Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Reaction Paper About Global Warming
It makes one wonder though how many of these canvass-toting individuals know how many years does Our planet has left before it reaches an environmental tipping point or in what year was the hottest earth temperature recorded. Admit that I am one of those individuals who proclaimed and believed that I am a friend of the earth. After all, I try to conserve water as much as can and segregate garbage whenever I have the chance. But like many individuals…...
Climate ChangeGlobal WarmingHistoryWar
Global Warming Fact Or Fiction
It will address the same description and signs from the viewpoint of those that state global warming is a myth. Additional arguments will be presented from both believers and non-believers with regard to contributing factors. Many people believe global warming exists and many believe it is all hysterical hype. Arguments for and against the phenomena thrive in the media, government venues, the workplace and around dinner tables. The one thing that proponents and detractors agree on is that the debate…...
Environmental Science
The Color Of Water Discussion Questions
It was in her sense of education, more than any other, that Mommy convey yet her Swinishness to us. ” Do you agree with this statement? Is it possible that Ruth McBride Jordan’ s unshakable devotion to her faith, even though she converted to Christianity from Judaism, stems from her Orthodox Jewish upbringing? 3. “Mommy’s contradictions crashed and slammed against one another like b umpire cars at Coney Island. White folks, she felt, were implicitly evil toward blacks, yet she…...
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Disadvantages Of Air Pollution In Points
It has been known to cause illness or even death. Many people are not aware of this. The air that surrounds us is a mixture of 78 percent nitrogen; 21 percent oxygen; less than 1 percent Of carbon dioxide, argon, and other gases; and varying amounts of water vapor. Any other particles, gases or unoriginal constituents hanging in the air which are not part of its original composition are called ‘Pollutants’ and this kind of air is called Polluted Air.…...
Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant
Issue The main issue with the Engstrom Auto Mirror Plant was how to improve quality and performance of its assembly line workers. The plant manager determined the best way to do this was to implement the Scanlon plan, which focuses on employee participation to identify ways to increase productivity. When the plan was proposed, it was widely accepted by employees (81% voted for it. ) In the beginning, employees had many suggestions to improve productivity (305) and management accepted almost…...
Introduction to Crop Variety Improvement
The development of improved, fertilizer-responsive high-yielding varieties of wheat and rice during the early 1960s and their widespread adoptions by farmers, first in Asia and then in Latin America, marked the beginning of what is known as the Green Revolution. Much has been written about this technological breakthrough and its impact-both positive and negative-in the years since its effects were first felt in farmers fields across India, Mexico, and Philippines.Since then, improving crop germplasm and the development of new varieties…...
Church Planting Proposal Example
Indigenous Church Planting A Book Review On Church Growth International A Practical Journey Charles Brock By: Michael Stilley Fusion Church Planting U-MS 410 Book Review Page 1 Indigenous Church Planting was written by Charles Brock in the year of 1994. Charles and his wife were church planters for 26 years. They have planted churches both in the United States and in foreign countries. Charles, Dottie, and their 3 kids spent 25 years in the Philippines serving with the Philippine Baptist…...
Formal Analysis Art
In today’s society, luxury and necessity are in a constant battle with one another. We live in a time where luxury items are being valued higher than what is actually essential to human survival. Artists are able to convey these type of political and societal messages in their art, whether it be a painting, sculpture, music, theatre, and many more. The work of art that I analyzed was a sculpture from the spring of 2014. Its artist is my sister…...
Chemistry Lab Report
In this experiment, you Will investigate the variation in density among three Group AAA elements. You will use your results to predict the density of another Group AAA element. Pre Lab Questions: 1. How are elements arranged in a periodic table? – Atomic number 2. What are the vertical columns in the periodic table called? – Periods 3. What determines whether two elements will have similar chemical properties? If they are in the same group 4. What property will you…...
Isolation Of Caffeine From Tea Bag
In this experiment, we aimed to extract caffeine from the tea leaves in the tea bags provided beginning with a lid-liquid extraction method and then a liquid-liquid extraction. Extraction techniques are used to isolate and remove particular compounds form another substance. For both solid-liquid and liquid-liquid extraction techniques, solvents should be chosen by their miscibility in water (should be immiscible), they should have relatively low boiling points for faster and easier extraction, and they should be enervative with the other…...
Yeast Fermentation Experiment
In this lab, the purpose is to measure whether the changes of substrate concentration will affect the rate of anaerobic respiration. Because the rate of reaction refers to how quickly the reactants are used up or how quickly the products are formed, one method is to measure the volume of gas given off, the more gas given off per time interval results faster reactions. Question: Will the changes in substrate concentration affect the rate of anaerobic reaction? Why or why…...
Anaerobic RespirationCarbon DioxideChemical ReactionChemistryConcentrationEnergy
Swedish Ivy Propagation
In this process, adventitious roots are seen in the growing cycle. Adventitious roots are those that grow form parts of the plant that they normally would not grow from. The cuttings must do this in order to form a completely new plant. There are multiple methods of asexual propagation; some include cuttings, layering, division, and budding/grafting. This experiment is designed to look into the method of using cuttings for asexual propagation and the success of the plant parts. As this…...
Silent Night Mary Higgins Clark
The following sample essay on in this report I’m going to analyze Silent Night by Mary Higgins Clark in terms of plot, theme, style and message. The book is considered to be the classics of suspense. The plot of the book is complicated but clear and comprehensible. It is very tense and absorbing, menace and thrilling, exciting and vivid. On the Christmas Eve the main character of the story, Brian, is standing with his mother Catherine and his elder brother…...
Verification of the Effectiveness of Biological Control
The following sample essay is about testing the effectiveness of biological control. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. In this experiment, the effectiveness of biological control is tested using lady beetles and aphids. Lady beetles are predacious coelenterate that feed primarily on aphids (order hemisphere). Aphids feed on a plethora of plants including peach, plum, and apricot. Aphids are also vectors of plant disease. Eight replicates were conducted. In each replicate a lady beetle is…...
The Poem “Blessing” by Imtiaz Dharker
In the poem "Blessing", Imtiaz Ali bases the poem on a situation in which water is a very rare commodity and describes the scene that is created on the special occasion when water is available in plenty.The title of the poem is short, but not straightforward. When a reader initially reads the title ‘blessing’, the reader has no clue as to what the poem will be about. The first thing that came to my mind when I read the title…...
The Jilting Of Granny Weatherall
In the short story “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” Granny Weatherall’s stubbornness is reflected in the way she views people’s actions and in her obviously senile thinking process. Whether consciously or subconsciously, she regards most of the attempts to aid her or please her as either threatening or rude. This is derived from her stubborn attitude towards death and illness. She views herself as being near immortal until the very end. Her first misconception of someone trying to help her…...
NatureThe Jilting Of Granny WeatherallWeather
Global Dimming Definition
In the past 100 years or so the earth has faced several life ending problems, such as global warming, the nuclear issue, a collapse of our ecological system, or the relatively new issue, global dimming. All of these issues have one thing in common; none of them have been solved. This causes a compounding effect in which one issue can worsen another issue. However, global warmings effects are actually being suppressed by global dimming. This causes a huge problem. If…...
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare
In the early 1590’s, William Shakespeare wrote a play. This play was about the power of the mind and the importance of love. It was called ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. The theme of the play is based around the difference between illusion and reality. This is shown through love and the fact that true love never did run smooth. The play also emphasis how love can provoke hate and envy and cause people to do irrational things. In the play,…...
A Midsummer Night'S DreamDreamLoveNatureNightWilliam Shakespeare
Pesticides In Soft Drinks
The following sample essay focuses on why pesticides are used in soft drinks. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. In the August 10, 2006 news article of The Times of India, reports were made that after coming out from a cabinet meeting of the state’s Left Democratic Front (LDF) government, Kerala’s Marxist Achuthanandan said, “Neither Coke nor Pepsi can manufacture or sell their products in Kerala. Their licenses are being scrapped as well” (Surendran, 2006).…...
For Environmental Balance Pick Up A Rifle
In the article “For Environmental Balance. Pick up a Rifle” by Nicholas Kristof. the writer informs the reader about the importance of runing. reasoning that runing demands to be brought back in the United States to command the cervid population. He talks about the negative impact cervid have caused in decease of people by auto accidents and with the devastation of the ecosystem with their overpopulation. The bulk of cervid have had a deeply unnatural consequence in certain parts of…...
Ecological Problems Essay
In our lessons we amused about Earth, environment and many environmental problems ( global warming, ozone houl, waste production, etc. ). Nevertheless some of big environmental problems we are omited. I would like describe this phenomenons in this work. First problem is deforestation of Amazon rainforest and second is poluting of seas and oceans. At the end of this work I would like write somethink about The Czech Republic and problems what we have here. AMAZON FOREST This forest is very…...
Example Of Informative Speech Essay
In Malaysia, there are many varieties of food that a foreigner can choose. Here are the top 1 0 Malaysian food that a foreigner must try. Body : State all the top 10 food that a foreigner must try in Malaysia and the reasons. 1. Stay Stay or much well known as Malaysia’s signature dish is a skewered chicken or beef grilled over charcoal fire. The meat consists of thick juicy flavor which is savored with a tasty peanut dip,…...
Synthesis Paper Example
In modern society, global warming is one of the most serious problems causing unrest all over the world. Global warming has been blamed for a host of recent worldwide issues, such as an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes, higher temperatures and droughts, and various other environmental changes. Thus, countermeasures to cope with the aggravating global warming are urgent questions in the present day. To deal with the problem of global warming many nations and organizations are making…...
Climate ChangeCommunicationGlobal WarmingPolicyPolitics
A Shark In The Mind Of One Contemplating Wilderness
In her article “A Shark in the Mind of One Contemplating Wilderness”, Terry Tempest Williams effectively defines what an “art” is and what is not. It goes beyond its traditional definition as a product of human creativity in which materials are outlined and selected to convey visually interesting forms. Williams reveals the ongoing battle within the biodiversity – human versus nature – and equates human life to the characters in the wild to create a vivid description of Art. Like…...
Rate of Deforestation in Brazil
The following sample essay talks about the rate of deforestation in Brazil. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. In Brazil, the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest is a very big issue. In this report I will explain the connections of the deforestation to the Brazilian environment and economic development, and for extra reference I will relate these to the included map. The deforestation of the Amazon seems to be necessary to economic development in…...
Environmental Science
Who Discovered Dry Ice
In 1835, the French chemist Charles Thilorier was the first man to discover dry ice. One day he opened a very large container of liquid carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide would quickly evaporate, which left a solid dry ice in the bottom of the container. For the next 60 years, dry ice was observed in university laboratories. Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide. Dry ice changes directly from a solid to a gas. This process is known…...
Carbon DioxideChemistryMaterialsWater
Comparison Between Blessing and Island Man
In ‘Blessing’ there is one main event; a municipal water pipe bursts upon a dry desert like country suffering from drought. In this essay I will be comparing the way Imtiaz Dharker describes the main event in ‘Blessing’ and the way Grace Nichols describes the main event in ‘Island Man.”Blessing’ is a poem about a hot, dry country, suffering from water drought and poverty, and how one day a miracle happens and a water pipe bursts spreading excitement and happiness…...
Like Water For Chocolate Essay
I suggest that the soup has made her feel like a baby again given that while she is still in her mom’s belly she cries very hard when onions are chopped and it suggest the impact of food to Tita. After drinking the soup Tita has miraculously recovered from the loss of pigeons which she kept as pet and that triggered her sense of loosing Pedro and R erself to cook she fell in love with it and got a…...
Environmental Science
The Most Beautiful Day In My Life Essay
I stepped out of the hotel, the big bright sun was upon us like bees with their honey. It was around 4 o’clock in the evening and I was already tired. The teachers were explaining how the hike today was going to be the hardest. Listing to them, there was a bit of regret that started building from the pit of my stomach. What if I went to Strasbourg? Would it be easier? While my series of thoughts were flashing…...
When Will Reactions Proceed To Completion
I concentrated HCI (drops) Discussion Bunsen burner Most chemical synthesis involves separation and purification of the desired product from unwanted side products. Some methods of separation, such as filtration, sedimentation, declaration, extraction, and sublimation were discussed earlier. This experiment is designed as a quantitative evaluation of your individual laboratory skills in carrying out some of these operations. At the same time you will become more acquainted faith two fundamental types of chemical reactions redo reactions and metathesis (double-displacement) sections. By…...
Chemical ReactionChemistryCopperMaterialsWater
Factors That Influence Heat Loss
I have been asked to investigate the link between colour and heat loss. Does the silver or the black cup lose its heat faster? HYPOTHESIS I think that the silver cup will retain the heat for a longer period of time than the black cup, I think this because the black cup will absorb the heat, where as the silver cup will reflect the heat back into the cup causing the black cup to cool down faster than the silver…...
Environmentalism As Religion
I agree Robin’s opinion. Like religion, environmentalism has difference tribe, environmentalist like a missionary, environmentalism and religion both have food taboos and they also both no logical bases. In today’s world have many kinds of religions, and environmentalism also has difference tribe, we may hear some difference sound form environmentalist. Rubin says, “Original religions were tribal rather than universal. Each tribe had its own god or gods, and the success of the tribe was evidence that their god was stronger…...
BeliefCultureNatural EnvironmentReligion
Role of Human Activities in Maintaining the Biodiversity
Humans play an important role in maintaining the biodiversity of semi-natural habitats. Such areas are managed to prevent succession, conserve rare species and try to improve species richness. This conservation is putting to good use the country resources for amenity and recreation. Semi-natural ecosystems have many important values, including economic, environmental, wildlife, archival and heritage. Without human activities the biodiversity of semi-natural ecosystems would more than likely decrease in response to succession, agricultural processes, including nutrient enrichment, and to atmospheric…...
AgricultureEcosystemEnvironmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentNatural Resources
Like Water For Chocolate Characters
How is the character of Tita presented in the opening chapters of like water for chocolate? “Like Water for Chocolate” by Laura Esquivel has many complex and interesting ways of presenting and developing its characters. In this essay, I will present and explain some of the ways Laura Esquivel builds the character Tita from birth to nurturing, the role of her family and predetermined paths to show Tita as an imprisoned trapped character in the early chapters of the novel.…...
Environmental Science
Alternative Sources Of Energy Essay
How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively? Written by Jill (Huimei ZHOU) Nowadays, there are more and more alternative sources of energy for people to use. But in order to harness these alternative sources of energy effectively, different countries take different actions based on their own natural resources. This essay will show that how to make full use of energy from different countries’ viewpoints. Undenied, many years ago, a lot of countries just use the fossil fuels to…...
EnergyEnergy SourcesNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesRenewable EnergyRenewable Resources
Usage of Human Nature Duality In Psycho
Hitchcock presents duality and the complexity of the human nature by using contrast in the film. The main kinds of contrast shown in the film are black and white, light and shadow, and the fight between good and evil. In the film see that there are two sides to people’s personality’s, hitchhike often shows this by using mirror images. Psycho was made in the 1960’s. At this point of time colour was in wide use, however, Hitchcock decided to make…...
Environmental Science
Hess’s Law Of Heat Summation
Hess’ Law of Heat Summation Hess’ Law states that: “The enthalpy change for any reaction depends on the products and reactants and is independent of the pathway or the number of steps between the reactant and product”. BASICALLY: Hess’ Law states “the heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical process is the same whether the process takes place in one or in several steps” ;This is also known as the “law of constant heat summation”. All it means is that no matter how many steps the chemical reaction proceeds through, the total heat evolved or absorbed is the added heat values of each step and will always be a constant figure for that process. For example: When phosphoric acid (a trihydrogen acid) is neutralized with a base, the hydrogens are neutralised in 3 steps: STEP 1: H3P04 + NaOH ; NaH2PO4 + H2O gives X amount of heat STEP 2: NaH2PO4 + NaOH ; Na2HPO4 + H2O gives Y amount of heat STEP 3: Na2PO4 + NaOH ; Na3PO4 +H2O gives Z amount of heat Therefore, the total heat of reaction ( Hrxn) is equal to: Law Of Constant Heat Summation There are two (2) ways to calculate the heat of reaction using Hess’ Law: 1 Equation Method (Algebraic Method) 2 Heat of Formation Method (Summation Method) Equation (Algebraic) Method Strategy: add equations for reactions with known enthalpies so that their net result is the desired reaction Sample Problem 1: Use the equations below to determine the enthalpy of reaction for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide: H2O2(l) H2O(l) + 1/2 O2(g) The equations are: 1 H2(g) + O2(g) H2O2(l) 2 H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) H2O(l) Hf = 188 kJ Hf = 286 kJ Solution: Sample Problem 2: Use the following equations: 1 1/2 N2(g) + 3/2 H2(g) NH3(g) 2 1/2 N2(g) + O2(g) NO2(g) 3 H2(g) + 1/2 O2(g) H2O(g) Hf = 46. 0 kJ Hf = +34. 0 kJ Hf = 242. 0 kJ to calculate the enthalpy of reaction for: 4 NH3(g) + 7 O2(g) 4 NO2(g) + 6 H2O(g) Solution: Practice Problem: Calculate the heat of reaction for the oxidation of one mole of ethanol to ethanoic acid: C2H5OH(l) + O2(g) CH3COOH(l) + H2O(l) Use the equations below: C2H5OH(l) + 3 O2(g) 2 CO2(g) + 3 H2O(l) 2 CH3COOH(l) + 2 O2(g) 2 CO2(g) + 2 H2O(l) Hc = 1367 kJ Hc = 874 kJ Enthalpy of Formation (Summation) Method Standard Molar Enthalpy of Formation: ( ) the amount of ____ (absorbed or released) when _________ of a compound is formed from its _________________ in their standard states most enthalpies of formation are ve (__________________)? therefore, most compounds are ___________ stable than the elements they are made from…...
ChangeChemical ReactionChemistryMaterialsThermodynamicsWater
The Dramatic Nature of Cleopatra and Antony’s Relationship
Her odd relationship with Antony is because of her duel emotions for him, as if she doesn’t like him when he is present, but misses him dearly when he is absent. Although she is such a dominant, almost arrogant character it seems that she does have some insecurities. During the first exchange, when she belittles Antony, there is a hint of jealousy and this introduces tension into the play. This idea that she is jealous of Fulvia is furthered later…...
Environmental Science
John Muir Vs Pinchot
Have you ever heard of John Muir and Gifford Pinchot? These two men expressed different beliefs over preservation and conservation. John Muir was America’s most famous conservationist. While Gifford Pinchot was one of America’s leading preservationist. Both of these men spent most of their lifetime defending the natural resources and the wildlife around the world. John Muir is one of California’s most important historical personalities. Born in Scotland, he has been called “The Father of our National Parks,” “Wilderness Profit,”…...
CommunicationNewsPoliticsTheodore RooseveltWildernessYosemite National Park
Agar Diffusion Experiment
Having considered the phenomena of diffusion and osmosis I have been told to do a piece of coursework to investigate the rate of diffusion when using different concentrations of acid. I have been told to use Agar. Agar is extracted from sea weed and after dissolving in hot water it cools to form a ‘solid’ jelly although 99% of this is water. The agar is an inert medium that I am going to use to investigate the rate of diffusion.…...
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