Essays on History

Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
Realism And Romanticism
Words • 299
Pages • 2
Despite the Realist movement's attempt to portray art in a more realistic "true" form from the Romantic period's often exaggerated emotional depiction of art. The Realist movement may have depicted art from a more true to life point of view than Romantic artist's, but in fact was heavily influenced by the artistic motives and styles of the Romantic period.The art period known as Romanticism began in the late 18th early 19th centuries people were tired with the norms of society.…...
CultureHuman NatureMedieval EuropeRomanticism
Attila The Hun Early Life
Words • 344
Pages • 2
Attila was called the Scourge of God or King of the Huns. Very little is known of Attila’s early life beyond the fact that he was a member of the ruling family of the Huns. Huns are a nomadic Asian people who spread from the Caspian steppes in repeated attacks on the Roman Empire. Before Attila’s birth, the Huns reached the Danube River in raids against the Eastern Roman Empire.By AD 432, they had gained so much power that Attila’s…...
Ancient RomeEurope
One of the Architects of the Renaissance
Words • 286
Pages • 2
At the end of the fourteenth century, gothic architecture began to wear off and renaissance architecture moved in.Europe was evolving out of the middle ages and in the Renaissance period. The beliefs in humanity were growing in popularity.Along with the changes in ways of life, politics, families and etc. the architecture and architects were also changing. The architects of the time revived yet also changed the ideas from classical Greek and Roman architecture. They did however; begin using new materials…...
ArchitectureCultureItalyMedieval EuropeRenaissanceVisual Arts
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Characteristics Of Pax Romana
Words • 293
Pages • 2
Aelius Aristides obviously believes there are many benefits to the Pax Romana.Aristides feels that having a centrally run government is the best way for an empire to thrive.Through this government, greater trade is capable and no rebellions will occur. Another benefit is the concept of equality.Everyone living under the Roman Empire has citizenship and is therefore is equal.The governor sets an example of the proper way to be a citizen.In turn, the subjects follow by example, thus, order and peace…...
CharacterCitizenshipCommunicationPoliticsRepublicRoman Empire
Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay
Words • 325
Pages • 2
“Nonviolence can touch men where the law cannot reach them.” These words, as spoken by the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958) became the fundamental tenet of his life. The concept behind the words would define not just his work, but the history of an entire generation of American people in the middle of the 20th century. But his words would have proven hollow were it not for the actions…...
Civil Rights MovementLetter From Birmingham JailNonviolencePoliticsRacism
Why Did Germans Support Hitler
Words • 606
Pages • 3
Why did People Support Hitler? Nowadays we see Hitler as one of the most evil men to ever have lived. But it is important to realise that the Germans who voted for him are not at fault. They saw a man who could rebuild their country, restore nation al pride, and bring them back from desperate poverty and hyper-inflation. At the time he was a very modern, up to date person. He took advantage of the available technology. For example…...
Adolf HitlerGermanNazi GermanyPoliticsRace And EthnicityWar
The on “Inglourious Basterds”
Words • 535
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The on “Inglourious Basterds”. Six months ago when I came out of the cinema hall after the premiere of the film Tarantino, I felt like God cinema sipping my strings, like a doll, and leads directly into the web to a hungry spider. Then it seemed to me that the terrible disease appeared in the XV century, and returned in a new guise in 1994, in the 2009m at its peak. I call this monstrous…...
Nazi Germany
Behind the Scenes: Jefferson’s Presidency
Words • 290
Pages • 2
The Jeffersonian Republicans are typically considered to be stringent constructionists.The Federalists usually were considered to favor the broad constructionism.This is often just a stereotype, especially when the presidencies of our great, but misleading, Presidents Jefferson and Madison. The Jeffersonian Republicans, to only a small extent, represented what the party truly stood for, and the Federalists also to a small margin swayed from their party’s ideas. The Republicans often stood for the idea of a weaker central government, not giving too…...
CommunicationPoliticsThe Federalist PapersThomas Jefferson
Gold Rush Research Paper
Words • 499
Pages • 2
California Gold Rush The beginning of California gold rush dates back to January 24, 1848, when James Marshall, who built a sawmill for John Sutter (the man who in 1841 bought Fort Ross) on the American River in Coloma, California, found some nuggets. He spoke about his discovery to Sutter, who checked Marshall’s samples and confirmed that those were almost pure gold. John Sutter wanted to keep the discovery a secret; he knew that the discovery of gold would cause…...
CaliforniaCalifornia Gold Rush
Global Warming Cartoon
Words • 191
Pages • 1
Global Warming Cartoon Analysis The man holding the sign cannot conclude the effects of climate change just by looking at the climate over a short time span. One heavy snowstorm is not enough evidence to conclude the effects of climate change. It is saying that scientists trying to prove global warming do not research thoroughly enough and often change their point of view. My reaction to this cartoon is that I disagree with the cartoon that we still do not…...
ClimateClimate ChangeExperimentGlobal WarmingHistoryResearch
Massacre in Songmy
Words • 432
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Massacre in Songmy" tells the story of a war crime in the rural community of My Lai in the vicinity of Songino, Quang Ngai province in South Vietnam. This happened in 1969 during the Vietnam War. Civilians often make up the biggest number of casualties in a war; this was no different in the Vietnam War. In fact, one of the turning points in this brutal war occurred when 400 hundred unarmed Vietnamese civilians were…...
ImperialismMilitaryPoliticsVietnam WarWar
Key Knowledge of American History
Words • 1373
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "Key Knowledge of American History": discussion on different era in American History and about people who impact on it. Who was Andrew Carnegie? He was a rather impressive young man that immigrated at the age of thirteen from Scotland with his family to the United States. He started working at a textile factory in Pennsylvania and established during the depression in 1873 a steel company which showed later to be very successful and was the…...
Us History
Gilgamesh questions
Words • 900
Pages • 4
Gilgamesh questionsHow to pronounce the names:Gilgamesh = Gil-ga-meshHumbaba = Hoom-ba-baEnkidu = En-key-doUtnapishtim = Oot-na-pish-timFor which qualities and achievements is Gilgamesh praised in the prologue? The qualities that Gilgamesh was praised for was his courage and unwavering strenghth and determination to make a name for himself. He was also revered for slaying the great forest gaurdian Humbaba. Enkidu, his faithful friend, helped him to slay the peaceful giant to make names for themselves and engrave themselves in history.What does the prologue…...
Epic Of Gilgamesh
The Role of English and French Colonialism in the Development of Christianity
Words • 1555
Pages • 7
English and French colonialism brought new foreign religion (Christianity) to the societies presented in Achebe, Wa Thiongo and Oyonos level that resulted to divisions among family members in those societies. Before the coming of the English and French settlers, colonizers and missionaries, these societies practiced their own traditional beliefs. Yes, there were divisions before within those societies, but that had nothing to do with a foreign religion imposed on them either by threats or by well calculated strategies. In the…...
Chinua AchebeChristianityColonialismCultureThings Fall Apart
A Passage to India Movie ReviewThe worst thing that colonialism
Words • 1127
Pages • 5
A Passage to India-Movie Review“The worst thing that colonialism did was to cloud our view of the past.”-Barack Obama‘A Passage to India’ directed by David Lean and released in 1984 is an epic historical drama which has been universally acknowledged as one of his finest works. The movie went on to receive eleven nominations at the Academy Awards and gave an eye opening account of colonialism and how it affected the dynamic between the British and Indians and was understood…...
A Passage To IndiaColonialismEntertainmentFilm AnalysisHistoryJustice
Discuss how the aesthetic qualities of at least two poems have been
Words • 1227
Pages • 5
Discuss how the aesthetic qualities of at least two poems have been used to challenge and/or support ideologies.Many poems are written to convey certain ideologies to readers. They do this by featuring aesthetic qualities in their text. In this instance, aesthetic qualities are certain attributes of a poem which draw the reader’s attention, and keeps them captivated throughout the passage. Mary Oliver is quite successful when it comes to this. Growing up in Ohio with a dysfunctional family, Oliver went…...
“Lord of the Flies” – An Allegorical Novel by William Golding
Words • 1049
Pages • 5
Darnell Lamont Walker once said, Im silent when there is a war inside me. Theres a need to keep the people outside intact. Darnell is saying that he is apprehensive about telling others about his thoughts and feelings because he knows that if he does it could their unity. In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of British schoolboys get stranded on an island after a plane crash. While trying to maintain an orderly society…...
Lord Of The FliesReasonThoughtTruthWar
Hurt Locker Summary
Words • 329
Pages • 2
Tuesday,September,11,2001. This was a day that would change the world forever. More importantly, it changed the way America viewed Middle Eastern countries.In the following days after, America would declare war against all terrorist organizations, and would soon learn that it was a fight they would become addicted to. The desire to be in dangerous high-risk situations is a theme that we see constantly throughout the movie and is magnified through Sergeant First Class Willam James’ unorthodox ways of diffusing bombs…...
PoliticsTerrorismWarWar On Terror
Cons Of Global Warming
Words • 462
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Cons Of Global Warming" explores the problem of global warming, namely climate change, which is observed in all regions of the planet, and this process is becoming more intense. These gases trap radiation from sun and hold them from being released back into space. This causes rise in temperature at few places on earth. It is not much noticeable in western part of earth but in eastern parts like North Pole, Alaska and others slight…...
ClimateClimate ChangeEarthGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Sumerian Civilization Essay
Words • 570
Pages • 3
The world without its greatest invention-the wheel-is a world that does not exist. Imagine what it would be like if such an important invention as the wheel did not come into being? Or, just think how it would be if the concept of writing had not been introduced? I believe that such integral inventions make much of our lives today. The Sumerian civilization was not just a civilization, but also a foundation for many civilizations that followed, which adopted and…...
Summary Of The Holocaust
Words • 687
Pages • 3
The word “Holocaust” conjures up for many a mixture of emotions. Of all the events that occurred in the past of injustice against humanity, the Holocaust has to be one of the most famous. It has been argued, and not without emotional indifference, that the Holocaust is not like other records in world and Jewish history. It’s hard for one to grasp the horror of the Holocaust, especially in a time and place where one is taught about unity as…...
HolocaustWarWorld War 2
Crucible Newspaper Ideas
Words • 381
Pages • 2
The Salem Times ESTABLISHED 1684 WITCHCRAFT IN SALEM! SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS APRIL 11th, 1692 REVEREND PARRIS CLUTCHES HIS BEWITCHED DAUGHTER BETTY. DEMONS ON THE LOOSE??? BEtty Parris, daughter to Reverend Parris, fell ill last night with symptoms that speak to witchcraft. Betty lay inert in her bed, only to wake screaming for her late mother and attempting to fly out of her bedroom window. Doctor Griggs evaluation was witchcraft to the dismay of Rev. Parris. It is believed that he spotted…...
CommunicationMass HysteriaNewsSalem Witch Trials
Mythology Research Paper
Words • 478
Pages • 2
The role of women in ancient Greek life was insignificant compared to that of Greek men. A woman’s Job was to take care of the children and to cook and clean unless she had servants or slaves that would do it for her. Yet, in Greek mythology, women were often written as major characters. Well-known Greek plays contain many well- written, complex, female characters.Essay Example on Personal Mythology Examples Female individuals in Greek mythology were often seen as very powerful…...
Ancient GreeceCultural AnthropologyCultureGreek MythologyHomer
Selma Movie Summary and Analysis
Words • 347
Pages • 2
The movie Selma was a fairly accurate representation of events that occurred in 1965. It portrayed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as he fought against the government in their constant pursuit to deny the African American of their God-given liberties and American rights. Sadly, well after the Civil Rights Act was passed, discrimination and unreasonable abuse were still being continued in the south. Blacks were still being denied their right to vote, constantly being discriminated at public places, and being…...
Civil Rights MovementCommunicationJusticePoliticsSocial Issues
Manifest Destiny And The Louisiana Purchase
Words • 462
Pages • 2
The Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny, and the Gold Rush The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 consisted of buying a piece of land from France that covered more than 800 square miles of new territory marking the largest expansion for the U. S. The signing of the Louisiana Purchase treaty on April 30, 1803, doubled the size of the United States and opened up the continent to its westward expansion.Essay Example on Manifest Destiny And The Louisiana Purchase This single purchase was…...
California Gold RushColonialismLouisiana PurchaseManifest Destiny
Analysis Of War Photographer
Words • 636
Pages • 3
The author of this poem ‘Carol Ann Duffy’ is a well known English poet. She wrote a lot of poems about varied subjects. She was born in 1955 in Scotland. Duffy’s experience in life may have affected her writings in many ways. Her writings mostly have simple casual language and are marked by their philosophical manner. “War photographer “is a very eye-catching, strong and effective title. The title conveys to the onlookers the idea and theme of death, war, blood…...
1812 Overture Analysis
Words • 377
Pages • 2
The 1812 Overture, composed by Peter Tchaikovsky is the most widely regonized piece of classical music. The 1812 Overture was written to commerate the victory of Russia in the Napoleonic War in 1812. The defeat of this battle marked the start of the long and disastrous retreat that destroyed Napoleon and his army. In 1880, the Russian composer Tchaikovsky was commissioned to write an uplifting and patriotic piece to immortalize Napoleon’s defeat and celebrate the liberation of the Russians. Cannons…...
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Space Exploration
Words • 494
Pages • 2
Space research has many advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages are that many discoveries have been made due to space research. This knowledge can help us become a more developed society and it helps the economy. Space research can benefit us by discovering technology that will help us with our lives. Technologies have been discovered thanks to the space program such as Teflon which is a non- stick cook wear will continue to improve our lives. Space research and…...
AstronomyColonialismExplorationHistoryScienceSpace Exploration
Essay On Modern Civilization
Words • 632
Pages • 3
Stanislaus 1 Evelyn StanislausMr. A. SaenzSoc 101Oct. 14 ,2011 Early Vs. Modern CivilizationWhen we look around our world today it can be difficult to see and believe just how futile we were in our beginning. When we see all of the modern buildings ,forms of transportation and things such as language we can come to realize just how much we have grown in knowledge compared to our beginning years. Lets take a look at the ways we have changed and…...
How Did The Us Contain Communism
Words • 348
Pages • 2
Since the early 1920s, the United States had considered the Soviet Union a possible threat. Growing out of Post World War II, the U.S. and the Soviet Union commenced into a time of extreme tension and harsh conflict known as the Cold War.The Cold War, the war with many conflicts with such nations as Cuba, Korea, and the Soviet Union lasted through 1945-1990.The United States successfully contained communism in the events of the Berlin Airlift, Korean War, and the Cuban…...
World War 2
Politics Is War Without Bloodshed While War Is Politics With Bloodshed Meaning
Words • 540
Pages • 3
Many people hold contrasting views on the nature of politics. Politics can exist on many different levels. It can concern disputes within the workplace and home, to the way in which a state is run. Politics refers to the power struggles in government down to the small influences among peers. The Oxford Concise Dictionary states that politics is ‘The art and science of government, a particular set of ideas, principles or commitments.’ This is a sweeping definition that covers two key…...
HistoryHuman NatureMao ZedongPoliticsWar
Michelangelo Mannerism
Words • 277
Pages • 2
Mannerism is a period of European art that emerged from the later years of the Italian High Renaissance around 1520. It lasted until about 1580 in Italy, when a more Baroque style began to replace it, but continued into the seventeenth century throughout much of Europe. Stylistically, Mannerism encompasses a variety of approaches influenced by and reacting to, the harmonious ideals and restrained naturalism associated with artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and early Michelangelo. Essay Example on National…...
AestheticsCultureRenaissanceVisual Arts
Crevecoeur Melting Pot
Words • 430
Pages • 2
Letters from an American Farmer is an excellent example of how a New World American thinks about the many changes occurring and that have occurred during the era of Enlightenment. Crevecoeur’s essay is an enlightened perspective that shows how the people of that time are feeling about being a part of the new world and its current workings. Although the writer is originally from Normandy, and later Canada, he seems to truly grasp the changes in American society and how…...
Age Of EnlightenmentCommunicationCulture
Fate Vs Free Will In Julius Caesar
Words • 614
Pages • 3
Julius Caesar Fate vs. Free Will In Julius Caesar, two forces compete for dominance–fate and free will. Fate was portrayed as prophecies and omens. Free will was the character’s ability to overcome it–which they tried and didn’t. Caesar, Cassius, and Brutus have troubles overcoming their fate in the play. In the end of the play, all three of them fall to their fate–this is Shakespeare’s way of showing the fine line between the two. Caesar’s fate was the most obvious…...
FateFree WillHistoryJulius CaesarLifePhilosophy
WW II Dunkirk Battle Analysis Paper
Words • 639
Pages • 3
Joe LeggioReaction Paper Mr. CorsoUnc. Valor Hitler, as a great leader of his country was not a great Commander. He had several blunders that ultimately led to his defeat. One of the major blunders that Hitler made was allowing the British to escape from Dunkirk. This gave the British army the boost it needed to win the war. Before the escape from Dunkirk British citizens thought the worst for its country. After the British were not able to defend France…...
Adolf HitlerInternational RelationsMilitaryNazi GermanyWar
History Of Women’s Basketball Essay
Words • 305
Pages • 2
In the late 19th century, a thirty-one year old graduate, James Naismith, with great vision to create an indoor pastime was given that very opportunity. Inside the gymnasium of Springfield College, formally known as International YMCA training school, the sport of Basketball was created. With nothing but a few active college students, a soccer ball, two peach baskets as goals, and thirteen rules to govern thus giving birth to basketball. News of the 30 minute game began to rapidly spread…...
Thank God For The Atom Bomb Summary
Words • 361
Pages • 2
In the article by Paul Fussell “Thank God for the Atom Bomb,” Fussell illustrates his views on the dropping of the atom bomb. Within seconds of reading you understand his claim that there was justification in dropping the atom bomb. He makes this apparent with his title and with the experiences of other people. Fussell also explains the opposing side of dropping the atom bomb. However, he counter argues their claims by stating facts and the works of others to…...
Why Was The Great Panathenaia Important To Athenians
Words • 540
Pages • 3
I disagree with the statement above. Primarily, the main purpose of the Great Panathenaia was to in the same as in the Lesser Panathenaia. The Lesser Panathenaia sought to honour the deity Athena by the means of a procession which started at the Diplyon Gate and headed through the city to the Acropolis. To honour Athena, the Athenians sacrificed many cows and sheep. The peplos was made by the women of Athens Polias in her temple. The Lesser Panathenaia also…...
Ancient GreeceCulture
Warning By Jenny Joseph Analysis
Words • 491
Pages • 2
However in the third stanza she reverts to the present and begins with “but” which acts as a drive word in that it changes the mood of the poem even though the pace remains the same. The list like form to the poem now reverts to a complaint opposed to a positive proposal for the future. The word “we” suggests a collective term for everyone and for shared responsibility showing that whilst young it is essential to keep up appearances…...
CommunicationHuman NaturePoetryThoughtWar
History and Types of Entertainment
Words • 632
Pages • 3
Entertainment and its modes has been evolving over the ages but the oldest form of entertainment has been that of court jesters. They were in reality buffoons, who were paid to serve rulers and keep them in good humor. Besides royalty, the common man also had his own forms of entertainment, be it wrestling, watching pageants or the early form of crude theatre. They also entertained each other with animals like dog racing, horse racing, bull fighting, and even ram…...
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FAQ about History

Why Did Germans Support Hitler
...Although his policies were appealing, it would be expected for some people to speak out against him, but very few did. The press was tightly controlled by the government, and it went through heavy censorship, so anything negative was filtered out, an...
Discuss how the aesthetic qualities of at least two poems have been
...Not all of Mary Oliver’s poems were focused solely on nature. Since she had a background from Ohio, it’s not surprising that she also liked to focus on colonialism, specifically on Tecumseh. Tecumseh was a Shawnee Indian political leader, who was b...
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Space Exploration
...We should be fixing earth’s issues before wanting to know more about space. The second major reason is that space research can have some detrimental impacts on the environment. The space Industry uses millions of tons of coals every year which wast...
How Did The Us Contain Communism
...At the Yalta Conference, it was decided that Korea should be free following the war.The allies had agreed to split Korea in northern and southern regions. North Korea would be contained by the Soviet Union and the United States would be responsible ...
Why Was The Great Panathenaia Important To Athenians
...This indirectly showed of the skills of Athens in arts, painting and pottery. The prizes of the musical events involved olive crowns in gold and shoed Athens’ wealth. The fact they also gave prizes to the second place winners also showed their weal...
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