Essays on Politics

Free essays on Politics are academic papers that deal with various aspects of political science. They cover different topics, such as political philosophy, government systems, international relations, and civil rights. These essays are written by experts in the field of political science, and they offer a wealth of information and insights. They provide readers with a deeper understanding of political concepts, theories, and practices, and help them develop critical thinking skills when it comes to political issues. Free essays on Politics are excellent sources of information for students, scholars, and anyone interested in politics and the workings of government.
Unidentified Rebel of the Most Powerful People of the 20th Century
Words • 508
Pages • 3
On the 5th Of June 1989 a single Chinese man stood up to a line of 18 tanks in Tiananmen Square. The image of him and his righteous act was broadcast all over the world as the image to forever illustrate one insignificant mans power to stand up to a virtually unstoppable force. Despite all efforts, Western Media Sources have been unable to discover his true identity so he has been dubbed ‘The Unknown Rebel’ by Time Magazine and was…...
Albert EinsteinCommunicationPhysicsPolitics
Giuseppe Mazzini
Words • 705
Pages • 3
Nationalism was becoming a growing issue in nineteenth century Europe, during the time of the great powers. Nationalism is an ideology based on the premise that the individuals’ loyalty and devotion to the nation surpass other individual or group interests. This was becoming a big problem, since certain people started becoming radical and commenced influencing populations to revolution; in Italy the population was influenced to create a united nation by Giuseppe Mazzini and Camillo Cavour. The Italian population wasn’t only…...
ItalyLiberalismPhilosophical TheoriesPolitical SciencePolitics
Gettysburg Address And American Romanticism
Words • 301
Pages • 2
Name: Tutor: Gettysburg Essay American Romanticism in Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address Several aspects of American Romanticism are evident in Abraham Lincoln’s “Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863”. Much of the Romantic language used in this excerpt illustrated the nation’s state and the Civil War. An aspect of American Romanticism stems from the theme of the Civil War. In the beginning of the address, Lincoln commences by asserting that, “our fathers brought forth on…...
Abraham LincolnAmericaCountryCultureHistoryMedieval Europe
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Bulworth A Satirical Take on Politics
Words • 698
Pages • 3
  Bulworth is a political, satirical movie that follows the life of Jay Bulworth a senator. He is seeking re-election to his seat as the senator of California. However, his re-election campaign is not going well, and he relies on businesses and organizations’ donations to run his campaigns. His opinions, therefore, had to be conservative in order to obtain the financial assistance he required from the businesses and organizations. His ideologies began to lose favor with the citizens of his…...
Censorship Essay
Words • 1001
Pages • 5
Most people think that censoring materials is going against people’s right to information and press but in some cases censorship is unavoidable. Censorship is the suppression or deletion of material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor. But it is an arguable topic on who gets to censor materials and the criteria for a material not to be censored. Mainly censorship is done on three bases: materials regarding national security, liable materials which can…...
CensorshipCommunicationHuman RightsPoliticsReason
Hardball: The Game of Politics.
Words • 558
Pages • 3
Matthews, Christopher (1999). Hardball: how politics is played, told by one who knows the game (1st Touchstone ed. ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster. Hardball was published in 1988 and was written by Chris Matthews. Chris Matthews himself has over 17 years of experience in the political world, having spent a lot of time in Washington in various capacities; as aide to Senator Frank E. Moss, presidential speech writer as well as chief spokesman for Tip O’Neill. This book encompasses…...
Ronald Reagan
Martin Luther King’s Letter
Words • 361
Pages • 2
Martin Luther King Jr. was an activist during the Civil Rights Movement. In 1963 he wrote a “Letter from a Birmingham Jail to address his fellow clergymen. King uses diction and appeals to pathos to tell the clergymen and the black community that waiting is no longer an option if they want segregation to end. In the “Letter”, King uses associations of something that can be created or possibly false to show that letting time pass by will not help…...
Civil Rights MovementCommunicationLetter From Birmingham JailMartin Luther KingPoliticsRacism
Global Issues In Persepolis
Words • 874
Pages • 4
Marjane Satrapi’s novel Persepolis is an in depth expression at Marjane’s kid goon in Iran. Throughout the fresh Marji faces many public issues which straight relate to her personal problems. While Marji was turning up she witnessed the relinquishing of the Shah’s government. The Islamic revolution and the Iraq V Iran war. Her fresh screens an eight twelvemonth span. from the ages six to fourteen. Even though the novel begins when Marji is merely six old ages old she was…...
Film AnalysisIranPersepolisPolitics
Louis Xviii Of France
Words • 972
Pages • 4
Louis XVIII came to the throne after the warfare and economic dislocation of the Napoleonic years. He was king of France from 1814 until his death in 1824. To decide whether he was successful or not, first the word success has to be defined. Success is, in terms of being king, keeping the country running well (socially, economically and politically). I feel that during Louis’s time as king, many important changes and incidents happened for the French people which he…...
Hobbes Vs Locke Essay
Words • 361
Pages • 2
Locke had a theory of natural law and natural right; he believed that a rational purpose to government did exist. Defending the government as an institution, Locke insisted that not only did a good government care for the well-being of its public and have a basis for enforcing obligations on the citizens of its country; but, also, that a government was necessary for public welfare. Locke maintained that all human beings were equal and free to enjoy their inalienable right…...
JusticeLawLibertyMedicinePolitical SciencePolitics
What Was The Ultimate Goal Of Code Noir?
Words • 742
Pages • 3
Le Code Noir (The Black Code) The Code Noir was a decree passed by King Louis XIV of France in 1685 and ended in 1848. It had a great impact on the sugar industry and trade involving French colonies and territories. The Code Noir contains 60 articles each with its own right and specification. The Code contained rights on slavery, restriction of the freedom of black people, banishment of Judaism, rejecting African cultures and that Catholicism should be the only…...
King Leopold’s Ghost Summary
Words • 653
Pages • 3
King Leopold’s Ghost, provides a historical account of economic and political systems in colonial Africa.  It is a tale of greed and grave hunger for power as well as heroism in the midst of terror. Adam Hochschild examines how the European drive for territories and possessions in the late nineteenth century justified the essence of colonialism.  Hochschild presents why the “civilizing” mission of Europe in Africa was deemed the powerful as morally right. Belgium’s King Leopold II, as the first…...
“Dimensions of Temporality in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural”
Words • 956
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Dimensions of Temporality in Lincoln's Second Inaugural" is an analysis of an article of the same name by Michael Leff that analyzes Lincoln's speech. Just how does the melding of the secular with that of the sacred obfuscate time and influence an audience and a country?  This is what Michael Leff sets forth to examine in his article “Dimensions of Temporality in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural.”  Relying in part on the works of Amy Slagell and…...
Abraham LincolnResearch
Ellis Founding Brothers
Words • 322
Pages • 2
Explains how the United States and its founding fathers built the government and declared their independence. Throughout the book, it shows how the founding fathers argued and had different opinions on several subjects. The main fathers were John Adams, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, and several other important figures that helped piece together the United States government. Each chapter depicts how so many things sculpted our nation into the government we have today. Even though there were several founding…...
Alexander HamiltonCommunicationJohn AdamsThomas Jefferson
Red Guards Revolution Mao
Words • 1008
Pages • 5
It had been argued that one of the many aims of Mao’s Cultural Revolution had been that of the “cleaning up” of the economic, political, ideological, and organisational impurities of the rural peasants and basic-level cadres. 1 The initial intention of the Social Education Movement was to restore collectivisation which was damaged by the disasters after the Great Leap. However, it was soon revealed that corruption among the grass-roots rural cadres was rampant, resulting in the shift of focus from…...
ChinaCommunismCultureMao ZedongPolitics
Statue Of Liberty Essay
Words • 592
Pages • 3
INTRO: There are a lot of Historical Monuments in the United States, like the white house and the Washington monument but there is one that caught my eye. The statue of liberty in New York is an iconic figure that symbolizes the importance of freedom in America and plays a significant role in the history of the United States. SYMBOLISM: The statue is truly the enduring symbol of America and in many ways one of the important, symbols of the…...
Declaration Of IndependencePoliticsStatue Of Liberty
Tribute Speech Outline
Words • 1206
Pages • 5
Introduction (herby introducing the salient points I am going to discuss in this speech)1.                  With the fast pace of today’s life and the increased amounts of saturated fats and other unhealthy substances we consume, the rate of heart disease is high, and one day all of our hearts, including yours, may give out.2.                  If this does happen, you don’t have to be as concerned as people whose hearts gave in before the days of the first heart transplant, by South…...
MedicineNelson MandelaPoliticsSurgery
Synthesis Paper Example
Words • 299
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Synthesis essays
In modern society, global warming is one of the most serious problems causing unrest all over the world. Global warming has been blamed for a host of recent worldwide issues, such as an increase in the number and severity of hurricanes, higher temperatures and droughts, and various other environmental changes. Thus, countermeasures to cope with the aggravating global warming are urgent questions in the present day. To deal with the problem of global warming many nations and organizations are making…...
Climate ChangeCommunicationGlobal WarmingPolicyPolitics
Confucian Dynamism
Words • 826
Pages • 4
In my essay I will hope to discover the true essence of Guanxi. What it means. Where it came from and how crucial it really is when conducting business in China. My aim is to bring together the views and opinions of a cross section of people and interpret them into my own understanding. After analysing the topic in question I will go on to conclude, ‘The significance of Guanxi’. With foreign trade in China totalling US$509. 77 billion in…...
ChinaCultureHuman NaturePolitics
Stop This Monster That Stops At Nothing
Words • 774
Pages • 4
In 1 941, the American government NT created a poster to appeal to young working class Americans . It depicted two political leaders, Germany’s Doll Hitler and Japan’s Hided Togo, from the Axis Alliance (a triumvirate of fascist political leaders from Germany, Italy and Japan), as a mutated conjoined moon steer. They are attacking the iconic Statue of Liberty and below, a golden spanner is shown, b earning the word “Production” on its side. Underneath the image, text declares: “Stop…...
CommunicationFilm AnalysisMonsterPoliticsPropaganda
Chanel’s Choice in World War II
Words • 1019
Pages • 5
In 1939, at the beginning of World War II, Chanel closed her shops, maintaining her apartment situated above the couture house at 31 rue Cambon. She claimed that it was not a time for fashion. [19] Three thousand female employees lost their jobs. [37] The advent of war had given Chanel the opportunity to retaliate against those workers, who lobbying for fair wages and work hours, had closed down her business operation during the general labor strike in France in…...
Nazi GermanyPolitics
100 Flowers Campaign
Words • 474
Pages • 2
In 1956 Mao Zedong started a campaign to allow more freedom within his communist regime in China. However in a year the campaign had been cancelled, and replaced by a ‘anti-rightist campaign’. Was this just a clever trap to allow Mao to see his critics? Or was it a genuine attempt to allow the Chinese people more freedom? Many historians have argued either way. In 1956 Mao thought it was time to allow more freedom, and allow great expression of…...
Joseph StalinMao ZedongPolitics
Karate Kid Summary
Words • 336
Pages • 2
In 1984, when the movie “The Karate Kid” was first shown in theaters, there were no indications it would launch three sequels and a remake in 2010.The story of a young man relocated with a single mother and struggling to fit in is as common a theme then as it is now.As he tries to adjust to a school where he’s attracted to a young girl while being the brunt of a gang of bullies, he finds an unlikely mentor…...
PresidentRonald Reagan
V For Vendetta Questions
Words • 917
Pages • 4
If people feel strong it will be easier to get people once a good amount of people Join the cause It is very easy to mess up when a mass of people are doing something because of the numbers Everyone has to be on the same side for the manipulation to work. In order to immobile a population everyone needs to agree with the movement; convincing people is a lot more difficult when one has to convince a whole group…...
Human NatureOppressionPoliticsReasonViolence
Who Is Agapito Bagumbayan
Words • 476
Pages • 2
I belong to the opposing group. who opposes Jose Rizal as the national hero. and affirms Andres Bonifacio. who genuinely owns the throne to the alleged rubric of “National Hero” which presently belongs to Jose Rizal. First of all. allow me acquire some facts straight. His complete name is Andres Castro Bonifacio. and he was born on November 30. 1863 in Tondo. Manila and died on May 10. 1897 at a really immature age of 33 in Maragondon. Cavite. Like…...
Abraham LincolnPhilippinesPresident
Bonds And Recognisances
Words • 782
Pages • 4
How far was Henry VII’s control over the nobility in the years 1485 to 1509 due to his financial policies? (24 marks) As Henry was a usurper, it was unlikely that he’d gained much support and loyalty from his Nobles although it did not evade the fact that he had to establish some authority over them. One of the primary methods Henry used was to either punish or reward his Nobility with his financial policies. Henry had a very detailed…...
How Did Hitler Deal With Opposition
Words • 544
Pages • 3
Hitler didn’t wait for after his consolidation of power to gather information about the Marxists. So by the time of the Reichstag fire [27th February 1933] he had all information about the communists, including their whereabouts and this made it easier for him to arrest all of them in one night. After the Reichstag fire, which was ‘supposedly’ a communist uprising started by Marinus van der Lubbe, was a two month purge of all communists. They were taken to local…...
Nazi GermanyPoliticsTotalitarianism
John Muir Vs Pinchot
Words • 804
Pages • 4
Have you ever heard of John Muir and Gifford Pinchot? These two men expressed different beliefs over preservation and conservation. John Muir was America’s most famous conservationist. While Gifford Pinchot was one of America’s leading preservationist. Both of these men spent most of their lifetime defending the natural resources and the wildlife around the world. John Muir is one of California’s most important historical personalities. Born in Scotland, he has been called “The Father of our National Parks,” “Wilderness Profit,”…...
CommunicationNewsPoliticsTheodore RooseveltWildernessYosemite National Park
Causes Of The French Revolution Essay
Words • 588
Pages • 3
Have you ever wondered what the causes and effects were of the French Revolution? Today, we are going to explore this amazing question, and find out what the real causes’ and effects were of this remarkable Revolution! First off, you could name a dozen reasons why the French Revolution was started, but, I decided to name one key factor for the cause. The Financial Crisis. The decadence of the monarchy, along with other factors like war and poor harvests, led…...
FranceFrench RevolutionMedieval EuropePoliticsReign Of Terror
Gandhi Satyagraha Summary
Words • 969
Pages • 4
Gandhi’s non-violent individual can be described using the two concepts that are most important in his philosophy: ahimsa and satyagraha. Ahimsa, of course is the principle of non-violence. Mahatma Ghandi believes that the love of God or the Supreme Being must necessarily manifest in all of our actions. This means that we should practice non-violence. In Ghandi’s spiritual point of view, we have struggles that we need to fight internally. These are desires, fear, worry, and anxieties. But these fights…...
Civil RightsCultureEthicsGandhiHuman RightsPhilosophical Theories
Social Deviation
Words • 468
Pages • 2
Every human culture has members who exhibit deviant behavior. Deviant behavior is any action that is criminal, unacceptable, confusing or just strange to the majority of the culture’s members. Each culture differs in its response and handling of deviant behavior. For example, behavior that would land someone in a mental institution in the United States might cause placement as the village shaman in other cultures. Although deviance might be harmful to a culture, it is also essential to cultural flexibility…...
CrimeHuman NatureJusticePoliticsSocial Psychology
The Last Journey Of Ninoy
Words • 903
Pages • 4
Essentially, the film re-enacts the last few days of Ninoy’s life – from the time he said goodbye to his family in Boston to board the plane that would take him to Los Angeles, Singapore and across the border to Johore in Malaysia, then Hong Kong and Taipei, up to his arrival in Manila on August 21, 1983. The uncertainty on his face when military agents picked him up to escort him out of the plane will forever be etched…...
Drawing The Color Line
Words • 855
Pages • 4
Drawing the Color Line Drawing the Color Line by Howard Zinn the second chapter from A People’s history of the United States. The authors writes this chapter to explain racism and how it started, “a continent were we can trace the coming of the first whites and the first blacks-might supply at least a few clues” he wants to use history to try to explain why it started. In this chapter Howard Zinn gives us an insight on Slavery and…...
Atlantic Slave TradeInjusticePoliticsRacismSlaverySocial Issues
Democracy And Human Rights
Words • 882
Pages • 4
Democracy and Human Rights Democracy and human rights are clearly different notions; “they are distinct enough for them to be viewed as discreet and differentiated political concepts. ” Whereas democracy aims to empower ‘the people” collectively, human rights aims to empower individuals. Similarly, human rights is directly associated with the how of ruling, and not just the who, which may be the case in an electoral democracy, though not in a substantive democracy. Thus, “democracies” exist that do not necessarily…...
DemocracyGovernmentHuman RightsPolitical SciencePoliticsSocial Issues
Thematic Essay Question
Words • 578
Pages • 3
Danjai Jones 11/21/11 Social StudiesThematic essay question It as once said that “Political, economic and social conditions have often led to turning points that have changed the course of history for nations and peoples. ” In other words at times of discomfort within a region or country they tend to lead to a revolution to meet the most publics wants and needs. One example of a turning point in our history is “The French Revolution”. The reason being for its…...
CultureFranceNatural LawPhilosophical TheoriesPolitics
Marxist Views On The Family
Words • 929
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
Critically evaluate the Marxist perspective of the family According to Marx’s perspective, family is seen as an obstruction to achieving the communist goals, as it is crucial to passing the established order such as cultural ideals on to the next generation. However, Marx was focused on social class rather than the role of family, it was his friend Engels traced the evolution of the family in “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” (1884 , Zurich) In…...
Community Observation Essay
Words • 954
Pages • 4
Community Centre Observation Instructor: Social Work Observation Essay Institution: Community Centre Observation I visited the Woodgreen children care center, which is part of the Woodgreen Community Center. Visiting the center was an exciting experience as it revealed the kind of work I would be involved in after graduation. In addition, the people in the center seeking services seemed in need of help due to their conditions or circumstances. Different services are offered by the community and its substitute centers. The…...
In Contrast To Russia, The Communist Revolution In China
Words • 530
Pages • 3
China and Russia had various similarities and differences during the early 20th century. They were different in the aspect of goals as Russia was highly concerned in making everyone literate to experience the works of Marx, Lenin and Stalin personally while neither the Chinese communist party nor the Kuomintang cared much about literacy for the masses. Another differences was the characterization of the Russian revolution by World war 1 leading to the revolt against a ruling Tsar while China, was…...
Immigration Expository Essay
Words • 768
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Expository essays
Chance means change. For decades, thousands of migrants arriving in Australia, all face the same dilemma, how do I live here? With such a different environment and lifestyle to get accustomed to, how can a person adjust themselves to a new way of life after living their whole life somewhere else? But does it matter? Migrants have a free choice. They come and stay if they see what they like, if not they take the next flight back to wherever.…...
Scramble For Africa Webquest
Words • 571
Pages • 3
Catherine Straus Period 6 September 23, 2011 Heart of Darkness Webquest Task 1 a) Scramble for Africa was a process of invasion, occupation, and colonization of African territory by European powers during the New Imperialism period. http://www. pvhs. chico. k12. ca. us/~bsilva/projects/scramble/ b) The purpose of the Berlin Conference was to lay rules to divide Africa without going to war for it. It divided Africa and African leaders weren’t allowed to make decision for Africa’s outcome. http://wysinger. homestead. com/berlinconference. htmlKing…...
AfricaHeart Of DarknessImperialismInternational RelationsPolitics
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What Was The Ultimate Goal Of Code Noir?
...Legacy Even if the code was removed, the phase of this period was adopted into many books and documentaries. A few of these books have been published in Mauritius specifically, “Gorges” by Alexandre Dumas. The Code Noir remains a legacy of the Fr...
Who Is Agapito Bagumbayan
...Bonifacio wrote the poem “Pag-ibig SA Lupang Tinubuan” ( Love of Homeland ) under the anonym Agapito Bagumbayan. With less than 300 KKK members in January 1896. ranks of the Katipunan soared high to more than 40. 000 by August 1896 due to the pub...
How Did Hitler Deal With Opposition
...The iggest blow to communists actually came with the [ironic] Nazi-Soviet Pact [1939]]. The Socialists were also weak and were easy prey for Hitler. After the depression, even trade unions were crippled and so the weapon of the socialists, a general ...
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