Essays on Environmental Science

Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Greenhouse Effect Essay
Words • 338
Pages • 2
Greenhouse Gas The greenhouse gas effect is the number one blame for global warming. We could not live without the greenhouse effect. The main gases are ozone, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor. These reflected rays, called infrared radiation , keeps the atmosphere warm. They are vital in maintaining the balance in our atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is mostly a result of the sunlight’s energy and the clouds that absorb and reflect heat. Without the greenhouse effect, earth…...
AtmosphereChemistryClimateClimate ChangeMaterialsNatural Environment
Save Value Water Speech
Words • 656
Pages • 3
Good forenoon to the Excellencies, respected instructors and my beloved co-workers. I would wish to speech on a really of import subject “save water” today at this particular juncture. As good all know that how the H2O is of import for the continuance of life on the Earth. It is the most basic demand of everyone ( human being, animate being, works and other micro-organisms ) . Water is the alone beginning of life, without H2O we can non conceive…...
Negative Impact Of Globalization In Thailand
Words • 708
Pages • 3
Globalization through dam building (for electricity) and tourism (for economic security), has imposed positive and negative effects on many countries and cultures. This paper focuses on tourisms impact on Jamaica and the consequences dams have had in Thailand. For both countries globalization has had both advantages and disadvantages. Tourisms Effect on Jamaica Globalization through tourism has had a significant effect on Jamaica. Originally, tourism was intended to profit the country by tourist spending. It was believed the economy would grow…...
GlobalizationNatural EnvironmentRiverTourism
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Echo Spring Cat On A Hot Tin Roof
Words • 956
Pages • 4
George W. Crandell in his essay entitled “echo spring”: Reflecting the gaze of Narcissus in Tennessee William’s ‘Cat on a hot tin roof’ claims that Bricks problem is psychological, whereas Charles E. May in his essay entitled “Brick Pollit as Homo Ludens: ‘Three players of a summers game’ and ‘Cat on a hot tin roof’ affirms that his problem is not psychological but metaphysical. After careful consideration of these two viewpoints (A04) consider what you believe to be Bricks essential…...
Environmental Science
Carter Hawley Hale
Words • 538
Pages • 3
FROM: Maria Elena Cruz Controller for Carter Hawley Hale Stores TO: Surani Vincent Chief Financial Officer of Carter Hawley Hale Stores SUBJECT: Recommendation as to the proper reporting of the earthquake damage costs in the income statement for the year ending August 4, 1990. DATE: October 27, 2010 The Emporium division of Carter Hawley Hale Stores (CHHS) suffered extensive damage due to the 7. 1 richter scale earthquake that hit the San Francisco Bay Area on October 17, 1989. The…...
Fungicides Market
Words • 298
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Fungicides Market" : describing different aspect of Fungicides Market and it's benefits. Fungicides Market by Type (Benzimidazoles, Dithiocarbamates, Phenylamides, Chloronitriles, Strobilurins, Triazoles,), by CROP Type (Cereals & Grains, Oilseeds & Pulses, Fruits & Vegetables), & by Geography – Global Trends & Forecasts to 2019 The fungicides market has grown exponentially in the last few years and this growth is expected to continue. Numerous factors such as high cost of seeds, ease of application, modern production…...
Milk And Food Coloring Report Example
Words • 779
Pages • 4
For this experiment, we will be using milk and food coloring to represent the water (milk) and gas (food coloring) in the respiratory system, as seen in the liquid-gas boundary of the alveolar wall (water) and its volume (gas). We will place the milk in a shallow dish so that it completely covers the bottom of the dish. Drops of food coloring are going to be added into the milk at the center of the dish, and then observed. Drops…...
Muskingum Method
Words • 553
Pages • 3
For Muskingum method which is a hydrologic method, the discharge measurements alone are sufficient for routing. This is because it is assumed that the parameters of the Muskingum model capture the combined flood-propagating characteristics of a river reach. When the water resources schemes to be built are in their initial planning stages, the river gauging system may remain either underdeveloped or insufficient to give precise and rigorous measurements of flow depths and discharges. The Muskingum method is useful for predicting…...
How To Make Solar Paint
Words • 400
Pages • 2
The purpose of the “Solar paint” invention is to generate inexpensive electricity because various efforts have been made for this kind of power generation over the previous few decades. It is an environment-friendly technology that has eliminated the need of solar cells. It is completely reasonable and sustainable. Solar paint consists of organic solar cell paint. These organic solar cells are protected from water through experienced synthetic sheets for example PET and therefore are absolutely environment friendly. The solar paint…...
CommunicationDiseaseElectricityPainSolar EnergySustainability
Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Application
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Florence Nightingale Environment Theory of Nursing. Major concepts essential to the Theory. Patient care theory, environmentally oriented, where the patient environment should be altered to allow nature to act on the patient. (Alligator, 2010). Nurses are to use common sense, observation and initiative to allow nature to heal the patient. The use of Nightingales thirteen canons: Ventilation, Warmth Light Cleanliness of rooms Health of houses Noise Bed and bedding Variety. Chattering of hopes and advice Food Personal cleanliness Observation Approaches,…...
CommunicationFlorence NightingaleHuman NatureNatureNightNursing
Global Warming And Deforestation Essay
Words • 763
Pages • 4
Farmers cut forests to provide more room for planting crops or grazing livestock. Often many small farmers will each clear a few acres to feed their families by cutting down trees and burning them in a process known as “slash and burn” agriculture. Logging operations, which provide the world’s wood and paper products, also cut countless trees each year. Loggers, some of them acting illegally, also build roads to access more and more remote forests. This process just leads to…...
Environmental Science
Catching Fire Pages
Words • 806
Pages • 4
February 17th I recently read a novel by Suzanne Collins titled, The Hunger Games. What I recall most about this book is the magnificent emphasis put on food. Every single meal eaten by the characters was described in such great detail that you would think the author was a former culinary student. As the name persists, food is a significant issue in this book. It’s a luxury for people living in the districts and a commodity for the capital. People…...
CatCatching FireFamilyFireLifeThe Hunger Games
Experimenting with a Candle
Words • 873
Pages • 4
Experimenting with a Candle Justin Nguyen Mrs. Howley 11/16/11 Mod F Purpose: the purpose is to learn how the process of a candle burning. The goals of this experiment are to practice in the art of observation, the art of questioning, and the development of a better understanding of this process. Hypothesis: through this experiment, we will learn how candle is working. Materials: * Candle * Note card * Matches or butane lighter * Aluminum foil * 1L beaker *…...
Essay On Dreams And Nightmares
Words • 792
Pages • 4
Every night, every person around the world “watches” a unique movie in the form of interrupted stories, made up partly of memories, with frequent shifts of scenes. The “watcher” may sometimes even take part in the movie. This sort of movie is called a dream. Dreaming is a form of mental activity occurring during sleep that is different from thoughts while one is awake. Even though dreams are imaginary, they are usually related to real experience in the dreamer’s life.…...
BrainDreamNatureNervous SystemNightNightmare
Salt And Sand Separation Lab Report
Words • 678
Pages • 3
Evaporation is a process where two liquids or solid mixed into a liquid can be separated. To separate two liquids mixed together, the liquid is boiled over a Bunsen burner until one liquid is completely evaporated. To separate a solid within a liquid, the liquid is completely evaporated and a solid will remain, which is called a residue. Procedure/Data: 1. Preheat a clean evaporating dish for 5 minutes; then cool and mass the dish. Mass of empty dish: 28. Egg…...
Develop A Workplace Learning Environment
Words • 810
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on Develop A Workplace Learning Environment Even thought there is no fixed number of times you are required to attend at BBC music we believed that every year you should attend at least 2 performance (outside of the school) and 2 conventions on music. 6. 0 Implementation process The department head will be in charge of implementation for this policy in each department. In order for BBC team to be maintaining the high standard and level…...
Environmental Science
Conservation Of Ecosystem Essay
Words • 769
Pages • 4
Environmental Protection and Conservation of the Ecosystem We, the human beings, are living in a polluted environment, and It Is getting worse day by day. There is nothing else to blame but ourselves. We are suffering from our own negligence. God has given us everything we need but all we do Is to ruin HIS beautiful creation. If we do not want to see the future to suffer, It Is not yet too late to act. By Just doing the…...
Environmental Science
Enviromental Pollution
Words • 783
Pages • 4
Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides: People also pollute their surroundings in various other ways. For example, they ruin natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air…...
Environmental Stewardship Essay
Words • 958
Pages • 4
Environmental protection has been the goal of every society in the world. Today’s world is characterized by environmental degradation. A lot animals and plants became extinct. We see environmental degradation through print media – newspapers and magazines, through television, through the use of internet. These include the water, air, and land pollution – forest denudation through slash and burn, acid rain due to industrial pollution, oil spills killing marine and aquatic life, piled up garbage due to lack of landfills…...
GodImage Of GodNatural EnvironmentPollutionSilent Spring
The Lorax Essay
Words • 265
Pages • 2
Earth were never so heavy until we started to exploit it for resources. Natural resources used to be thought to be limitless, but soon they will be gone. Everything on Earth is created to support life; instead of appreciating them, we take them for granted. As the population increases, the condition of the environment decreases. The more people there are, the more demand there is, and the more supply are needed. The biggest influence that has occurred so far is…...
Climate ChangeEarthEnergyNatural Environment
Essay On Kerala Tourism
Words • 679
Pages • 3
Ecotourism can be summed up as a “ responsible travel to natural countries that conserves the environment and improves the wellbeing of local people ” . More and more people have become witting about the fact that environment demands to be protected. That’s why the construct of ecotourism has been received good by many. Ecotourism fundamentally focuses on environmental preservation and sustainable development. Through eco Tourss one attempts to salvage woods and convey a “ win-win development scheme for undeveloped…...
EcologyEcotourismHobbyNatural EnvironmentTourismTraveling
Essay On Nuclear Energy And Advantages And Disadvantages
Words • 678
Pages • 3
Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel in order to develop the industry of getting minerals and digging tunnels; however, Dynamite is now widely used in military purpose. Similarly, nuclear energy is undoubtedly a powerful source of energy compared to other conventional fuels such as coal, oil and gas. However, nuclear energy also has a lot of disadvantages, such as nuclear wastes, nuclear plant accidents and nuclear weapons. So before widely use this technology, both pros and cons should be taken…...
EnergyNatureNuclear EnergyNuclear PowerNuclear Weapon
Explanations of Moon Phases Nature
Words • 955
Pages • 4
During dark clip. the Moon is the clearest heavenly object that could be seen any topographic point on Earth. The Moon is considered as the closest heavenly thing on Earth and is the lone natural orbiter to the Earth ( Freudenrich. 2008 ) . As people noticed. the Moon nowadayss altering forms in the dark sky. There are cases when 1 could see a full disc form. other times it peaks a cabal of its face and sometimes it vanishes…...
Environmental Science
Okra Flower Diagram
Words • 366
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Okra Flower Diagram" talks about the effect of drought on the yield of okra, which grows on bushes and looks a lot like miniature green peppers. Drought and Its types Okra ( Blabbermouths esculents L. Moneys) Is an Important vegetable grown In Pakistan and developing world d and is equally favorite among the rich and poor. Due to its flower structure it is responsive to breed inning and selection, but I iterative on the genetics…...
Beverage Density Lab
Words • 820
Pages • 4
Drain the rinse solutions into an Erlenmeyer flask, k Don’t forget to rezone the balance prior to each new mass measurement. 7. Calculate the density and record the value in Data Table one Part B 8. Use the procedure in part A to determine the density of two beverages. Record all mass and volume data in Data table B and use clean glassware. Between successive beverage measurements rinse the pipette with the second beverage. V _ P re-Lab Questions 1.…...
Global Warming Essay In English
Words • 696
Pages • 3
Does denying global warming’s existence mean that humans can continue tit their wasteful ways? After all of the arguments, debating and disagreements, is global warming real? Its existence is undeniable. The real question is, are human-beings the cause of global warming? Imagine having to separate your garbage into 3 different boxes rather than 1 . This simple task would undoubtedly require a bit more effort on our behalf, and to be frank, no one likes to do extra work. We…...
Descriptive Essay on Witnessing a House On Fire
Words • 758
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Descriptive essays
descriptive essay house on fire The House on Fire That cold night of December 2004 had left behind a memory which will stay in my mind for a never ending period of time. That night was not the same as the rest of the days in my life. Instead of going to bed, that night I was standing in the middle of the road, in complete terror. My heartbeat was accelerating with fear and tears were rolling down my cheeks…...
Potato Cylinder
Words • 212
Pages • 1
Cut all these potato cylinders to same length using a scalpel-cut carefully away from my body. 7. I recorded the initial length of the potato cylinders on my result table. 8. Then I also measured the mass of each potato cylinder by placing In onto measuring scale and recorded the mass In the result table. 9. Afterwards the potato cylinder were placed into each test tube A. B, C, D. Leave it for 24 hours. Tubes I Initial Mass/g I…...
Methodology Of Effect Of Pollution On Historical Monuments
Words • 907
Pages • 4
Cultural heritage represents a country’s national identity and pride and maintains and enriches that country’s culture. Therefore, conservation of the monuments remained from our ancestors requires everybody’s serious and unremitting effort. Conservation, renewal, restoration, and technical study of cultural and historical matters are issues which have a special Status among various forms of art and science in the present century and this is due to two reasons: firstly, progress of humankind in this century has created a factor called environmental…...
ClimateCultural HeritageEngineeringFirePollution
Internet Business: Don’t Be Evil!
Words • 612
Pages • 3
Creating a Compelling Vision Google started out as being Just a very powerful, simple and intuitive search engine. Today, Google seems to have its hands in Just about everything from Maps, Shopping, Finance, You Tube, Email, Mobile Android SO to creating very innovative, cutting edge technology Like a drivels car. Google’s customer base is everyone around the world who uses a computer. Goggles core values and why they are Important to them re as follows:  We want to work with…...
Coral Reefs Essay
Words • 981
Pages • 4
Coral Reefs Review of the Literature What are Coral Reefs? Coral reefs are said to be the foundation for many marine species, and are a crucial support for human life. The coral reef ecosystem is an a diverse collection of species that interact with each other and the physical environment. Coral reefs are the homes of many species including crabs, shrimp, oysters, and clams, foods eaten by humans on a daily basis. Coral reefs are among the most diverse and…...
ClimateClimate ChangeCoral ReefEnvironmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentSea
How Does Global Warming Affect Tropical Rainforest
Words • 979
Pages • 4
Contents of Paper Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans since the late 1 9th century and its projected continuation. It has affected many parts of our world, most known and some unknown. One area of Earth that has been affected in particular is the rainforest’s. Although the effects of global warming can seem immeasurable, because humans and forests alike have been blamed for current conditions, global warming is causing plants and vegetation…...
Environmental Science
Energy Conservation Essay
Words • 809
Pages • 4
Conserving energy is very important because there is a limited amount of nonrenewable energy sources available on earth such as coal, oil, and gas. If people do not conserve the nonrenewable resources we have now, there might not be any left for future generations. In addition, energy conservation is important because when nonrenewable energy sources are consumed this impacts the environment. The combustion of oil, gas, and coal in power stations produces carbon dioxide and contributes to global warming. The…...
CommunicationConservationEnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentRenewable Energy
Molar Mass Of Ni3(Po4)2
Words • 873
Pages • 4
Chemistry 200 Exam 1 Review Problems 1. Calculate the number of atoms in 10. 0 grams of Fe. 2. Give the mass number, #protons, #neutrons and #electrons for the isotope strontium-88. 3. Calculate the number of moles of carbon in 50. 0 g of benzene C6H6 4. A substance is found to be 38. 7 % C, 9. 7 % H and 51. 6 % O by mass. Its molar mass is 62. 1 g/mole. What is its molecular formula?…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryMaterialsSodiumWater
Feminist Consciousness in Cat in the Rain
Words • 907
Pages • 4
Cat in the Rain is one of Hemingway’s most famous short stories, depicting an American couple spends their holiday in an Italian hotel. The American wife in the story sees a cat crouched under a table in the rain and wants to bring it to her room. When she goes to search for the cat, however, it is gone. So she returns to the hotel room and has a conversation with her husband about finding out the cat and then…...
Environmental Science
Air Pollution Cause And Effect
Words • 473
Pages • 2
Causes and Effects It keeps us alive but at the same time, it can also be harmful. We breathe air everyday. Air provides us with oxygen that is essential for living. Nitrogen, water vapor, and inert gases comprise air along with oxygen. Emission of substances that contaminate air results to pollution. Air pollution is both natural and human-based. Natural air pollution is caused by phenomenon such as volcanic eruption, wind erosion, decomposition and radioactive materials. Writing essay can only do…...
Causes And Effects Of Noise Pollution
Words • 868
Pages • 4
Noise can be defined as an unwanted or undesired sound. Decibel is the standard unit for measurement of sound. Usually 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically painful. And can be termed as noise. Humans, animals, plants and even inert objects like buildings and bridges have been victims of the increasing noise pollution caused in the world. Be it human or machine-created, noise disrupts the activity and balance of life. While traffic dons the cap of being…...
Hearing LossPollutionSound
Camping: Mountains and Desert
Words • 952
Pages • 4
  A few times a year, I like to go camping. Sometimes I go to the mountains in Kern County, California, whereas, other times I go to the desert in Brawley, California. Camping in the mountains, although similar in atmosphere, terrain and activities, has many more benefits than camping in the desert. There is nothing like taking a deep breath of cool, crisp mountain air, taking that narrow winding road that never seems to end until at last reaching the…...
Akiba Drumer Night
Words • 861
Pages • 4
Both The Crucible and Night show instances of religion. They all have faith in God, but there are people in each book that have different faiths. There are also people that lose their faith when they find that it does not help them or they chose to abandon their religious faith in order to follow a route of higher morals. Coming mainly from the presence of different religions, there is religious persecution that occurs in both books. Faith is seen…...
ChristianityFaithNatureNightPuritansThe Holocaust
Mercan Definition
Words • 527
Pages • 3
Background and Problem Definition Mercan Systems, Inc. founded in 1980 their first product being a desalinator which was used to remove salts from brackish well water supplied it to mobile home park residents in Florida. The product was very successful in the market and it quickly expanded to nearby hospitals and bottlers of water for sale to consumer. By 2000, they made vast improvement in their product by including particle filters, ozonators, ion exchange resins, and purifiers. It had kept…...
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FAQ about Environmental Science

How To Make Solar Paint
...There are a lot of things that are involved in giving rise to global warming costs. But one thing that is significantly involved in causing global warming is electrical pollution. Electricity causes pollution in a lot of ways and some are poorer than...
How Does Global Warming Affect Tropical Rainforest
...Global warming has many causes and many effects. Although animals and plants don’t have the mental capacity to worry about things such as global warming, it is something that humans should be concerned about. Humans contribute to deforestation, and...
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