"Teo" by Lorenza Gentile

The following example essay on “Teo by Lorenza Gentile” is an analysis of a literary work. The essay reveals the plot of the novel and reveals the images of the main characters of the story.

The boy lives in a middle-class Italian household. The parents, a lot of busy, successful in their professions, have little time for her two children. To the boys Susu, the maid cares. She brings Teo up from school, take him to bed and listen to him when he tells what’s going through his mind, what he dreamed again.

Which is a few years older sister Matilde, their “shitty family” already tired is usually already annoyed when her little brother just entering her room.

Now she’s on a school trip, so he can quietly use their computers, not just in a hurry as usual while showering Teo does not play nbsp approximately &;. On the unit but uses the Internet, where ” all the truths of the world “gathered to his personal strategy to work out.

His goal: to talk to Napoleon. Problem: The general has long been dead-Teo corollary. Teo has to die in order to speak to him. His most pressing question at present: How can he kill the most? Wikipedia offers the boy a long list of standard methods of suicide, but for an eight-year-olds as it is not so right. He has to hurry, “There are not even fifty hours until my death.”

How in the world a child is important to meet to try to commit suicide, only to just Napoleon ‘? Teo suffers from the reality of his family who is not perfect.

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Even when sitting early in the morning all four at the breakfast table, debating starts. The parents argue, and actually they always argue. “Let’s begin to Mama, Papa times […] And neither of the two will win, because winning means to make peace and they never make peace.” Teo understands that most battles are lost: Matilde fails to be best in class, Papa has no luck with his car, and Mama does not manage to convince Dad that he works too much

Now threatened with total defeat: parents want to separate. Because Teo “but a family that is at least a little happy,” wishes he is ready to give everything in the truest sense of the word, to save the parents’ relationship. His efforts to familial peace he perceived as “battle”, and therefore, he believes, should he get advice in one who has actually won many great battles, namely the great general Napoleon Bonaparte. From which he has just read in his birthday gift, a comic book entitled “Napoleon’s adventure”.

With the desire to visit this hero, of course, opens up a whole chain of questions that the people have long put. For example, where the dead Corsican is now? Where are “heaven” and “hell”? Even at the highest levels found astronauts “no trace of paradise. It was quite dark.”

Derlei unsuspecting considerations following the very young Italian author Lorenza emerged Gentile with the protagonist and narrator of her debut work easily and casually into the world of philosophical issues big one. What is this “beyond”? Who is “God,” and what can you do to him “fallen” to? How do you manage to be added to Peter’s list of the paradise pure leaves only the good guys on “input before the golden gate”? One is “good” if you, like the teacher has ordered it, can not be write off the other, or “bad, because you did not help his friends”?

Reply gets Teo well, but they want not add to a closed image. he could Matilde once in a roundabout way in a conversation about heaven, hell and paradise involve. “That depends on the religion from,” she explained to him. Catholics must follow the Ten Commandments, the Buddhists believe in reincarnation, the atheists to “nothing … zero, absolute emptiness.”

Mom, you like Matilde caught always at the wrong time, doing like almost all adults as if they would know: Yes, the Bible did “read as a girl […] many years ago.” In other words: “No,” she does not know the Bible. In school, Giulia, the “stupid nerd” shows off a loud useless stuff, and Xian-wei, the strange new from China, the whole world is a number system.

Teo does not find even a unique response to the (supposedly) simple question of where Napoleon got there. Did he perhaps transformed and is now “a poppy or a stone?” Thirteen days we accompany Teo on his journey through philosophical depths. His realistic mindset prevents it comes to fishtail or even capsize. He learns that Napoleon is buried in St. Helena – “a beautiful island, he was on vacation there.” After the many battles won, “he finally has the right to a little rest.”

There Teo wants to fly, and the battle to save his parents, can enter the crucial final phase. In his knapsack he grabs the most important things for the “beyond”, the toothbrush, pen and paper for ” Three wins ” and “a picture of us all in Porto Ercole, have not quarreled when my parents “. In the last question he has now decided: “I have decided to jump on the rails when the subway is coming.”

Unfortunately, the little protagonist Teo is a badly constructed with its large project Art figure. The difficult to reconcile discrepancies in its essence is the core problem of the entire novel concept. On one hand, Teo is still childlike and naive, wants Birthday nothing more than a Slimey, on the other hand, he sees himself on television favorite documentaries of National Geographic and draw when he wants to clarify an important issue, the conflicting arguments routinely T-charts together.

That he still has noticed at his amazing form no idea of ​​the implications of suicide and those organized almost like a vacation trip, I want no more evident as the basic idea is that an unfortunate age of eight, hold together his family, could fall to the strange idea to see a historic general.

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"Teo" by Lorenza Gentile. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/teo-by-lorenza-gentile-my-review/

"Teo" by Lorenza Gentile
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