Essays on Environmental Science

Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Reflection Essay On Augustus
Words • 325
Pages • 2
Octavian better known as Augustus was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius on the steps of the Roman senate on March 15, 44 B.C. The assasin's thought that Caesar was hiring uneligible people as representatives. The senators thought by killing Caesar it would bring peace upon Rome, but it just brought upon a civil war. After the assassination a long time associate of Caesar's, Mark Antony and…...
Ancient RomeAugustusJulius CaesarMark AntonyRoman Republic
Bilaan Story Of Creation
Words • 370
Pages • 2
For millions of years people have made myths about how the earth and the people on it were created. I decided to compare the Iroquois creation story compared to the Bilaan creation story. The Iroquois lived inthe low lands of Southern Ontario and Quebec and parts of the United States as where Bilaan is an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Midanao.This Philippine language is spoken by approximately 300,000. Iroquois believe that along time ago before the world was…...
Creation MythEarthLanguageSeaWater
Science Has Made Man’s Life Quite Comfortable Essay
Words • 259
Pages • 2
Complete the following table based on the observations you made during the lab. Experiment Observations Cold water After I had opened the bottle, condensation rose to the top of the water bottle where the air was. Cold water plus match With water plus the match, the smoke from the match causing condensation displaced air. Hot water With hot water, the steam covered the top of the bottle. Hot water plus match With the match in the smoke went all the…...
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Scientific Name Asian Elephant
Words • 927
Pages • 4
Asian Elephant: An Endangered Species Abstract The Asian Elephant also known by its scientific name the Elephas Maximus is an endangered species. They occur in grassland, tropical evergreen forest, semi-evergreen forest, moist deciduous forest, dry deciduous forested and dry thorn forest, in addition to cultivated and secondary forests and scrublands. The Asian elephant is one of the last few mega-herbivores still in existence on earth (Owen-Smith, 1988). These elephants are highly intelligent and live long lives but due to loss…...
AnimalsAsiaCountryEcologyElephantNatural Environment
Paper Blowing In The Wind
Words • 903
Pages • 4
Is The Answer: Blowing in the Wind? With the figure of people turning daily, the usage of electricity is on the addition. The Earth will run out of the supply of fossil fuels, if this uneconomical usage continues. The modern comfortss as ovens, air conditioners, visible radiations, etc. all use electricity. We need to look for other beginnings of energy. The other beginnings could be solar, atomic, H2O, and air current power. The 1 that does n’t consume itself is…...
If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler Review
Words • 427
Pages • 2
Essay on “Italo Calvino. Collected Works in 3 volumes. Volume 3. If on a winter’s night a traveler” You’re suffering from a terrible disease. This disease is worse than all the ills in the world. You – the terminally ill. You -. Reader Being interested in the world of modern culture, and era, when all boundaries swept away, you could not know about Italo Calvino. The first mention of it you meet Umberto Eco. The famous semiotician says that the…...
Environmental Science
Oleg Roy’s Book ”Black Rainbow”
Words • 464
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Oleg Roy’s Book ”Black Rainbow” gives a personal assessment of this book and expresses an impression of it. Forty men rich, successful, married to a beautiful woman who has brought up his beloved daughter, a talented, albeit faster – it would seem, he has everything to be happy. There’s just the main thing – happiness itself. In practice everything is fragile, unreal. Maybe someone of you have already guessed that it now goes about the…...
The Last Night She Lived
Words • 811
Pages • 4
Emily Dickinson The Last Night She Lived The speaker’s attitude towards the woman’s death can be divided into two sections in “The Last Night that She Lived” by Emily Dickinson. In the beginning (lines 1-20), the reader sees the speaker feeling pain and being aware of the woman’s death. In lines 21- 28 the speaker shows feelings of guilt but also respect. The use of metaphors, similes, caesuras, oxymoron, repetition, and syntax all lead to the overall tone for this…...
Global Warming Cartoon
Words • 191
Pages • 1
Global Warming Cartoon Analysis The man holding the sign cannot conclude the effects of climate change just by looking at the climate over a short time span. One heavy snowstorm is not enough evidence to conclude the effects of climate change. It is saying that scientists trying to prove global warming do not research thoroughly enough and often change their point of view. My reaction to this cartoon is that I disagree with the cartoon that we still do not…...
ClimateClimate ChangeExperimentGlobal WarmingHistoryResearch
Disadvantages Of Nuclear Waste
Words • 955
Pages • 4
The following sample essay talks about the disadvantages of nuclear waste. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Nuclear Pros and Cons A seemingly ideal action, Yucca Mountain is 100 miles outside of Lass Vegas, with the nearest humans 15 miles away (Hansen, 2001). However, many environmentalists and Nevada residents have grave reservations about putting the permanent storage at Yucca Mountain, citing concerns such as waste transportation dangers, geological instability, and the inability of the site…...
EarthquakeEnergyNuclear EnergyNuclear Power
Preparation Of Salts
Words • 931
Pages • 4
1. INSOLUBLE SALTSSoluble salt 1(aq) + soluble salt 2(aq) insoluble salt + soluble salt (aq)acid 1(aq) acid 2(aq)Pb(NO3)2(aq) + Na2SO4(g) PbSO4(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)Pb2+(aq) + SO2-4(aq) PbSO4To prepare a salt, you should firstly thoroughly mix the solution, then you should filter it to remove any precipitate. Next, you should, wash with distilled water and finally leave to dry in the oven.2. SOLUBLE SALTSa. Filtrationi. acid + base salt + waterH2SO4(aq) + CuO(s) CuSO4(aq) + H2O(l)H2SO4(aq) + Mg(OH)2(s) MgSO4(aq) + H2O(l)ii. acid…...
Hamza HammadScott EvansWriting 1242018In The Name Of LoveThe
Words • 717
Pages • 3
The essay called In the name of love by Miya Tokumitso and suggested by Edmunson is meaning of having a darker side that makes you overlook every other class. The author states that if someone has a job and loves it they dont consider anyone else dreams that makes it possible of them to do what they love to do. She talks about the CEO of Apple and how labour working in his factory from all across the globe doing…...
ImmigrationLightLight PollutionLoveNatural EnvironmentPollution
Water Is The Source Of Life
Words • 686
Pages • 3
Water is the most essential source for the life of human beings, animals, and plants, also it is a major stream in utility system and probably the most widely used raw material in process industries. Being an efficient technology for saving freshwater and reducing wastewater. In 1980, Takama and coworkers (1980) addressed an approach for optimal water allocation in a petroleum refinery based on a superstructure of all possible re-use and regeneration opportunities. Then in 1989, El-Halwagi and Manousiouthakis (1989)…...
Environmental Science
Words • 1610
Pages • 7
MATERIALS AND METHODSThe laboratory studies were conducted at Department of plant pathology ,Agriculture Collage and Research Institute, killikulam.Spawn preparation :To prepare spawn we first took paddy or sorghum grains. It should be washed with water and remove the chaffy and damaged grains. after that the grain were boiled in vessel for 1 hours to soften the grains, excess water are removed from the boiled grains and spered uniformly over the hession cloth. Calcium carbonate was mixed with grains at 50%…...
10 Reasons Why We Need Trees
Words • 707
Pages • 3
Trees are among the most impressive creatures on our planet. Where the climate is not too dry or too cold, they dominate the landscape. Where they grow, they are the central building block of the ecosystem. Our global ecosystem would be hard to imagine without the benefits of trees. But why are the more than 3 trillion estimated trees from over 60,000 species.Trees produce oxygen like all plants on earth. Even a small tree only 20 meters high produces about…...
EcosystemForestNatural EnvironmentOxygen
Archaeological Survey in Mumbai’s Vaitrana Valley
Words • 2661
Pages • 11
Mumbai Circle, Archaeological Survey of India, carried out the exploration and trial trench excavations along the Vaitrana River Valley up to a distance of 5 Kilometer both side of river of Palghar and Thane Districts in Maharashtra under the direction of Dr Manish Rai, Assistant Archaeologist during the field season 2017-18. Vaitrana River rises in Sahyadri mountain ranges near Tryambak (Trimbakeshwar) hills in the Nasik district, opposite the source of the Godavari, and flows for about 154 km towards south-west…...
Electricity in the North of Cyprus
Words • 619
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Electricity in the North of Cyprus" is reviewed by The cost of electricity production in northern Cyprus. Special attention is being paid to alternative, cheaper types of energy. As prices are seemingly skyrocketing and the production of electricity has proven quite expensive at the expense of consumers due to high electricity tariffs. It is high time that the country should divert this method of energy production into cleaner, cheaper and renewable forms of producing energy…...
EnergyEnergy SourcesRenewable EnergyRenewable ResourcesSolar EnergyWind
Barriers To Communication In Health And Social Care
Words • 2184
Pages • 9
Chosen Setting – Community CentreP3 – Describe the barriers to communication in health and social care and their effects on service usersWhy does communication go wrong?Communication goes wrong when the communication cycle does not work, this can be due to many reasons such as the meaning of a message is not clear, people not willing to listen or when unfamiliar terms or language are used. In this I will outline the different barriers to communication and how to overcome these.Barriers…...
CommunicationDisabilityEnglish LanguageHealthLanguageNoise
Nature vs Nurture – can you be born bad? The nature vs
Words • 951
Pages • 4
Nature vs. Nurture – can you be born bad?The nature vs. nurture debate has been a term has been used since the Elizabethan period where the initial use of the term was created by psychologist St Francis Galton. I will link this specific debate with psychopaths and killers as the subject interests me as if there’s an aspect that can make a human being turn evil or if they can be born this way?I believe that nurture is a huge…...
BrainLiteratureMental DisorderNatureNature Vs NurtureNervous System
School supplies are necessary to every individual we can use it in
Words • 1678
Pages • 7
School supplies are necessary to every individual, we can use it in many angles such as writing reports, improving outputs, finishing school works and many more. Mostly students and teachers stand in need of those materials in school. Marker is very essential for any student or teacher regardless to which prohibition they belong to, it is just likely important as a pen or pencil is to any student or teacher. With regards to their functions, it is not concealed that…...
a The primary approach Potomac Waters relied on for its
Words • 954
Pages • 4
The following sample essay ona The primary approach Potomac Waters relied on for its tells about the primary approach Potomac Waters relied on for its MBA-hire development strategy. Based on the case study I believe the primary approach Potomac Waters relied on for its MBA-hire development strategy is Job Experience. Job Experience is the relationship, problems, demand, tasks and other features that employee face in their job (Job Experinece). On the very first day, Rinaldi got to know that it…...
Case StudyCommunicationExperienceMarketingNatureWater
Live weather maps traffic maps and election maps all use
Words • 1482
Pages • 6
Live weather maps, traffic maps, and election maps all use Geographic Information System(GIS) technology. Ever since the 1960’s, when Roger Tomlinson developed the first concept of GIS technology, it has been expanded upon and has evolved into a widely used and useful technology, especially in the last decade. Although GIS is widely used and beneficial, many people do not know that technology behind their favorite weather app or election map is the same. This research paper will describe what GIS…...
GeographyInformation TechnologyNatureWeather
Increased Production Increases Pollution
Words • 1211
Pages • 5
Gilbane Gold case study tells a story about a company called Z CORP which produces computer parts, which results in the arsenic and lead downstream discharge in the citys sewer system. The waste in the sewer system is taken and dried. That dried sludge is used and sold to the farmers as fertilizers. The city has good tax rates which attracts companies such as Z CORP. According to the standards of the current analysis method, as set out by law,…...
Irrigation – Supplying Water to Fields That Lack Moisture
Words • 597
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Irrigation - Supplying Water to Fields That Lack Moisture" is to push the peruser to a superior comprehension of the water quality than assistance with picking appropriate choices to acclimate to potential water quality-related issues that may diminish creation under winning states of utilization. Irrigated agribusiness is at risk to a satisfactory water supply of available character. Water quality concerns have every now and again been expelled in light of the way that extraordinary quality…...
ChemistryMaterialsSaltSodiumWaterWater Quality
Words • 1898
Pages • 8
CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIESAGRITOURISM IN PHILIPPINESThe Philippines as a tropical country that is rich in natural resources, biological diversity, rich farming heritage, and has a strong cultural heritage, is a good fit for agritourism. Agritourism has been building momentum in the Philippines for the last few years, and all the effort of local enterprises is finally being recognized as the country is now one of the top destinations for agritourism in the world.According to Rose H. Libongco…...
AgricultureCatFamilyNatural EnvironmentSustainability
The Himalaya name comes from Sanskrit word means abode of snow is
Words • 873
Pages • 4
The Himalaya name comes from Sanskrit word means abode of snow is popularly known for its own bio-physical diversity and socio-cultural heritage, unique physical and ethnic diversity, traditional systems and a plentiful quantity of naturally existing knowledge or tribal wisdom (Rao, 1989, 1994). The origin of Himalaya goes back to about 80 Million years ago in the Jurassic era when the Pangaea divided into two landmasses Laurasia and Gondwanaland. The tectonic break up to Gondwanaland and its subsequent drift and…...
BiodiversityEcologyForestNatural Environment
Flood control methods Structural measuresMohammad Reza
Words • 1186
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on flood control methods; Structural measures Mohammad Reza Ghaemdoust Abstract Regarding that flood risks threaten the lives of many humans, today's understanding with such dangers and damages caused by it, as well as evaluation and coping with strategies, are those of great importance in urban management systems. Basically complete control and containment of flood is practically impossible due to physical and economic inability, except for some cases. Therefore, the concept of flood control in practice is…...
FloodNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRiverWater
How Do We Chase Rainbows
Words • 576
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on How Do We Chase Rainbows. Motivation is a kind of fire that arouses people to think, behave and feel deeper. Motivation has been derived from Latin word movere which means to move. Therefore, the main aim of motivation is to move. Motivation determines the limits of what a person can do thus better leading the motivation process, it is necessary to understand the relationship between impulses, needs and stimuli. Theory on motivation involves setting goals, monitoring…...
Environmental Science
Productivity in the Workplace
Words • 1304
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on Productivity in the Workplace tells about our IT team. Our company is called Globex corporation it's an multinational company. Our company hires only experts in IT security, information system and IT business. Thus, the company's main goal is to help secure networks for banks, big successful companies, police departments, and the state security. The company's goal is to provide strong and secure, and hard-to-decode networks.StaffThe company has over 100 experts with different degrees in information…...
Application SoftwareEmploymentNoiseTeamTime Management
Diverse Aspects of Science Education
Words • 867
Pages • 4
Apart from the temperate climate, with beautiful summers and mild wet winters at UBC, its national reputation and academic excellence validated year after year stands it out. With a vision to inspire people, ideas and actions for a better world, I have been drawn to UBC. It is committed to attracting and supporting people like myself who have the drive to shape a better world by encouraging bold thinking, curiosity and initiative, so we can realize our greatest potential. I…...
Human NatureNatureResearchSummerUniversity
Why Self-Discipline Should Matter to You
Words • 653
Pages • 3
Earl Nightingale once said many years ago that one hour per day of study in your chosen field was all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years you'll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do. I agree with full absolute that studying on one's off time is crucial to…...
CuriosityHuman NatureNatureNightReason
People and Nature Are Dependent on Each Other
Words • 1274
Pages • 6
Integration of ecosystems refers to the interaction of various factors in the ecosystem. Hemingway loves nature and is committed to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Nature has a wide meaning. In this section, we mainly analyze the harmony between the sea, stars, the moon and San Diego and other natural things. In The Old Man and the Sea, you will find many layers that show the proximity between the hero and nature of San Diego. Before going to…...
Ernest HemingwayFishingNatureSeaThe Old Man And The Sea
Coffee Is a Megatrend That Is Taking Over the World
Words • 1008
Pages • 5
Many people think that coffee consumption and the coffee industry are harmful to the health of people, industry workers, and the environment, while others believe that coffee brings many benefits. There is a huge number of opinions that the coffee trade does not benefit society, but only harms. Every year more and more people want to correct these situations, try to help the planet, create eco plantations and so on. Coffee production spends a huge amount of resources. First of…...
AgricultureCaffeineCoffeeEconomicsFair TradeIndustry
Overpopulation Issues in Hong Kong Thesis
Words • 462
Pages • 2
When the population takes up all the places, part of the population will be left out. These people may become homeless due to limited housing. More schools, hospitals and transportation are needed. Limited land in Hong Kong cannot be developing continuously. Also, overpopulation will bring up the housing price. In order to adapt to the high rent, people are living under stress. This may lead to the increase of crimes. For example, if a man cannot afford to pay the…...
Air PollutionOverpopulationPollution
On The Idle Hill Of Summer
Words • 554
Pages • 3
War, in any shape or form, affects people in many different ways. Many people choose to express their feelings and experiences of war in poems. The two poems I have chosen all have different moods, structures and rhythms but their meaning is all the same- war is ruthless, terrifying and pointless. The poem ‘On the Idle Hill’ is by A. E. Housman (1859-1936). Housman wrote the poem in 1896 and he was not writing about any particular war but just…...
Winter Is Better Than Summer
Words • 562
Pages • 3
Topic: Winter is better than summer Specific Purpose: To persuade that winter time is better for health and it`s fun as well. Central Idea: Many people hate winter time and can`t wait for summer, but they don`t realize all good things that winter offers. Organization pattern: Monroe Motivation sequence I. Arouse Attention A. Who likes to sweat every time you go outside and take a shower three times a day to get rid of the sweat smell and refresh body?…...
Environmental Science
Cons Of Global Warming
Words • 462
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Cons Of Global Warming" explores the problem of global warming, namely climate change, which is observed in all regions of the planet, and this process is becoming more intense. These gases trap radiation from sun and hold them from being released back into space. This causes rise in temperature at few places on earth. It is not much noticeable in western part of earth but in eastern parts like North Pole, Alaska and others slight…...
ClimateClimate ChangeEarthGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Night Elie Wiesel Themes
Words • 368
Pages • 2
The three main themes in the book “Night,” are inhumanity, faith, and the father/son bond. Inhumanity is a major part of what happened in the book Night. Everyone who was a victim was not treated fairly whatsoever. The book talks a lot about how the Nazis killed tons of people and were very cruel towards them all the time. The Nazis sent everyone to concentration camps, some were death camps and others were labor camps. In the camps if you…...
Environmental Science
The Rainbow Fish Essay
Words • 564
Pages • 3
The Rainbow Fish has lots of dialogue to demonstrate interaction, whereas Rumpus at the Vet has none. Pfister, plays on the reader’s feelings to make the story emotive. Feelings of, loneliness, selfishness, sadness and happiness play a big part in the story. Whereas the Author used the theme of humour in Rumpus at the Vet to enrapture his audience. The vocabulary in both books is used with children in mind; the words are easy to understand, even though some are…...
Lennie Small And George Milton
Words • 580
Pages • 3
The novella ‘Of Mice and Men’ tells us about the tragic story of George Milton and Lennie Small; two migrant ranch workers during the Great Depression in California. The Great Depression was a time of hardship for everybody especially ranch workers. It prevented people from living the life they desired. If there was an opening for one man, there would be ten men competing for it. They would work for extremely low wages or even just for food. Many people…...
Dust BowlOf Mice And Men
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10 Reasons Why We Need Trees
...The forest churns wood . Depending on the tree species, the wood is worth a different amount and grows at different speeds. Beech takes longer to grow, but has more valuable wood, as it is denser and firmer due to the slow growth than, for example, s...
How Do We Chase Rainbows
...As a result, motivation is an individual process. Something that motivates some people may not motivate others. For instance, some people are motivated by money while some people are motivated by listening to music. The most important thing is findin...
Why Self-Discipline Should Matter to You
...Reflecting helps build qualities within you like discipline, strength, perseverance, willpower, tools you would not have if you had not pursued reflection on your own. It molds a person into a better, updated human being by pausing and looking back a...
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