Essays on History

Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
How Did Hitler Deal With Opposition
Words • 544
Pages • 3
Hitler didn’t wait for after his consolidation of power to gather information about the Marxists. So by the time of the Reichstag fire [27th February 1933] he had all information about the communists, including their whereabouts and this made it easier for him to arrest all of them in one night. After the Reichstag fire, which was ‘supposedly’ a communist uprising started by Marinus van der Lubbe, was a two month purge of all communists. They were taken to local…...
Nazi GermanyPoliticsTotalitarianism
Geographic Determinism
Words • 669
Pages • 3
History shows many examples of how geography and environmental determinism played a huge role in the development of early civilizations. It can be seen as early as Mesopotamia, where the constant tension between nomadic and settled lifestyles was an important aspect of early historical development. The Sumerian culture developed in southern Mesopotamia, near the Persian Gulf. The civilization was generally pessimistic in outlook, an observation based mainly on the evidence of religious sources that depict a gloomy picture of the…...
Causes Of The French Revolution Essay
Words • 588
Pages • 3
Have you ever wondered what the causes and effects were of the French Revolution? Today, we are going to explore this amazing question, and find out what the real causes’ and effects were of this remarkable Revolution! First off, you could name a dozen reasons why the French Revolution was started, but, I decided to name one key factor for the cause. The Financial Crisis. The decadence of the monarchy, along with other factors like war and poor harvests, led…...
FranceFrench RevolutionMedieval EuropePoliticsReign Of Terror
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John Muir Vs Pinchot
Words • 804
Pages • 4
Have you ever heard of John Muir and Gifford Pinchot? These two men expressed different beliefs over preservation and conservation. John Muir was America’s most famous conservationist. While Gifford Pinchot was one of America’s leading preservationist. Both of these men spent most of their lifetime defending the natural resources and the wildlife around the world. John Muir is one of California’s most important historical personalities. Born in Scotland, he has been called “The Father of our National Parks,” “Wilderness Profit,”…...
CommunicationNewsPoliticsTheodore RooseveltWildernessYosemite National Park
Leavism Culture and Civilization Explained
Words • 978
Pages • 4
He also sees society as a whole possessing ‘ a common basis of human nature’ (11) however he seams to think that the Barbarians and Philistines have a better developed basis of human nature than the Populace. As john Storey says, ‘Arnold seems to be suggesting that the aristocracy and middle classes are further along the evolutionary continuum than the working class’ (12) This follows through that everyone has a place in society and that all should look to their…...
CivilizationCultureHuman NatureMatthew ArnoldMesopotamiaPopular Culture
Roman Theatre Costumes
Words • 752
Pages • 4
Greek Dark ages from 11th – 9th century BC. Mycenaean civilisation built during these times. That collapsed and Greek civilisation started. Then more dark ages. Homers Iliad and Odyssey were born out of this time. Roman Decline of Greek government coincided with the rise of the roman republic and subsequent empire. Had emperors and senators but the government didn’t pay a huge part in the theatre. Emperors used the amphitheatres more and put on gladiator shows, etc rather than plays.…...
ActorCultureGreeceRoman EmpireTheatre
War Photographer Poem
Words • 807
Pages • 4
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m going to focus mainly on two poems, War Photographer by Carol Ann Duffy and Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen respectively. Both of them are war poems but are written from different perspectives. War Photographer is from the point of view of a war photographer and Dulce et decorum est is written from the view of a soldier. We can observe the contrast between different roles performed by different people in war.…...
Dulce Et Decorum EstNewsNewspaperWar
Gladiator Summary
Words • 333
Pages • 2
Gladiator is a great story of a Roman general, Maximus Decimus, the roman emperor Marcus Aurelius sits on his death bed, Marcus Aurelius tells Maximus that he wants him to be at charge of the Roman Empire at least until the Senate finds a better candidate because of his lack of interest on handling power, after receiving the notice of who Marcus Aurelius prefers to that charge, his son Commodus, Kills him and accuses Maximus of the assassination, Maximus is…...
Ancient RomeGladiatorRoman Empire
Rev Parris asks for another witch
Words • 564
Pages • 3
Friday March 11, 1692, during the day the community’s minister, the Rev. Samuel Parris asked the girls to reveal another witch. They did, and what they said shocked everyone who heard it for it was Martha Corey a new but upstanding member of the congregation. However, she had never shown support for the witch trials, since she did not believe witches existed. Immediately they sent out to the Corey farm to interview the accused in the hope of clearing up…...
Salem Witch TrialsThe CrucibleWitchcraft
Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Application
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Florence Nightingale Environment Theory of Nursing. Major concepts essential to the Theory. Patient care theory, environmentally oriented, where the patient environment should be altered to allow nature to act on the patient. (Alligator, 2010). Nurses are to use common sense, observation and initiative to allow nature to heal the patient. The use of Nightingales thirteen canons: Ventilation, Warmth Light Cleanliness of rooms Health of houses Noise Bed and bedding Variety. Chattering of hopes and advice Food Personal cleanliness Observation Approaches,…...
CommunicationFlorence NightingaleHuman NatureNatureNightNursing
Compare and Contast of Brutus and Antony’s Speech
Words • 918
Pages • 4
Firstly, Brutus decides to make his speech first, which is a bog mistake, because the plebians will only really remember the last speech that was made, thus making Brutus’ speech less effective. Brutus would usually speak in a verse language, but in his speech he spoke in prose, to try and come down to the plebians level and he thinks that they will appreciate that. However, Antony speaks as he should, in verse and the plebians respect that and expect…...
Julius Caesar
Ancient Greece Essay
Words • 431
Pages • 2
Fictional characters such as Achilles and Odysseus were the most extremely regarded of heroes. The Greeks admired many features in the characters and heroes of their mythology. but the 1s most admired by them were strength. craft and beauty. The Gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus embodied all these traits and features most revered by the Greeks. Strength in conflict was greatly admired by the ancient Greeks. The strongest warriors were a favourite subject of myths. The Gods of their…...
Ancient GreeceCountryCultureEuropean UnionGreeceGreek Mythology
Number Of The Stars Book
Words • 792
Pages • 4
Exposition: 10-year-old Annemarie Johansen and her best friend Ellen Rosen were normal girls living in Copenhagen, Denmark. When walking home from school one day with Kirsti, Annemarie’s sister, they ran into German soldiers… literally! The soldiers questioned the girls about what they were doing, and Annemarie told them. When the girls told their mother’s, they got upset. They were told to take a different route to and from school. The Nazi’s got more and more forceful with every passing day.…...
AstronomyNazi GermanyStars
Romantic Era Essay
Words • 524
Pages • 3
Everyone in this society has his or her own definition of the word “romantic. ” The word gives off the notion of “sentiment and sentimentality, a visionary or idealistic lack of reality. It connotes fantasy and fiction. It has been associated with different times and with distant places: the island of Bali, the world of the Arabian Nights, the age of the troubadours and even Manhattan. ”(Kreis) Romanticism is used all over the world as it relates to many different…...
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Essay
Words • 272
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the role of the women In the Victorian age Introduction: Thesis: Women during the Victorian Age were restricted and limited to gender roles and expectations. Elizabeth Barrett Browning was the exception through her writings of poetry. Body Paragraphs: The history of the Victorian Age. Named after Queen Victoria 1. Considered one of the most glorious periods In British history. 2. The British Empire grew In sixes and Importance while being ruled…...
CommunicationGenderHistoryPoetryVictorian Era
Women In The Enlightenment
Words • 820
Pages • 4
The following sample essay is about women in the Age of Enlightenment. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Documents of the Enlightenment century indicate, and subsequent studies confirm, that – with the possible exception of the present century – women have never been so influential and prolific as they were in the Age of Enlightenment. Recently, a new generation of historians and literary scholars – women in particular – has greatly enhanced our understanding and…...
Age Of EnlightenmentBeliefCultureEnlightenmentGenerationPhilosophy
Factory Act Of 1833
Words • 897
Pages • 4
Did it solve the problems of children in factories? Dean Mills – The Doubling Room 1851 (ZPER 34/19) In 1833 the Government passed a Factory Act to improve conditions for children working in factories. Young children were working very long hours in workplaces where conditions were often terrible. The basic act was as follows: •No child workers under nine years of age •Employers must have an age certificate for their child workers •Children of 9-13 years to work no more…...
ChildChild LabourIndustrial RevolutionJusticeLaw
History and Role of Dhaka City in South Asia
Words • 340
Pages • 2
Dhaka (Bengali: ? , pronounced: [? aka]; formerly spelled as Dacca[5]) is the capital city of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It is a megacity and one of the major cities of South Asia. Located on the east banks of the Buriganga River in the Ganges delta, Dhaka has an estimated population of more than 15 million people, making it the largest city in Bangladesh and the 9th largest city in the world. [6] It is known as the City…...
A Contribution By Justinian I To The Byzantine Empire
Words • 660
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Byzantine Empire under Justinian When Justinian became emperor in 527, he wanted to build a new Rome by incorporating the ancient Roman Empire. He made Constantinople the capital of the Byzantine Empire and kept the Roman culture along with the Greek culture for more than a thousand years. Justinian helped rebuild the Roman Empire by the many contributions he gave to the empire; he was able to rule a well-structured empire. Justinian was known partly for rebuilding the Roman Empire;…...
Ancient RomeByzantine EmpireCultureHagia SophiaLawRoman Empire
Cultural Interaction Essay
Words • 887
Pages • 4
Cultural interaction is the basis for the world today. Without cultural interaction, the Americas would still be filled with Native Americans. The whole world would be isolated from other cultures. For example, America would not have certain foods and animals, such as bananas and cows; likewise, Europe would not have corn or turkeys. Between the years 600 and 1450 C. E, Cultural interaction was very beneficial due to the expanding of trade, spreading of religion and cultures, and strengthening nations.However,…...
AfricaAstronomyBubonic PlagueCultureEuropeIslam
Tomorrow When The War Began Essay
Words • 398
Pages • 2
In the following sample essay on the topic "Tomorrow, when the war begins." Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. We were sprinting for our lives, fear propelling us to our maximum limit. I kept glancing back, seeing if we had lost them or not. I couldn’t hear them. All I could hear was the rasping of my lungs and the loud, thunderous throbbing of my heart beat pounding and pulsing in my ears, like a…...
History Of Civil Engineering Essay
Words • 824
Pages • 4
Civil technology involves the design. building. and care of plants such as roads. Bridgess. and edifices. It’s a scientific discipline that includes a assortment of subjects including dirts. constructions. geology. and other Fieldss. Thus the history of civil technology is closely associated with the history of promotion in these scientific disciplines. In ancient history. most of the building was carried out by craftsmans. and proficient expertness was limited. Undertakings were accomplished by the use of manual labour merely. without the…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringHistoryLearningScience
Shakespeare’s Performance of Cleopatra
Words • 819
Pages • 4
The following is a sample essay on Shakespeare's representation of Cleopatra. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Cleopatra has been described as both an “enchanting Queen” and “triple-turned whore”. Examine Shakespeare’s presentation of Cleopatra and how a modern audience might respond to her. In Antony and Cleopatra, written around 1606, according to Wells and Taylor, it is apparent that it is characterised by informality and decadence and this may be a reflection of the times.…...
Antony And CleopatraMark AntonyWilliam Shakespeare
In Contrast To Russia, The Communist Revolution In China
Words • 530
Pages • 3
China and Russia had various similarities and differences during the early 20th century. They were different in the aspect of goals as Russia was highly concerned in making everyone literate to experience the works of Marx, Lenin and Stalin personally while neither the Chinese communist party nor the Kuomintang cared much about literacy for the masses. Another differences was the characterization of the Russian revolution by World war 1 leading to the revolt against a ruling Tsar while China, was…...
Scramble For Africa Webquest
Words • 571
Pages • 3
Catherine Straus Period 6 September 23, 2011 Heart of Darkness Webquest Task 1 a) Scramble for Africa was a process of invasion, occupation, and colonization of African territory by European powers during the New Imperialism period. http://www. pvhs. chico. k12. ca. us/~bsilva/projects/scramble/ b) The purpose of the Berlin Conference was to lay rules to divide Africa without going to war for it. It divided Africa and African leaders weren’t allowed to make decision for Africa’s outcome. http://wysinger. homestead. com/berlinconference. htmlKing…...
AfricaHeart Of DarknessImperialismInternational RelationsPolitics
Was The Wave Experiment by Ben Ross Succesful
Words • 742
Pages • 3
Ben Ross wants to show his students how Hitler could control Germany without people stopping him and also why people said that they didn’t know what happened during World War II. That is why he decides to make an experiment. I will explain how this experiment was successful. Hitler built a totalitarian movement from which he was the leader. First, it is important to know that Hitler was elected by German population and consequently he became the Head of Germany…...
Adolf HitlerConformityExperimentHuman NatureNazi Germany
Reacting to Near Ambush (07-309502)
Words • 618
Pages • 3
Battle Drill 07-309502 – React to Ambush (Near) TASK: React to Ambush (Near) (07-309502). CONDITIONS: (Dismounted/Mounted) – The unit is moving tactically, conducting operations. The enemy initiates contact with direct fire within hand grenade range. All or part of the unit is receiving accurate enemy direct fire. This drill begins when the enemy initiates ambush within hand grenade range. STANDARDS: (Dismounted) – Soldiers in the kill zone immediately return fire on known or suspected enemy positions and assault through the…...
Joint Assault Signal Company
Words • 575
Pages • 3
Chapter review of Getting the Message Through, Chapter VIII.  Chapter VIII is about signal units involved during World War II. Throughout each phase of the conflict, new problems and difficulties arose that could only be overcome through hard work, ingenuity and extreme bravery. The huge scope of the war on numerous continents tested the will and determination of the signal corps. The first real need for signal support was hemisphere defense. This included protecting the Panama Canal from bombings, the…...
World War 2
The Woman Warrior Essay
Words • 685
Pages • 3
Asian American women’s writing came of age in the 1970s and 1980s. Most of these women writers were middle- or upper-class, well-educated women. This fact is reflected in the development of Asian American memoir/fiction-as-theory and can be seen in the works of Maxine Hong Kingston. Maxine Hong Kingston utilizes the Chinese tradition of “talking-story” as a structuring device within her prose narratives. “Talking-story,” as its name suggests, is the female Chinese practice of telling stories, often from one generation to…...
CultureThe Woman WarriorWar
Richard Wagner Popular German Composer
Words • 934
Pages • 4
In the following example, an essay about Richard Wagner is a popular but controversial German composer. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. As in religious and political questions, when race has once been admitted, it becomes a factor of the highest importance in musical controversy. A prominent part in the music and literature of Germany in the 19th century played the popular, but controversial as well, German composer, conductor, theatre director and essayist Richard Wagner.…...
CultureMusicNazi GermanyOperaRichard Wagner
Hound Dog Elvis
Words • 806
Pages • 4
As most of us know, Elvis Preserve, “Hound Dog” was one of his most famous singles, however there are many people that do not know of the original written by Willie Mae, “Big Mamma” Thornton. Why did Elvis have more commercial success with his version? Big Mamma Thorn’s version was released just four years before Elvis’ and was number one for seven weeks. Rather than it being recorded as a pop song, it was a blues/Ran single. The tonality of…...
Cold WarCultureDogElvis PresleyFamilyMusic
Salem Witch Trial Essay
Words • 623
Pages • 3
Arthur Miller, many lies have been made by the Puritan Community. The witch trials took place during the times of the Salem In Massachusetts. This was a time of much hypocrisy in the people of the town of Salem. The witch trials involved many people to lie about the devil and witchcraft, which also harmed others in many ways. The Puritans of Massachusetts were a religious faction. Miler involved the Intense dishonesty over the Puritan Community. The story began with…...
Abigail WilliamsPuritansSalem Witch TrialsWitchcraft
Trojan War Essay
Words • 827
Pages • 4
Approximately thirty centuries ago, on a distant land known as Troy, a colossal war raged between Grecians and Trojans on behalf of three discrete reasons. As a result of this war, many lives were lost but the relentless Grecians eventually triumphed after ten tumultuous years. This grave war was fought because of the capture of Helen, the most beautiful and benevolent woman in all of Greece. It is said that the apprehension of Helen was a result of the tragic…...
Greek MythologyHistoryIliadLiteratureMythologyTrojan War
Diocletian And Constantine
Words • 473
Pages • 2
Around the year AD300, the Roman Empire was huge; it stretched from Northumberland to the Red Sea. However, the population was not evenly spread. There was a sign of decrease. There are many reasons for this: natural disasters (e. g. plague, famine). Civil wars broke out, barbarians were attacking, there was a constant need for money for imperial uses and the emperors were frequently changing. During these years, the two most important and successful emperors that attempted to solve these…...
ChristianityCultureRoman Empire
Ancient Greece Contributions
Words • 851
Pages • 4
Ancient Greek Contributions Many of the roots in the Western civilization can be traced back to ancient Greece. They created long lasting contributions in the making of the Western development with their literature, drama, mathematics, philosophy, politics, and science. The ancient Greek contributions started from 1900 B. C. to 300 B. C. , but still have an impact on Western society today. As the Greeks expanded, they spread their ideas to other countries, while also receiving ideas from them. The…...
Ancient GreeceCountryCultureEuclidEuropean UnionGreece
Anne Frank Research Paper
Words • 534
Pages • 3
Anne Frank (full name is Annelies Marie Frank) was a Jewish girl, a native of Germany, who was hiding with her family in the Netherlands from the Nazi terror after Hitler came to power. The author of the famous “Diary of Anne Frank,” which is a document condemning Nazism translated into many languages, Anne Frank and her family were among the most famous victims of Nazism. She was born in Frankfurt am Main, in an assimilated Jewish family. After Hitler…...
Anne FrankNazi Germany
Compare And Contrast Athens And Sparta
Words • 834
Pages • 4
Ancient Greece was comprised of small city-states, of which Sparta and Athens were two. Athens was renowned as a center of wisdom and learning. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. Sparta, on the other hand, was recognized for its military strength. A Spartan’s life was centered on the state, because he lived and died to serve the state. Although the competing city-states of Sparta and Athens were individually different as well as governmentally diverse,…...
Ancient GreeceContrastHistoryLifePoliticsSparta
Gilgamesh Epic Hero
Words • 351
Pages • 2
An epic hero is a “brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events”( Two perfect examples of this definition are Rama and Gilgamesh from the ancient stories The Ramayana and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Both of these main characters share qualities that qualify them as the ideal epic hero. The first thing these two protagonists have in common they both go on long journeys and fight outward battles and discover internal…...
Epic Of Gilgamesh
Alphonse Gabriel Capone
Words • 501
Pages • 3
Alphonse Gabriel Capone was born In Brooklyn New York to Gabriele Fitzgerald (December 12, 1864 – November 14, 1920) and his wife Teresina Raiola (December 28, 1867 – November 29, 1952) in Brooklyn, on January 17, 1899. [2] Gabriele was a barber from Castellammare di Stabia, a town about 15 miles (24 km) south of Naples, Italy. Teresina was a seamstress and the daughter of Angelo Raiola from Angri, a town in the province of Salerno in southwestern Italy. Gabriele…...
Al Capone
Allied Power During World War II
Words • 462
Pages • 2
All Allied Power contributed to making the Nazis power fall by supplied men and fought with honor to defeat the Nazis. Each Country gave something which made them a major contributor in WW2. The Soviet Union lost millions of men each battle. They lost the most soldiers and civilians in WW2. United States was the largest supplier of material. They were the reason allied power had material to fight each battle. Britain gave the most navy support. Their navy contributes…...
World War 2
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How Did Hitler Deal With Opposition
...The iggest blow to communists actually came with the [ironic] Nazi-Soviet Pact [1939]]. The Socialists were also weak and were easy prey for Hitler. After the depression, even trade unions were crippled and so the weapon of the socialists, a general ...
Tomorrow When The War Began Essay
...I would have screamed if I could have afforded the breath, the thought. All I could do now was run. We followed Ellie, past a few houses and then got round to the back of a house. Some more cries were heard through the intense heat of the night, loud...
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