Free essays on Sociology are academic papers that cover various topics related to human society, behavior, and identity. These essays provide insights and understanding of social issues affecting different groups of people, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, politics, culture, and more. The essays can be found online and cover a broad range of subjects, from social classes and inequality to global migration and gender roles. They are useful resources for students and researchers who are interested in exploring and analyzing social phenomena and behaviors.
Aestheticism In Dorian Gray
The Picture of Dorian Gray, the only full-length novel ever written by the legendary playwright Oscar Wilde, is one of the most notorious books of the 19th century. With its overtones of supernaturalism, its refusal to satisfy popular morality, and its portrayal of homoerotic culture, The Picture of Dorian Gray was met with harsh criticism when it wasfirst published in 1890. Many considered the novel dangerously influential, with one offended critic calling it “a poisonous book, the atmosphere of which…...
AestheticsCultureOscar WildeThe Picture Of Dorian Gray
What Is the Parthenon Really
The following sample essay on What Is the Parthenon Really The Parthenon is known to all of us as a huge structure that was built many thousands of years ago. But is that all it really is. The Parthenon's construction started in 447 B.C. and the whole structure was completed in 438 B.C. (A)First for the Parthenon the emperor wanted to turn the building into a church. So it was but after much disputes over the Emperor Theodosius, the Franks,…...
Prometheus Bound Rubens
The piece Prometheus Bound is based upon the mythological story of the Titan Prometheus who stole fire from the gods to give to mankind.(web 3) This work, which was completed in 1612, has a very interesting and diverse history. Flemish baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens was born June 28, 1577. By the age of 21 Rubens had become a master painter. At 21, Rubens traveled to Italy to continue his education. It was in Venice where he saw the radiant…...
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“Flowering Orchard”, “The Four Trees”
The following example essay on "Flowering Orchard, The Four Trees" compares the paintings are Van Gogh "Flowering Orchard", 1888 and Monet "The Four Trees", 1891. The Nineteenth Century European Paintings and Sculpture Galleries Van Gogh, Flowering Orchard (56.13), Annenberg Van Gogh Gallery Monet, the Four Trees (29.100.110), Annenberg Monet Gallery Visual perception is a function of our eyes and brain. We see images as a whole rather then in parts. However, images can be broken into their visual elements: line,…...
CulturePaintingVincent Van GoghVisionVisual Arts
Grand Isle Movie
The book “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin is about a woman named Edna Pontellier and a group of friends that are vacationing in New Orleans on Grand Isle.This book is one of the first books to address the concerns of the feminist movement.From this book, they made a movie called “Grand Isle” which is almost completely like Chopin’s novel.Both “The Awakening” and “The Grand Isle” make use of setting, symbols, and characters to reveal the ultimate theme of the work;…...
Baroque Literature
The Black Death Greatly Improved the European Society Throughout history, many unforgettable events have affected the literature of the time: wars, revolutions, industrialization, and disease.Although many critics very quickly point out the changes in literature that the industrial revolution caused, not many of those critics are willing to dig any deeper into the past.However, the fourteenth century contained changes in literature that were just as dramatic.The repeated outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague in that century led to many significant changes…...
Black DeathBubonic PlagueCommunicationCulturePrinting Press
Misconceptions about Germanic Peoples
The Germanic peoples are usually portrayed as illiterate barbarians. Most people believe the Germanic peoples were more interested in plundering than anything else. The truth is that the Germanic peoples left behind a great number of written things. The Germanic peoples used Runes on everything from leaving a reminder for a person to common household items to stone monuments. They also used Runes to cast spells, provide protection, and tell fortunes. The Futhark is what the runic alphabet is commonly…...
GermanRace And Ethnicity
European Civilization
The advancements of Greece, Rome and the Dark and Middle Ages set the foundation for modern European culture. Through literature, inventions, and the church Europe evolved into a distinct civilization. Greece influenced modern Europe with their advancements in literature and the written language. Also, the theories of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates began modern thought and theory. The Greeks, including Homer, were also thefirst to write down history. The Greeks also made advancements in science and math and also published encyclopedias. They…...
Soft Construction With Boiled Beans
Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: A Premonition on Civil War is a painting done in 1936, by the star of Surrealism, Salvador Dali.It hangs among other paintings of the Surrealist movement in the Philadelphia Museum of Art.I was drawn to this work by the strangeness of it.It shows a large human-like mass of body parts looming over you in front of an ominous, foreboding sky-scape.It appeared very mysterious to me, and that is why I had the interest to research…...
The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Symbols
Symbolism in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samual Taylor Coleridge's poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is a lyrical fantasy ballad based on the story of a weathered sailor and his ordeals.The poem begins with the antiquated English mariner capturing the attention of a passer by on his way to a wedding.With this the mariner proceeds to reminisce and tell his spell bound listener of his voyage between the equator and the South Pole, and then back to…...
CultureThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Lifestyle – Puritanism
The following sample essay on "Lifestyle - Puritanism" is about English Protestants who followed Calvinism in England in the 16th and 17th centuries. Their way of life provides for extreme strictness of morals, ascetic restriction of needs, protest against any kind of luxury and convenience, patriarchal attitude to family and marriage issues. Puritanismfirst originated in the 1560's when a group of men wanted to purify the church of England of bishops, church courts and other remnants of Catholicism.The basic principles…...
Which Definition Is Correct for Contemporary Drama?
Modern drama began by turning toward realism and away from the fantasy of nineteenth-century melodrama and farce. Realism gave rise to various innovations that served to express the dramatist's vision of what reality is. These attempts to be "more real than real" can be called expressionism. Realism and expressionism are the two dominant modes of drama in the twentieth century. One focuses on the external details of everyday life, while the other focuses on the mind and feelings and tries…...
AristotleCommunicationCultureDramaLiterary Genre
Kouros: Life-Sized Stone Figures
Kouros are life size or larger, freestanding stone figures of unclothed young man striding forward. They are considered today to be one of the most distinctive products of the Archaic era, the period of ancient Greek history from roughly about 650 to 500 BCE. The statue’s head, feet and hands all point rigidly straight forward emphasizing the frontal view. As a standing figure, the statue is taller than it is wide. Its vertical orientation is emphasized by a central axis…...
CultureSculptureVisual Arts
Les Miserables Essay
Les Miserables is an epic tale of the very poor in spirit and body who suffer throughout their lives.Set in 19th century France, it tells the story of Jean Valjean, an ex-convict, who is able to rebuild his life.Author Kathryn M. Grossman concludes, "Les Miserables is a work to which one can return time and time again without a sense of having exhausted the possibilities.Like its multifaceted hero, it can be viewed from numerous perspectives each enriching the others…"One of…...
Abstract Speed The Car Has Passed
Giacomo Balla’s painting Abstract Speed – The Car Has Passed was originally the right hand side of a triptych work done in 1913.The center was a piece called Line of Force + Noise, and the left hand side was Line of force + Landscape.He uses an analogous color scheme of green and blue to represent the earth and the sky.The pink is supposed to represent exhaust fumes from the passing vehicle. Supposedly, the car is passing at a speed of…...
CultureFuturismPaintingVisual Arts
Geography Essays
Essay #6- I n today's society there are many people that don't like others religions. This is becoming a huge problem especially in the middle east, were many people are killed every day for no reason. The biggest problem going on right now is the problem between the Israile's. (Jewish people) and the Palastiniens. They both are fighting over land they both call their own holly land, which at this time the Isralians control. However this is not the only…...
Departures Movie Analysis
Death-maybe It was one thing or maybe it was another. But still, it all falls down to one man (or one woman) lying, waiting to affably having themselves burled while their ‘loved’ ones mourn, grieve, or even dramatically act as though thieve affected as the eulogy or the final blessing is delivered. But that one depends on culture, and maybe the background of the deceased. But still the celebration of someone who passed away is considered “celestial birthday party”. Death…...
Hei Ren Toothpaste
Can a global message be created? The answer is positive. Because of the globalization, a world message is demanded by "the citizens on the earth", and also, human beings are really intelligent enough to be creative on a world-wide slogan or message. However, there are still some predictable barriers in the way of the creation of the global message. One is the language barriers, and the other is culture conflicts. The language barriers are obvious because there is no such…...
ChinaCommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguage
Realism And Romanticism
Despite the Realist movement's attempt to portray art in a more realistic "true" form from the Romantic period's often exaggerated emotional depiction of art. The Realist movement may have depicted art from a more true to life point of view than Romantic artist's, but in fact was heavily influenced by the artistic motives and styles of the Romantic period.The art period known as Romanticism began in the late 18th early 19th centuries people were tired with the norms of society.…...
CultureHuman NatureMedieval EuropeRomanticism
Rembrandt Essay
The following sample essay on during the 17th century many famous European artists came about. And among these artists is one of the most famous of all, Rembrandt van Rijn. Rembrandt possessed a profound understanding of human nature that was matched by a brilliant technique; Not only in painting but in drawing and etching as well. Rembrandts works made an enormous impact on his contemporaries and it influenced the style in which many artists later to come used. Rembrandts brilliant…...
CultureVisual Arts
Boy Scouts Of America Vs Dale
Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale No. 99-699 Argued April 26, 200- Decided June 28, 2000 In order to explain this court case and why it is so important, it is necessary to look at the history behind it. In July of 1990 James Dale an assistant scoutmaster, and Boy Scout since age eight, was informed that his adult membership to the Boy Scouts of America had been revoked. He was working with Troop 73 in New Jersey…...
AmericaHuman RightsJusticeLawLgbtSocial Issues
Example Of Cultural Mapping
Art cannot be confined to a Museums.It has many levels of depth pertaining to it.The message it is expressing to all is not always recognized, but is always received.This is what I am learning.Before this class, I thought that I did not know anything about Art, that Art was like every other subject that I have taken, where there is no room for your opinion.That it is either black or white, right or wrong, but this is not true.By questioning,…...
CommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Aztec Migration through Valley of Mexico
Around the early 13th century the Aztecs left their homes in Atzlan and started wandering through the Valley of Mexico.Living as mostly gathers in a migratory lifesyle, the Aztecs struggled to survive.They were eventually enslaved by another tribe.The Aztecs were, at this time, poor scruffy people, who were enen know to consume vermin, snakes and stolen food.They were rejected by mostly all of the surounding tribes.Basically they spent most of their time migrating from one place to another. Early in…...
One of the Architects of the Renaissance
At the end of the fourteenth century, gothic architecture began to wear off and renaissance architecture moved in.Europe was evolving out of the middle ages and in the Renaissance period. The beliefs in humanity were growing in popularity.Along with the changes in ways of life, politics, families and etc. the architecture and architects were also changing. The architects of the time revived yet also changed the ideas from classical Greek and Roman architecture. They did however; begin using new materials…...
ArchitectureCultureItalyMedieval EuropeRenaissanceVisual Arts
Salvador Dali Essay
1. Choose 3 books from the McCormick Library collection of art books.List them below with their call numbers. a. Dali: The Salvador Dali Museum Collection, oversized, 759.6, D143 b. Dali's Optical Illusions, 709.24, D143 c. Dali Dawn Ades, 709.24, D143, C.1 d. The Shameful Life of Salvador Dali, 709.24, D143 2. Page through these books until you find an artist or painting or style that particularly appeals to you.List the painting/ artist/style below. b. Painting is the Persistence of Memory…...
Characteristics Of Pax Romana
Aelius Aristides obviously believes there are many benefits to the Pax Romana.Aristides feels that having a centrally run government is the best way for an empire to thrive.Through this government, greater trade is capable and no rebellions will occur. Another benefit is the concept of equality.Everyone living under the Roman Empire has citizenship and is therefore is equal.The governor sets an example of the proper way to be a citizen.In turn, the subjects follow by example, thus, order and peace…...
CharacterCitizenshipCommunicationPoliticsRepublicRoman Empire
Reflections of Australian Culture in Literature
?Australian literature is a mirror to Australians? How has the composer of your set text revealed aspects of Australian Culture Why Australians literature looks like a portrait of Australians. This mean to Australians that are literature is like a reflection that you can see in a mirror and that is very important to Australians. This is important and many Australians think that this is showing through Oodergoo Noonuccal poetry about why it is so important to Australians and how she…...
Masaccio’s Modern Art
The following sample essay on Masaccio Art tells about the modern style in painting. It was Masaccio, the youngest of all painters who were young before during and after him who, in his few youthful years, worked the miracle of awakening in painting, breathing life into it at last real and earthy, an urgency it had never had before." Libero de Liberi. Masaccio, originally named Tommaso Giovanni di Mone, was born in San Giovanni Valdarno, near Florence on December 21,1401…...
CultureVisual Arts
Ti Jean And His Brothers
“Ti-Jean and His Brothers”is a very rich play in all the aspects one would expect. There is comedy and tragedy as well as the effects of music, sound and light. In the play we also see how the english language has evolved in such a way as to complement the culture of the caribbean. Ti-Jean and His Brothers is an engaging and enjoyable play. The comical aspects of the play permeate the entire story. The comedy mainly comes into play…...
CommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Nietzsche Abyss
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you." In this statement, Nietzsche is expressing the familiar occurrence of being absorbed by fears, darkness, and even our own thoughts. In life, people often find themselves confronted with situations in which they must face certain evils in their life. This quote advises that if you choose to resist these…...
CultureFriedrich NietzscheMetaphysicsPhilosophical Theories
Essay on Holistic Health and Holistic Medicine
What is Holistic Health and Holistic Medicine The notion of Holistic Medicine has been around for many years. But why now, has interest in this area skyrocketed? People are starting to prefer a more natural approach when it comes to healthcare. Holistic Health is actually an approach to life. Rather than focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this ancient approach to health considers the whole person and how he or she interacts with his or her environment.…...
Alternative MedicineCultureHealthHealth CareHoliHolidays
Growing Up and Finding Your Identity
In Our Time: Growing Up and Finding Your Identity If life was like the plot of a book, growing up would be the rising action. Growing up involves searching for identity. Growing up and finding your identity makes up who you are as a person. These ideas are a consistent theme in “The Bear”, In Our Time, and A River Runs Through It. Growing up involves understanding the mystery of life. One must realize where they came from and where…...
Child DevelopmentGrowing UpHuman NatureIdentityPsychologySociology
Why Did Germans Support Hitler
Why did People Support Hitler? Nowadays we see Hitler as one of the most evil men to ever have lived. But it is important to realise that the Germans who voted for him are not at fault. They saw a man who could rebuild their country, restore nation al pride, and bring them back from desperate poverty and hyper-inflation. At the time he was a very modern, up to date person. He took advantage of the available technology. For example…...
Adolf HitlerGermanNazi GermanyPoliticsRace And EthnicityWar
Art Teaching Methods
Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Research Report Arts traditionally played an important role in the life of the human society. Naturally, it could not fail to affect education. As a result, nowadays the necessity to implement arts in the process of education is getting to be evident. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply a variety of teaching methods which basic elements and principles of arts are integrated into. Regarding this paper the possible implementation of art,…...
Jay Z’s Watch the Throne Exclusive Tracks Unveiled
Jay Z no Church in the Wild With the release of their newest CD, Watch the Throne, many of Jay-Z and Kanye West’s most exclusive tracks have come under scrutiny. One particular song containing debatable yet obvious theological symbolism is “No Church in the Wild.” Citing and exclaiming their religious and social beliefs, as well as their activities in today’s society in this new song, Kanye West and Shawn Carter (Jay-Z) show deep symbolism of today’s culture, the influence of…...
Empiricism Vs Rationalism
Essay on Comparison of Empiricism with Rationalism Human being is considered to be the superior most living being created by nature, because of his intellect and thinking abilities. These faculties enable him to acquire knowledge. Ever since man became civilized, many theories have been devised to define the source of this knowledge. How does he acquire knowledge? In answer to these questions, two major theories, which have been devised are rationalism and empiricism. This essay tries to study these theories…...
Analysis of Vita Nostra by Dyachenko
The following example essay on "Vita Nostra" is an analysis of Dyachenko's literary work. The essay reveals the plot of the novel and talks about the main characters. Read «Vita Nostra», it contemplate a few days. The book is complicated, with multiple implications and immediately confess to the ending, which I did not understand. The last few pages have become a mystery to me. Not because it is badly written, no, not so, says just the same well, but unambiguous…...
When the Mountains Fall Eternal Bride
The last novel of Chingiz Aitmatov, the great humanist and utopian. And let it utopian, but I’m still on his side. Nothing worse than when neither of you do not believe. And the reality presentedin in his works, as this cruel and corrupt world is still ruining the character, but not his spirit slomlyaet. And before us necessarily appears strong, heroic figure, which had to contend with fears, misery, and despair neponimaniemi. In the novel “When the mountains fall (Eternal…...
Romantic Egoist
The following sample essay on Romantic Egoist Esthete and a snob, a professional advertiser and an ardent supporter of the Communists, Frédéric Beigbeder -. One of the most znametnyh figures in the literary world of modern France I think that Frédéric Beigbeder is known to all. Even those who have not read it. I have a friend, for which “99 francs” became a cult book. And there is a friend who at the sound of the name of the writer…...
The Most Beautiful Woman In Town
Essay on “The Most Beautiful Woman in Town” The book is not for everyone. Many might offend, and someone even cause stomach cramps. Life without embellishment, richly flavored netsenzurschinoy. “Bukowski” for a long time they used as an adjective (I was drunk and Bukowski), indicating absolutely peculiar worldview We have long suffered from a very long time -. Almost two thousand years Charles Bukowski is one among the most controversial. American authors. And one of the most interesting and unusual.…...
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