Employment & Education: Key US Migration Drivers

As we all know, America is known as the land of immigrants which means that there are people from all over the world who migrate here either permanently or for a certain interval of time. As emigrants, my family and I moved here for not only one but two reasons, due to political predicaments as well as to earn better opportunities and improve our lifestyle. In general, some people immigrate due to political dilemmas,some emigrate for better opportunities while some people immigrate because they simply like the place.

Day by day the number of immigrants are increasing.

According to – http://www.migrationpolicy.org, in 2015 the total of 46,627,000 people have migrated only in the USA followed by Germany with a total population of 12,00,6000, Russian Federation with 11,643,000 and so on. In the context of America, people from underdeveloped to developed countries come here as there are more employment opportunities for all, the infrastructures are highly developed and both education and health facilities are excellent as compared to other countries.

America consists of Universities which have excellent rating worldwide which attracts students from all over the world. Once they get into those campuses, they already have more chances to get jobs not only in the US but all over the world. Not to forget the employment opportunities are in higher percent even for international students along with citizens and other aliens.

In this generation education and employment plays a vital role in having a qualitative life. Thus, employment and education opportunities is one of the major reasons why people migrate.

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Since, money is necessary to buy the basic requirements plus education, and money comes only if you are educated and skilled it is absolute that a person would look for the best places to have them both.

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Employment & Education: Key US Migration Drivers. (2022, Dec 17). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/employment-and-education-are-the-main-reasons-why-people-migrate-to-the-united-states/

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