Essays on Environmental Science

Free essays on Environmental Science are written documents that explore different topics related to the environment, pollution, climate change, biodiversity, and ecology. These essays are often written by students, scholars, or environmental enthusiasts who are passionate about protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. The essays cover different aspects of environmental science and discuss various issues such as air pollution, water contamination, deforestation, natural resource depletion, and global warming. The purpose of these free essays is to create awareness among people and motivate them to take action to save the planet.
Acquainted With The Night Essay
Words • 671
Pages • 3
Robert Frost’s verse form “Acquainted with the Night” is told from the point of position of an unknown individual. This individual tells a narrative about how he/she has taken legion late dark walks. specifically in the rain. Using tone. enunciation. the rubric. construction imagination. and linguistic communication. Frost writes a verse form about a person’s late dark experiences to associate to similar experiences that a reader may hold encountered. With Frost’s word pick and the rubric he chooses to state…...
Construction On Research Paper
Words • 535
Pages • 3
Road construction is a complex of various operations, which includes activities in several areas: design, construction, repair, and maintenance of roads. The quality of road construction has much to say about any country, because it indicates not only the level of economic development of the country, but is also the necessary component of creating a positive image of the country abroad. Road construction begins, where necessary, by land clearing and stump removal. These operations then allow archaeologists to carry out…...
BridgeClimate ChangeConstructionResearchRoad
Goldfish Lab Report
Words • 913
Pages • 4
Respiration can be experienced through several structures such as the lungs, tracheae, gills, and integument in order to obtain oxygen. All organisms that experience respiration are either endothermic or isotherms. Isotherms are animals that depend on their environment for body temperature. These animals respond to changes in their environment in order to maintain homeostasis, the stable, internal conditions of the organism. Animals that are warm-blooded and can regulate their body temperatures internally regardless of their environment are endothermic. For isotherms,…...
ExperimentFishHypothesisRespiratory SystemWater
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Candle Experiment Lab Report
Words • 667
Pages • 3
Record as many observations as you can. . After that, light the candle. Observe the candle when it’s burning for at least 5 minutes. Record. 4. Blow the candle out. Observe the candle until no more changes are taking place. Observation before burning: + white *solid + the wick is black (got burned) +smell fresh Observation during burning: *fire *yellow on the very top of the wick, blue at the bottom + melting -; clear liquid *hot Observation after burning:…...
Analysis of Tirumala Hill
Words • 720
Pages • 3
The geographical coordinates at which it is situated is between latitude 13° and 14° North and longitude 17° East. The Tirumala Hill is 3200 feet above sea level, and is about 10. 33 sq miles in area. It comprises seven hills which are said to represent the seven hoods of Adisesha, thus earning the name, Seshachalam. INTRODUCTION Pteridophytes are well known for their beauty, elegance and infinite variety. These are non-seed vascular plants which reproduce through spores. Their life cycle…...
Biodiversity Essay
Words • 373
Pages • 2
Protecting Biodiversity Through Science and Technology “Heal the world; make It a better place for you and for me and the inure human race. ” Man can do or undo the environment. Crimes, wars, poverty, pollution ? name it, the world has it. It is a sad truth universally accepted that humans are the primary cause of these problems. It cannot be denied that human activities further uphold problems detrimental to the environment and to the whole community as well.…...
BiodiversityBiologyNatural EnvironmentPollution
Alcohol Experiment Lab Report
Words • 432
Pages • 2
Proof of the Alcohol Solution: (Percent of Alcohol Based on Volume) (2) = Proof of the Alcohol Solution = (17. 6 96) (2) = 35. 2 Conclusion The experiment was very successful. The experiment went exactly as planned in all three parts. In part I and II of the lab, density of ethanol and water was calculated. The density of water was . 907 g/ml and the density of ethanol was . 724 g/ml. Since the density of ethanol is…...
Atmosphere Essay
Words • 346
Pages • 2
Presently, major climate changes are occurring in a global measure thus affecting many ecological and environmental conditions in the planet. All of the evidently noticeably climate shifts phenomenon in the planet can be scientifically traced as effects of the rising global temperature brought by major changes in the Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone depletion caused by ascending pollution rate brought by industrial revolution of the humanity is determined to be the most influential factor for this phenomenon. Climate change resulting from a…...
AtmosphereClimateEarthNatural EnvironmentWater
Global Warming Essay
Words • 715
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on a Great Global Warming Swindle.  As far as could remember, since elementary it has always been discussed in my science class that greenhouse gases cause global warming and that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. It has been like that for like… Forever? My mother told me once that one time when she went to Baggie, snow fell. I really don’t know if she was telling the truth but being a child, I believed her.…...
Pollution In City Essay
Words • 224
Pages • 1
Pollution is an undesirable change in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of air, water, soil or food that can adversely affect the health, survival or activities of human or other living organisms. The effects of water pollution are far-reaching and affect not only the environment, but human beings and animals as well. The pollution in Dacha has reached alarming levels, threatening public health, ecosystems and economic growth. 2. 0 OBJECTIVE: The objective of the report is to create awareness…...
Natural EnvironmentPollutionWaterWater Pollution
Research Paper On Pond Paper
Words • 398
Pages • 2
The following example of an essay about Research work on pond paper. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Pond Water TITLE: By: Jacob O’Connor November 21, 2011 Jennifer Mertz BIO 101 SEC 3A Mid Michigan Community College HYPOTHESIS: If the pond water is not treated and is good quality water then there will be new organisms and plant life in the pond water ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to observe and understand what…...
DataObservationPlasticQualitative ResearchQuantitative ResearchResearch
Paper Bag Manufacturers In Uganda
Words • 639
Pages • 3
The following essay example talks about paper bag manufacturers in Uganda. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Plastic have also posed danger to animal life in Uganda, fishing is one of the sources of income for most Uganda and plastic bags seems to affect the life of fish in the lakes which the people of Uganda earn a living and sometimes fish is exported to other countries, hence increasing foreign exchange and also providing employment…...
Paper RecyclingPlasticPollutionRecycling
Research Paper On Land Pollution
Words • 871
Pages • 4
People across the globe have been facing a number of health problems caused due to the pollution of land, water and air. Talking about land pollution, it has some of the most devastating effects on both nature and living beings. Land pollution is characterized by the contamination of Earth ‘s surface, where humans and other creatures live. One of the major causes of land pollution is human activities. Given below is complete information about the main causes and harmful effects…...
Osmosis & Selective Permeability
Words • 456
Pages • 2
Osmosis is the dispersion of water. Our cells are capable of absorbing nutrients because, the cell membrane is selectively permeable (some molecules can effuse freely through the membrane while others cannot). In this experiment we used dialysis bag as a model of the cell membrane. Our hypothesis was that the glucose will diffuse out of the membrane into the beaker filled with iodine solution. To demonstrate dialysis tubing we used water, starch and iodine. When starch and iodine react together…...
Cell MembraneChemistryGlucoseOsmosisWater
Pollution Prevention Essay
Words • 620
Pages • 3
One example of incremental changes that was provided by the author was eliminating chlorofluorocarbons and saving energy by replacing a refrigeration process with a heath exchanger that can exploit waste cooling from another part of the process. There are three critical decision-making stages for incremental changes; identifying a pollution prevention opportunity, finding a solution appropriate to that opportunity, and implementing that solution. The author discusses the three aspects of an organization (culture, ability to process information, and its politics) and…...
CommunicationHuman NaturePollutionPollution Prevention
Lake Huron Pollution
Words • 256
Pages • 2
Obviously, this type of pollution is easier to trace and manage. Non-point source pollution is defined as having contaminants that cannot be traced back to a single source or location. It may come from multiple sources in small amounts but can become concentrated in a body of water. The last type is atmospheric pollution, also referred to as air pollution and is defined as gases or solid particles such as soil which are found in the air and can settle…...
Long Day’s Journey Into Night Symbols
Words • 866
Pages • 4
O’Neill makes extensive use of symbolism in the play by introducing objects, props and cultural artifacts that develop the major themes in the play. He achieves this by giving the objects second meanings far beyond the literal, and by having them stand for whole concepts that are in fact the play’s core. One of the first and most meaningful things of this nature that the reader, or a member of the audience is introduced to is the fog and the…...
Environmental Science
Nuclear Energy Pros And Cons
Words • 823
Pages • 4
Nuclear energy is a powerful source of energy compared to other conventional fuels. All crude oil based fuels derive their energy from oxidation, which is a change in the energy levels of electrons outside the nucleus. However, nuclear energy derives power from changes in the nuclear energy levels of the atomic nucleus! Tremendous energy lies locked up inside a radioactive nucleus and nuclear fission is a way of tapping this energy. Nuclear power plants derive energy from controlled nuclear fission reactions. This…...
ChemistryEnergyNatureNuclear EnergyNuclear PowerNuclear Weapon
Essay Cause And Effect Of Haze / Help With Writing Research Papers
Words • 700
Pages • 3
Nowadays, the advanced of technology have made our life better than in the past. Standard of living of people is getting higher and higher, especially for those living in the town. But they do not know our earth has been destroyed by the time we pursue a beautiful and luxurious life. Air pollution is one of the most serious environment problems that have occurred for a long time and it is not new to everyone. This problem has become more…...
Acquainted With The Night Analysis Essay
Words • 435
Pages • 2
Night is associated to darkness, emptiness, and sometimes-even loneliness. Robert Frost’s “Acquainted With the Night” shows the character, which is the narrator, being overly too familiar almost friendly with the nighttime. The narrator of the poem is a man who described what he felt as he took a walk at night seemingly searching for something he had apparently lost. This “modernist” character was disposing loneliness throughout the whole poem. He is a representative of the alienated person typical of modern…...
Natural Disaster Research Paper
Words • 156
Pages • 1
Natural disasters are caused by something happening in nature, like a change n the weather. Sometimes we have warning of a natural disaster and other times they happen without notice. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, volcanoes, wildfires and winter storms are all examples of natural disasters. Learning about natural disasters can help us be prepared when they happen, and being prepared for natural disasters allows us to help ourselves and others during and after these challenging events! I made a timeline…...
Natural Disasters
Natural and Forest Environment in India
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Nature is the greatest boon to human society. It beautifies the land, stimulates the winds, and preserves the ecological balance. The role of forests in Indian society is a more important one. There are many kinds of forests. These are hill forest, evergreen forest, coniferous forest, deciduous forest and desert forest. The forest is based on natural landscape, climatic condition and ratio of the rainfall. Uses of the forest: Forest is the wealth of nation. Trees purify the air by…...
DeforestationForestNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNature
Mount Everest Pollution
Words • 685
Pages • 3
Nepal is the small, one of the poorest country of the world. Yet it is very rich in natural resources and scenic beauty including highest ranges of Himalayas. Nepal is the home of the eight highest mountains out of ten in the world. Mountaineers, trekkers and skilled professionals regularly visit to scale the Mountains in Nepal, which has increased the number of tourist in Nepal. In the last decade, people’s attraction toward the mountaineering has increased a lot, by which…...
Mount EverestPollutionTourism
Natural Resources Essay
Words • 962
Pages • 4
Natural resources are materials and components (something that can be used) that can be found within the environment. Every man-made product is composed of natural resources (at its fundamental level). A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water, and air, as well as a living organism such as a fish, or it may exist in an alternate form which must be processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores, oil, and most forms of…...
Environmental ScienceNatural EnvironmentNatural ResourcesNatureResources
Dehumanization In Night
Words • 680
Pages • 3
Name: Night Wiesel Movie Challenges and Dehumanization Dehumanization in Night by Elie Wiesel Dehumanization refers to the act of treating someone as less human and it often leads to hatred between the victim and the one who is doing the action. The book “Night” by Wiesel shows how the Jews were dehumanized in the concentration camps. The Jews are captured and treated like animals. They are transported in cars meant for transporting cattle. They were treated cruelly and they were…...
Olivia Lum and Hyflux
Words • 880
Pages • 4
Ms Olivia Lum is the founder of Hyflux – a leading water treatment company listed on the mainboard of the Singapore Stock Exchange. Where the names of Sim Wong Hoo of Creative Technology and Ron Sim of Osim were often heard, Olivia Lum is Singapore’s very own true-blue female entrepreneur. To her belt of titles are the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award 2003, Singapore’s Most Creative Entrepreneur 2003 and Her World’s Woman of the Year 2002. Olivia…...
Molar Volume Of A Gas Experiment
Words • 382
Pages • 2
Which in turn would give lower liters per mole ratio and State that there is less H2O gas then there actually is. Molar Volume Calculation for distorted trial one ;0. 011 L H2O = IS. Mm/L (4. 9 x 10-4 -e . 0002 mol of distortion) 7. A different student fails to insert the stopper into the flask while determining the available volume of the 125 ml flask. What effect does this error has on the calculated molar volume? Mathematically…...
Paraguay Currency Name
Words • 286
Pages • 2
Mushfika Chowdhury Ms. Vives Spanish Paraguay Paraguay is a country in South America. It is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia. Most people know Paraguay as Paraguay, but the country s official name is Republic of Paraguay. In 2011 it has said that Paraguay has approximately a population of 6,568,290. Most people are living in the oriental region. The country’s official language is Spanish as well as Guarani. The oriental eastern region has hills, waterfalls, exotic plants and the forest.…...
AgricultureFood IndustryNatural Resources
Landfill Sites: Disposal for Waste
Words • 550
Pages • 3
Most often located outside cities, landfill, dump, or dumping ground is a specially equipped place for the disposal of industrial, domestic or other waste materials. As industry and residential areas provide a large amount of waste that cannot be completely utilized for some reasons or others, which usually have technological or economic nature, landfill became a necessary attribute of life of cities and other populated areas. Unauthorized or poorly equipped public or private landfills pose a serious environmental threat in…...
Effects Of Industrial Pollution On Human Health
Words • 1007
Pages • 5
Moreover high quality machinery should be used and should be roper installed. The awareness campaign should also be arranged to aware the industrialist about the harmfulness they are creating for the people and also the people should be aware of the danger they are living with. Introduction Industrialization one hand provide us ease but the black side of these industries is that they are too much harmful for our health due the wastage they are producing and also the dangerous…...
Environmental Science
For Environmental Balance Pick Up A Rifle Example
Words • 769
Pages • 4
Mo Roga Ms. Duffy English 112 11/28/13 “For Environmental Balance, Pick Up a Rifle” Nickolas Kristof starts out his article by briefly quizzing the reader on general knowledge that he soon tries to challenge. Followed by his main argument led by an interesting title he chose when he decided to incorporate “picking up a rifle” with “environmental balance”. In doing this, the author makes it clear from the get-go that he stands firm with the belief that hunting is a…...
Environmental Science
Meghan Group Invests USED 1 Billion for Expansion Programs
Words • 861
Pages • 4
Meghan Group has already invested USED 1 Billion for setting up new lines of business and great expansion programs such as chemical complex, power, salt, seed crushing, cement and media. Meghan Group has contributed almost 75 million US Dollars as Tax to the state exchequers in Fiscal year 2012-2013. Corporate Vision, Mission, and Values: Vision: We are passionately creating sustainable economic value for our country and stakeholders by contributing to the industrial development of the nation and fundamental requirements of…...
Blue Brain TechnologyMilkSaltSugarTeaTechnology
Identifying Organic Compounds Lab
Words • 549
Pages • 3
Materials: 9 test tubes Test tube rack Test tube holder Grease pencil Hot plate 20 ml honey solution 20 ml egg white and water mixture 20 ml corn oil Oats and water 20 ml gelatin and water solution 20 ml potato and water mixture 20 ml apple juice and water mixture 20 ml unknown substance  0 ml unknown substance  Paper towels 600 ml beaker Brown paper Beirut reagent Benedicts solution Iodine solution Procedure:  Place test tubes in the test tube…...
Man’s Nature Is Evil
Words • 760
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on  Man’s footing demand is to last and boom. This is such because he loves himself. This love for himself is makes him selfish and selfishness makes him evil. There is no 1 in this universe that doesn’t love himself. This love for himself makes him set his demands over everything else. Puting one’s demands over other and non being considerate towards others and harming them for ain advantage is evil. There was 1000000s of ways…...
Safe Environment for Patients.
Words • 660
Pages • 3
Maintaining a safe environment reflects a level of compassion and vigilance for patient welfare that is as important as any other aspect of competent health care. The way to improve safety is to learn about causes of error and use this knowledge to design systems of care to make errors less common and less harmful when they do occur. As a result, nurses and other health care providers have intensified their efforts to understand and change organizational conditions, components, and…...
EmploymentFire SafetyHealth CareSafety
Investigatory Project Using Mango Peelings
Words • 715
Pages • 3
Mango peelings notation acids like Gaelic acid, caffeine acid and lactic acid which scientifically, these acids are known to be producing electricity. This study will involve literature search on the composition of raw mango peelings explicitly on the acid content in determining its competency to produce electrical charges and processing the extract from the peelings to distinguish the voltage required for a motor-generated device. Introduction problems is the peels Of the mango (Magnifier indict L. ) fruit. Several methods have…...
Littering Research Paper
Words • 871
Pages • 4
Littering is a problem in our society that is getting out of control. The population is constantly rising at a rate of 159 people per minute. It is easy to see how pollution and littering is rising with population. This relates to everyone because it affects us all in some way or another. I will explain what pollution is and where it comes from. I’m going to tell you how pollution is slowly killing our society as well as environment.…...
Density Measurement Lab Report
Words • 656
Pages • 3
Liquid is usually confined in a container, so its volume is relative to the volume of its container There are various instruments that are used to accurately measure the density of substances; the most commonly used are the densitometers, viscometer and hydrometers [3]. In this experiment, the density of selected liquid samples will be measured using a viscometer. 1. 2 Objectives of the Experiment 1 . To determine the density of low boiling point liquid samples by measuring their mass…...
Lina’s Importance in Uncovering the Mystery
Words • 703
Pages • 3
Lina- main character of the story, portrays significance in her role as one of the main personality in discovering the mystery of the “City of Ember”, and lead the story in an act of escape from the underworld with her friend doon. Doon-plays another major character in the story, whereas, he and his friendship as messenger with the people of the city of ember, lead to discovering clues in which he himself was surprised to discover the mystery behind the…...
Paper RecyclingPollutionRecycling
Land Proposal Format
Words • 458
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Proposal essays
The following sample essay on land degradation is the reduction of the useful qualities and productiveness of soil because of the natural and anthropogenic factors. Land degradation is not only the erosion of soil but also the alteration of the land’s surface because of the impact of water, wind and human activity. Most often land degradation is associated with the reduction of the quality of soils which are extremely valuable for the development of agriculture. Land degradation is observed on…...
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