Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
Effect Of Air Conditioner On Global Warming
Air Conditioning and Global Warming Air conditioning systems use energy to remove heat from a given location, transferring it to the exterior in the form of exhaust. Some of the energy is invariably wasted as heat, and this additional heat must also be exhausted. Thus, air conditioning results in net heat release to the environment. The warming effect is aggravated, moreover, because higher forms of energy such as electricity are used to power air conditioners. Generating and transmitting this electricity…...
ChemistryEnergyGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Absolutism Essay
Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. Kangxi and Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was between 1610 and 1789. Absolutism is a term used to depict a type of monarchical power that was not at all restrained by institutions, for example, legislatures, social elites, or churches. Both Kangxi and Louis X1V were…...
GovernmentLouis XivMonarchyPolitics
Jackson Dickinson Duel
A very characteristically Southern duel between Andrew Jackson and Charles Dickinson. Charles Dickinson, 27 years old and having had a few drinks in him, made some “uncomplimentary remarks about Rachel Jackson, Andrew’s Wife, who was the subject of much gossip (Williams, p. 18). ” The reaction was predictable, the next day Andrew Jackson confronted Dickinson, who attempted to no avail to apologize and found himself facing off against Jackson on “the field of honor” in May of 1806. According to…...
Andrew JacksonCommunication
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Anguish Example
A Pure, High Note of Anguish By Barbara Kingsolver ENGL102 Vulnerability Paper October 25, 2011 Tammy Easler A Pure, High Note of Anguish “A Pure, High Note of Anguish” by Barbara Kingsolver is an essay written right after the September 11, 2011, attacks. Like many of us, Kingsolver felt a need to DO something, but did not know how to help. She decided to address some of the questions that were on everybody’s mind. One of these questions was ‘why…...
John Proctor Reputation
A man’s reputation is the focus of his life. A man takes pride in what he makes of himself, and his pride is what gives substance to his life. The loss of a man’s pride reduces him to nothing and ultimately destroys him. Hence, the blackening of the main character’s name in Guilty by Suspicion and The Crucible caused the destruction of his life. John Proctor, the main character in The Crucible, faced the choice between losing his life and…...
Abigail WilliamsThe Crucible
Intended Effect On The Reader
1984 is a darkly satirical political novel by George Orwell. It was first published on June 8, 1949, is Orwell’s most famous work, and is the inspiration of the word “Orwellian.” The story takes place in a nightmarish dystopia, in which an ever-surveillant State enforces perfect conformity among citizens through fear, lies and ruthless punishment. The Party is the government running Oceania and is headed by the mysterious Big Brother. It’s rise to power is uncertain and their activities are…...
Animal FarmCultureGeorge OrwellPoliticsTotalitarianism
Renaissance Research Paper
Renaissance art was born in the second half of the fourteenth century and continued to develop throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, gradually covering one after another, all the countries of Europe. Renaissance art reflected the specific nature of the transitional epoch. Renaissance, which was closely linked to Florence and its society, is undoubtedly one of the most exciting in the history of Western civilization. It not only showed the world a whole galaxy of artists and humanist thinkers, but…...
CultureMedieval EuropeRenaissanceRenaissance ArtResearchUniversity
Andrew Jackson Essay
After reviewing Andrew Jackson’s positive and negative actions, it has come to a conclusion that he was in the position of a hero. In the 1800’s President Andrew Jackson showed he was a hero to the reduce in Federal debts, winning the Battle of New Orleans, and hearing the voices of the people and giving them the chance to vote for their president. Despite all his positive work, he also made many negative decisions, but none mayor and serious. Andrew…...
Andrew JacksonReasonResearchTrail Of Tears
Tiongo’s novel “Ngugi” “Matigari”
“There are two worlds. There is the world of those who accept things as they are, and there is that of those who want to change things. Which world do you belong to? ” Throughout Ngugi was Thiong’o”s novel, Matigari, the main character proves himself to be a strong, intelligent, peaceful man who appears to have his head on straight and sees the state of the world in the precisely right shade. From page one he allows the reader to…...
Warriors Don’t Cry
“WARRIORS DON’T CRY” I picked the theme of self-reliance. As I read the story it was unbelievable to me that she did not give up, even though there were many times when she could have. What she thought was a good idea in the beginning, being just a teenager, she had no idea what the impact she would make on herself and the future Africain American people in. May 24, 1955: The Little Rock school board adopted a plan to…...
Peculiarities and Usage of Onion Model Hofstede
“This whole thing about cultural differences is simply bunk! The real issue is about market access! ” Discuss this statement using examples you have encountered during the lectures, seminars and your own research Introduction: “International business is all commercial transactions, private and governmental between two or more countries”. When a company operates internationally it adds foreign conditions to its domestic ones making the external environment more diverse. Is this whole thing only about market access? When entering a new culture,…...
CivilizationCommunicationCultureHuman NatureModelWork
Yeats September 1913
“Romantic Ireland’s dead and gone, It’s with O’Leary in the grave. ” Discuss ways in which Yeats presents the Romantic in ‘September 1913’. Yeats presents the Romantic in ‘September 1913’ in such a way that it is no longer there, but also that there is a chance for the Romantic to be saved and brought back to Ireland. “Yeats saw literature and politics as intertwined,” Yeats used ‘September 1913’ as a political, as well as cultural, message to get across…...
She Is Blackening My Name In The Village
“Now, Betty, dear wake up now. It’s Abigail. (She sits Betty up and furiously shakes her. ) I’ll beat you Betty. ” This violent language is a key to how violent Abigail’s behaviour is. She knows what she wants and she is prepared to do whatever it takes to get it. Abigail’s character has many flaws, people would think passion is a good thing, and it is, but Abi is too passionate, she is willing to have innocent people killed,…...
Abigail Williams
Fidel Castro And Hitler
The following sample essay on Fidel Castro And Hitler. “Leadership means duty, honor and country. It means character and it means listening from time to time” (W. Bush). Dictators are not necessarily leaders, because leadership is a very noble calling.A dictator is someone who always has his own interests at heart; it is a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. Across the globe, Adolf Hitler tried to transform Germany from a…...
Adolf HitlerDictatorshipGermanyNazi GermanyPolitics
Joseph Stalin Research Paper
“His childhood was harsh with a drunken cobbler father, who beat both mother and child, and in school was bullied as a child, Joseph Stalin grew up to be a bully himself’ (Keller). These events in Stalin’s childhood dramatically influenced the later events as an adult. Joseph Stalin had caused social injustice in Russia through two wars, during the Great Purge, and in the Russian government. Joseph Stalin used social injustice during World War II and during the Cold War.…...
CommunismJoseph StalinLetter From Birmingham JailPoliticsRussiaWar
Jefferson’s Pillow
Who were the founders of America? When one thinks of the words ;founding fathers;, thefirst thing that should come to mind are national figures like George Washington, James Madison, George Mason and Thomas Jefferson. Although these men are founders of America, they were also founders of a social institution that would be embedded in American life for hundreds of years. This social institution is otherwise known as slavery. In the book Jefferson;s Pillow by Roger Wilkins, Wilkins discusses the real…...
CommunicationGeorge WashingtonJames MadisonThomas Jefferson
Josephine Baker Harlem Renaissance
What exactly was the Harlem Renaissance?If you analyze the word, Harlem was a black community of New York City, and a Renaissance is a rebirth.The Harlem Renaissance was the outstanding eruption and rebirth of creativity by African Americans in many different fields of art.Whether it be black poets, writers, artists, actors, dancers, or whatnot, they all flocked to northern cities, especially Harlem.In Harlem, which grew to be the largest black community in the United States, blacks did not face the…...
Harlem RenaissanceHistoryMedieval EuropeRenaissanceUs History
Ben Franklin Essays
This report tells of the many accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin, and of how he became known as a hero of America. It explains how he rose from poverty by working hard. The report spreads out Ben Franklin's life and the accomplishments he made during it, all from his birth to his death. You will find the discoveries and inventions he made, the way traveled in his life, and how he did all he could to improve society. When you finish…...
Benjamin FranklinCommunicationLibrary
The First Gladiatorial Games in Rome
The first gladiatorial games in Rome were in 264 BC and they became a very popular form of public spectacle quickly. They were originally associated with funeral rituals, but in they Republic they were related to the winter and spring equinoxes. The gladiators involved faced death when entering the arena and attempted to triumph over it, but were usually not victorious. Many people today relate these games to the sports played in modern times. Although some things about the Roman…...
Ancient RomeCommunicationCultureGladiatorRoman Empire
Ecological Imperialism Definition
The world as we know it would not be what it is had it not been for the evolution of trade and globalization in years gone by. Alfred Crosby's informative novel Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900 focuses on the ecological side of European expansion. Through his work, the author attempts to demonstrate how the European people were successful in gaining possession of the temperate lands mainly due to expansion of plants, animals and even pathogens which they…...
BiologyEcologyImperialismMedieval Europe
Research Paper On Michelangelo
The renaissance was a time of rebirth. It was not only a rebirth for economically, socially, and scientifically, but also for wrists. Michelangelo was one of the great artists that captured the Renaissance through art. He captured the Renaissance in an art piece named Ancestors of Christ: figures (detail). This picture is a picture of a child that represents peacefulness and humanism. The painting was done in 1511 in Cappella, Vatican. The painting is assumed to represent salmon, as Emil…...
What Is the Parthenon Really
The following sample essay on What Is the Parthenon Really The Parthenon is known to all of us as a huge structure that was built many thousands of years ago. But is that all it really is. The Parthenon's construction started in 447 B.C. and the whole structure was completed in 438 B.C. (A)First for the Parthenon the emperor wanted to turn the building into a church. So it was but after much disputes over the Emperor Theodosius, the Franks,…...
German Blitzkrieg In Poland
The First Phase: Dominance of the Axis Man for man, the German and Polish forces were an even match. Hitler committed about 1.5 million troops, and the Polish commander, Marshal Edward Smigy-Rydz, expected to muster 1.8 million. That was not the whole picture, however. The Germans had six panzer (armored) and four motorized divisions; the Poles had one armored and one motorized brigade and a few tank battalions. The Germans’ 1600 aircraft were mostly of the latest types. Half of…...
World War 2
Congress Of Vienna Summary
The Congress of Vienna, the organizing conference of coalition against Napoleon and France, was a major building block in the future of Europe for years to come.The Conservative Political and Social views of the leaders of the time lead to a successful peace settlement to end this NapoleonicThefirst act to end Napoleon’s rule was to create some new unity after the coalition had marched in Paris and defeated Napoleon.Each country was beginning to pursue their own interests and drift apart…...
CongressEuropeInternational RelationsNapoleonPolitics
Dr. Mengele Biography Analysis
The doctor that everyone would hate to have as their family doctor! This doctor was Dr. Josef Mengele, also know to many as the "Angel of Death". Dr. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzberg, Germany to Karl and Walburga Mengele. Josef also had two younger brothers named Karl and Alois. While Josef was younger, he was very intelligent and popular in his town (Lifton). While Josef was in school he studied many different topics, such as:…...
Josef MengeleNazi GermanyThe Holocaust
Hospital Sketches Alcott
The chapter ‘A Night’, in Louisa May Alcott’s Hospital Sketches, is the most inspired chapter in the book. It tells the story of a fatally wounded Virginia blacksmith John, and it fell to Alcott to tell the dying man of his imminent fate and to pen John’s final letter home to his family as he dictated it. The man died while squeezing Alcott’s hand. She described that none of the deaths that she summoned in her life would make her…...
Health CareHospitalPainWar
Federalist Vs Anti Federalist Dbq
Soon after the end of the Revolutionary War — if not before — it became clear that the Articles of Confederation were not a workable arrangement.Wartime contingency measures might have papered over the most immediate problems, but with the coming of peace something more regular was needed.The defects of the Articles produced a host of disputes among states, which could not be resolved under its terms, and which times were serious enough to lead to militia skirmishing. More broadly, a…...
Articles Of ConfederationGovernmentPoliticsThe Federalist Papers
European Civilization
The advancements of Greece, Rome and the Dark and Middle Ages set the foundation for modern European culture. Through literature, inventions, and the church Europe evolved into a distinct civilization. Greece influenced modern Europe with their advancements in literature and the written language. Also, the theories of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates began modern thought and theory. The Greeks, including Homer, were also thefirst to write down history. The Greeks also made advancements in science and math and also published encyclopedias. They…...
Decleration Of Independence
The following sample essay on "Decleration Of Independence" is about possibly the most critical document ever written in the history of our great country. This document set off a chain reaction of events that came to shape a nation, an independent nation. After reading the document over a few times while writing this paper I have come to realize something, I have never actually read it.Sure I knew its significance in history and I knew what it was about but…...
CommunicationParagraphThomas Jefferson
Pros And Cons Of Nationalism
Nationalism is a popular sentiment that places the existence and well-being of the nation highest in the scale of political loyalties. In political terms, it signifies a person’s willingness to work for the nation against foreign domination, whether political, economic, or cultural. Nationalism also implies a group’s consciousness of shared history, language, race, and values. Its significance lies in its role in supplying the ties that make the nation-state a cohesive viable entity. Nationalism belongs to the modern world. Before…...
World War 1
Reflection Essay On Augustus
Octavian better known as Augustus was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius on the steps of the Roman senate on March 15, 44 B.C. The assasin's thought that Caesar was hiring uneligible people as representatives. The senators thought by killing Caesar it would bring peace upon Rome, but it just brought upon a civil war. After the assassination a long time associate of Caesar's, Mark Antony and…...
Ancient RomeAugustusJulius CaesarMark AntonyRoman Republic
Diary Of A Napoleonic Foot Soldier
Looking back into history it is hard to understand exactly how the people of the time had felt. One can never fully understand the hardships of life in the past, and in order to attempt to understand we depend highly on written sources, textbooks, diaries and memoirs. Jakob Walter's Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier in one such source. In his diary, which reads more like a memoir, Walter shares his experiences of his life in Napoleon's Grand Army during…...
CommunicationFrench RevolutionMedieval EuropeNapoleon
Captains Of Industry Example
It was the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius who said, "A man’s worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions.; The truth of this statement is expands far past the ruins of an Ancient Rome and into the coffers of those great businessmen of America who changed the face of commerce in this country during the latter years of the nineteenth century and on into the twentieth century. Men such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, and the…...
Andrew CarnegieIndustryJohn D. Rockefeller
Darkness At Noon Analysis
It was Woodrow Wilson who said "There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed".This remark is not referring to communism but the principals can be associated with one another.The Communist ideals of the Russian revolution; moreover, their Bolshevik leaders, were steadfast and determined to the utmost degree.Not to say their principals were of great moral integrity, but they enforced them ruthlessly nonetheless.In the novel, Darkness at Noon, the author, Arthur…...
CommunismPoliticsRussian Revolution
Bay Of Pigs Invasion Definition
In April of 1961, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) supported and trained a group of Cuban refugees to invade Cuba, unfortunately the foray failed. Inside seventy-two hours of the initial assault, isolated from re-supply, the nearly two thousand American troops ran out of ammunition and were beleaguered by Cuban militia and army units.While President John Fitzgerald Kennedy publicly took responsibility for the events, investigations verified that the blame should have been placed exclusively in the hands of the CIA for…...
CubaGovernmentInternational RelationsJohn F. KennedyPolitics
Were The Articles Of Confederation Effective
In 1781, the newly independent states in America developed thefirst written constitution in the United States, known as the Articles of Confederation. During what was known as the “critical period,” the Articles of Confederation served as the written law in the United States. While creating this document, the need for a confederation of states, similar to that of the Iroquois Indians, was stressed. The Articles of Confederation grouped the individual states with a weak central government to be sure the…...
Articles Of ConfederationGovernmentLawPolicyPolitics
Hatshepsut Building Program
Hatshepsut stands out as one of the great monarchs of Egypt. Although no wars or conquests are recorded in her reign, her triumphs were as great as those of the warrior-kings of Egypt, but they were triumphs of peace and prosperity, not war. . When King Hatshepsut rose to power she embarked, at once upon an ambitious and yet audacious program of public works, restoring monuments of past pharaohs and establishing new temples for the glory of the gods. Beneficially…...
Ancient EgyptEgypt
History Of Jazz Dance
History of Jazz Dance “Jazz dance is a form of personal expression created and sustained though improvisation…it has certain defining characteristics, including improvisation, isolation, a centrifugal explosion of energy that radiates outward from the hips, and a propulsive rhythm that gives a swinging quality to the movement.” -Bob Boross Jazz is a crossbreed of north American cultures, a music and dance of the slaves of Africa, and old European Jigs and lits, Minstrel shows and presumably, Jazz music. Jazz is…...
Cuban Missile Crisis
The following example essay on "Cuban Missile Crisis" is about the extremely tense political, diplomatic and military confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States in October 1962. For a period of thirteen days in October of 1962 the United States held its breath in fear of nuclear war.The Cuban missile crisis is considered by most to be the closest two countries came to nuclear war, apart from the nuclear bombing of Japan.The Cuban missile crisis was a major…...
Cold WarCuban Missile CrisisInternational RelationsIsisNuclear WeaponPolitics
Why Was The Albany Plan Of Union Rejected
British officials and lawmakers today applauded the decision of the colonial assemblies to reject a colonial unity plan, the Albany plan of Union, of which they did not approve of. On a hot summer day in June of the year 1754 of our Lord, Benjamin Franklin, delegate to the colony of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts colony governor Thomas Hutchinson proposed and drafted a plan for uniting our thirteen colonies in North America, in the face of the coming war with France.…...
Benjamin FranklinGovernmentPoliticsThirteen Colonies
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