay on Channel Firing by Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy’s “Channel Firing” is a poem written in 1914, four months prior to the start of World War 1. This historical context is crucial to understanding the poem as it expresses the dark and sorrowful foreshadowing of the months before the war, creating feelings of tension, turmoil and unrest. There were, at the time, many young men who did not share the common unease, more so tension turned to excitement, turmoil to…...
CommunicationThomas HardyWar
A Modern Venus Andy Warhol
Details of Renaissance Paintings by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol’s piece titled Details of Renaissance Paintings, speaks to the substance of the goddess Venus. This piece was made in1984 as a portrayal of the substance of Venus from the prior painting The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli that was finished in 1482. The piece’s available area is the Arkansas Arts Center, and its unique area is the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The piece is acrylic and silkscreen ink…...
Visual ArtsWar
Persuasive Speech Global Warming
Global Warming Persuasive Speech Gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing carbon is burned. Plants and trees are using it in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks. In other words this is the gas we need to fight with! By using fossil fuels in almost everything we do, we make a huge cloud of gas and this is…...
Carbon DioxideClimate ChangeFireGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Eva Beem’s Early Life
Eva Beem was born on May 21,1932 in Leeuwarden, Holland. Eva’s parents’ names were Hartog and Rosette Beem. Eva Beem was eight years old when she first went into hiding in fear of the Nazis killing her. Her brother, Abraham Beem, was also in hiding with her. Her parents had the idea of her going into hiding and posing as a Non-Jew in a rural village. The problem was that the Nazis found out about most of the children hiding…...
World War 2
Poem Bright Star By John Keats
The following sample essay on Romanticism in Bright Star by John Keats. Romanticism refers to a period in history beginning in the 1780s, either with the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, or with the publication of Wordsworths and Coleridges Lyrical ballads in 1789, and ending in the 1830s (Rossman 2019). During the romantic period many poets made poems regarding this period, John Keats (1795-1821) was amongst those poets. After his death his work did wonders for him as…...
Comprehensive Understanding of The Cause of the War
The following sample essay on "Comprehensive Understanding of The Cause of the War".The reasons for war are separated and explained under every hypothesis or point of view. In attempting to comprehend the reasons for war note that the idea of war has changed significantly after some time as they have been restored by advancements in military innovation and technique. War is a state of outfitted clash between at least two gatherings, typically states War is brought about by the desire…...
Informative Essay
Carson Moorehi Paraphrase English 102 HUhi Direct Quote Professor Carol Mohrhi Summary Informative Research Essayhi Thesis Statement 18 March 2019 Serial Killers: Connecting the Internal Human Deterrence System Fear has been swept across the world since the eighteenth century by one skin crawling phenomenon: serial killers. When the serial killing began and precisely how many people they killed isnt exactly a black and white subject, due to poor record keeping. The National Center for the Analysis…...
Charles MansonCrimeCriminal LawCriminologySerial KillerTed Bundy
The Beliefs of American Solider
War shows the soildeirs the death in different ways and thats ,ake them think about every momoment in their life and its give impact on them for the rest of their life. "Thanks," by Yusef Komunyakaa narrates a story of a man involved in the Vietnam war, who describes how various events there claimed his life. As a result, he appreciates different objects, arguing that they helped him not to be killed, and he never tripped over a landmine. The…...
BeliefGodPoetryVietnam War
What Are Business and Economics For?
We possess many characteristics which help define us. As a result, we have been led down a unique evolutionary path. Weve gone from traveling in small bands of hunters and gatherers to practicing agriculture and living sedentary lives which then morphed into the creation of complex cities and societies. Business and Economics are a result of this progression, and an important part of our culture, but they are only a small part of our much larger human experience. What was…...
The film 300 Directed by Zack Snyder and released in 2006
Was based upon the 1998 comic series written by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. They are fictionalized retellings of the Persian Wars, specifically the Battle of Thermopylae. The plot circles King of the Spartans, Leonides who leads 300 Spartans into battle against the Persian army and Xerxes the "God King". While the battle rages Queen Gorgo attempts to rally support for her husband from Sparta. This film to me personally, as a Classics Student, screamed overbudget Hollywood blockbuster with a…...
Battle Of ThermopylaeSparta
The Poetry Of Wilfred Owen
The Great War inspired much creative output from all around the nation, especially in the literature and poetry worlds. In the midst of it all was Wilfred Owen, a 22-year old British Soldier-poet who enlisted in the army in 1915. His main focus for his works was extremely different from earlier romanticist and glorified portrayals of war in which he thought war was futile, his anti-patriotic and anti-war stance firm. His experiences in the front-line were all documented down in…...
CulturePoetryWarWilliam Blake
Women and Gender in Early African Histories
According to WHO, gender is the socially made characteristics of men and women. The characteristics being norms, the relationships between distinct groups of women and men, and the roles of each group. Gender describes how a male or a female behaves, look, act, and sees things. Scholars over the years have produced immense information in their body of studies highlighting how roles have continued to change based on gender and how they in differ in different African cultural setups. Since…...
Cows Skull with Calico Roses
The following sample essay on "Cows Skull with Calico Roses": describing two piece of art from era before World War 2 O Keeffe's Cows Skull with Calico Roses and Cunninghams photo of the Two Callas. Formal Description/Analysis During the era before World War 2, there was a lot of aspirations of modern art. Artists focusing on naturalism, depths of define details, and nature's hidden beauty. Georgia O Keeffe and Imogen Cunningham have had the ability to demonstrate these features through their…...
La’Kesta DorseyWeek 4 ProjectAugust 26 2019Mrs Sharon
La'Kesta DorseyWeek 4 ProjectAugust 26, 2019Mrs. Sharon W.Hogarth, Breakfast Scene, 1795As the second portion in the marriage arrangement, The Breakfast Scene offers the main sign of how the bond between the couple is creating. Depending by and by on masked imagery, the craftsman implants iconographic (for example representative) which means into ordinary things. Here, the tricky look on the young lady's face, alongside her not as much as polite posture, unveils that she has been planning something sinister, while her…...
FranceLearningNapoleonProjectVisual Arts
Rhetorical Analysis Essay on Madeleine Albright
As World War II wreaked havoc on Europe, as well as the international threat of fascism, it has become the responsibility of the United States of America to establish democracy in failing countries, as well as monitor all global affairs. Democratic nations are on average wealthier than their non-democratic counterparts. They are also less likely to go to war and are better at fighting corruption. Another fundamental aspect of democracy is that it allows people to voice themselves freely, along…...
DemocracyGovernmentInternational RelationsPoliticsWar
American History: Resolving Problems Between Citizens
America History from my understanding can be understood as a summary of all the events that happened and contributed in the past to make a better tomorrow for our continent, country or society. One of the memorable moments in U.S history from my perspective is the declaration of independence, which is one of the most important documents in the history of the U.S declaring independence from Great Britain. Another event is the Zimmerman telegram which was the main cause why…...
World War 1
Often enough hard work results in a reward one that is usually
The following sample essay on "Often enough hard work results in a reward one that is usually": describing a problem of Sergeant X and Esme. Often enough, hard work results in a reward, one that is usually financial or materialistic. People work for many reasons, from survival to raising children. However, work in the military is thought of as being among the most unpredictable and grueling occupations. Warfare is a period of time which can decide an important conflict but…...
ConversationHard WorkHuman NatureLonelinessWarWork
The map of the darkness of Yasmina Khadra Review
Dr. Kurt Kraus man is thrown off course. For the second time he has to completely reorient. The real life of the practitioner began, he reflects in retrospect, when he "love met". When his wife Jessica after ten happy years of marriage, committed suicide without leaving an explanation, he lost his footing for the first time. Was it actually throw away their frustrated career dreams, which drove them to their lives? A trip to Africa, which should bring him distraction…...
The sympathizers of Viet Thanh Nguyen Review
The author Viet Thanh Nguyen was born in 1971 in South Vietnam, fled shortly before the fall of Saigon with parents and brother in the United States, and later received his doctorate in Berkeley in English and is therefore largely characterized as Americans. But his Vietnamese roots he was always aware of. They are reflected in his 2016 published, now translated by Wolfgang Müller debut novel " The Sympathizer < "...
PoliticsVietnam WarWar
The Great Plan By Wolfgang Schorlau Review
For years, dominated the "Greek bailout" headlines. High-ranking politicians from several countries discussed bitterly, how to proceed, and juggled it with technical terms that veiled the layman rather than openly wondered if now billion packages were theoretically intended for household or actually remitted to the south and who the bill, whether in real , would pay or deposit money. Many are surprised that Greece, despite all the "bailout" today does not significantly better off and many Greeks are still living…...
GreeceMoneyNazi Germany
“Night Eye” of Titus Müller
Punished they should, the relentless aggressors. With a whip the British the German arms industry wanted the livelihood out of his hand hit: their electricity and water supply. If they succeed to destroy the dams of six dams in the Ruhr area and Hesse in one action, the economic heart of Nazi Germany would be taken to put the Armor machinery powerless and to a halt, moved closer to the end of the terrible war. But how could such a…...
NatureNazi GermanyNight
Hannah’s letters from Ronaldo Wrobel Review
He still wants to live in peace and quiet, unremarkable "like a greenhouse soil: below the line of fire," do nothing more than repair shoes. Thanks to fortunate circumstances, he had succeeded in 1928 to travel outside his native Poland to Brazil, and now he leads for eight years, his small shoemaker shop on the Praça Onze in Rio de Janeiro. In this area, many Jewish refugees as he settled, but he is not interested in religion or politics. The…...
BrazilLoveNazi Germany
Resto qui Marco Balzano Review
At this steeple none passes by without stopping to take a few pictures. Not its simple architecture nor his age (almost seven centuries) leaves the tourists on the brakes kick, but its striking incomplete. Not far from the shores of Lake Reschen only its upper half protrudes with the simple pointed pyramid roof from the water. He lacks a foundation, a portal, his church. The water has also taken him his graveyard, the village, he was its center, the fields,…...
ItalyNazi Germany
“Numbers – Facing death” of Rachel Ward
The following example essay on "Numbers - Facing death of Rachel Ward" is an analysis of a literary work. Strong feelings and experiences such as love, hope, fear of death, courage and confidence make this youth thriller with elements of science fiction. In the summer of 2027, the world has turned into a mess. Wars rage, and floods, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters make vast tracts of land uninhabitable. Waves of migrants from all over Africa spill on the…...
On Behalf Of The Blood Of Pierre Simenon Review
At the funeral of his mother Helen versa Antoine Demarsands back 34, a lawyer in California, to Geneva. Sister Sophie works at Sotheby's, and brother Alexandre has increased in the Banker footsteps of the late Father Paul: He is manager of the private and family Demarsands Bank, Contie & Cie. Just published a book of the renowned historian Professor François Bonnard. In it he attacked the Swiss banks, backers to have been the Nazis, participates in the war arms deal…...
Nazi Germany
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