Potato Cylinder

Cut all these potato cylinders to same length using a scalpel-cut carefully away from my body. 7. I recorded the initial length of the potato cylinders on my result table. 8. Then I also measured the mass of each potato cylinder by placing In onto measuring scale and recorded the mass In the result table. 9. Afterwards the potato cylinder were placed into each test tube A. B, C, D. Leave it for 24 hours. Tubes I Initial Mass/g I Final Mass/g I Initial Length/ml Final length/ mm I A 1 2.

G I 1 mm c 1 3. Go I D 1 3. Go I Theory Osmosis is the movement of water across a partially permeable membrane.

I energy Ana Preparations A- Pure Water B- 4. 26% glucose C-8. 5% glucose solution D-34% glucose solution In tube A the potato mass will increase as the water will move into the potato by osmosis causing it to expand. In tube B, C the potato will also increase in mass and volume but not as much as in tube A.

In tube D we have a very concentrated solution so water will be drown out of the potato by osmosis causing it to shrink, I. E. Decrease in mass and volume. Conclusion: Tube A= pure water: water moved into the potato cylinder by osmosis .

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Potato Cylinder. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-experiment-turgor-in-potato-tissue/

Potato Cylinder
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