The White Field Of Lenka Hornakova-civade Review

Topics: Nazi Germany

When Marie at the beginning of the twentieth century saw the light of day, the small village in Moravia belongs still to the Empire of the Habsburgs. 1929 comes Maries daughter Magdalena to the world, as a citizen, founded after World War Republic of Czechoslovakia. But ten years later Moravia is occupied by the Germans, and the Second World War begins. After the end of Magdalena’s daughter Libuse is born, be socialist in the same year (1948), in the country and village.

1969 also Libuše had a daughter Eva. When she grows up, fall of the Berlin Wall, and the ‘Eastern Bloc Of these four women told Lenka Horňáková-Civade in her debut novel ” Giboulées de Soleil “.

All four women were born out of wedlock, giving them all – regardless of the different social conditions – is chalked out a flaw and banished to the edge of the village community. But all four are also radical advocates of their freedom and independence, which brings them into conflict with the changing authorities.

first mother Marie is a model and mental backbone of the family. Even an assertive campaigner, it shapes their descendants on letting never break, whoever try. Your survival and desire for freedom is in the most difficult phases of life force and support. In its “family of bastards” it bear the daughters and granddaughters on, “will not cry, and if it does happen, you can not flaunt it.”

Marie lives in the 1920s in Vienna. She works as a nurse in the practice of the (married) gynecologist Dr.

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Stone, with whom she began a love affair. As in 1929, their daughter Magdalena is born, the father’s name remains undisclosed, an empty white box in all documents. After the annexation of Austria into the German Reich, the doctor, a Jew leaves with his family the town without saying goodbye to Marie and Magdalena, but he gives them back an envelope with money. In early 1938, also fleeing mother and daughter from the Nazis and settle in a Moravian village. Only after sewing, later as a midwife, Marie recognition and trust worthy initially hostile villagers.

Most influential man in the village is the German owner of a manor, a mill and a biscuit factory, which almost all residents work and bread are , Despite all the warnings of her mother Magdalena in love with his son Joseph. But immediately after the war the family as nearly three million more “Sudeten Germans” from Czechoslovakia is sold. Wistfully must Magdalena see the refugee trek afterwards to have been reported without Joseph of her pregnancy. So 1948 daughter Libuse ( “Liba”) comes into the world and, while Magdalena work pursues in the city, raised by her grandmother Marie.

particularly dramatic, the stain of illegitimacy is calculated in which now communist and modern-giving social order. Magdalena falls in love with the beautiful Franta, but they must marry him not. For his verbiesterte old mother makes representations to Marie to get rid of their limping firstborn in “Bastard women”. His disability is eternal testimony of his mother’s shame, because he was conceived three months before their wedding date and should never be born actually. The two mothers arrange the marriage of the two Spotted but Liba, already seven, will not assume the surname of the unloved in-laws.

In order to quell the liberalization movement of the ‘Prague Spring’, the armies of the Warsaw back in 1968 Pact on Prague before. Why do a few Russian soldiers lost in the most remote Moravian village, all locals is a mystery. One of them eyed Liba, meanwhile professional student, from a distance, and slowly she holds confidence in the stranger, in which it is not the “Bastard of the village”. A year later – the soldier has long since withdrawn – Eva “Forget You belong to anyone You’re free That’s the only thing that matters never….” Is born. With these words, great-grandmother Marie Eve whispered to from childhood force so that they can learn to defend against the odds of everyday life their beliefs. This helps her to bear her sad fate, whose backgrounds they only learn as young adults. Unlike the two younger siblings, arising from the marriage between Liba and her husband Antonin, Eva finds scant attention in the family.

The inoculated desire for independence, as he has a long tradition among the women of this family, culminates in Eva, brings them into conflict with the state ideology that requires the individual submission or punished it. And on top of that it is always “the white box” in their papers undoing that illegitimacy, the ambiguity of their Abstammung.Das body for university admissions the void criticized in the registration form, Comrade teacher refuses to issue the civil status book, it gets no identity card. ‘

Adapting under pressure did not come to the girl’s mind, rather it opposes as far as that goes (and does not occur, for example, the pioneers). You learn to accept themselves as rebellious, against the “Rest of the World” a secret life in “spite” to lead, but to be one with yourself.

The resulting difficulties compensated Eva with fantasy. Since the girl without papers can not travel, they remain while their family is on the Baltic coast of East brother state summer vacation at grandma Marie. With a map of Europe and a large pot of salted water it gets and the grandmother the longing ocean beach to the house. For Marie, the eternally shut up, brings back memories of a holiday in Istria, and she begins to tell.

The novel is divided into three books, each of which Magdalena, Libuše and Eve from the I -perspective tell. It’s about her longing for love, her lifelong flaw as “bastards”, the arbitrariness of political systems, which they only insofar as subordinate as it is necessary to avoid damage. While the men are trying to exhaust their positions of power, apolitical daughters wear the fatherless, self-confident, a strong sting against humiliation, abuse and the system representative in itself, so hard was their life situation as well. Implanted it has mostly silent Marie, whose life is composed for us out of what the three women report them. She knows all the secrets of their dismal children and grandchildren, their stands steadfastly with words and deeds aside, holding them without reproaches the self-chosen path free. Everyone knows that they find a loving home, a safe haven for her, her family need to be unbearable.

may be the unassuming Moravian village of the centers of power So far, it can still the changing changing times not escape, because here there are agents who are to implement the respective ideals faithfully tried and enjoy their importance and power. So while this is primarily a broad Woman Roman, emotionally upsetting, application rich, until the end of mystery and surprises, but also a novel about the political changes in the country to give up in its history to date “white boxes” mystery.

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The White Field Of Lenka Hornakova-civade Review
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