Free essays on employment refer to academic or non-academic written pieces that focus on the topic of employment. These essays cover various aspects of employment such as job market trends, hiring practices, career development, workplace culture, employee benefits, and more. They are usually available online for anyone to read and download without any cost. Free essays on employment are educational resources that can help job seekers, employers, and other individuals to gain a better understanding of employment-related issues. They are written by professionals or students who have expertise or experience in the employment field.
NSI Nursing Solutions: Pioneering Innovation in Healthcare Staffing
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the role of efficient and skilled nursing cannot be overstated. NSI Nursing Solutions, an industry-leading provider of healthcare staffing solutions, is committed to ensuring that hospitals and healthcare facilities are equipped with the best talent to deliver exceptional patient care. This post will delve into the inner workings of NSI Nursing Solutions and the pivotal role it plays in shaping the face of healthcare.NSI Nursing Solutions, with its foundation rooted in the principles of…...
The Backbone of the Retail Giant: An Exploration of Walmart’s Human Resources (HR)
Walmart, a household name, and a retail behemoth owes much of its unprecedented success to its diverse and dedicated workforce. The company boasts over 2.3 million associates worldwide, each playing a vital role in ensuring smooth operations and customer satisfaction. Behind the scenes, ensuring the wellbeing and effective management of this immense workforce, is Walmart's Human Resources (HR) department.The Role of HR at WalmartThe HR department at Walmart functions as the company's backbone, navigating the complexities of managing such a…...
The Beverly Hills Supper Club Fire: A Haunting Echo of the Past
In the annals of American history, certain events are indelibly etched as cautionary tales. One such chilling episode is the Beverly Hills Supper Club fire, which unfolded on the night of May 28, 1977, in Southgate, Kentucky. In this post, let's traverse the poignant echoes of this fateful night, and the lasting legacy that the tragedy carries.Situated across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio, the Beverly Hills Supper Club was an opulent entertainment venue that had risen to prominence during the…...
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Navigating the Job Market: The Nexus of Supply and Demand
Picture yourself walking through a bustling market, where stalls are packed with an assortment of goods, and people are haggling over prices and quality. Now imagine this scene as a metaphor for the myriad of employment opportunities and job seekers out there. Welcome to the job market - an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of supply (job seekers) and demand (employment opportunities).To put it simply, the job market is the space where the supply of people seeking employment interacts…...
Disparate Treatment vs. Disparate Impact: Unraveling the Threads of Workplace Discrimination
In the ever-evolving tapestry of employment law, two terms have remained crucial in the fight against workplace discrimination: disparate treatment and disparate impact. While these terms may seem interchangeable at first glance, they weave distinct stories about the nature of discrimination. This post aims to untangle the threads of disparate treatment and disparate impact, helping you to understand their significance in employment practices.Disparate treatment is the more overt form of discrimination. Picture this scenario: An employee or job applicant is…...
Zappos Employment: A Deep Dive into the Oasis of Corporate Culture
When it comes to setting benchmarks in corporate culture and employee satisfaction, Zappos is often cited as the modern-day utopia. With its unconventional approach to employment, this online retail giant, renowned for selling shoes, has created an aura that attracts both consumers and job seekers alike. Let’s embark on a journey through the Zappos landscape to unravel the elements that make it an employment haven.Zappos’ essence is deeply rooted in its Culture Code and the Ten Core Values. The company…...
Harnessing Human Potential: The Role of HR in AT&T’s Success Story
AT&T, a behemoth in the telecommunications industry, has an illustrious history dating back to the late 19th century. From its roots as a telephone company to its evolution into a global leader in communications and digital entertainment, AT&T's success hinges significantly on its adept management of human resources. The strategic role of AT&T's HR department in fostering talent, driving innovation, and sustaining corporate culture is worth exploration.One of the critical ways AT&T's HR department contributes to the company's success is…...
The FedEx HR Experience: Delivering More than Just Packages
As one of the world's largest courier companies, FedEx is known for its commitment to swift, reliable package delivery. However, its efficient operations extend beyond just logistics. The heartbeat of FedEx lies in its human resources department, a function that orchestrates the people-power of this global company.FedEx's HR department embodies the company's philosophy, "People-Service-Profit," placing employees at the forefront of their business model. By valuing people, they ensure high-quality service, which in turn drives profits. This holistic approach is the…...
A Wealth of Opportunities: Exploring Jobs at Stanford University
Stanford University, known as one of the world's finest educational and research institutions, is also a big employer with a diverse variety of work possibilities. The University, which is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, provides a lively and inclusive work environment. This essay will look into the panorama of work options at Stanford University as well as the distinct advantages of being a part of this intellectual powerhouse.One of the first things you notice about Stanford is its…...
Fighting Inequality: Ideas Proposed by Bernie Sanders, Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump
For this final project, I have chosen to analyze the platform and political history of presidential candidates Democrat Bernie Sanders, Republican Carly Fiorina and Republican Donald Trump. I have examined their records on inequality, how they deal with they have dealt with issue of inequality in the past, how they address it now and ultimately proclaim who I feel has the best plan to combat inequality and which plan will be most effective. To begin, I examined each candidate's position…...
Bernie SandersEmploymentPolitics
The Social Experiment in Nickel and Dimed, a Book by Barbara Ehrenreich
The book Nickel and Dimed was created by a journalist who wanted to make her own news. Barbara Ehrenreich, a social change writer with a Ph.D. in Biology, did this by putting herself in shoes many people don't want to be in. In her book, Ehrenreich reflects in her social experiment of stripping away her comfortable life style and survive as a low-wage working class citizen. She would work various low-wage jobs and live off those paychecks. Her paychecks would…...
EmploymentNickel And DimedSocial Issues
An Overview of the Sociological Theories in “Nickel and Dimed”
All Sociological theories can be discussed through Barbara Ehrenreich's Nickel and Dimed and much can be demonstrated. The length of this paper will have brief overviews of Nickel and Dimed while going over sociological concepts presented by sociologist such as Marx, Weber, and Wright. The author's opinion, while present in writing, will be compared to Ehrenreich's experiences as well. Barbara Ehrenreich is a journalist who focuses on socio- political issues and holds a Ph.D. in Biology. The novel Nickel and…...
EmploymentNickel And DimedSocial Issues
The Lives of the Working in “Nickel and Dimed”
In the year of 1776, with a total population of roughly 2.5 million people, the United States of America was founded on the moral premise that, "by working hard, you would have a good life." And yet 237 years later, with a staggering population of roughly 314 million people, does that premise still hold true? This highly debated question was answered in the novel Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich. Here, she explores the…...
EmploymentNickel And DimedSocial Issues
Summary of Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
In the book, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, the author Barbara Ehrenreich investigates the impact the 1996 welfare reform act had on the working poor in America from the perspective of an undercover journalist. On August 22, 1996 then President Bill Clinton signed "The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996" or the 1996 welfare act which replaced the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families…...
EmploymentNickel And DimedPoverty
Society’s Imbalance in Bartleby
Through characterization, setting, and theme, Herman Melville, a Romantic author, illustrates the imbalance between American social classes and the decay of social concord through his short story masterpiece, Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street He creates very distinct and symbolic characters that represent the different social positions in life, the worker and the wealthy employers. Bartleby, a mere worker in the company of the attorney, embodies the feelings of the “common man” and indirectly forces the narrator to…...
EmploymentPoliticsPovertyWall Street
An Introduction to the Gross Domestic Product GDP
The main macroeconomic variables are Gross Domestic Product (GDP). unemployment rate and inflation. They are used by countries to determine their economic status and international competitive ability. The macroeconomic variables can be forecasted to allow the government to make prior arrangements to reduce their effects and probability of experiencing negative trends from them. High rate of unemployment is harmful to the economy as well as high rate of inflation. On the other hand, high GDP in a country is beneficial.…...
EmploymentGross Domestic ProductInflationUnemployment
The Ethical Dilemmas of the Workers in the Banking Industry
Banking industry is associated with money-making. Many people believe that banks only exist to accumulate wealth. They lend out money where in turn they collect interest, and on the other hand they invest money from which they also obtain profit. Even though banks are for- profit institutions, this still means that ethical codes and guidelines are crucial in every day transactions. Employees in this industry are facing ethical dilemmas regarding confidentiality, responsibility, conflict of interest, whistleblowing and relationship with the…...
BankBanking IndustryEmploymentEthics
Government’s Free Gas Incentives for Crisis-Affected People
The global financial crisis has affected very many people Many people have become unemployed. The living conditions have become too difficult for the people due to the increase in prices of commodities and lack of employment. For this reason, the government has decided to provide incentives to those people who are unemployed by offering them free gas. The people who need it are not aware that there is free gas for them and there is a debate about whether this…...
EmploymentFinancial CrisisMoneyPolitics
Matching Conflict Management Strategies in Agency Work
In this creative writing paper I have critically analyzed the conflict management strategies in a place of agency work and how it contradicts or matches personal conflict management preferences. The term conflict may be referred to as the entire process whereby some behaviors are intended to trigger chaos and obstruct the achievement of set goals in an organization or between individuals. Therefore, conflict management serves as a standard measure to help in resolving and preventing attempts of conflicts. Effective intervention…...
BehaviorConflict ManagementEmploymentPsychology
Scientific Management Analysis
Scientific management is also known as Taylorism. It is basically a management theory that analyzes how work flows. Scientific management aims at making better the efficiency of the economy and specifically ensuring that productivity of labor has gone up. It is indeed one of the first attempts in a bid to use science to the processes of engineering and in management. Fredrick Taylor developed the scientific management theory in the processing factories in the 19th century (Latham, 2007). On the…...
EmploymentMotivationScientific Management
Effective Communication Principles for Organizations
Communication in any business entity is the process by which an individual encodes a message and later sends it to the receiver via a medium of transfer. In business, the means varies from written to unwritten forms of communication. It may also entail movement of the body whose meanings vary from region to another. It is therefore beneficial for all the business management team and all other sectors to keep to the etiquettes of communication for the success of any…...
CommunicationEffective CommunicationEmployment
Effective communication in diverse orgs
Many companies across the globe have noted the strength that comes from promoting a culturally and ethnically diverse workforce. Strategies that are developed by most companies to develop a diverse workforce apply to any given segment of the population. The strategies could target women, workers with disabilities, and staff with various religious beliefs. ExxonMobil Company, being present in nearly two hundred countries, has the task of promoting cultural and ethnic diversity in all the countries it operates. Diversifying organizational space…...
CommunicationEffective CommunicationEmployment
Small Businesses and How They Contribute to the Economy in Canada
It is evident that small businesses contribute greatly to the economy, they supply to the economy by providing new innovations. and creating jobs being responsible for more than half of Canada's employment. They also help the economy to reach several goals such as economic growth full employment, and economic freedom. Small businesses also help the economy moneywise by all the investments and their starting of the multiplier effect. Entrepreneurship is also an opportunity for minorities immigrants. and women to be…...
EmploymentInnovationSmall BusinessUnemployment
Communication Barriers Between Employers and Employees
Management and supervision of workers in an organization is one of the toughest tasks that require a lot of skills. Managers usually face management-related challenges daily as they work hard towards accruing profits for the organization. Moreover, the successful administration of a firm or an enterprise requires immense nimbleness, effective use of up to date technologies, and the ability to efficiently respond to any trending changes that would probably impact the performance of the organization. The work of a manager…...
Communication BarriersEmploymentLeadershipMotivation
Creating a Solid Business Plan
If I was hired as a digital evidence analyzer for a law firm, making the decision of what software and equipment were necessary would be crucial. It would be important to come up with a solid business plan that would be sure to get approved by the company I would hate to disappoint my possible employer before even being hired. This would be my first opportunity to show my organization and understanding of the business. To begin, I would come…...
BusinessBusiness PlanEmploymentTechnology
Small Business: Privately Owned & Operated Firms
The term small business is a phrase that is commonly used to refer to privately owned and operated firms. These firms are characterized by a small number of employees and fewer assets low sales volume and low profits. In the USA, the term small business refers to firms or companies which employ less than 500 employees. Small businesses are characterized by some specific features which form the parameters used to define small businesses. The first characteristic is that small businesses…...
BusinessEmploymentSmall BusinessTax
Responsible for the Client’s Health and Fitness
Health/fitness professionals have the expectations to represent themselves and the company in a way that makes not only the client feel safe and secure but to also make their facility look good. The professionals are a reflection of their work and character, the misleading or deceptive manner that can happen, especially to women, is what makes women feel cautious about getting into shape and staying healthy. Not only does it happen to women that are clients it also can affect…...
EmploymentEthicsHealth And FitnessProfession
Knowledge Management: In Terms of Definitions
The advancement in technology has enabled firms to make various changes in their organizations, especially in the functionality of the human resource departments Some of the advantages of the adoption of technology in the human resource departments may include. Cost decrease: the impact of the adoption of technology in human resource management has decreased costs in several ways. The technology implemented in human resource management reduces the processes and the work that are done by the different departments Some of…...
EmploymentKnowledge ManagementOrganizationTechnology
Pain Points in Business Intelligence Benefits
The shift from conventional to data-driven analytics is steered by technology and automation across organizations. Businesses are excited over the promise of analytics and what they can attain by harnessing these tools, data analytics is continually proving to be a key and vital tool in making better decisions for companies. Because of the rapid growth of digital technologies, more organizations’ abilities to analyze massive amounts of data is increasing the appetite of enterprises for even more data, better data, advanced…...
BusinessBusiness IntelligenceEmploymentTechnology
An Evaluation of Non-Traditional Incentive Systems
Incentives form an intricate part of the human resource-employee relationship and more often is the determinant on whether the relationship will continue or not. Cash and salary bonuses are the traditional incentives that most organizations offer and most employees expect. Needless to say, it is never enough to keep the most valuable employees. Non-traditional incentive systems are better in this case because they are less expensive to the company and more satisfying to the staff. Non-traditional incentives aim at empowering…...
Central-American Immigrant Labor Unity in 1980s LA
Central-American immigrants became an increasingly large percentage of the workforce in the mid-1980s. Immigrants would work lower-income, low-mobility, blue-collar/manual labor jobs that required little education, training, English ability, or verification of legal status. These jobs were often easy to acquire through networking, however, working conditions were tough and workers were often subject to abuses and discrimination by their employers and supervisors. This time period was marked by a decline in union membership as per the policies of President Ronald Reagan,…...
EmploymentImmigrationLos Angeles
LA Tribune Business Strategy
The Los Angeles Tribune is facing potential turmoil at this given point in time. The cost of paper is currently rising, the circulation revenue is down, and the current number of employees cannot continue to be supported if revenue continues to shrink. Drastic measures must be taken to boost revenue, reduce cost, and effectively manage to keep the employees we currently have and make a sustainable profit for the company. The first step that must be taken is to set…...
BusinessEmploymentLos Angeles
The Importance of Business Ethics as a Core Pillar in an Organizations Culture
Ethics are a core pillar in an organization's culture, with many businesses having their own definition of what constitutes that businesses' codes of ethics. The principle, however, remains the same, these ethics drive the organization's culture toward pre- determined goals. During the course of this paper, I will explore the ethical code of conduct of the United States Navy, how these ethics reflect the culture of the Navy and how the Navy's ethical code of conduct and organizational culture reflect…...
Business EthicsEmploymentLeadership
What is Business Ethics?
Literature provides a clear understanding of business ethics as a system that encompasses moral principles that are practical in the commercial world. It also helps us understand the fact that business ethics as a scientific area that is wholly new since it conglomerates politics and law of theory as well as historical and philosophical documents. Ethics is a term that is quite flexible and partakes numerous aspects. The main role of business ethics in an organization is to make available…...
Business EthicsEmploymentOrganization
US vs Japan Business Ethics
For my final project, I've decided to compare business ethics in Japan versus the United States. I've always been interested in the Japanese culture, particularly on the business side, so I'm looking forward to what I find. It seems like the Japanese culture is typically viewed as very respectful and reverent (example: the business card exchange protocol in the textbook), whereas in contrast, Americans can be seen as pushy and rude, so it will be interesting to do a…...
BusinessBusiness EthicsEmployment
Achieving The Three Goals of Justice
While an increasing number of firms are scaling back on their use of performance evaluations, Facebook has decided to continue utilizing them. Their reason being that formally doing away with performance evaluations doesn’t stop the superiors from subconsciously assessing their subordinate’s performance and also deprives the employees of valuable feedback when they need it the most. Thus, Facebook is willing to make the necessary trade-offs to achieve the three goals of fairness, transparency and development associated with performance evaluations. Fairness…...
Employment & Education: Key US Migration Drivers
As we all know, America is known as the land of immigrants which means that there are people from all over the world who migrate here either permanently or for a certain interval of time. As emigrants, my family and I moved here for not only one but two reasons, due to political predicaments as well as to earn better opportunities and improve our lifestyle. In general, some people immigrate due to political dilemmas,some emigrate for better opportunities while some…...
Education & Employment Future
Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instructions in an institution of learning such as a university. Education is however not the only determinant of success and opportunities in life. Successful businessmen such as the founder of Apple Steve Jobs dropped out of college, and yet his firm employs the top brains from universities in America and the world. Nevertheless, completion of a course in college is fundamental since it offers an individual a myriad of employment opportunities…...
The Tests People Must Take When Looking For Employment
When looking for employment, people are often required to take a number of tests, whose results are used by employers to select the most suitable candidate. However, applicants do not always perform as well as they could during the selection process, which may lead to potential «<false negative» considerations. That is why professional associations have been encouraging policymakers to introduce adequate retesting policies. Previous research has demonstrated that when a firm gives unsuccessful candidates the opportunity to re-take previously failed…...
A Study of Social Media Use in the Workplace
Social media is the online communication tool that aids exchanging information, ideas, create, and share status online. It is used by different means such as; communication, collaboration, conferences, and for business purpose. However, many of us do not know how to properly use these social media tools or these social networking sites. Like nowadays, due to globalization, there is a need for putting much attention of this social media tools in business because sometimes it is the hindrance among the…...
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on Employment