Underage Migration And Population 

Topics: Immigration

There are many opposed things about people migrating and population increases in America and other places as well. But one of the worst issues involve both migration and underage children. Children under 18 are migrating to the U.S due to lost homes, death threats and more. An article states how a 16-year-old Honduran girl was forced to leave her home and area due to death threats by M18, a violent Central American street gang. The paper that they gave her reads, “We’re not kidding.

You now have seven days [to leave]. We don’t want to hurt you, but you have to believe us. Death.” A few more articles explain why age can be a big problem when dealing with migration and increased or decreased population.

The sudden influx of children into the United States has nearly overwhelmed the agencies that must deal with it. Detention facilities for children who cross the border illegally are horribly overcrowded. The reason so many of them have decided to leave at once is a widespread rumor that President Obama’s administration has relaxed the barriers against children-and their mothers if the children are young enough to enter the United States.

A leaked border-agency memo based on interviews with 230 women and children apprehended in the Rio Grande Valley concluded that they had crossed the border mainly because they expected to be allowed to stay. Granted in 2012, President Obama ordered that many illegal immigrants brought to America as children should have their deportation proceedings deferred.

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Under the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorisation Act of 2008, border agents cannot hold children for more than 72 hours.

Another conflict is age and sex distribution during international migration. In this article there is a graph showing that aging of the migrant population in destination countries is offset by the inflow of young migrants and the return of migrants to their countries of origin. 0-4 Northern America Oceania International migrants. LAC, Europe, Asia, Africa 12 between 2000 and 2013. The number of working-age migrants has grown faster in the south globally, there are close to 26 million migrants aged 65 and over. The proportion of women among international migrants varies considerably across regions and by age overall. The ratio of women to men among international migrants declines from 0.9 in the age group 0-4 years to 0.8 in the age group 30-34. In the South, migrant men out-number migrant women in all age groups except for ages 65 years and older. Migrants aged 20 to 34 years comprise a large share of international migrants. Migrants aged 20 to 34 represent 28 percent of all international migrants, equivalent to 65 million people.

From the destination perspective, the difference is even more notable: migrants aged 20 to 34 who have migrated to the south, constitute 47 percent of the world total versus 41 percent for migrants of all ages. But on the other hand, there is not always negative things about underage migration. Child migration rates make a good proxy for family migration rates. Yes, California is negative while Texas and Florida are positive, but the overall effect isn’t that large: they’re all under 1%. These states allegedly extreme migration profiles aren’t mostly about being family-friendly or primary school education quality, because those populations just aren’t driving their migration trends. Maine’s robust migration shows up here, alongside Connecticut, and even slightly positive migration in New Jersey. Migration of Mid-Career Individuals: Career advancement and family stability overall, migration rates for mid-career individuals are dramatically lower than for most other age groups. Migration of Late-Career Individuals: Finishing strong and readying for retirement late-career migration looks strikingly similar to retiree migration.

To reflect back on these articles, it states how children underage can get into some big trouble when trying to cross the border. The article on underage migration explains this by stating that when children cross the border they are sent to a detention facility. So many children cross the border under the influence that they are going to be allowed to stay which makes the detention facility extremely overcrowded. The article on age and sex distribution during migration has a few graphs to look at explaining the ratios between underage and overage people crossing the borders as well as male and female adults and kids. And finally, the last article speaks on how underage children can be a positive part on increasing the population and how migration isn’t making much of a negative effect on places like Texas, Florida, and California.

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Underage Migration And Population . (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/underage-migration-and-population/

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