Essays on History

Free essays on history are online resources that provide students and researchers with access to written works without any cost. These essays cover various historical events, figures, and ideas that have shaped the world. The topics include ancient civilizations, world wars, social and cultural movements, and politics. They serve as valuable references for students seeking to enhance their knowledge of history or to supplement their research work. The essays are written by professional historians, scholars, and experts who have a vast knowledge of the subject matter. Paperap have made history more accessible and convenient for learners of all levels.
The Judasbaumtor of Oya Baydar Review
Words • 1093
Pages • 5
The following sample of essay on "The Judasbaumtor of Oya Baydar Review": review on Oya Baydar's critical political views and It`s impacts. Is that just these four people together make it a coincidence or rather fate in Istanbul? In a period of two years, their paths will cross again. They will interfere with each other, sometimes develop a very close relationship to each other to diverge again at the end. As a Judasbaumtor the title -. It is said -…...
Byzantine EmpireCulturePoetry
“Debris child” by Mechtild Borrmann Review
Words • 1054
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The following example essay on "Debris child by Mechtild Borrmann Review" is an analysis of a literary work. The article reveals the plot of the work and the images of the main characters of the story. The war, While is over but the times are in Hamburg in 1947 still as hard as in the last months of battles, the bombings and the flight. The hardship of life, the everyday struggle for the for survival bare necessities, the concerns of…...
Nazi Germany
“Teo” by Lorenza Gentile
Words • 1007
Pages • 5
The following example essay on "Teo by Lorenza Gentile" is an analysis of a literary work. The essay reveals the plot of the novel and reveals the images of the main characters of the story. The boy lives in a middle-class Italian household. The parents, a lot of busy, successful in their professions, have little time for her two children. To the boys Susu, the maid cares. She brings Teo up from school, take him to bed and listen to…...
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The White Field Of Lenka Hornakova-civade Review
Words • 1157
Pages • 5
When Marie at the beginning of the twentieth century saw the light of day, the small village in Moravia belongs still to the Empire of the Habsburgs. 1929 comes Maries daughter Magdalena to the world, as a citizen, founded after World War Republic of Czechoslovakia. But ten years later Moravia is occupied by the Germans, and the Second World War begins. After the end of Magdalena's daughter Libuse is born, be socialist in the same year (1948), in the country…...
Nazi Germany
“The Noise of the Time” by Julian Barnes
Words • 1276
Pages • 6
The following example essay on "The Noise of the Time by Julian Barnes" is an analysis of a literary work published in 2016. It is about the life of Dmitri Shostakovich, a Soviet-era Russian composer. Dmitri Shostakovich, one of the greatest composers of the 20th century, had to live the misfortune at a time and in a country where he could make anyone right, even if he would have wanted. The extraordinary talent, born in 1906, already developed as a…...
Joseph StalinOperaPhilosophyTime
The Disappearing Century
Words • 883
Pages • 4
With his first novel, "The Hundred Years, which rose out of the window and disappeared", the Swede Jonas Jonasson won the hearts of many readers within a very short time. His novel entertains anyone, young or old. The writing style is easy and fluid, entertaining and lively, full of colloquialisms. The author is a true artist of fabulation; furious rages from his imagination. Its main characters - the friends with whom the Hundred Years surrounds himself - lie, the bars…...
Mao Zedong
Novel “Augustus” by John Williams
Words • 1215
Pages • 5
"Send the boy to Apollonia" Gaius Julius Caesar writes v in 45th Chr. To his niece Atia. The "boy", which is her son, who soon eighteen Gaius Octavius, who has just returned from a Spain-campaign on the side of the powerful great-uncle to her. At his birth Caesar had chosen him as his successor. Now it's down to business. Atia has when it comes to her son, nothing more to say; Caesar determined his future career and has "arrangements" made…...
Ancient RomeAugustusJulius CaesarMark AntonyRoman Republic
The blood of the lily by Jennifer Donnelly Review
Words • 684
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The blood of the lily by Jennifer Donnelly Review. The fatal accident of the tenth anniversary Truman Alpert has completely destroyed the lives of his family. After one year, the father, Lewis does not keep the state from more. As Nobel laureate, he is world famous, may take a professorship at Harvard, and in Boston he has a girlfriend. His wife, however, threatens to lose his mind as she sits in her room constantly at the…...
French Revolution
“Sing, Unburied, Sing” by Jesmyn Ward
Words • 1235
Pages • 5
The Mississippi Delta, a hot, humid, green plants desert. White, for over two hundred years, the self-proclaimed masters of the country, nature and everything that lives there. Black, exploited for generations, stripped of their dignity, crushed. Individual fates and their interdependencies in which crystallizes the general. Stories of trips that lead to limits violence, suffering, poverty, small hopes, act big disappointment. Südstaatenepen with these elements, there are many and for a long time, but few are as shocking as powerful…...
The us love by Jenna Blum Review
Words • 1142
Pages • 5
Trudy Swenson, 56, is a professor at the Historical Institute in Minneapolis. She specializes in the history of the Third Reich. On behalf of the Center for Holocaust studies, they will interview witnesses (in winter 1996). Suitable she holds a seminar on "The role of women in Nazi Germany." She wants to question to what extent the Aryan wife was "fanatically anti-Semitic" perpetrator and "part of the war machine." For a differentiated view as close to her heart, her students…...
LoveNazi GermanyThe Holocaust
The War of the encyclopedists of G. F. Kovite and C. G. Robinson Review
Words • 1142
Pages • 5
What is the meaning of life? What is truth? No less questions than these are the ones with which the two friendly authors Gavin Ford Kovite and Christopher Gerald Robinson confront the same in her debut novel to over six hundred pages. Let to launch two brunette young protagonists from the same base, then disconnect abruptly and send them on ways that could not be more. But they stay connected, share their experiences and thoughts. The reader follows the developments…...
EncyclopediaIraq WarRealityTruthWarWikipedia
To life condemned by Daniel Woodrell Review
Words • 893
Pages • 4
The Promised Land - freedom, security and prosperity a little - examined the German winemaking family Rödel when she emigrated to America. In Missouri, they found good land and could look with optimism into the future. But soon they rolled over the inexorability of history and brings worries, suffering and death over them The focus of this relentlessly harrowing novel -. "At such times, sadness is in full bloom." - is the eighteen year old son Jacob ( "Jake"), who…...
American Civil War
28 days of David Safier Review
Words • 1166
Pages • 5
Mira's father can no longer stand the humiliation and repression. Until recently, a respected doctor, he was not allowed to exercise more since he was shipped to the ghetto of Warsaw with his family his profession. After all, he has put his passion and his life to an end. His suicide has left a mentally broken widow and three fatherless children in a small one-room apartment. The depressed mother is almost silent; she does not leave her bed. To meet…...
Nazi Germany
“Oligarch” by Author Of Thrillers And Spy Novels Daniel Silva
Words • 985
Pages • 4
The word "oligarch" comes from the Greek and refers to the literal sense "one of a few rulers". But mostly it means by that a business boss who dominates because of its wealth a country unofficially - and thinking of Russia. There also plays Daniel Silva's eighth spy thriller whose plot continues to his bestseller "The Moscow plot" of of 2010. The eponymous oligarch's Ivan Kharkov, is one of the most feared men in Russia, Stalin revered and owes his…...
GovernmentIsraelJoseph StalinPoliticsRussia
Good morning, Comrade Elephant by Christopher Wilson Review
Words • 1135
Pages • 5
When Joseph Stalin died in 1953, he was a moronic old man of seventy-four years, drawn by diseases, consumed by suspicion and hatred. Forty years earlier, he had called himself "Man of Steel", with 49 he began to earn the worst connotations of this epithet, and eventually became one of the most inhuman and skrupellosesten mass murderers in world history. His regime cost many millions of lives. Influential circles ensure that he is highly regarded to this day with a…...
ElephantJoseph StalinZoology
Enlightenment by Anne Chaplet Review
Words • 621
Pages • 3
Commissioner Giorgio DeLange and three colleagues from the Frankfurt police are in an exchange program in Peru. are - (we bathe in blood "Nos bañamos en la sangre") The sightseeing tour bus - - Machu Picchu and Cuzco, 3,400 m above sea level and the numerous horror stories of tour guide about the atrocities of the Spanish conquerors and the bloody local rites DeLange severely beaten on the stomach and mind. Before leaving for Frankfurt DeLange eager to visit the…...
Age Of EnlightenmentEnlightenmentPeruPhilosophyPolitics
All I’m Anna Funder Review
Words • 992
Pages • 4
To date, Ruth has not gotten it, that she had not interpreted the signs correctly. Since then, she emigrated with her husband Hans to London, he had changed. Ruth Becker comes from an Upper Silesian manufacturing family. "In my family no one ever was with physical work on ... We were enlightened to Germany's Jews formed secular and more Prussian than the Prussians." Hans Wesemann however, comes from a pastor household. His life "was partly influenced by the honest, practical…...
Adolf HitlerGermanyNazi GermanyPoliticsWeimar Republic
“Professor Bernhardi” by Arthur Schnitzler
Words • 1202
Pages • 5
Most political theatre comments on what is happening in recent events. It is intended for the audience to feel a spark of motivation, a need and want for drastic change in their society. It can be shown in many different ways, allowing an audience to become so solely emotionally invested in the characters, that they too begin to see themselves within elements of the play, later comparing themselves to those characters and seeing that they are not so far apart.…...
Human NatureNazi GermanyPoliticsSocial ClassTheatre
•daily life of average citizen in Greece Life in ancient Greece was
Words • 861
Pages • 4
•(daily life of average citizen in Greece) Life in ancient Greece was different for men and women. While men were expected to be apart of the public life of their city, and had to train as soldiers, women were expected to live a quiet life as a their wife and as a mother. Women usually stayed home most of the time. Slavery was a common and popular thing in Greece. Families that were wealthy would have slaves to do their…...
Ancient GreeceCountryEuropean UnionGreeceHistoryLife
War on Drugs Essay Example
Words • 1839
Pages • 8
War on Drugs Essay IntroductionIn 1925, American journalist H. L. Mencken wrote, “Prohibition has not only failed in its promises but actually created additional serious and disturbing social problems throughout society. There is not less drunkenness in the Republic but more. There is not less crime, but more. The cost of government is not smaller, but vastly greater. Respect for law has not increased, but diminished. ” Nearly 90 years later and this is still perfectly applicable today with the…...
AddictionDrugsHealthHistoryWarWar On Drugs
Warrants Essay Example
Words • 1707
Pages • 7
Warrants Essay IntroductionWarrantsWarrants Essay Body ParagraphsWarrants Research on warrants Warrants are issued by a judge on behalf of the state. These warrants authorize a criminal’s arrest and detention. It also authorizes searches and seizure of a person’s property. A criminal warrant is a legal document ordering the law enforcement officers to carry out some of the activities in line with a criminal case. These warrants may be issue without the accused person’s knowledge. The criminal may not be aware of…...
Common LawCourtCrimeCriminal JusticeJudgeJustice
French Revolution
Words • 1672
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "French Revolution" is a discussion on whether you agree with the idea that the French revolution ushered in an era of a new political cultural explain. Keith baker defines the term revolution as ‘a transformation of discursive practice of the community, a moment in which social relations are reconstituted and the discourse defining the political relations between individuals and group of radically recast. ’(3) According to Albert soboul, the French revolution is situated in the…...
FeminismFranceFrench RevolutionLiberalismMarxismMedieval Europe
Essay Examples on The Maya
Words • 630
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on The Maya "One of the Most Advanced Civilizations Ever Recorded" The Maya were once considered one of the greatest civilizations in North America, and possibly the world. They built many pyramids and temples to honour their gods and to preserve their religion. Their lives revolved around their king and sacrifice of his blood. The cultural achievements of the Maya along with the educational achievements came centuries before other cultures. These achievements still exist today along with…...
Cultural AnthropologyCultureMesoamerica
Essay Examples on Vietnam War
Words • 637
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1st Essay Sample on Vietnam WarThe Vietnam War, the nation’s longest, cost fifty-eight thousand American lives. Only the Civil War and the two world wars were deadlier for Americans. During the decade of direct U.S. military participation in Vietnam beginning in 1964, the U.S Treasury spent over $140 billion on the war, enough money to fund urban renewal projects in every major American city. Despite these enormous costs and their accompanying public and private trauma for the American people, the…...
AsiaCountryHistoryVietnamVietnam WarWar
Essay Examples on World War I
Words • 596
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on World War I World War I was the result of leaders’ aggression towards other countries, which was supported by the rising nationalism of the European nations. Economic and imperial competition and fear of war prompted military alliances and an arms race, which further escalated the tension contributing to the outbreak of war.On the European continent there were chiefly five raising great powers.On one side France, Britain, and Russia and on the other were the Central Powers…...
EuropeInternational RelationsMilitaryPoliticsWar
Essay Examples on Titian
Words • 610
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1st Essay Sample on Titian No one knows exactly when the Italian artist, Tiziano Vecellio, was born. Over the centuries, there has been a great deal of confusion concerning the date, due to a misprint in his biography by sixteenth century art historian, Girgio Vasari. Vasari recorded the date as 1480, but the progress of Tiziano Vecellio's work, as well as other documented sources, announce his date of birth to be sometime between 1488 and 1490. (Magill 2310) The place…...
CulturePaintingRenaissanceVisual Arts
Essay Examples on The Great Depression
Words • 633
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on The Great Depression The Great Depression was a bad time in history for everyone.It was the worst financial slump ever in U.S. history.The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade.Many people were affected by this event.The main cause for the Great Depression was a combination of things. First, thing that caused the Great Depression was the stock market crash.The stock market crash began on Black Friday in October 1929.In addition, the Federal…...
DepressionHealthHistoryMental HealthThe Great DepressionUs History
Essay Examples on Russia
Words • 555
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on Russia Russian Revolution This essay is about the November 1917 revolution, the events that led up to and contributed to the revolution and Lenin’s role in the revolution. These include the different social, political and economic causes of the Russian Revolution, things such as which social class should lead the uprising, the Mensheviks who wanted to change Russia by a democratic vote and social reform. Lenin’s ideology who and where it came from, if his brothers…...
Catherine The GreatPoliticsRussian EmpireRussian RevolutionVladimir Lenin
Essay Examples on Pompeii
Words • 617
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on Pompeii The animation shows what has been called the plinian stage of a volcanic eruption. It is named after Pliny, a Roman soldier who sailed into the port of Stabiae to try to help some of the people fleeing the volcano. During the plinian stage, dust, ashes, cinders, and rocks erupt high into the air. This stage may last for hours or even days . No lava flows occur during the plinian stage.In time the dust,…...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Julius Caesar
Words • 1324
Pages • 6
To write a good essay on Julius Caesar, first, you need to get an idea of what to write about. To get inspiration, please go through our essay examples on this topic. Julius Caesar as a Hero Essay The hero of the Romans was Caesar. He did not solely depend on conquests, as other military leaders had, to forge his personality, and consequently become famous. Caesar's unique character in history was due to his triumph against the challenges that he…...
Ancient RomeJulius CaesarRoman EmpireRoman Republic
Essay Examples on Pearl Harbor
Words • 1011
Pages • 5
To write a good essay on Pearl Harbor, first, you need to get an idea of what to write about. To get inspiration, please go through our essay examples on this topic. Table of Content Why Should We Remember Pearl Harbor Attack Essay Pearl Harbor Attack Essay Pearl Harbor in the American History Essay Why Should We Remember Pearl Harbor Attack EssayIt’s the history. For 9/1 1, it’s much easier for us to remember. All of us are capable of…...
World War 2
Essay Examples About John Kennedy
Words • 625
Pages • 3
The following essay sample is JFK essay examples. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. 1st Essay Sample on JFK John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States, the youngest person ever to be elected President, thefirst Roman Catholic and thefirst to be born in the 20th century.Kennedy was assassinated before he completed his third year as President, therefore his achievements were limited.Nevertheless, his influence was worldwide, and his handling of the…...
John F. KennedyPolitics
Assassination Of Us President John F. Kennedy In Dallas
Words • 292
Pages • 2
The Assassination of John F. KennedyJohn F. Kennedy was elected the 35th president of the United States in 1960.He was the youngest man to ever be elected to that office at age forty-three.After serving just over one thousand days in office, he was killed November 22, 1963, as he rode in a motorcade through the streets ofDallas, Texas.His assassination put our country in mourning and to this day has caused much controversy.The president and thefirst lady, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, had…...
John F. Kennedy
Essay Examples on Hundred Years War
Words • 593
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1st Essay Sample on Hundred Years War How long did the Hundred Years War last?The answer is actually a surprising 116 years.The Hundred Years war is the name given to the series of on and off warfare fought between the kings of England and France, from 1337 to 1453.The war consisted of sieges, raids, sea and land battles, and long periods truce ("Hundred Years War", 222).The war shaped the way the time period ended and the way western Europe looks…...
FranceJoan Of ArcMiddle AgesMilitaryWar
Essay Examples on Humanism in the renaissance
Words • 585
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on Essay Examples on Humanism in the renaissance deals with powerful, creative individuals. The renaissance started in the 14th century in cities of Northern Italy. During this time the social elite became more interested in the literature and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome. People started to reject some of the ideas and practices of medieval civilization and turned to the idea of humanism.Humanism was a new concern with people as powerful, creative individuals in a…...
CultureMedieval EuropeRenaissanceTranslation
Essay Examples on Great depression
Words • 5693
Pages • 23
1st Essay Sample on great depression Many times throughout history the United States has undergone economic depression.The most recognized period of economic depression is called the Great Depression. The Great Depression is well known because of the seriousness of the stock market crash.The results of the crash were more serious than any other crash throughout American History.The Great Depression caused a change in the nature of the American family, an increase in poverty, and President Herbert Hoover’s proposal for immediate…...
DepressionHealthHistoryMental HealthUs History
The Impact of California Gold Rush on American History
Words • 441
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on The Impact of California Gold Rush on American History tells how the gold rush affected the American economy and the nation as a whole. The California Gold Rush had many effects on the American people, westward expansion, the environment, economy and Indian relations ultimately affecting the world as a whole.When John Marshallfirst found gold in January 1848 at Sutter’s Mill in California many people on the east coast did not believe the news.It was not…...
California Gold RushCommunication
Essay Examples on Feudalism
Words • 666
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is sample essays on feudalism. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. 1st Essay Sample on feudalism I have just read an article on Feudalism in a Britannia magazine. Feudalism began between the 8th and 9th centuries. It wasfirst recognised in France, and later spread to most countries of Western Europe. When Charlemagne died there was no strong ruler to take his place. That was when feudalism was established as the main…...
CasteEuropeFeudalismLawMiddle AgesPolitics
Essay Examples on Geography
Words • 581
Pages • 3
1st Essay Sample on geography Essay Geography iskey to understanding historybecause it's a stage where all the history takes place. In basic sense geography isthe study ofpeople, their environments, resources available to them. Geography can be summed up in five themes witch are Location, Place, Human-environment interaction, Movement, Region. In the following essay I will describe how river valleys, Technology, and Neolithic period would change early civilizations lives.River valleys played a great part in early civilizations since a lot of…...
Essay Examples on Cuban Missile Crisis
Words • 1849
Pages • 8
1st Essay Sample on Cuban Missile CrisisJohn F. Kennedy's greatest triumph as President came in 1962, as the world's two largest superpowers, the Soviet Union and the United States, edged closer and closer to nuclear war. The Soviet Premier of Russia was caught arming Fidel Castro with nuclear weapons. The confrontation left the world in fear for thirteen long days, with the life of the world on the line. Khrushchev, Premier of the Soviet Union, secretly ordered the placement of…...
Cold WarCuban Missile CrisisInternational RelationsMilitaryPolitics
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