300 Words Essay Examples

Acid Base Titration Lab Report Discussion

Words • 374
Pages • 2
This allows for quantitative analysis of the concentration of an unknown acid or base solution. It makes use of the naturalization reaction that occurs between acids and bases and the knowledge of how acids and bases will react if their formulas are known. Acid-base titration can also be used to find percent purity of chemicals. When a weak acid reacts with a weak base, the equivalence point solution will be basic if the base is stronger and acidic if the…...

Special Life Circumstances

Words • 339
Pages • 2
The origination of your life from whatever corner of the world you hail is just the start of who you will eventually become. The culmination of that start depends on where you end up, which accounts for the direction my life has taken from its starting point to now. I immigrated to the United States from Vietnam in 2000. Struggling with the language barrier was but one of the unique challenges faced by myself and my family upon moving to…...
CommunicationHuman Nature

What They Fought For Summary

Words • 325
Pages • 2
The non-fiction book, “What They Fought For,” by James McPherson, talks about the motivations that influenced the soldiers who fought the Civil War. This book was curved from letters sent by the soldiers to their parents and friends, and also the lectures given by the author at the university. The book has various ideologies and themes, but this paper seeks to find out the effectiveness of the book to the general audience, that is if the author was able to…...
CommunicationDeclaration Of IndependencePolitics
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Technology And Human Relationships Essay

Words • 344
Pages • 2
Technology is very popular, and become an indispensable part in our daily life. The students use technology to serve for learning, the office staffs use technology to draft the contracts or build the projects, the teachers use technology to make the lessons become more lively, and so on. Thus, technology brings to us many benefits. However, everything has its dark side, also technology. Have we ever wonder if we don’t have the technology, then the relationships around us will be…...

Music Research Paper Example

Words • 367
Pages • 2
Mariachi music originated in Jalisco. Mexico. It is said it began in the town of Cocula. It is a version of theatrical orchestra. it includes fiddles. harp and guitars which developed in and around Jalisco. It began in the nineteenth century. and is still popular today. The Violin is apart of a Mariachi ensemble. it is a string instrument. It is 4 stringed and the smallest. highest-pitched member of the threading household. The intent of the fiddle in mariachi music…...
GuitarMusicMusical InstrumentsSoundViolin

90th Birthday Speech For Grandma

Words • 369
Pages • 2
Last year, on Sunday, December 28, 2015, my family and I traveled to a town in Mexico calledEjutla. Ejutla is a friendly, immaculate, quiet township located southwest of the state of Jalisco. This nice place where everyone welcomes you. You can spend a good afternoon in its clean streets. This antique town is one of the places where Catholicism survived thanks to everything Saint Rodrigo Aguilar went through. He was a German priest who was in hide out in Ejutla.…...

Conflicts In The Book Thief

Words • 374
Pages • 2
Is it hard to living every day of life not knowing what tomorrow could bring?In both novels, The Book Thief and The Art of Racing in the Rain, have similar conflicts that define the strength of the characters. The Art of Racing in the Rain is a story from a dog’s point of view. Most of the book is based on a conflict in which Denny’s wife, Eve, dies unexpectedly from cancer. Although Eve knew her illness was severe, she…...

On the job training (OJT) Experience for Students

Words • 361
Pages • 2
INTRODUCTION On the job training or OJT is one method by which students is given chance to apply the theories and computations that they have learned from the school. It also helps the students to acquire relevant knowledge and skills by performing in actual work setting. Colleges and universities require their students to undergo such training within a specific number of hours as part of the curriculum. For the students, an OJT or internship program provides opportunities togo through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipments and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a…...

No Telephone To Heaven

Words • 330
Pages • 2
In Michelle Cliff’s novels, Abeng and No Telephone to Heaven, she writes about a society where your place is defined by your skin color. Race and identity are questions raised in her novels. Clare, the main protagonist, comes from a family being fairly white, in particular, herself and her father, that enjoys a quite favorable status in Jamaica. Elaine K. Ginsberg’s text, “Passing and the Fictions of Identity” widens the definition and representation of “passing” to one that describes different…...
CommunicationCultureHuman Nature

The Eyes Of The Skin Summary

Words • 332
Pages • 2
In Juhani Pallasmaa’s essay, “The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses,” he brings to our attention how western culture suffers from ocularcentrism; when vision is privileged over the other four senses. This is characterized by a “vision-generated, vision centered interpretation of knowledge, truth, and reality.” He along with this brings us to a realization that some of our finest thinking is done when our vision is suppressed. Our vision serves as a limitation and distraction to our minds…...
ExperienceHuman NaturePerceptionSense

Latent Conflict Example

Words • 350
Pages • 2
In any organization, a “latent conflict” usually exists between a privileged group and a less-privileged group. (Brahm. 2003)  In the case of the shoe factory in the case study, marketing is the privileged group because it brings in the money.  If marketing fails to sell the shoes for any reason, manufacturing takes the brunt.  For instance, if marketing fails to sell because of poor quality, manufacturing earns the ire of management because it failed to carry out proper quality control…...

Importance Of Classroom Rules

Words • 383
Pages • 2
I have always considered classrooms to be the honing factor in the lives of people. For the most part, numerous ideologies are formed while in the company of friends and peers. In this regard, I believe that the numerous rules formed inside the classrooms are important in the growth of any individual.Like any other student my age, I enjoyed the numerous activities done during class. My mere presence in class allowed me to learn the importance of adjusting to my…...
CommunicationEthicsHuman Nature

Reflection Essay On Food Inc Documentary

Words • 344
Pages • 2
Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by Robert Kenner. This film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy, in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and employees. There were a couple key topics in this film that moved me and changed my perspective on what I am really ingesting. This first chapter of Food, Inc., “Fast Food to All Food”, opens with a brief…...
CommunicationCultureDocumentaryFoodLiterary Genre

Compare And Contrast Football And Basketball

Words • 341
Pages • 2
Football and basketball are the most commonly played sports in nowadays in America. In my opinion, I think that basketball is better than football, because of its environment, teamwork and physical contact. The first consideration of the differences will come from the way the games are played. While football is played outdoors where the lighting and temperatures are not controlled, basketball is mostly played indoors where the lighting and the temperatures are under control due to their artificial provision. The…...

Why I Want To Be An Army Aviator

Words • 344
Pages • 2
Each of us has different aspirations in life. Being responsible and determined are the key roles in being successful in life. They can help us to aim for higher goals. My name is (insert your name here) I wanted to be an Army Aviator and I have all the knowledge and skills for the said position.The different challenges we face in our day-to-day lives help us become who we are today. These experiences give us a glimpse of reality and…...
CommunicationHuman NatureMindsetOptimism

Freedom Writers Monologue

Words • 325
Pages • 2
Don’t ask me nothing, young feels. I’ve no head. All do is march. And if you want to know why you should be marching you ask the buck inside. Me? Sure everybody was marching the day… Well, for the same reason as everybody else. My reasons no different to anybody else’s. Wan man wan vote -that’s what I want. You know -wan man wan vote. Sure I know that. Sure I know we got it. Gerrymandering- that’s another thing- no…...

Snapshot Observation

Words • 316
Pages • 2
Contribute to the Support of Child and Young Person Development 1. 2 Identify different observation methods and know why they are used There are four different methods of observing a child within the nursery and they are; naturalistic, structured, longitudinal and snapshot. Naturalistic observations are observations of children which are carried out in the child’s usual surroundings. The observation allows the child to carry out tasks which they would normally carry out without any structuring being attempted by the practitioner…...
ChildCommunicationHuman NatureObservation

We Beat The Street Essay

Words • 327
Pages • 2
By: Nnamdi Anige In the book We beat the street Dr. Hunt, Dr, Jenkins and, Dr, Davis show how you do not have to get caught up in everything your friends do. When you do make mistakes, learn from those mistakes. These 3 doctors beat the hood, stealing, and jail in their neighborhood by staying positive. One thing they show in the book is how they beat the hood. For example “Quit throwin bottles in the street, man” (21). This…...

Just Mercy Essay

Words • 333
Pages • 2
Bryan Stevenson’s novel, “Just Mercy,” is based on a true story that is very touching and eye opening. Stevenson’s words are very powerful and thorough; he explains and catches the reader’s eyes by explaining that our system of justice needs to be improved. Stevenson, in this novel, tells the reader about one of his first cases that he had, which was a notorious murder case against by Walter McMillian who insists he did not commit. Advocacy for a prisoner is…...
Capital PunishmentCommunicationJusticeLaw

Reflective Memo Example

Words • 311
Pages • 2
Artifact Memo Reflection During the last three months of taking Fundamental Interpersonal Communication Course, I have gained a substantial amount of knowledge and the importance of being an effective communicator. With the knowledge that I have gained within this time frame, I feel that I am now looking forward to applying my skills and knowledge in a combined effort where I can continue to grow in my field of expertise. One of my primary take from this class is the…...
CommunicationHuman NatureInterpersonal Communication

Ten Years From Now Essay

Words • 307
Pages • 2
“Who am I ten years from now? ” What will I become ten years from now? It took me hours thinking about it, though with the course I’m taking right now, it is pretty obvious. No one can predict his/her own future and no one can exactly tell what will be our life 10 years from now. There’s a possibility that you will die or there’s a possibility that you’ll have your own family or whatsoever. I always wanted to…...

Sorry Wrong Number Play

Words • 341
Pages • 2
Lucille Fletcher wrote the play, Sorry, Wrong Number.Originally a radio play, this story provides a mental picture for the reader and still giving the allusion of fear and surprise.The main character, Mrs. Stevenson, in the play ends up depending on her only source of communication to the outside world, her phone!Sorry, Wrong Number is a play that shows the distortion of humor as well as the unaware accepts of homicide. All alone, Mrs. Stevenson has just placed a call trying…...

Word For Right To Vote

Words • 372
Pages • 2
Antonym mentions the word “right” or “rights” many different times in this excerpt. How does she use and refine this key term over the course of her speech? Use evidence from the passage to support your response. Your writing will be scored on organization, development of ideas, and use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. At first Anthony main focus is the right to vote because she was arrested for voting. And, that this right was guaranteed to her by “National…...
Human Rights

No Ship in Sight, No Rescue?

Words • 375
Pages • 2
Analysis of Lord of the Flies by William Golding The novel “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding is about a group of boys who are stranded on an Island after their plane was shot down. Together, the boys worked and came up with ideas that would make their lives on the island suitable and help them get rescued. Ralph, the main character of the story, is a strong minded 12 year old who led the group on their Arduous…...
CommunicationLord Of The Flies

Ru Novel by Kim Thuy Themes and Analysis

Words • 334
Pages • 2
Written as a semi-autobiographical series of accounts, Kim Thuy’s Ru offers a poetically realistic portrayal of the Vietnamese refugee experience. It is a work of metamorphosis that takes the novel’s heroin on a rollercoaster ride “from riches to rags to riches” (“from riches to rags to riches”), in a tragic display of war-induced deterioration and consequential success. Similar to the typical immigrant narrative, the narrator, Nguyen An Tinh, highlights language as a barrier that hinders her from situating herself in…...

Capulet Monologue

Words • 364
Pages • 2
What? Your still crying? For god’s sake, just shut up now. I couldn’t even sleep last night because of the noise. I mean look at the state of you. You didn’t even cry this much when you were a baby! Go on then, aren’t you gonna tell her the good news to cheer her up? What? You’ve told her? What do you mean she doesn’t want him? I don’t understand. She should be thanking us. Do you have any idea…...

What Does The Three Legged Stool Symbolize In The Lottery

Words • 337
Pages • 2
Throughout the story of The Lottery, symbolisms are apparent. Shirley Jackson sets the scene of the story as bright and magnificently beautiful in the beginning, but as the story continues that scene is destroyed and replaced by what some would consider quite disturbing. The Lottery takes the road less traveled in route to its disturbing nature. Symbolisms provided by Shirley Jackson provide her audience with the knowledge to make sense of the ironic chaos abound. Three symbolisms stand prevalent above…...

My Hobby: Playing Basketball

Words • 394
Pages • 2
Through life everyone has found something of interest or something they enjoy doing while passing the time. It’s an escape from work and more. That is what a hobby is. Hobbies gives us time to unwind and just enjoy ourselves. For me, my hobby is basketball. Basketball is mine because, I’ve been doing it ever since I was a kid and it’s the one activity I can do and lose myself in. I have grown to love it and it…...

Thesis For Into The Wild

Words • 340
Pages • 2
There have been dozens of marginal characters who have ventured off into the world to find their purpose in life. John Mallon Waterman and Carl McCunn are just a few of the many who have took part in this quest. Waterman was a mentally unstable hiker who died trying to hike the mountains of Denali. McCunn was another soulful explorer who photographed wildlife, but committed suicide after finding himself trapped in the depths of Brooks Range. But one man, Chris…...

What Is The Song Scars To Your Beautiful About

Words • 378
Pages • 2
There are many songs out today that portray women to be a certain type of way. Women are held up to very high standards and many songs acknowledge it. It happens to both genders, but it is more towards the girls have to have a certain type of image in order to be liked or wanted. It is not very common that there are songs about looking otherwise or just being who you are. Songs concentrate on being accepted by…...
CommunicationHuman NatureMusicSong

Cause And Effect Internet

Words • 342
Pages • 2
There has been a big percentage of people spending their time on the internet rather than spending time with their family, or friends. Internet use has been categorized as an actual disorder, and has been termed ‘Internet Addiction’ because of its similarity to addictions like smoking, drinking, and watching too much TV. There are several reasons and causes why people get addicted to the internet; boredom, loneliness, online TV, social networks, etc.Essay Example on Effects Of Internet Addiction They could…...

Thesis Statement Of The Greatest Showman

Words • 347
Pages • 2
The value of a movie is from the joy and inspiration of it. The movie is one of the best implements for entertaining people, giving them hopes in life or showing them the mirror of their own life. The example of the extraordinary movie is “The Greatest Showman”, a biographical musical movie about Barnum’s life and his Bailey and Barnum Circus.Essay Example on The Greatest Showman Thesis Statement “The Greatest Showman” is directed by Michael Gracey, written by Jenny Bicks…...

Crucible Newspaper Ideas

Words • 381
Pages • 2
The Salem Times ESTABLISHED 1684 WITCHCRAFT IN SALEM! SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS APRIL 11th, 1692 REVEREND PARRIS CLUTCHES HIS BEWITCHED DAUGHTER BETTY. DEMONS ON THE LOOSE??? BEtty Parris, daughter to Reverend Parris, fell ill last night with symptoms that speak to witchcraft. Betty lay inert in her bed, only to wake screaming for her late mother and attempting to fly out of her bedroom window. Doctor Griggs evaluation was witchcraft to the dismay of Rev. Parris. It is believed that he spotted…...
CommunicationMass HysteriaNewsSalem Witch Trials

Horace Smith Ozymandias Analysis

Words • 313
Pages • 2
The overall meaning of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem “Ozymandias” is that no one lasts forever; eventually even the greatest men die and are forgotten. Nature eventually conquers the tallest and most prosperous cities, leaving them colossal wrecks. The statue of Ozymandias, also known as the Egyptian Ruler Ramses II, was erected in Ramses’ own likeness in his honor, among other monuments. So, even though Ramses II was so powerful and recognized, he eventually became forgotten and abandoned. In Greek, Ozymandias…...

Sample Essays About Who I Admire

Words • 317
Pages • 2
The person that I admire the most Why my sister is my role model? She is not a world famous or a multimillionaire, but she is very important character in my life. I save my admiration for her because she is a special woman. I admire my sister because of her personality and for all she has done for me in my life. I grew up with my sister and she has always been my best friend. My sister’s name…...
CommunicationHuman Nature

Selma Movie Summary and Analysis

Words • 347
Pages • 2
The movie Selma was a fairly accurate representation of events that occurred in 1965. It portrayed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as he fought against the government in their constant pursuit to deny the African American of their God-given liberties and American rights. Sadly, well after the Civil Rights Act was passed, discrimination and unreasonable abuse were still being continued in the south. Blacks were still being denied their right to vote, constantly being discriminated at public places, and being…...
Civil Rights MovementCommunicationJusticePoliticsSocial Issues

Analysis of J Cole’s Song “Love Yourz”

Words • 368
Pages • 2
The artist Jermaine Cole, otherwise known as J. Cole, released his album called Forest Hills Drive in 2014. Among the songs on this album, there was one that stood out to me and touched me personally. “Love Yourz” which is a song that J. Cole used to show people that they should appreciate the life and experiences they have now instead of taking them for granted. In the context of the album, this song follows Cole’s self-reflection because he is…...

Dumbing Down Of Society

Words • 325
Pages • 2
Technology can be a great thing, from single tiny flash drives having more processing power than some of the oldest computers to getting humans on the Moon and rovers on Mars, technology has changed mankind and it’s a growing industry that sees no end in the future. Technology has influenced this generation greatly, making them as a whole smarter because of the millions of resources available at the click of a button, however ways technology affects this generation are not…...

How Did The Us Contain Communism

Words • 348
Pages • 2
Since the early 1920s, the United States had considered the Soviet Union a possible threat. Growing out of Post World War II, the U.S. and the Soviet Union commenced into a time of extreme tension and harsh conflict known as the Cold War.The Cold War, the war with many conflicts with such nations as Cuba, Korea, and the Soviet Union lasted through 1945-1990.The United States successfully contained communism in the events of the Berlin Airlift, Korean War, and the Cuban…...
World War 2

Forrest Gump Storyline

Words • 361
Pages • 2
Plot Summary Forrest Gump is the story of an incredibly kind and gentle person who is also what some people might call “mildly retarded. ” It’s true that he is not too smart, but he is very fortunate, because he has a mother and friend who love him dearly. Forrest is born and raised in rural Alabama, in the Southern United States. He grows up with his mother, who rents out rooms in the family house to people traveling through…...
CommunicationFilm AnalysisForrest Gump
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What They Fought For Summary
...To begin with, James McPherson was active in his writing because he was able to explore a fascinating thesis. His argument stated “that soldiers, both north and south, fought to a considerable extent for ideology, and not solely as brothers in arm...
Why I Want To Be An Army Aviator
...Each of us has different aspirations in life. Being responsible and determined are the key roles in being successful in life. They can help us to aim for higher goals. My name is (insert your name here) I wanted to be an Army Aviator and I have all t...
What Does The Three Legged Stool Symbolize In The Lottery
...The black box that sets atop the three-legged stool has two major symbolic qualities being its shape (box) and its color (black). Black, the color of the box represents death, evil, fear, and mystery. The random drawing from the black box constructs...
What Is The Song Scars To Your Beautiful About
...With body image being such a major issue in today’s society, this song mentions how it is not all about what others think about your looks. Alessia mentions how models do not really go through the struggle that everyday people. In the song it says...
Sample Essays About Who I Admire
...If I am having a bad day she is always there to help make it better. That is why Ana has never failed me. At the same time, she is very determined and knows what she wants to achieve in her life. She is very ambitious and always reaches her goal. She...
How Did The Us Contain Communism
...At the Yalta Conference, it was decided that Korea should be free following the war.The allies had agreed to split Korea in northern and southern regions. North Korea would be contained by the Soviet Union and the United States would be responsible ...
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