Paperap is a website that gathers a vast collection of free essays about war. The platform is designed to provide students and researchers with the best resources for their academic pursuits in war studies. With a plethora of high-quality essays on different war topics and perspectives from various parts of the world, Paperap provides an excellent learning experience for students in search of broadening their knowledge of war. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and users can access essays on different wars, including World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Gulf War, and Korean War, among others. Whether you are a student or researcher studying the history, causes, effects, and outcomes of wars, Paperap has something for you.
Effect Of Air Conditioner On Global Warming
Air Conditioning and Global Warming Air conditioning systems use energy to remove heat from a given location, transferring it to the exterior in the form of exhaust. Some of the energy is invariably wasted as heat, and this additional heat must also be exhausted. Thus, air conditioning results in net heat release to the environment. The warming effect is aggravated, moreover, because higher forms of energy such as electricity are used to power air conditioners. Generating and transmitting this electricity…...
ChemistryEnergyGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsMechanical Engineering
Anguish Example
A Pure, High Note of Anguish By Barbara Kingsolver ENGL102 Vulnerability Paper October 25, 2011 Tammy Easler A Pure, High Note of Anguish “A Pure, High Note of Anguish” by Barbara Kingsolver is an essay written right after the September 11, 2011, attacks. Like many of us, Kingsolver felt a need to DO something, but did not know how to help. She decided to address some of the questions that were on everybody’s mind. One of these questions was ‘why…...
Warriors Don’t Cry
“WARRIORS DON’T CRY” I picked the theme of self-reliance. As I read the story it was unbelievable to me that she did not give up, even though there were many times when she could have. What she thought was a good idea in the beginning, being just a teenager, she had no idea what the impact she would make on herself and the future Africain American people in. May 24, 1955: The Little Rock school board adopted a plan to…...
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Fidel Castro And Hitler
The following sample essay on Fidel Castro And Hitler. “Leadership means duty, honor and country. It means character and it means listening from time to time” (W. Bush). Dictators are not necessarily leaders, because leadership is a very noble calling.A dictator is someone who always has his own interests at heart; it is a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force. Across the globe, Adolf Hitler tried to transform Germany from a…...
Adolf HitlerDictatorshipGermanyNazi GermanyPolitics
Joseph Stalin Research Paper
“His childhood was harsh with a drunken cobbler father, who beat both mother and child, and in school was bullied as a child, Joseph Stalin grew up to be a bully himself’ (Keller). These events in Stalin’s childhood dramatically influenced the later events as an adult. Joseph Stalin had caused social injustice in Russia through two wars, during the Great Purge, and in the Russian government. Joseph Stalin used social injustice during World War II and during the Cold War.…...
CommunismJoseph StalinLetter From Birmingham JailPoliticsRussiaWar
Hospital Sketches Alcott
The chapter ‘A Night’, in Louisa May Alcott’s Hospital Sketches, is the most inspired chapter in the book. It tells the story of a fatally wounded Virginia blacksmith John, and it fell to Alcott to tell the dying man of his imminent fate and to pen John’s final letter home to his family as he dictated it. The man died while squeezing Alcott’s hand. She described that none of the deaths that she summoned in her life would make her…...
Health CareHospitalPainWar
German Blitzkrieg In Poland
The First Phase: Dominance of the Axis Man for man, the German and Polish forces were an even match. Hitler committed about 1.5 million troops, and the Polish commander, Marshal Edward Smigy-Rydz, expected to muster 1.8 million. That was not the whole picture, however. The Germans had six panzer (armored) and four motorized divisions; the Poles had one armored and one motorized brigade and a few tank battalions. The Germans’ 1600 aircraft were mostly of the latest types. Half of…...
World War 2
Dr. Mengele Biography Analysis
The doctor that everyone would hate to have as their family doctor! This doctor was Dr. Josef Mengele, also know to many as the "Angel of Death". Dr. Josef Mengele was born on March 16, 1911 in Gunzberg, Germany to Karl and Walburga Mengele. Josef also had two younger brothers named Karl and Alois. While Josef was younger, he was very intelligent and popular in his town (Lifton). While Josef was in school he studied many different topics, such as:…...
Josef MengeleNazi GermanyThe Holocaust
Pros And Cons Of Nationalism
Nationalism is a popular sentiment that places the existence and well-being of the nation highest in the scale of political loyalties. In political terms, it signifies a person’s willingness to work for the nation against foreign domination, whether political, economic, or cultural. Nationalism also implies a group’s consciousness of shared history, language, race, and values. Its significance lies in its role in supplying the ties that make the nation-state a cohesive viable entity. Nationalism belongs to the modern world. Before…...
World War 1
Cuban Missile Crisis
The following example essay on "Cuban Missile Crisis" is about the extremely tense political, diplomatic and military confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States in October 1962. For a period of thirteen days in October of 1962 the United States held its breath in fear of nuclear war.The Cuban missile crisis is considered by most to be the closest two countries came to nuclear war, apart from the nuclear bombing of Japan.The Cuban missile crisis was a major…...
Cold WarCuban Missile CrisisInternational RelationsIsisNuclear WeaponPolitics
Why Did Germans Support Hitler
Why did People Support Hitler? Nowadays we see Hitler as one of the most evil men to ever have lived. But it is important to realise that the Germans who voted for him are not at fault. They saw a man who could rebuild their country, restore nation al pride, and bring them back from desperate poverty and hyper-inflation. At the time he was a very modern, up to date person. He took advantage of the available technology. For example…...
Adolf HitlerGermanNazi GermanyPoliticsRace And EthnicityWar
Global Warming Cartoon
Global Warming Cartoon Analysis The man holding the sign cannot conclude the effects of climate change just by looking at the climate over a short time span. One heavy snowstorm is not enough evidence to conclude the effects of climate change. It is saying that scientists trying to prove global warming do not research thoroughly enough and often change their point of view. My reaction to this cartoon is that I disagree with the cartoon that we still do not…...
ClimateClimate ChangeExperimentGlobal WarmingHistoryResearch
Massacre in Songmy
The following sample essay on "Massacre in Songmy" tells the story of a war crime in the rural community of My Lai in the vicinity of Songino, Quang Ngai province in South Vietnam. This happened in 1969 during the Vietnam War. Civilians often make up the biggest number of casualties in a war; this was no different in the Vietnam War. In fact, one of the turning points in this brutal war occurred when 400 hundred unarmed Vietnamese civilians were…...
ImperialismMilitaryPoliticsVietnam WarWar
“Lord of the Flies” – An Allegorical Novel by William Golding
Darnell Lamont Walker once said, Im silent when there is a war inside me. Theres a need to keep the people outside intact. Darnell is saying that he is apprehensive about telling others about his thoughts and feelings because he knows that if he does it could their unity. In the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a group of British schoolboys get stranded on an island after a plane crash. While trying to maintain an orderly society…...
Lord Of The FliesReasonThoughtTruthWar
Hurt Locker Summary
Tuesday,September,11,2001. This was a day that would change the world forever. More importantly, it changed the way America viewed Middle Eastern countries.In the following days after, America would declare war against all terrorist organizations, and would soon learn that it was a fight they would become addicted to. The desire to be in dangerous high-risk situations is a theme that we see constantly throughout the movie and is magnified through Sergeant First Class Willam James’ unorthodox ways of diffusing bombs…...
PoliticsTerrorismWarWar On Terror
Cons Of Global Warming
The following example essay on "Cons Of Global Warming" explores the problem of global warming, namely climate change, which is observed in all regions of the planet, and this process is becoming more intense. These gases trap radiation from sun and hold them from being released back into space. This causes rise in temperature at few places on earth. It is not much noticeable in western part of earth but in eastern parts like North Pole, Alaska and others slight…...
ClimateClimate ChangeEarthGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Summary Of The Holocaust
The word “Holocaust” conjures up for many a mixture of emotions. Of all the events that occurred in the past of injustice against humanity, the Holocaust has to be one of the most famous. It has been argued, and not without emotional indifference, that the Holocaust is not like other records in world and Jewish history. It’s hard for one to grasp the horror of the Holocaust, especially in a time and place where one is taught about unity as…...
HolocaustWarWorld War 2
Analysis Of War Photographer
The author of this poem ‘Carol Ann Duffy’ is a well known English poet. She wrote a lot of poems about varied subjects. She was born in 1955 in Scotland. Duffy’s experience in life may have affected her writings in many ways. Her writings mostly have simple casual language and are marked by their philosophical manner. “War photographer “is a very eye-catching, strong and effective title. The title conveys to the onlookers the idea and theme of death, war, blood…...
How Did The Us Contain Communism
Since the early 1920s, the United States had considered the Soviet Union a possible threat. Growing out of Post World War II, the U.S. and the Soviet Union commenced into a time of extreme tension and harsh conflict known as the Cold War.The Cold War, the war with many conflicts with such nations as Cuba, Korea, and the Soviet Union lasted through 1945-1990.The United States successfully contained communism in the events of the Berlin Airlift, Korean War, and the Cuban…...
World War 2
Politics Is War Without Bloodshed While War Is Politics With Bloodshed Meaning
Many people hold contrasting views on the nature of politics. Politics can exist on many different levels. It can concern disputes within the workplace and home, to the way in which a state is run. Politics refers to the power struggles in government down to the small influences among peers. The Oxford Concise Dictionary states that politics is ‘The art and science of government, a particular set of ideas, principles or commitments.’ This is a sweeping definition that covers two key…...
HistoryHuman NatureMao ZedongPoliticsWar
WW II Dunkirk Battle Analysis Paper
Joe LeggioReaction Paper Mr. CorsoUnc. Valor Hitler, as a great leader of his country was not a great Commander. He had several blunders that ultimately led to his defeat. One of the major blunders that Hitler made was allowing the British to escape from Dunkirk. This gave the British army the boost it needed to win the war. Before the escape from Dunkirk British citizens thought the worst for its country. After the British were not able to defend France…...
Adolf HitlerInternational RelationsMilitaryNazi GermanyWar
Thank God For The Atom Bomb Summary
In the article by Paul Fussell “Thank God for the Atom Bomb,” Fussell illustrates his views on the dropping of the atom bomb. Within seconds of reading you understand his claim that there was justification in dropping the atom bomb. He makes this apparent with his title and with the experiences of other people. Fussell also explains the opposing side of dropping the atom bomb. However, he counter argues their claims by stating facts and the works of others to…...
Warning By Jenny Joseph Analysis
However in the third stanza she reverts to the present and begins with “but” which acts as a drive word in that it changes the mood of the poem even though the pace remains the same. The list like form to the poem now reverts to a complaint opposed to a positive proposal for the future. The word “we” suggests a collective term for everyone and for shared responsibility showing that whilst young it is essential to keep up appearances…...
CommunicationHuman NaturePoetryThoughtWar
Mary Warren Essay
At the beginning of act three we hear voices from the court, of Martha Corey being accused of witchcraft, showing the extent that the accusation has risen to. Proctor brings Mary Warren to the court to tell the truth, that the girls and Abigail were making up everything about the women being witches, so as Proctor can prove his wife’s innocence and gain her freedom from jail. During the proceedings, Proctor is forced to sacrifice his name and admit to…...
CultureMccarthyismSalem Witch TrialsWarWitchcraft
War Horse Analysis Essay
War Horse review This film creates an atmosphere of heartache and hope. Throughout the film, a variety of characters are focused on, causing a feeling of distress for each character as an inconvenient event occurs. Joey meets a diversity of people throughout the war who tend and care for him. But no care from another matches Albert’s longing for his horse to someday return to him. After years have passed, Albert is reintroduced in the film as he is fighting…...
HistoryHorseHuman NatureResearchScienceWar
Global Warming And Remedial Measures Essay
Most of the governments all over the world have laws by which no one is suppose to exceed creating pollution in air or water beyond prescribed limits. Law breakers often face punishments to the tune of heavy fines and even stoppage of work. Opal, India gas tragedy is the best example to explain the necessity to take adds Tate measures to control pollution. Thousands of people were affected due to lack of adequate measures. The managing director of the company…...
Air PollutionChemistryGlobal WarmingHistoryMaterialsPollution
History Ia Example
Memoirs and History journals a re mostly used to analyze the torture methods of the French. Two Of the sources used in the essay, The Question a written memoir by Henry Allege, The Battle of the Casaba written by General Paul Secretaries will then be evaluated for their origins,purposes, values, and limitations. Word Count: 124 3 B. Summary of Evidence There were roughly 60,000 French troops in Algeria when the war began on t he night of November 1, 1954.Essay…...
FranceInternational RelationsMilitaryPoliticsTortureWar
Channel Firing Essay
Essay on Channel Firing by Thomas Hardy Thomas Hardy’s “Channel Firing” is a poem written in 1914, four months prior to the start of World War 1. This historical context is crucial to understanding the poem as it expresses the dark and sorrowful foreshadowing of the months before the war, creating feelings of tension, turmoil and unrest. There were, at the time, many young men who did not share the common unease, more so tension turned to excitement, turmoil to…...
CommunicationThomas HardyWar
A Modern Venus Andy Warhol
Details of Renaissance Paintings by Andy Warhol Andy Warhol’s piece titled Details of Renaissance Paintings, speaks to the substance of the goddess Venus. This piece was made in1984 as a portrayal of the substance of Venus from the prior painting The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli that was finished in 1482. The piece’s available area is the Arkansas Arts Center, and its unique area is the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The piece is acrylic and silkscreen ink…...
Visual ArtsWar
Persuasive Speech Global Warming
Global Warming Persuasive Speech Gas is a colorless, odorless gas that is present in the atmosphere and is formed when any fuel containing carbon is burned. Plants and trees are using it in the process of photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is also used in refrigeration, fire extinguishers, and carbonated drinks. In other words this is the gas we need to fight with! By using fossil fuels in almost everything we do, we make a huge cloud of gas and this is…...
Carbon DioxideClimate ChangeFireGlobal WarmingHistoryNatural Environment
Eva Beem’s Early Life
Eva Beem was born on May 21,1932 in Leeuwarden, Holland. Eva’s parents’ names were Hartog and Rosette Beem. Eva Beem was eight years old when she first went into hiding in fear of the Nazis killing her. Her brother, Abraham Beem, was also in hiding with her. Her parents had the idea of her going into hiding and posing as a Non-Jew in a rural village. The problem was that the Nazis found out about most of the children hiding…...
World War 2
Comprehensive Understanding of The Cause of the War
The following sample essay on "Comprehensive Understanding of The Cause of the War".The reasons for war are separated and explained under every hypothesis or point of view. In attempting to comprehend the reasons for war note that the idea of war has changed significantly after some time as they have been restored by advancements in military innovation and technique. War is a state of outfitted clash between at least two gatherings, typically states War is brought about by the desire…...
The Beliefs of American Solider
War shows the soildeirs the death in different ways and thats ,ake them think about every momoment in their life and its give impact on them for the rest of their life. "Thanks," by Yusef Komunyakaa narrates a story of a man involved in the Vietnam war, who describes how various events there claimed his life. As a result, he appreciates different objects, arguing that they helped him not to be killed, and he never tripped over a landmine. The…...
BeliefGodPoetryVietnam War
The film 300 Directed by Zack Snyder and released in 2006
Was based upon the 1998 comic series written by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley. They are fictionalized retellings of the Persian Wars, specifically the Battle of Thermopylae. The plot circles King of the Spartans, Leonides who leads 300 Spartans into battle against the Persian army and Xerxes the "God King". While the battle rages Queen Gorgo attempts to rally support for her husband from Sparta. This film to me personally, as a Classics Student, screamed overbudget Hollywood blockbuster with a…...
Battle Of ThermopylaeSparta
The Poetry Of Wilfred Owen
The Great War inspired much creative output from all around the nation, especially in the literature and poetry worlds. In the midst of it all was Wilfred Owen, a 22-year old British Soldier-poet who enlisted in the army in 1915. His main focus for his works was extremely different from earlier romanticist and glorified portrayals of war in which he thought war was futile, his anti-patriotic and anti-war stance firm. His experiences in the front-line were all documented down in…...
CulturePoetryWarWilliam Blake
American History: Resolving Problems Between Citizens
America History from my understanding can be understood as a summary of all the events that happened and contributed in the past to make a better tomorrow for our continent, country or society. One of the memorable moments in U.S history from my perspective is the declaration of independence, which is one of the most important documents in the history of the U.S declaring independence from Great Britain. Another event is the Zimmerman telegram which was the main cause why…...
World War 1
Rhetorical Analysis Essay on Madeleine Albright
As World War II wreaked havoc on Europe, as well as the international threat of fascism, it has become the responsibility of the United States of America to establish democracy in failing countries, as well as monitor all global affairs. Democratic nations are on average wealthier than their non-democratic counterparts. They are also less likely to go to war and are better at fighting corruption. Another fundamental aspect of democracy is that it allows people to voice themselves freely, along…...
DemocracyGovernmentInternational RelationsPoliticsWar
Cows Skull with Calico Roses
The following sample essay on "Cows Skull with Calico Roses": describing two piece of art from era before World War 2 O Keeffe's Cows Skull with Calico Roses and Cunninghams photo of the Two Callas. Formal Description/Analysis During the era before World War 2, there was a lot of aspirations of modern art. Artists focusing on naturalism, depths of define details, and nature's hidden beauty. Georgia O Keeffe and Imogen Cunningham have had the ability to demonstrate these features through their…...
Often enough hard work results in a reward one that is usually
The following sample essay on "Often enough hard work results in a reward one that is usually": describing a problem of Sergeant X and Esme. Often enough, hard work results in a reward, one that is usually financial or materialistic. People work for many reasons, from survival to raising children. However, work in the military is thought of as being among the most unpredictable and grueling occupations. Warfare is a period of time which can decide an important conflict but…...
ConversationHard WorkHuman NatureLonelinessWarWork
The sympathizers of Viet Thanh Nguyen Review
The author Viet Thanh Nguyen was born in 1971 in South Vietnam, fled shortly before the fall of Saigon with parents and brother in the United States, and later received his doctorate in Berkeley in English and is therefore largely characterized as Americans. But his Vietnamese roots he was always aware of. They are reflected in his 2016 published, now translated by Wolfgang Müller debut novel " The Sympathizer < "...
PoliticsVietnam WarWar
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