Essays on Environmental Science

Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Water And Air Pollution
Words • 933
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Water And Air Pollution" talks about environmental issues in Cincinnati, a city in southwestern Ohio. The essay also suggests effective ways to solve problems. Basically, it can be defined as the presence of chemicals in the atmosphere in incinerations high enough to affect climate and harm organisms and materials (Miller, 2005). The air pollution in Cincinnati is photochemical smog, which is also called brown-air smog. Photochemical smog is a mixture of air pollutants formed by…...
Ohio River Pollution
Words • 291
Pages • 2
Another example is agricultural pollution. It is also prominent in the Ohio River area. Farmers’ use of certain pesticides and fertilizers contribute largely to the pollution problem of the river. There are more farms on the banks of the Ohio River than industrial plants and if a farmer spills a cup of diesel fuel onto the ground near a creek or ditch, where do you think it goes to. It will travel into to the river. Diesel fuel is very…...
The On Groundwater Lab
Words • 511
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The On Groundwater Lab. The answer is the fourth, fifth and sixth well-portions where there is a lower ground elevation. 12. 9 In Figures 12. AAA and B, two depressions are occupied by water, whereas others are dry. Explain the presence and absence of ponds in these two figures. In figure A, the pond was prevented into diminishing due to the saturated area brought about by the resistant clay in the first pond in figure…...
LakeNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesWater
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Impact of Automobile Pollution on the Environment
Words • 572
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is about the impact of automobile pollution on the environment. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Ammonia gas (NH) forms in the catalytic converter, which is then emitted from the vehicles tailpipe and released into the air. These ammonia gases are the cause of haze and may also cause serious health problems. The catalytic converter not only hurts but also helps the environment. Automobiles that have this system on them…...
Social Impacts Of Volcanoes
Words • 971
Pages • 4
Although there are many hazards on a physical geographic scale associated with volcanic eruptions, it is important not to neglect the havoc which also engulfs the social and economic world. Both social and economic effects occur on a spatial and temporal scale causing significant repercussions in a regional, national and even a global context. It is not only the initial eruption but the continuous secondary hazards, such as, lahars, pyroclastic flows and tsunamis that have the major impact on economic…...
Natural Disasters
Satire Essay Examples: Global Warming Satire
Words • 950
Pages • 4
All you hear these days on the topic of global warming is how bad it is and how we need to unite as a collective people and save our planet. Well I’ve taken a step back from the whole thing and thought about it quite seriously, and I’m here to tell you people, it’s time to put your fears and despairs about global warming to rest once and for all because honestly, global warming isn’t such a bad thing. The…...
Environmental Science
Yeast Respiration Lab Report
Words • 642
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on Yeast Respiration Lab Report. All organisms need to breath. They have pathways that are organic molecules and capture In their TAP. Some of these organisms need oxygen to do this but not all of them require It. Organic carbon molecules are the energy source, and for waste Is carbon doodle (CO) and water (H2O). CO can combine with water to form carbonic acid during cellular respiration. Phenolphthalein can be used to help detect any changes…...
Carbon DioxideCellular RespirationChemistryExperimentWater
Effect Of Air Conditioner On Global Warming
Words • 699
Pages • 3
Air Conditioning and Global Warming Air conditioning systems use energy to remove heat from a given location, transferring it to the exterior in the form of exhaust. Some of the energy is invariably wasted as heat, and this additional heat must also be exhausted. Thus, air conditioning results in net heat release to the environment. The warming effect is aggravated, moreover, because higher forms of energy such as electricity are used to power air conditioners. Generating and transmitting this electricity…...
ChemistryEnergyGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Air Pollution Effects And Solutions
Words • 785
Pages • 4
Air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or cause damage to the natural environment or built environment, into the atmosphere. Air pollution has been a problem throughout history. Even in Ancient Rome people complained about smoke put into the atmosphere. Every day, the average person inhales about 20,000 liters of air. Every time we breathe, we risk inhaling dangerous chemicals that have found their…...
Water Pollution In Colombia
Words • 365
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Water Pollution In Colombia. Air pollution has become one of the most important concerns of the local authorities of Latin- American cities. Bogota, like as other urban centers in South America such as SAA Paulo, Mexico City and Santiago De Chile, shows significant levels of air pollution, levels that may represent a high risk for the population’s health and certainly a reduction in the quality of life of its inhabitants. Bogota, capital of Colombia, is…...
Deforestation And Water Pollution
Words • 308
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on air pollution, water pollution, deforestation. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. The environmental pollution affect the health of more than 100 million people worldwide. Pollution is the contaminant into a natural environment, usually by humans. The specific types of pollution are Land pollution, Air Pollution, Water pollution (Oceans, rivers, ground water) , Plastic pollution, Noise pollution, Light pollution, space Ozone layer and many more. In India he increasing economic development and…...
Environmental Science
Air Pollution’s Health Impact on Different Groups
Words • 325
Pages • 2
Air pollution affects health in many ways with both short-term and long-term effects. Different groups of individuals are affected by air pollution in various ways – Some individuals are much more sensitive than others. People with health problems such as asthma, heart and lung disease also suffer more when the air is polluted. Some chemicals are more dangerous than others. They harm people in different ways (Health impacts, ND). New research found smog in Christopher air pollution thickens the blood…...
Air PollutionAsthmaEpidemiologyMedicine
Air Pollution Due To Transportation
Words • 769
Pages • 4
Air pollution consists Of many types. Smog, acid rain, ozone layer, and the green house effect destruction all cause serious problems for people and the environment. Smog and acid rain are caused by the release of noxious gases, like carbon monoxide. The ozone layer is being destroyed by another form of air pollution, Chlorofluorocarbons, even though these were band in 1995 people now use hydro chlorofluorocarbons, which destroy the ozone more slowly (maybe take this out). Burning fossil fuels cause…...
Environmental Science
Ap Chemistry Lab Report
Words • 915
Pages • 4
After the experiment, the experimental mole ratio of alum to eater will be calculated and then compared with the accepted mole ratio. (This is 12 to 1). Theory If this lab if conducted properly, the unknown substance will be determined to be alum because of melting point, percent hydration and percent sulfate. The first test that will be run has the purpose of revealing the alum’s melting point. Melting is defined as, the temperature at which a solid turns into…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryEvaporationMaterialsWater
Cress Seed Germination Experiment
Words • 801
Pages • 4
Aim: The aim of this coursework is to find out how varied amount of sulphur dioxide effect the germination of cress seeds.Safety: This experiment could be very dangerous because there are some chemicals, which are harmful for human body will be involved in this experiment. Such as sodium metabisulphite, it would damage your lungs and eyes when it mixed with gases. So, I will do the following things to prevent any accidents during the experiment.1, I will be following the…...
Propanone To Propane
Words • 679
Pages • 3
Aim: The aim of this experiment is to prepare propanone by oxidizing propan-2-ol with acidified potassium dichromate solution. Introduction: Ketones and aldehydes are important series in preparation of other compounds and they are commonly prepared by oxidizing alcohol which is done in this experiment. The experiment is an oxidation reaction where a secondary alcohol (propan-2-ol) is oxidized by acidified potassium dichromate. The reaction does not need to be heated but should be placed in an iced water bath as the…...
AlcoholChemical ReactionChemistryMaterialsWater
What Is A Microclimate Give An Example
Words • 317
Pages • 2
AIM: My aim with this obseravtion is to find if (insert) has a Microclimate. Now what is a Micoroclimate. The answer is: a microclimate is a climate on a small scale for one area. This area can be in our garden, local park or one part of any city. In microclimate the weather is different for example a temperature, rainfall, wind direction/speed or humidity. ifferent climate is answered by so many other scientists. As with so many experiments, observations and…...
Words • 703
Pages • 3
Abstraction 4-methylcyclohexanol was synthesized to 4-methylcyclohexene utilizing desiccation. 4-methylcyclohexanol was heated to reflux and the subsequent distillation ( 4-methylcyclohexe ) was collected. It was so purified utilizing Na chloride to divide merchandises and an anhydrous solid was so added and filtered. The resulting merchandise had a mass of 0.399 g and a percent output of 41 % . The merchandise was positively identified and characterized as 4-methylcyclohexene via IR and Br2 trial. Introduction Cyclohexene From Cyclohexanol Lab Report Conclusion To…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryMaterialsSodiumWater
Solar Fan Essay
Words • 542
Pages • 3
This survey aimed to establish out if solar power can power a fan which can alleviate heat from the caput by the usage of a cap. The energy solar power to chemical energy which is stored in the batteries to weave energy which is the fan to assist alleviate heat in the organic structure. The feasibleness of a solar fan cap made from cap as a base. solar panels from reckoners. and a CPU fan. The cap was cut in…...
EnergyPhysicsSolar Energy
Write Essay On Nightmare
Words • 364
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Write Essay On Nightmare. A quote by John Lennon reads, “I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies, myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?” In Wes Craven’s 1984 horror film, A Nightmare on Elm Street, nightmares do come true for the kids on Elm Street. This film panicked the nation and…...
Horticulture Essay
Words • 410
Pages • 2
A major challenge to the horticulture industry is pollution and the negative effects that may arise because of it. As the population grows it is apparent that pollution is unavoidable to some degree, this will undoubtedly have an impact on commercial horticulture. There are three main types of pollution that can have a negative effect on horticulture; Air pollution water pollution soil pollution the first challenge that commercial horticulture faces due to pollution is not pollution itself but a separate…...
Cooling Curve Of Paraffin Wax
Words • 746
Pages • 3
A cooling curve is actually a line graph representing the change in the state of matter of a substance, either from solid to liquid or liquid to solid. In this graph, time is usually represented on the x – axis and temperature on the y – axis. The particles in the wax in the solid state slowly start to get more energy when heated and start to move more rapidly at a certain temperature and then change to liquid. When…...
Water Treatment Research Proposal
Words • 516
Pages • 3
Wastewater treatment is the process of the reasonable utilization and purification of wastewater with the help of various means. Wastewater is quite a dangerous substance, because polluted water is harmful for the human health, the life of animals and fish. People require only pure water for various purposes (drinking, cooking, washing, etc.) so a system of the effective wastewater treatment is the need for everyone, because the amount of pure water on the planet is reducing constantly. People have to…...
NaturePollutionResearchWaterWater Pollution
Research Paper On Tornadoes
Words • 661
Pages • 3
Tornado is an atmospheric phenomenon that is manifested in the form of rapid vortex funnel with height of 1.5 km, extracted from the cumulonimbus cloud to the water surface or ground. Inside the tornado funnel air rises, creating a vacuum of 0.4 atm. When the funnel reaches the ground, its width is 50-500 meters. Air velocity in the middle of tornado reaches 200 m / s with a strong upward component. Tornado sweeps over the surface at a speed of…...
Water Research Proposal
Words • 532
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Water supply is the provision of water to the individuals, industrial objects, private and public organizations with the help of the system of pumps and pipes. Water supply depends on the water quality greatly, because the government and the companies which are responsible for the water supply do not have right to provide people with poor quality and dangerous water. There are three essential purposes of water supply. First of all, the water is supplied for the domestic needs. People…...
AgricultureNatureResearchWaterWater QualityWebsite
Proposal Essays
Words • 525
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Hydrology is the science which studies the water resources of Earth and analyzes the processes and phenomena which are related with water. Hydrology belongs to the circle of the sciences which study the physical and geographical peculiarities of Earth, its hydrosphere in particular. The subjects of the research are the water objects: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps and the water in its different conditions: snow, ice, underground waters, etc. At first hydrology developed like a simple branch of physical…...
Biodiversity Research Paper Topics
Words • 551
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Biodiversity is the variety of life in all its manifestations. In addition, biodiversity is usually used to refer to the diversity at three levels of organization: genetic diversity (diversity of genes and their), species diversity (diversity of species in the ecosystem) and, finally, ecosystem diversity, i.e., the diversity of the ecosystems themselves. Basic scientific concepts of biodiversity were formulated only in the mid-twentieth century, which is directly linked to the development of quantitative methods in biology. Origin of the term…...
BiodiversityBiologyEcologyEcosystemNatural EnvironmentResearch
Air Pollution Proposal Essay
Words • 530
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Air pollution is the introduction of the non-natural physical, chemical and biological substances into the air, which alter the structure of the air. There are two main types of air pollution: natural and artificial (caused by the human activity). According to the origin of the pollutants air pollution is divided into physical, chemical and biological. Physical pollution is understood as mechanic pollutants (dust), radioactive (radioactive decay, isotopes), electromagnetic (electromagnetic and radio waves), noise and heat pollutants (extractions of hot air).…...
Oil And Gas Management
Words • 365
Pages • 2
Oil and gas are the most important and valuable resources nowadays, because they play the key role providing people, plants and factories with energy. Then, nearly every automobile works with the help of gas, which is made from oil. No wonder, oil and gas are the most expensive resources which are concentrated in the hands of the richest people of the world, because it is difficult to imagine a more profitable business. Evidently, oil is important for the process of…...
ManagementNatural EnvironmentPollutionResearchWater
Morning Lark Night Owl
Words • 853
Pages • 4
“Who gets up early? Farmers. bakers. physicians. Who stays up tardily? Muggers. street girls. cat burglars. ” ( 63 ) . Anne Fadiman describes a human’s position on being a forenoon individual. or as she refers to it “a forenoon lark” . verses a dark individual or “a dark owl” . So how would you sort yourself ; a forenoon lark. a dark bird of Minerva or are you a small of both? When reading the article. “Night Owl” by…...
Environmental Science
Nature Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Analysis
Words • 702
Pages • 3
“When I Have Fears” and “Mezzo Caiman” by John Keats and Henry Headwords Longfellow respectively, have similar themes such as the inevitability of death and the fear of living unfulfilled and inadequate lives. John Keats fears that he will live a life of inadequacy and fail to accomplish all of his dreams, but he understands that his goals are miniscule in the larger scope of life. Conversely, Longfellow maintains a morbid view of death and of the future itself, while…...
Human NatureLoveNature
Condensation Examples In Daily Life
Words • 875
Pages • 4
“The purpose of teachers’ questions should be to promote children’s activity and reasoning” (up 41 ) which Is why It Is up to the teachers of today to establish an understanding of the different sorts of questions that can be used to get different sorts of responses from the children that would Initiate participation In science activities on everyday things that seem ‘natural’ to us. (Bonbon, A. & Emblem, C. 2002). The focus of this essay is to explain the…...
Environmental Pollution Damage Examined
Words • 312
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Environmental pollution" examines the damage caused to nature, the environment by harmful substances, emissions, waste. Is it possible to correct the current situation? My dream is to minimize the amount of pollution and waste in the United States. Pollution can be very harmful both to humans and nature. Pollution can cause physical deformities such as cancer and environmental harm such as acid rain, destruction to the ozone layer that protects the world from UP rays…...
How Malunggai Trees Are Used
Words • 758
Pages • 4
“Malunggay” in the Philippines, “Sajina” in the Indian Subcontinent, and “Moringa” in English, it is a popular tree. Many Asians use the leaves of Malunggay (Sajina) like spinach and also the fruit it produces as a vegetable, like asparagus. It only used to be known as a vegetable for lactating mothers. But new scientific studies say that malunggay’s medicinal and market possibilities. Touted by scientists as a “miracle vegetable,” malunggay has been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for…...
DiseaseHivMoringa OleiferaVitaminVitamin C
Leontes Winter’s Tale
Words • 1004
Pages • 5
“From sanity to madness in 350 lines”. Explore the presentation of Leontes in Act 1 focussing closely on language and imageryAs with many of Shakespeare’s plays, we are introduced to the protagonist through the conversation of two of the more minor characters. We are instantly made aware of Leontes and Polixenes’ friendship. The fact that they were “trained together in their childhoods” combined with the reference to them as the states of which they are head (“Sicilia” and “Bohemia”) shows…...
LanguageLinguisticsNatureWilliam ShakespeareWinter
George Clooney’s “Good Night and Good Luck”
Words • 345
Pages • 2
“I think the artist has the right to interpret and re-interpret history and the events of his time (Oliver Stone)”. Discuss this statement with reference to Good Night and Good Luck. George Clooney’s Good Night and Good Luck is a docudrama set in the 50’s during the rise of television. A docudrama is a film narrative based on a real time or event. This docudrama follows the true battle between a Mr Edward R. Murrow a well-respected CBS news reporter…...
Energy Sources On Planet Earth
Words • 341
Pages • 2
‘The perpetual cycle of change which has created the face of the Earth, with all its rugged and Fascinating variety usually happens too slowly to be noticed. But occasionally it is rapid and Violent. Volcanoes disgorge molten lava, earthquakes rip open the landscape, landslides, carry away Whole mountainsides. Then human beings become aware of the awesome forces that are shaping Their planet. These forces are fuelled by three powerful sources of energy – heat from within the Earth, heat from…...
Energy transfer efficiency between trophic levels
Words • 522
Pages • 3
? Question 1 10 out of 10 points | | | Name the five types of ecosystems used in this laboratory, [1], [2], [3], [4], and [5]. | | | | | Specified Answer for: 1|  tundra| Specified Answer for: 2|  taiga| Specified Answer for: 3|  desert| Specified Answer for: 4|  freshwater lake| Specified Answer for: 5|  tropical rain forest| | | | | ? Question 2 3. 7 out of 3. 7 points | | | Fungi are examples…...
EcologyEcosystemFood WebNatural Environment
Cincinnati Flood 1997
Words • 274
Pages • 2
Within two days between March 1 and 3, 1997, a killer storm developed from the Gulf of Mexico from Mississippi all the way to West Virginia and carrying with it a deluge of rain as the worst flood in 33 years (Mazzola 1997). Right on day 1, it was an unusually moist type of weather with a terrifying potential for torrential downpours. It turned violent, bringing thunderstorms and tornadoes across a 250-mile spread of destruction. In five hours, Arkansas experienced…...
Ecological Imperialism Definition
Words • 292
Pages • 2
The world as we know it would not be what it is had it not been for the evolution of trade and globalization in years gone by. Alfred Crosby's informative novel Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900 focuses on the ecological side of European expansion. Through his work, the author attempts to demonstrate how the European people were successful in gaining possession of the temperate lands mainly due to expansion of plants, animals and even pathogens which they…...
BiologyEcologyImperialismMedieval Europe
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FAQ about Environmental Science

What Is A Microclimate Give An Example
...A microclimate is an area that has a different climate to everywhere else. We measured different elements in different sites. We did this because if it was different to other places at that time then it would show us that did have a micro climate. Th...
How Malunggai Trees Are Used
...Aside from that, the stigma associated with AIDS makes it so much more painful and embarrassing. This dreaded disease is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which attacks the immune system making the sufferer susceptible to all kinds of ...
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