Productivity in the Workplace

The following sample essay on Productivity in the Workplace tells about our IT team.

Our company is called Globex corporation it’s an multinational company. Our company hires only experts in IT security, information system and IT business. Thus, the company’s main goal is to help secure networks for banks, big successful companies, police departments, and the state security. The company’s goal is to provide strong and secure, and hard-to-decode networks.StaffThe company has over 100 experts with different degrees in information system, management, information technology, security, computer science, and ethical hacking.

Our company worked with several clients, such as bank of Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Abu Dhabi Police, hospitals around the UAE, ADNOC, hotels, and ADIA. Globex has also worked with small companies.

Our headquarter is based in Dubai, but we also have a branch in every other Emirates. Our IT team is sent to the location and is given the permission to access the system. After our crew is in the company’s system, they will analyze the problem that the company is experiencing and will help resolve it within 1-5 hours.

After addressing the cause of the problem our team would start acting by setting up firewalls and remove any issue that needs to be removed, they will make sure your network is secure and cannot be accessed by hackers at all time. Our company seeks to be productive and professional.

Our main goal is to bring in the best IT experts in order to provide the maximum security our company could give to our clients.

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we also avoid lack of transparency, honesty, and privacy of systems and information.

Low productivity has been a major issue in companies for years since social media has been around. The purpose of the recommendation report is to differentiate between 2 apps and provide a solution in developing workplace productivity. A Comparison has been made and I chose to stick with BeFocused. It seemed to me that BeFocused had a better impact on users, it also achieves my company’s goal. BeFocused guarantees that it can help users accomplish their work on time by providing them with a timer for 25 minutes on tasks and a short 5 minutes break between each task or a long 15 minutes break, this allows users to be productive and complete as many tasks as possible and not be under a lot of pressure. This is an app that aims to help employees increase their concentration at the workplace it also improves productivity and concentration of users at companies. This application has many features including: manage tasks, fast progress tracking, alarm sounds and ability to edit number of intervals. One of the major features of this application is managing your tasks which leads to higher rate of tasks getting done. BeFocused has been installed on every crew’s phone and laptop. This will benefit the staff to do better on tasks that needs to be done and will also assist their time management. this technique is really effective to users it benefits them and motivates them to stay focused.

Distraction in workplaces has, for a long time, affected the productivity of individuals in most companies. In most cases, productivity problems that companies often face is lack of concentration of their staff members. This situation usually results in a low standard of production, causing losses to the organizations. Lack of attention and distraction significantly affects the quality of products and services provided by a company especially where there is low-quality management. Some of the adverse effects of decreased productivity and quality of products and services include reduced profits and loss of customers’ trust. In some cases, managers think their employees can work on a couple of tasks together this leads the employee to feel exhausted and it will cause stress to the worker, which will affect their performance and concentration.

I’ll be comparing two application that have the same goal, BeFocused and Noisli.The purpose BeFocused is to help users manage tasks and organize their schedules according to the tasks that need to be finished first. This app helps users not waste time and be right on track without wasting a minute of their day multitasking and not focusing on a single assignment. It shows you the number of assignments that need to be done in a day, week, or month and it also encourages you to take time off after each task the user has completed. Users can change the intervals of the app to what suits their lifestyle and workplace better.

As for Noisli, it creates a peaceful, stress-free and calm environment to improve motivation and allows user to think and perform better. Noisli is made to drown out background noises and create background sounds such as wind, rain, thunderstorm and many other effects to support the user’s productivity at the workplace. Noisli doesn’t only generate sound but it also has color background that shifts. You can access Noisli through web and start playing around with noises to create the perfect background noise you want to stay relaxed and focused. Users may also add a timer for how long they want the sound to last.

I recommend the app BeFocused, this app is used to increase productivity at workplace. BeFocused sets a timer for 25 minutes to complete one work task. It will help increase productivity of employees and will also help them finish their tasks in an organized way.

In most cases, lack of attention and distraction significantly affects the quality of products and services provided by a company especially where there is low-quality management. Some of the adverse effects of decreased productivity and quality of products and services include reduced profits and loss of customers’ trustThe use of BeFocused to improve productivity has many benefits for many organizations. It also has both short term and long-term effects. Some of the long-term benefits of BeFocused include increased efficiency and thus, improvement in product quality.BeFocused is effective in the quality of work tasks. It allows you to maintain your tasks and to remain productive and motivated by allowing you to have breaks between tasks, this technique is proven to be effective.

Our company has set a goal to achieve productivity. Our first goal to accomplish is to have the BeFocused application on each and every laptop and phone that each crew member has within the company. With every new member to the team they get an instruction manual on how to use the application. Our company shows the importance of this application because by the end of each month we collect data on every employee, we also see how they manage their tasks and how many minutes they need to finish a single task. We also look forward to our employees comfort, each team member deserves a 10-20 minutes break after preforming a single task. Working hours are also flexible.

Our company will accomplish this vision by sending out a set of new rules and a manual for staff to download the app on both their phones and laptops. This step is compulsory for everyone who works in the company. By the end of each month every crew member should submit a report to the team leader to make sure everybody is on the correct path and they’re taking enough breaks in between tasks.

To summarize this report, to increase efficiency in a workplace, users must follow a certain procedure to complete their work using their full potential, stay engaged, and be positive. If not, the lack of engagement might affect both the company and the worker negatively. It may cause the company to make less money, stress out and damage the workers mental health. In order to prevent that, we suggest that companies, and people who have a problem with concentrating, to use this app immediately so that they can prevent failure and eventually do better.

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Productivity in the Workplace. (2019, Nov 29). Retrieved from

Productivity in the Workplace
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