Essays on War

Paperap is a website that gathers a vast collection of free essays about war. The platform is designed to provide students and researchers with the best resources for their academic pursuits in war studies. With a plethora of high-quality essays on different war topics and perspectives from various parts of the world, Paperap provides an excellent learning experience for students in search of broadening their knowledge of war. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, and users can access essays on different wars, including World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Gulf War, and Korean War, among others. Whether you are a student or researcher studying the history, causes, effects, and outcomes of wars, Paperap has something for you.
Anne Frank Essays
Words • 1512
Pages • 7
This sample of an academic paper on Anne Frank Essays reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.It’s really a wonder that I haven’t dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. ”[1] Anne Frank was a Jewish child who had the unfortunate luck of…...
Adolf HitlerAnne FrankWarWorld War 2
Solutions To Ethnic Violence
Words • 1412
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on Solutions To Ethnic Violence. The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Ethnic Conflict Essay. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. This paper will explore the realist explanations of ethnic conflicts and then see how critical theory explanations offer new insight and answers to puzzles that could not be previously be explained. It will then explore several of the possible solutions used to…...
CompetitionConflictExperienceNuclear ProliferationPoliticsViolence
Son Of The Revolution Summary
Words • 1220
Pages • 5
This sample of an academic paper on Son Of The Revolution Summary reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.An autobiography “The Son of the Revolution” by Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro is an astonishing story that illustrates two decades of the economic, political and cultural situation in China between late 50s and 70s. The book embraces the time of the Cultural Revolution, which consisted of various political movements such…...
BiologyChinaCold WarCommunismEvolutionMao Zedong
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Roland Barthes Mother
Words • 1294
Pages • 6
This essay sample on Roland Barthes Mother provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. There are many men who altered time in creating a different world for everybody else. Some took it for worst, while others changed it for the better. Most of these men were all soldiers of a certain rank or leaders of nations, nonetheless of what they…...
Who Was More To Blame For The Cold War
Words • 1182
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Who Was More To Blame For The Cold War discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.Who was more to blame for the cold war, the USA or the USSR? This Cold War has affected the world from 1945 until now. The blame lies on one of these two countries. I believe it is these party’s leaders who should…...
World War 2
Andy Warhol Biography
Words • 1414
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Andy Warhol Biography offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.I am going to do my personal study on Andy Warhol one of the most influential artist on the Pop Art movement.I hope to produce a realistic and correct account of his life and will be investigating his obsession with fame and money and whether he was in the art world for…...
Andy WarholBiographyCultureHistoryLifePersonality
Autocratic Rule Was Seen In Russia As
Words • 1201
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Autocratic Rule Was Seen In Russia As discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. To read the essay's introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down.The years 1825 1o 1939 in both Russia and Germany were characterised by the existence of authoritarian and autocratic government. Germany at this time did not exist, the areas which would become Germany in a loose confederation which included Austria. These states were however largely…...
DictatorshipJoseph StalinNazi GermanyPolitical SciencePoliticsRussian Empire
Aol And Time Warner Merger Case Study
Words • 1326
Pages • 6
This sample of an academic paper on Aol And Time Warner Merger Case Study reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.The merger of AOL and Time Warner was announced in January 2000 against the backdrop of a seeming technology revolution but prior to the bursting of the stock market bubble. Prior to Mid-March 2000, some of the bluest of blue chip companies feared marginalization by an upstart army.…...
Case StudyEducationHistoryLearningPhilosophyScience
Fly Away Peter Summary
Words • 1224
Pages • 5
This essay sample on Fly Away Peter Summary provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay.There are many pushing factors in the book “fly away peter” that push the main character “Jim” to enlist in the army and leave the sanctuary that he loves and go fight in World War I. Although there are obvious factors that push Jim into enlisting…...
Cola Wars Case Study Questions
Words • 1210
Pages • 5
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Cola Wars Case Study Questions. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Question 1 : Why has the soft drink business been so profitable ? An industry analysis through Porter’s Five Forces reveals that market forces are favourable for profitability. Both concentrate producers and bottlers are profitable. The industry is already vertically integrated to some extent (§ “Bottler consolidation and spin-off…...
Case StudyEducationHistoryLearningStudyWar
Shamilo_NSA History
Words • 590
Pages • 3
NSA HISTORYSGT Shamilo, DavidNCOA, ALC 19-201January 11, 2019President Harry S. Truman created one truly remarkable organization, the National Security Agency (NSA). NSA officially began its operations on November 4, 1952, building on the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) groundwork of its predecessor, the Armed Forces Security Agency (AFSA).Ten years after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States (US) was pulled into another war in Korea. However, after WWII, the US had severely reduced its cryptologic operations because the remaining resources were…...
Cold WarInternational RelationsNuclear WeaponPoliticsSecurity
Wounded Warrior Project Annual Report
Words • 686
Pages • 3
The Wounded Warrior Project The Wounded Warrior Project (WAP) was started in 2003 in Ranked Virginia by John Amelia. During John’s tour his Marine Corps helicopter crashed killing four and injuring 14 more including himself. His experience coming home opened up many gaps in service delivery to wounded military members. To help fill in these gaps John created WAP in his basement with 50 dollars. Today WAP is one of the nation’s most recognized and fastest growing veteran service charities.…...
Punic Wars Significance
Words • 804
Pages • 4
The three Punic Wars that were waged between Roman and Carthaginian Empires is a central event in ancient geopolitical history. The rise of the Roman Empire coincided with the decline of the Carthaginian Empire because each tried to benefit at the cost of the other. With every outbreak of war between these two great empires, the Roman Empire ended up garnering greater territorial expansion and political influence in the broader Europe. The three wars spanned a period of more than…...
Ancient RomeEuropeMilitaryPunic WarsRoman RepublicWar
Reflections of War in Facing It Poem
Words • 352
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Facing It By Yusef Komunyakaa Summary The Reflections of War In the poem, “Facing It,” Komunyakaa uses his personal experience while visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial after surviving the Vietnam War and the mental affect of the reality that death has left. In the poem the author uses imagery to illustrate to the reader the feelings he experiences while dealing with the loss of his fellow comrades. “I go down the 58,022 names, half-expecting to find my own in letters…...
The Ways that Participation in Political Campaigns and Elections
Words • 428
Pages • 2
The political participation of voters, campaigners, and elections in general changed drastically between the periods of 1815 and 1840, events such as the aftermath of the war of 1812, the age of reform, and political campaign styles were incredibly important in the changes of political participation. The aftermath of the war of 1812 was an explosion of nationalistic feelings. Many believed that it was a second war for independence, even though the war was mainly a stalemate. The election of…...
CommunicationElectionsPoliticsSecond Great AwakeningVotingWar Of 1812
The Olympic Games Essay
Words • 933
Pages • 4
The Olympic Games are a quadrennial event which dates back to 776BC, at the time of the ancient Greeks. The Games were originally held at Olympia along with festivals combining prayer, sacrifices, religious service, music, dancing and rituals all dedicated to the God, Zeus, (Coakley 2001). The events in those days were for the wealthy, young males and were of warrior nature such as boxing, wrestling, javelin throwing, sprinting and chariot racing, (Coakley 2001). Women were not allowed to compete…...
Adolf HitlerOlympic GamesSports
A People’s Army Book Review
Words • 281
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Army Essays": about the book “A People’s Army: Massachusetts Soldiers and Society in the Seven Years’ War” by Fred Anderson tries to discuss traditional insight into the Seven Year’s War. The author provides new historical interpretations and analysis of the war in America’ moreover, all his ideas and suggestions are based on archeological findings. The author’s main thesis is that historians placed too much emphasis on the stories of military soldiers and people who survived…...
ArmyCommunicationCultureHuman NatureMilitaryWar
Hannibal Tactics
Words • 357
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Hannibal Tactics" is about a Carthaginian general who reads as one of the greatest generals and statesmen of antiquity. It also discusses the military strategy he used successfully. The banks of Lake Trasimene were glistening in blood as the last Roman soldier was slain. The army of Carthage won yet another victory against the Republic of Rome. Hannibal’s tactics and maneuvers led to the death of 15,000 Roman soldiers because of a surprise attack out…...
Ancient RomeMilitaryPunic WarsRoman RepublicWar
The Carries War Summary
Words • 1014
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on The Carries War Summary. Source G is an extract from a novel about evacuees. It is from ‘Carries War,’ a novel for children written by Nina Bowden in 1973. This extract from a novel is classed as a secondary source, as it was not written during the war. In the source, the host who has agreed to look after 2 evacuated children asks them to change into their slippers. Carrie answers that they haven’t got…...
Soldiers Home Short Story
Words • 893
Pages • 4
Soldier’s Home By Ernest Hemingway In the battlefield soldiers are experiencing war, death, loss – they kill and watch fellow soldiers getting killed. Being a soldier is in no way an easy life, and it is hard for people, who have not experienced war to understand. When these soldiers returns from war they need to adjust themselves to their old lives – adjust themselves to live in a place that has not change a tiny bit, even though they are…...
CultureErnest HemingwayHomeHuman NatureLifeLiterary Genre
Who Was To Blame For Ww2
Words • 810
Pages • 4
Some people say that Hitler was to fault for the 2nd universe war. but what did Hitler really do to do it? We know that Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles. But was Hitler’s feelings against the pact the ground why the World War started. Germany received the dainty when they signed the cease-fire to state they were guilty to fault for the first universe war. This so lead to the pact. The pact limited Germany’s ground forces size. This…...
World War 2
Treaty Of Versailles Pros And Cons
Words • 958
Pages • 4
PRO’S and CON’s For starters, the Paris Peace Treaty that ended WWI causing subjecting Germany to ruinous financial penalties and limited what they could do in the way of rearming themselves to, say, protect themselves from Russia. The outcome of this treaty started the settlement which elaborated in the peace treaties included payment of war reparations, commitment to minority rights and territorial adjustments including the end of the Italian Colonial Empire in Africa. The treaties allowed Italy, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria,…...
World War 1
All The Rage By Dave Barry
Words • 767
Pages • 4
Morons in Miami (and Other Cities and Countries, but Mostly Miami): Analysis of Dave Barry’s “Road Warrior” While driving on any road in America, and perhaps any other road on earth, motorists are not calm, not cool, not collected. They disobey the rules of the road by driving slowly in the left-hand lane; they disobey the rules of the road by trailing in extremely close vicinity behind the drivers ahead of them (so close that their front bumper occasionally collides…...
Carrie’s War Movie Report Essay
Words • 508
Pages • 3
Last night as the family slept, a ferocious blaze swept through their home destroying everything in its path. Druids Bottom, set in the picturesque village of Druid’s Grove, was engulfed in flames reducing this beautiful family home to ashes. Fire-fighters were quick on the scene and were quoted as saying “This is one of the fiercest fires we have seen in a long time and the residents were lucky to get out alive. We have seen a lot of fires…...
Case Brief Example
Words • 338
Pages • 2
Kathryn Myrick Business Law 1 Professor McDonnell Case Brief A. 5 Braun v. Soldier of Fortune Magazine Inc. , 968 F. 2d 1110 (11th Cir. 1992) FACTS:In 1985 Michael Savage placed an ad in the Soldier of Fortune Magazine (“SOF”) advertising “Gun For Hire”. The ad ran from June 1985 to March 1986 generating an average of 30-40 call per week for jobs ranging from murder, kidnapping, assault and other criminal activity. After three previous failed attempts on his business…...
AssaultCommon LawJusticeLawMurder
Reaction Paper About Global Warming
Words • 759
Pages • 4
It makes one wonder though how many of these canvass-toting individuals know how many years does Our planet has left before it reaches an environmental tipping point or in what year was the hottest earth temperature recorded. Admit that I am one of those individuals who proclaimed and believed that I am a friend of the earth. After all, I try to conserve water as much as can and segregate garbage whenever I have the chance. But like many individuals…...
Climate ChangeGlobal WarmingHistoryWar
Hitlers First Photograph
Words • 703
Pages • 3
In the second poem “Hitler’s first photograph”, Szymborska is mulling over the infinite opportunities with which a child is presented. She, and we, know the outcome for this particular child, but the persona in the poem is unaware; this is why we call this type of poem a dramatic irony: “Will he grow up to be an L.L.D.?”, “Where will those tootsy-wootsies finally wander?”. She uses this to make us think that had he developed differently, the world might have…...
Adolf HitlerCultureLanguagePoetryPrivacyWar
War Timothy Findley
Words • 583
Pages • 3
In the narrative “War” by Timothy Findley. it is apparent to the reader that the rubric is non really speaking about the war that is in the narrative but is speaking about a different type of war. In the narrative the reader learns that the war that is being referred to is the war between Neil and his male parent. Neil is traveling though a tough clip because his male parent is fall ining the ground forces and this is…...
War On Drugs Essay
Words • 631
Pages • 3
In the article by Milton Friedman entitled There’s No Justice in the War on Drugs, the consequences of implementing a policy on prohibiting or controlling illegal drugs were discussed. Friedman argued that though the US government’s actions towards drugs were motivated by good intentions, there are still some negative repercussions based on moral and expediential grounds.  He cited that these drug policies facilitate the manifestation of the following: (1) Promotion of corruption through the utilization of informers; (2) Deterioration of…...
AddictionDrugsHealthHistoryWarWar On Drugs
100 Flowers Campaign
Words • 474
Pages • 2
In 1956 Mao Zedong started a campaign to allow more freedom within his communist regime in China. However in a year the campaign had been cancelled, and replaced by a ‘anti-rightist campaign’. Was this just a clever trap to allow Mao to see his critics? Or was it a genuine attempt to allow the Chinese people more freedom? Many historians have argued either way. In 1956 Mao thought it was time to allow more freedom, and allow great expression of…...
Joseph StalinMao ZedongPolitics
War In The Iliad
Words • 781
Pages • 4
Homer starts the Iliad by describing the result of Achilles’ anger; ‘the anger of Peleus’ son Achilles and its devastation, which puts pains thousandfold upon the Achaians, hurled in their multitudes to the house of Hades’. Homer is describing all the pain felt by the Achaians and the deaths, of thousands of men in the war. Homer appears to be portraying the war negatively (even if it is a result of Achilles’ anger), mentioning the ‘pain’ and men going to…...
Greek MythologyHistoryIliadLiteratureWar
War Photographer Poem
Words • 807
Pages • 4
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m going to focus mainly on two poems, War Photographer by Carol Ann Duffy and Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen respectively. Both of them are war poems but are written from different perspectives. War Photographer is from the point of view of a war photographer and Dulce et decorum est is written from the view of a soldier. We can observe the contrast between different roles performed by different people in war.…...
Dulce Et Decorum EstNewsNewspaperWar
Tomorrow When The War Began Essay
Words • 398
Pages • 2
In the following sample essay on the topic "Tomorrow, when the war begins." Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. We were sprinting for our lives, fear propelling us to our maximum limit. I kept glancing back, seeing if we had lost them or not. I couldn’t hear them. All I could hear was the rasping of my lungs and the loud, thunderous throbbing of my heart beat pounding and pulsing in my ears, like a…...
Was The Wave Experiment by Ben Ross Succesful
Words • 742
Pages • 3
Ben Ross wants to show his students how Hitler could control Germany without people stopping him and also why people said that they didn’t know what happened during World War II. That is why he decides to make an experiment. I will explain how this experiment was successful. Hitler built a totalitarian movement from which he was the leader. First, it is important to know that Hitler was elected by German population and consequently he became the Head of Germany…...
Adolf HitlerConformityExperimentHuman NatureNazi Germany
Reacting to Near Ambush (07-309502)
Words • 618
Pages • 3
Battle Drill 07-309502 – React to Ambush (Near) TASK: React to Ambush (Near) (07-309502). CONDITIONS: (Dismounted/Mounted) – The unit is moving tactically, conducting operations. The enemy initiates contact with direct fire within hand grenade range. All or part of the unit is receiving accurate enemy direct fire. This drill begins when the enemy initiates ambush within hand grenade range. STANDARDS: (Dismounted) – Soldiers in the kill zone immediately return fire on known or suspected enemy positions and assault through the…...
Joint Assault Signal Company
Words • 575
Pages • 3
Chapter review of Getting the Message Through, Chapter VIII.  Chapter VIII is about signal units involved during World War II. Throughout each phase of the conflict, new problems and difficulties arose that could only be overcome through hard work, ingenuity and extreme bravery. The huge scope of the war on numerous continents tested the will and determination of the signal corps. The first real need for signal support was hemisphere defense. This included protecting the Panama Canal from bombings, the…...
World War 2
The Woman Warrior Essay
Words • 685
Pages • 3
Asian American women’s writing came of age in the 1970s and 1980s. Most of these women writers were middle- or upper-class, well-educated women. This fact is reflected in the development of Asian American memoir/fiction-as-theory and can be seen in the works of Maxine Hong Kingston. Maxine Hong Kingston utilizes the Chinese tradition of “talking-story” as a structuring device within her prose narratives. “Talking-story,” as its name suggests, is the female Chinese practice of telling stories, often from one generation to…...
CultureThe Woman WarriorWar
Hound Dog Elvis
Words • 806
Pages • 4
As most of us know, Elvis Preserve, “Hound Dog” was one of his most famous singles, however there are many people that do not know of the original written by Willie Mae, “Big Mamma” Thornton. Why did Elvis have more commercial success with his version? Big Mamma Thorn’s version was released just four years before Elvis’ and was number one for seven weeks. Rather than it being recorded as a pop song, it was a blues/Ran single. The tonality of…...
Cold WarCultureDogElvis PresleyFamilyMusic
Trojan War Essay
Words • 827
Pages • 4
Approximately thirty centuries ago, on a distant land known as Troy, a colossal war raged between Grecians and Trojans on behalf of three discrete reasons. As a result of this war, many lives were lost but the relentless Grecians eventually triumphed after ten tumultuous years. This grave war was fought because of the capture of Helen, the most beautiful and benevolent woman in all of Greece. It is said that the apprehension of Helen was a result of the tragic…...
Greek MythologyHistoryIliadLiteratureMythologyTrojan War
Allied Power During World War II
Words • 462
Pages • 2
All Allied Power contributed to making the Nazis power fall by supplied men and fought with honor to defeat the Nazis. Each Country gave something which made them a major contributor in WW2. The Soviet Union lost millions of men each battle. They lost the most soldiers and civilians in WW2. United States was the largest supplier of material. They were the reason allied power had material to fight each battle. Britain gave the most navy support. Their navy contributes…...
World War 2
We've found 353 essay examples on War

FAQ about War

Who Was More To Blame For The Cold War
...We must look at Stalin when pointing the finger of blame, not America, not Truman, not even the Soviet Union but Stalin. Stalin’s extreme expansionism caused the ongoing distrust between these two allies if Stalin had not been so imperialistic Trum...
Who Was To Blame For Ww2
...France and Britain should hold truly stopped Hitler and stood up to Hitler. But I don’t fault them for non seeking to halt Hitler because so that would hold caused another universe war anyhow. Who knows that might hold been a bad move. and caused m...
Tomorrow When The War Began Essay
...I would have screamed if I could have afforded the breath, the thought. All I could do now was run. We followed Ellie, past a few houses and then got round to the back of a house. Some more cries were heard through the intense heat of the night, loud...
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