Essays on Politics

Free essays on Politics are academic papers that deal with various aspects of political science. They cover different topics, such as political philosophy, government systems, international relations, and civil rights. These essays are written by experts in the field of political science, and they offer a wealth of information and insights. They provide readers with a deeper understanding of political concepts, theories, and practices, and help them develop critical thinking skills when it comes to political issues. Free essays on Politics are excellent sources of information for students, scholars, and anyone interested in politics and the workings of government.
Stalin Expansionism
Words • 691
Pages • 3
By 1920 the Bolsheviks were in a very weak position and Russia as a whole had to come to terms with its own vulnerability in a hostile world. Stalin decided on the extension of the soviet control to eastern Europe. This policy aimed to protect the interests rather than stirring up world revolution. In other words it was too become defensive rather than aggressive, however the west refused to believe this and still had there minds set that Stalin was…...
CommunismInternational RelationsPolitics
Black Panther Party Essay
Words • 589
Pages • 3
Black Panthers (the U.S. Black Panther Party, BPP) was an American communist organization, founded in 1966, who fought for African-Americans’ rights. In 1973 the party was dissolved after the splits between the party leaders became too great. It received much media attention for its aggressive behavior, its social programs, and their self-defense courses. To write a good research paper on the topic you should know that Black Panther was one of several organizations that fought for the rights of blacks…...
Assata An Autobiography Summary
Words • 746
Pages • 3
Autobiography by Assata Shakur Assata Shakur was born on July 14, 1947 her real name is Joanne Deborah Byron, after she was born her parent divorced. She was living with her mother, aunt and her grandparents in Wilmington North Carolina. As a child she spent time working with her grandparents in a restaurant they own by the beach. Her grandparents instilled in her the love for written word, and she spent a great deal reading to satisfy her imagination. Her…...
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Jane Addams Progressive Era
Words • 613
Pages • 3
At the turn of the twentieth century the press received a great amount of credit for the success of the Progressive movement. Notable muckrakers Jane Addams and Jacob Riis showed determination towards there being a change; each made sure to use their abilities to aid in not only a social way, but ask economically and politically, even to this day what they’ve done has made a massive impact. A native of Denmark, Jacob Riis moved to the US in 1870…...
Jane AddamsPoliticsPovertyScientistSocial Issues
The End of Obedience: Paradoxical Agreement on Intestine Discord
Words • 871
Pages • 4
As for the last part of the quote, (“The end of Obedience…by Intestine Discord”), we see that paradoxically, though the people all agree on the fact that they need to follow the judgement of one single authority so as to be protected from the potential threat they represent to each others, this rule can only be enforced upon them by fear. Hobbes’s justification for this is that if they have no other reason to stick to rules but the idea…...
EthicsKarl MarxLibertyPhilosophical TheoriesPolitics
Anti Mexican Sentiment
Words • 967
Pages • 4
As he explains that to the Native Americans, the Spaniards came “like most c[r]uel Tygres, Wolves and Lions, enrag’d with a sharp and tedious hunger,” (75). This paints a picture of an ignorant and bestial Spain that colonized the Americas without second thought to those who had come before. Certainly, we are taught this image of the colonizing Spain, even today; we are told that the Native Americans were “quiet lambs, endued with such blessed qualities,” before the Spanish arrived…...
Catholic ChurchCommunismCulturePoliticsSocialism
Civil Rights Activist Whitney Young
Words • 385
Pages • 2
The following sample essay is about civil rights activist Whitney Young. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. American History Whitney Young was a civil rights activist born on July 31, 1921 in Lincoln ridge, Kentucky. He graduated from Kentucky State College at 18 and he studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After his discharge, he received an MSW from the University of Minnesota in 1947. Mr. Young has many accomplishments from being head…...
Compare And Contrast Athens And Sparta
Words • 834
Pages • 4
Ancient Greece was comprised of small city-states, of which Sparta and Athens were two. Athens was renowned as a center of wisdom and learning. The people of Athens were interested in arts, music, and intellectual pursuits. Sparta, on the other hand, was recognized for its military strength. A Spartan’s life was centered on the state, because he lived and died to serve the state. Although the competing city-states of Sparta and Athens were individually different as well as governmentally diverse,…...
Ancient GreeceContrastHistoryLifePoliticsSparta
Somebody Blew Up America
Words • 777
Pages • 4
Amiri Bakara – Somebody Blew up America Amiri Bakara was born in Newark, New Jersey on October 7, 1934. He was born as Everett Leroi Jones. In 1952 he changed his name to Leroi Jones and in 1967 he changed it to Amiri Bakara. He lived with his parents, his father who was a postal supervisor and his mother who was a social worker. He attended Rutgers University, Colombia University and Howard University studying philosophy and religious studies. He did…...
Thirteen Days Essay
Words • 882
Pages • 4
Amanda Nasca November 20th 2011 Power “Thirteen Days” Legitimate power stems from the belief that a person has the right to influence others by virtue of holding a position of authority, such as the authority of a manager over a subordinate or of a teacher over a student (ENotes. com). In some respects, everyone has power—the power to either push forward or hinder the goals of the organization by making decisions, delegating decisions, delaying decisions, rejecting decisions, or supporting decisions. However,…...
Marx Communist Manifesto Summary
Words • 261
Pages • 2
All throughout history. there has ever been a sense of hierarchy in society such as the elites over the provincials. blue bloods over plebeians. etc. Although there was much social alteration in the clip of revolution. this subordination of categories did non. Sprouted from feudal society. businessperson continues the division of social categories: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. The work of the Proletariats was to merely happen occupations and work. They’d continue working so long as it increased the capital. However. Proletariats…...
Absolutism Essay
Words • 870
Pages • 4
Absolute monarchy or absolutism means that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right. Kangxi and Louis XIV were both shining examples for absolutist rule. Age of Absolutism was between 1610 and 1789. Absolutism is a term used to depict a type of monarchical power that was not at all restrained by institutions, for example, legislatures, social elites, or churches. Both Kangxi and Louis X1V were…...
GovernmentLouis XivMonarchyPolitics
Stateless Societies
Words • 326
Pages • 2
A few scholars would argue that stateless societies imply lack of proper law and order mechanism, while some other scholars would suggest that there was a particular system of maintaining law and order even in the stateless societies. In the stateless societies, one may not find the centralized law enforcing authorities that are noticeable in the modern times. Stateless societies give the impression that they are disorderly and chaotic. Although such societies lack proper order, one may not consider them…...
Intended Effect On The Reader
Words • 893
Pages • 4
1984 is a darkly satirical political novel by George Orwell. It was first published on June 8, 1949, is Orwell’s most famous work, and is the inspiration of the word “Orwellian.” The story takes place in a nightmarish dystopia, in which an ever-surveillant State enforces perfect conformity among citizens through fear, lies and ruthless punishment. The Party is the government running Oceania and is headed by the mysterious Big Brother. It’s rise to power is uncertain and their activities are…...
Animal FarmCultureGeorge OrwellPoliticsTotalitarianism
Tiongo’s novel “Ngugi” “Matigari”
Words • 862
Pages • 4
“There are two worlds. There is the world of those who accept things as they are, and there is that of those who want to change things. Which world do you belong to? ” Throughout Ngugi was Thiong’o”s novel, Matigari, the main character proves himself to be a strong, intelligent, peaceful man who appears to have his head on straight and sees the state of the world in the precisely right shade. From page one he allows the reader to…...
Fidel Castro And Hitler
Words • 323
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Fidel Castro And Hitler. “Leadership means duty, honor and country. It means character and it means listening from time to time” (W. Bush). Dictators are not necessarily leaders, because leadership is a very noble calling.A dictator is someone who always has his own interests at heart; it is a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. Across the globe, Adolf Hitler tried to transform Germany from a…...
Adolf HitlerDictatorshipGermanyNazi GermanyPolitics
Joseph Stalin Research Paper
Words • 578
Pages • 3
“His childhood was harsh with a drunken cobbler father, who beat both mother and child, and in school was bullied as a child, Joseph Stalin grew up to be a bully himself’ (Keller). These events in Stalin’s childhood dramatically influenced the later events as an adult. Joseph Stalin had caused social injustice in Russia through two wars, during the Great Purge, and in the Russian government. Joseph Stalin used social injustice during World War II and during the Cold War.…...
CommunismJoseph StalinLetter From Birmingham JailPoliticsRussiaWar
Karl Marx Vs Adam Smith
Words • 867
Pages • 4
“Adam Smith’s enormous authority resides, in the end, in the same property that we discover in Marx: not in any ideology, but in an effort to see the bottom of things. In both cases their greatness rests on an unflinching confrontation with the human condition as they could best make out. ” Assess the above quote. What ideas did both men draw upon in order to formulate their ideas? What were their conclusions? Why were their conclusions so different? To…...
Adam SmithEconomicsGovernmentKarl MarxPolitical SciencePolitics
Although New England And The Chesapeake Region Dbq
Words • 655
Pages • 3
“Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two different societies, why did this difference in development occur? ” For different reasons, settlers chose to inhabit the regions of New England and Chesapeake. The social economic and political reasons separated these groups. This was mostly because of the different founding purposes; New England being founded on religous values and the Chesapake being founded for financial…...
EnglandNew EnglandPoliticsSlavery
Jefferson’s Pillow
Words • 338
Pages • 2
Who were the founders of America? When one thinks of the words ;founding fathers;, thefirst thing that should come to mind are national figures like George Washington, James Madison, George Mason and Thomas Jefferson. Although these men are founders of America, they were also founders of a social institution that would be embedded in American life for hundreds of years. This social institution is otherwise known as slavery. In the book Jefferson;s Pillow by Roger Wilkins, Wilkins discusses the real…...
CommunicationGeorge WashingtonJames MadisonThomas Jefferson
Thomas Nast Results
Words • 324
Pages • 2
Thomas Nast: The Father of Political Cartoons Often considered the father of Political cartoons, Thomas Nast developed a style of reporting the news that captured the attention of his audience in a way that reporters never knew existed. His style of political reporting comically mocked Government officials and worked to end political corruption in the years after the Civil War. His ability to sway people's political opinions with his style of art makes him a very influential political artist even…...
CommunicationPolitical Cartoon
Communism and International Events in the Post WWII Era
Words • 781
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Communism and International Developments in the Post-World War II Era" describes the response of the Australian government. We will also consider the issue of fear of communism due to propaganda and the "domino effect". The Domino Effect was a policy that speculated that if one land in a region came under the influence of communism, all would follow, like toppling dominoes. This worried Australia as communism had spread through Asia and was getting closer to…...
CommunismGovernmentInternational RelationsPolitics
Congress Of Vienna Summary
Words • 322
Pages • 2
The Congress of Vienna, the organizing conference of coalition against Napoleon and France, was a major building block in the future of Europe for years to come.The Conservative Political and Social views of the leaders of the time lead to a successful peace settlement to end this NapoleonicThefirst act to end Napoleon’s rule was to create some new unity after the coalition had marched in Paris and defeated Napoleon.Each country was beginning to pursue their own interests and drift apart…...
CongressEuropeInternational RelationsNapoleonPolitics
Federalist Vs Anti Federalist Dbq
Words • 290
Pages • 2
Soon after the end of the Revolutionary War — if not before — it became clear that the Articles of Confederation were not a workable arrangement.Wartime contingency measures might have papered over the most immediate problems, but with the coming of peace something more regular was needed.The defects of the Articles produced a host of disputes among states, which could not be resolved under its terms, and which times were serious enough to lead to militia skirmishing. More broadly, a…...
Articles Of ConfederationGovernmentPoliticsThe Federalist Papers
James Madison: The Father of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights
Words • 339
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "James Madison" is about an American statesman. He was the fourth President of the United States, and one of the key authors of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Madison's essay is filled with figurative and flowery language. In today's terms, a "faction" would be a special interest group. They are any group of citizen who attempt to advance their ideas or economic interests at the expense of other citizens, or in ways…...
DemocracyGovernmentPolicyPoliticsThe Federalist Papers
Darkness At Noon Analysis
Words • 311
Pages • 2
It was Woodrow Wilson who said "There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed".This remark is not referring to communism but the principals can be associated with one another.The Communist ideals of the Russian revolution; moreover, their Bolshevik leaders, were steadfast and determined to the utmost degree.Not to say their principals were of great moral integrity, but they enforced them ruthlessly nonetheless.In the novel, Darkness at Noon, the author, Arthur…...
CommunismPoliticsRussian Revolution
Jimmy Carter Essay
Words • 299
Pages • 2
Jimmy Carter became the thirty-ninth President of the United States of America on January 20, 1977. During his Presidency, he fulfilled campaign promises to develop a national energy program, protect the nation's natural resources and aid education. The Egypt-Israeli Treaty of Peace and the Panama Canal Treaty gained the president worldwide recognition. Out of all the parts of Carter's Foreign Policy, the two parts I found most interesting was human rights, and the strengthened ties with China. Out of the…...
Bay Of Pigs Invasion Definition
Words • 314
Pages • 2
In April of 1961, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) supported and trained a group of Cuban refugees to invade Cuba, unfortunately the foray failed. Inside seventy-two hours of the initial assault, isolated from re-supply, the nearly two thousand American troops ran out of ammunition and were beleaguered by Cuban militia and army units.While President John Fitzgerald Kennedy publicly took responsibility for the events, investigations verified that the blame should have been placed exclusively in the hands of the CIA for…...
CubaGovernmentInternational RelationsJohn F. KennedyPolitics
Were The Articles Of Confederation Effective
Words • 312
Pages • 2
In 1781, the newly independent states in America developed thefirst written constitution in the United States, known as the Articles of Confederation. During what was known as the “critical period,” the Articles of Confederation served as the written law in the United States. While creating this document, the need for a confederation of states, similar to that of the Iroquois Indians, was stressed. The Articles of Confederation grouped the individual states with a weak central government to be sure the…...
Articles Of ConfederationGovernmentLawPolicyPolitics
Cuban Missile Crisis
Words • 240
Pages • 1
The following example essay on "Cuban Missile Crisis" is about the extremely tense political, diplomatic and military confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States in October 1962. For a period of thirteen days in October of 1962 the United States held its breath in fear of nuclear war.The Cuban missile crisis is considered by most to be the closest two countries came to nuclear war, apart from the nuclear bombing of Japan.The Cuban missile crisis was a major…...
Cold WarCuban Missile CrisisInternational RelationsIsisNuclear WeaponPolitics
Why Was The Albany Plan Of Union Rejected
Words • 264
Pages • 2
British officials and lawmakers today applauded the decision of the colonial assemblies to reject a colonial unity plan, the Albany plan of Union, of which they did not approve of. On a hot summer day in June of the year 1754 of our Lord, Benjamin Franklin, delegate to the colony of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts colony governor Thomas Hutchinson proposed and drafted a plan for uniting our thirteen colonies in North America, in the face of the coming war with France.…...
Benjamin FranklinGovernmentPoliticsThirteen Colonies
Americsn Revolution
Words • 341
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Americsn Revolution" discusses whether the British could prevent the American Revolution by giving the colonists a vote in Parliament. As by Benjamin Franklin said in Poor Richards Almanac, "no gains without pain." This could not be more of a true statement when speaking of the colonies. After a bitter war with the British, the Colonials were finally free from the King. Though this came at a great price.The country was deeply divided, the war debts…...
Were The Sons Of Liberty Justified In The Boston Tea Party
Words • 333
Pages • 2
After the French and Indian War in 1763, the colonist were celebrating there win with a great amount of nationalism. While this was happening, the mother county, the British Empire was in debt from the war. The only way the mother country could receive the money was by taxing the colonists. Most of these taxes were already in the law but were never enforced. Amazingly, this angered the colonists. Most of the colonists were influenced by the small percentage of…...
Characteristics Of Pax Romana
Words • 293
Pages • 2
Aelius Aristides obviously believes there are many benefits to the Pax Romana.Aristides feels that having a centrally run government is the best way for an empire to thrive.Through this government, greater trade is capable and no rebellions will occur. Another benefit is the concept of equality.Everyone living under the Roman Empire has citizenship and is therefore is equal.The governor sets an example of the proper way to be a citizen.In turn, the subjects follow by example, thus, order and peace…...
CharacterCitizenshipCommunicationPoliticsRepublicRoman Empire
Letter From Birmingham Jail Essay
Words • 325
Pages • 2
“Nonviolence can touch men where the law cannot reach them.” These words, as spoken by the late civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, 1958) became the fundamental tenet of his life. The concept behind the words would define not just his work, but the history of an entire generation of American people in the middle of the 20th century. But his words would have proven hollow were it not for the actions…...
Civil Rights MovementLetter From Birmingham JailNonviolencePoliticsRacism
Why Did Germans Support Hitler
Words • 606
Pages • 3
Why did People Support Hitler? Nowadays we see Hitler as one of the most evil men to ever have lived. But it is important to realise that the Germans who voted for him are not at fault. They saw a man who could rebuild their country, restore nation al pride, and bring them back from desperate poverty and hyper-inflation. At the time he was a very modern, up to date person. He took advantage of the available technology. For example…...
Adolf HitlerGermanNazi GermanyPoliticsRace And EthnicityWar
Why Did The League Of Nations Fail
Words • 552
Pages • 3
The self-interest of leading members The League depended on the firm support of Britain and France. During conflicts, they were not prepared to abandon their own self-interest to support the League. Economic sanctions did not workLeague members would not impose them since they were worried that without America they would not work. When sanctions were imposed they were easily broken. Lack of troops The League had no armed forces and Britain and France were not willing to commit troops. Decisions…...
International RelationsJapanLeague Of NationsPolitics
Essay on Virgin Soil Upturned
Words • 326
Pages • 2
French Enlightenment once like you seriously believed that the world is ruled by ideas. That is despite the fact that there were materialists in their views on the nature, considering the society and its history, they believed that large numbers of people are driven by public opinion and ideas. Find the source of ideas, which itself would not depend on them, but it would define obshestvennoe opinion they could not, and so I think that the whole thing only in…...
Behind the Scenes: Jefferson’s Presidency
Words • 290
Pages • 2
The Jeffersonian Republicans are typically considered to be stringent constructionists.The Federalists usually were considered to favor the broad constructionism.This is often just a stereotype, especially when the presidencies of our great, but misleading, Presidents Jefferson and Madison. The Jeffersonian Republicans, to only a small extent, represented what the party truly stood for, and the Federalists also to a small margin swayed from their party’s ideas. The Republicans often stood for the idea of a weaker central government, not giving too…...
CommunicationPoliticsThe Federalist PapersThomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address Rhetorical Analysis
Words • 720
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Rhetorical essays
Abraham Lincoln 2nd Inaugural Address Rhetorical Analysis On March 4, 1865 Abraham Lincoln gave his second inaugural address to a crowd of over thirty thousand Americans, the civil war was coming to an end, and America was divided. Near the end of the Civil War, Lincoln, speaking in his Second Inaugural Address, contemplated the effects of the Civil War and offered his vision for the future of the nation by symbolizing war as an enemy against the North and South…...
Abraham LincolnCommunicationGovernmentPresidentRhetoricSociology
We've found 871 essay examples on Politics
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Why Was The Albany Plan Of Union Rejected
...British officials and lawmakers today applauded the decision of the colonial assemblies to reject a colonial unity plan, the Albany plan of Union, of which they did not approve of. On a hot summer day in June of the year 1754 of our Lord, Benjamin F...
Why Did Germans Support Hitler
...Although his policies were appealing, it would be expected for some people to speak out against him, but very few did. The press was tightly controlled by the government, and it went through heavy censorship, so anything negative was filtered out, an...
Why Did The League Of Nations Fail
...When this news reached the media there was an outcry. Sanctions would only work if imposed quickly but each week a decision was delayed. Sanctions were ineffective because they did not include war materials such as oil. As Britain and France had a li...
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