Free essays on Sociology are academic papers that cover various topics related to human society, behavior, and identity. These essays provide insights and understanding of social issues affecting different groups of people, including race, gender, ethnicity, religion, politics, culture, and more. The essays can be found online and cover a broad range of subjects, from social classes and inequality to global migration and gender roles. They are useful resources for students and researchers who are interested in exploring and analyzing social phenomena and behaviors.
Identity through personal experience
A person’s identity cannot be given to them, instead a person must achieve a sense of her character through personal experience and self search. In “No Name Woman”, Maxine Hong Kingston recalls the events of her aunt’s life in the elusive world of her Chinese roots. The story of her aunt is told by her mother and Kingston recreates the events into an exploratory story to help herself figure out what part of her existence is Chinese and help her…...
ChinaChinese CultureCommunicationCultureHuman Nature
Socrates Dialectic
A friend of Socrates, Chaerephon, asked the Oracle of Delphi if there is anyone wiser than Socrates. The goddess answered that there is not. (Plato, p. 50). Aware that he cannot claim wisdom, but intrigued by the Oracle’s answer, Socrates embarks on a journey to find someone who is truly wise. The method he used to establish someone’s wisdom or lack of it has been known as the Socratic dialectic. Socrates’ dialectic technique, its aim and its method will be…...
CultureEpistemologyMetaphysicsPhilosophersPhilosophical TheoriesPhilosophy
Four Ghosts In A Christmas Carol
A ghost is a transparent figure of a dead person. In ghost stories we expect graveyards, the darkness, peculiar noises and scary figures/shadows. People are scared of ghosts because they are related with death. We don’t know what death feels like so we are scared of what it holds. Dickens was trying to highlight the inequality and injustice of Britain at that time. Most of his novels are set in London and many of his characters are from underprivileged, poor…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidays
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Football Discourse Community
A discourse community can be defined as: “A group of people (can be small local or large global) characterized by common goals, values, activities, and way of speaking, clothing equipment. Not only language but all this thing listed here can make up the discourse of the community because these things allow the group to identify as a community and communicate in a particular way together.” According to this definition, it is possible to identify many of such communities in the…...
CommunicationCommunityDiscourse CommunityFootballSociologySports
Who is a Bad Roommate or Good Rommate
A bad roommate in my opinion is someone who has little respect for personal space and belongings. They will consider cleanliness as any part of their style from the kitchen to the shared restroom, and everything in between its all Just one large mess! Also I have noticed bad roommates can become bothersome by the level of noise they create. Whether loud voices or bumping music from a set of speakers, It became a really big problem for me especially…...
All Contracts Are Agreement But All
A contract is a legally binding agreement or relationship that exists between two or more parties to do or abstain from performing certain acts. A contract can also be defined as a legally binding exchange of promises between two or more parties that the law will enforce. For a contract to be formed an offer made must backed acceptance of which there must be consideration. Both parties involved must intend to create legal relation on a lawful matter which must…...
Business LawCommon LawContract LawJusticeLawRules
70’s Music Genre and Style Research
1970s Music The 1970s created a perfect musical bridge from the rebelliousness of the 1960s and the happy songs of the 1980s. Following the counterculture of the 60s, the 70’s created a trend of relaxing music as well as dance music. People may have grown tired of the fighting that happened the previous decade and many of them sought a refuge in dance clubs and other places to enjoy a good time. Out of this idea came the Disco movement.…...
Intended Effect On The Reader
1984 is a darkly satirical political novel by George Orwell. It was first published on June 8, 1949, is Orwell’s most famous work, and is the inspiration of the word “Orwellian.” The story takes place in a nightmarish dystopia, in which an ever-surveillant State enforces perfect conformity among citizens through fear, lies and ruthless punishment. The Party is the government running Oceania and is headed by the mysterious Big Brother. It’s rise to power is uncertain and their activities are…...
Animal FarmCultureGeorge OrwellPoliticsTotalitarianism
The Year My Parents Went On Vacation
A 12-year-old boy’s recognition of the events and eventual acceptance of their implications which happened during a supposedly trip by his parents summed up the 2007 Latin-American movie entitled “The Year My Parents Went on Vacation. ” With the 1970 World Cup and political situations in Brazil as backdrops, the Cao Hamburger movie reshuffled the social or cultural concepts of confusion and ordeal as viewed by a minor character named Mauro Stern played by young actor Michael Joelsas (“The Year…...
Analysis of the 80s Fashion Trends
80s Fashion! For many, the 1980s was a great time. The creation of MTV revolutionised fashion, the music industry and even how we watched TV. But for others, it was nothing but bad hair, worse clothing and music often had more to do with machines than talent. The clothes worn in the 80s depicted people who were trying to find themselves. They looked fro ways to express their creativity and individuality. Men wore heavy make-up and grew long hair; for…...
Disembarkation Procedures
1(a): Disembarkation and Transit processes Passport and visa requirements General immigration procedures Once passengers have arrived from their journey to Heathrow airport, they go through immigration and immigration officers will check their passports and visas to make sure that only those who have a right to enter the country do so. The immigration process can be extremely quick if the flight is between two European Union countries. However, non-EU resident enter through a different channel, where they are subjected to…...
AirlineAirportCultural GlobalizationCustomsEuropean UnionPublic Transport
Essay About Studying English
1. Studying English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Some people believe that the students have to go abroad to study English while other people claim that beside learning English in an English-speaking country, there are a number of ways to study this language. I am strongly persuaded by the latter idea by the following reasons. First of all, it cannot…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLearningStudy
Caroline Chisholm Quotes
1. Caroline ‘Jones’ Chisholm 2. Caroline Chisholm was born in May 30th 1808 in the English Country of Northampton shire and was born as Caroline Jones. Caroline Chisholm died in long illness on the 25th March 1877 in London. 3. Caroline Chisholm was known as ‘the Immigrants friend’ People described her as a Christian humanist. Caroline was inspired by the quote in the bible “Love Thy Neighbour”. She contributed to the church because she has followed one of many scriptures,…...
Celta Lesson Plan
|Name |Date |Lesson no. Start time |Length | | |30-11-11 |3 |14:00 |40 minutes | |Melissa Sanchez | | | | | |Class (level, nationalities, comments) | | | | | |Pre-intermediate | | |Turkish, Syrian, Mexican, Chinese. | |Lesson aims |Assumptions (about what the students already know/can do) | | | | |Skills: Speaking (fluency practice of Past simple and Continuous) and Writing (a narrative) |The Ss may be able to use the Past simple and continuous when speaking…...
Renaissance Research Paper
Renaissance art was born in the second half of the fourteenth century and continued to develop throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, gradually covering one after another, all the countries of Europe. Renaissance art reflected the specific nature of the transitional epoch. Renaissance, which was closely linked to Florence and its society, is undoubtedly one of the most exciting in the history of Western civilization. It not only showed the world a whole galaxy of artists and humanist thinkers, but…...
CultureMedieval EuropeRenaissanceRenaissance ArtResearchUniversity
Essay On Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling (Bombay, British India, December 30, 1865 – London, 18 January 1936) was a British writer. His books for children since their publication have known a success that has never wavered. The most famous are The Jungle Book (1894), The Second Jungle Book (1895), Just So Stories (1902), Puck, pixie the hill (1906). He was considered an “innovator in the art of the short story,” a precursor of the science fiction, and one of the greatest writers of children’s…...
CommunicationCultureResearchRudyard Kipling
Research of Different Literacy Types
Literacy is the ability of a person to read literary sources to gain knowledge and discover new interesting facts useful for life. Moreover, literacy is also the ability to write using proper stylistic devices and feel the language in the text. Then, a person who is considered to be literary should be able to read critically, that means possess critical thinking skills. Most people who can read never try to understand the meaning of the content, some idea hidden there.…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingCultureLearningLiteracyResearch
Peculiarities and Usage of Onion Model Hofstede
“This whole thing about cultural differences is simply bunk! The real issue is about market access! ” Discuss this statement using examples you have encountered during the lectures, seminars and your own research Introduction: “International business is all commercial transactions, private and governmental between two or more countries”. When a company operates internationally it adds foreign conditions to its domestic ones making the external environment more diverse. Is this whole thing only about market access? When entering a new culture,…...
CivilizationCommunicationCultureHuman NatureModelWork
The Latest From The Feminist Front
“The Latest from the Feminist “Front” by Rush Limbaugh statement is that how male’s chase females. The title “Feminist Front is the first grounds that the author usage to qualify feminist make a frontage. The author claims his positions on the feminist motion is unsmooth. insensitive. cruel. and provocative. The author is unsmooth on feminist with is why there is common land. The extract has several logical false beliefs which is some type of counter statement that weakens an statement…...
The Ninny vs Up From the Holler Summary
“The Governess” by Neil Simon, and “Up From the Holler” there was some sort of conflict about social class each differ and are different points of view. I believe that seeing something from a deferent point of view is very important. I think that its Important because you see others perspectives on matters that you once thought about only In one way. “One person’s craziness Is another person’s reality. ” said by Tim Burton. In “The Ninny” by Anton Chekhov…...
CommunicationSocial Class
Changing American Family
“The Changing American Family’: A Sociological View The families in America are steadily changing. While they remain our most valued and consistent source of strength and comfort, some families are becoming increasingly unstructured. In the past, the typical family consists of a working father, a stay at home mother and, of course, well-rounded children. Today, less than 20 percent of American families fit nicely into this cookie cutter image. American households have never been more diverse. Natalie Angier takes stock…...
Spenser: The Poet’s Poet
“Spenser..has always been felt by his countrymen to be what Charles Lamb called him, the `Poet’s Poet’. He has had more idolatry and imitation from his brethren than all the rest put together.” (Hunt, L, 1845:75). Sharing Hunt’s view, we certainly believe his assertion is beyond dispute. Born in London in 1552, Edmund Spenser is considered one of the most outstanding Elizabethan poets. He benefitted from the patronage of Robert Nowell since 1569, he started his education in Merchant Taylor…...
CulturePoetryThe Faerie Queene
Reading Is neither Neutral, nor Natural
The different generations of past and present times would also have many contrasting views on particular characters such as Worru. Additionally, the study of past texts, such as The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and Coonardoo by Katherine Suzanne Prichard, allows me to comprehend the meaning behind the symbol of alcohol in The Dreamers and how it is a representation of escapism for people in degrading ways of society. In the beginning of The Dreamers by Jack Davis, we are…...
CultureReadingThe Glass Menagerie
Carol Ann Duffy Stealing
“Show how the poet explores the themes of Isolation and loneliness, and to what extent your appreciation of the theme was deepened by the poet’s treatment? ” Stealing is one of the many Carol Ann Duffy poems in which the themes of isolation and loneliness are explored. The poem is about a person who has nothing to live for, because of this they have fallen into a life of stealing items that are worthless and have no sentimental meaning to…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLonelinessPoetry
Yeats September 1913
“Romantic Ireland’s dead and gone, It’s with O’Leary in the grave. ” Discuss ways in which Yeats presents the Romantic in ‘September 1913’. Yeats presents the Romantic in ‘September 1913’ in such a way that it is no longer there, but also that there is a chance for the Romantic to be saved and brought back to Ireland. “Yeats saw literature and politics as intertwined,” Yeats used ‘September 1913’ as a political, as well as cultural, message to get across…...
Looking For Alibrandi Example
“Looking for Alibrandi” by Melina Marchetta provides useful and valuable insights into cultural misunderstandings between Australian and Italian families, relationships and prejudices particularly between Josie, her friends and family. Cross-cultural issues are explored in depth in “Looking for Alibrandi”. The novel shows the family traditional values within Josie’s family, one of these being Tomato Day. This cultural tradition is important because it fosters greater unity between family members. In addition, Italian family culture has a deep meaning about spending time…...
CultureHuman NaturePrejudiceRacismSocial Psychology
Letter From A Birmingham Jail
The following sample essay on “Letter From Birmingham Jail”: is a rare response to criticism from fellow clergymen written by Martin Luther King. It was dated on the fourth of eight days he spent in a Birmingham jail. The criticism pertained to King’s decision to lead a peaceful protest march on Good Friday, a Christian holiday, of 1963. They referred to his actions as “untimely and unwise.” The peaceful protest march only lasted a few blocks before landing King and…...
CultureLetter From Birmingham Jail
Fashion And Modernity Phenomenon
“Fashion is dress in which the key feature is rapid and continual changing of styles”. Wilson, E. 1985 Adorned in Dreams: Fashion and Modernity” London: Virago p. 3 How to ‘identity’ and ‘obsolescence’ contribute to this continual change? Illustrate your argument with reference to specific examples. Fashion today is one of the predominant cultural aspects of the Modern Society. We are consistently informed about its latest changes in the quality newspapers, on TV and even in films. Yet it is…...
James Joyce Eveline
“Eveline”, is a story about a 19 year old girl who diligently reflects on the life she has had residing in the same town (in Dublin) with her siblings, everyone she knows, and her abusive father whom she labours excessively for to support. This is the same town her mother died in that she now anticipates leaving for Buenos Ayres, with her fiance Frank. The story of Eveline, by James Joyce, handles many interconnected themes such as attachments, escape and…...
The Gift Analysis
‘The Gift of the Magi’ is a short story written by O. Henry. It was published in a New York newspaper and in a collection, The Four Million, in 1906. It is about a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham Young, also identified as James and Della and the sacrifices they make for each other. The subject matter of the story is very relevant to these modern times as its themes are topics that people can easily relate. I think the…...
ChristmasCommunicationGiftHolidaysThe Gift Of The Magi
Orientalism Thesis Essay
‘Orientalism’ is a field of study which is “at style of thought based upon an ontological and epistemological distinction made between ‘the Orient’ and … ‘the Occident. ‘” It invokes a flexible positioning superiority in which Europe is put into a number of positions of superiority. It is “part of an overall campaign of self-affirmation, belligerency, and outright war,” (Said xix) however, and in this we see the religious implications. “For much of its history… Orientalism carries within it the…...
Brevity Of Human Life
‘Many of the writers in this anthology use poetry to examine the idea of the brevity of human life, but they treat this idea in very different ways. ‘ The brevity of life is a theme often explored, not only through poetry, but in day to day life. For many years people have been engaging with the idea that life is simply too short to waste, that “each man’s life is but a breath” and in fact pales in comparison…...
Andrew MarvellCulturePoetryTo His Coy Mistress
If By Rudyard Kipling Essay
‘ If’ is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. The poem is aimed at advicing his son or any male on how to be a man, how to succed in life and in other owrds how to be the ‘ perfect man’ which is unattainable. Kipling himself knew that these tasks will be immpossible to meet up with fully, which is why I believe he named this poem ‘If’ rather than ‘How To Become A Man’. The main theme in…...
CulturePoetryRudyard Kipling
Duality and Hybridity in Condolence Visit
‘Duality’ and ‘Hybridity’ are two of the various themes touched upon by Rohinton Mistry in ‘Tales from Firozsha Baag’. Duality essentially means being in twos, and in the stories chosen, the idea of two worlds is put forward in addition to that of dual identities. Hybridity is empowering oneself with another culture i. e. merging of different aspects of language, culture, politics and race within oneself. These two themes have been extensively explored in ‘Condolence Visit’ and ‘Lend me Your…...
Battle Royal Ellison Summary
There are many symbols in Ralph Ellison's story "Battle Royal."Ellison's story is full of excellent symbolism of how African-Americans have struggled throughout history to fight for their equality. The narrator starts off the story by describing his grandfather's dying last words.In his last words, the grandfather expresses his wishes for future generations to continue the struggle for black equality.Ellison uses many symbols in this story to demonstrate the lack of black equality.Among these symbols are: the battle itself, the brief…...
Mundugumor Cannibalism
The term socialization refers to the "lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their human potential and learn culture." [Macionis et al. p 55] The concept of socialization is that our actions are driven/learned by culture. Socialization is also the foundation of personality, which we build by internalizing our surroundings. Through the lifelong process of socialization, society transmits culture from one generation to the next. A good example of socialization is the learning of gender roles. Anthropologist Margaret Mead reasoned…...
CommunicationCultureGenderHuman NatureSocialization
Theatre Of The Absurd Summary
The Theatre of the Absurd began in the early 1950's.It was influenced by four major events-World War I, World War II, liberalism and epidemics.The two world wars had devastating effects on Europe and the European population as a whole.Europeans questioned their values and beliefs about society and were open to accepting many new ideas, especially those put forward by Freud.These ideas included accepting homosexuality and a post-war Europe. A French writer named Albert Camus originated with the idea of Absurdist…...
Albert CamusCultureHuman NatureTheatre
Culture and Gender in Composer Canonization
The following sample essay on Marcia Citron The works of a composer are not the only factor used to determine canonization; culture and gender play a large part in this process. Citron shows how the Western art canon is the result of a complex mixture of opinions, traditions, and interests that often go unacknowledged and unchallenged. The term'canon' was applied to music in last twenty years, defined as a "specified group or body of related works." 1It is debatable as…...
CommunicationCultureCurriculumGenderHuman NatureMusic
Research Paper On Michelangelo
The renaissance was a time of rebirth. It was not only a rebirth for economically, socially, and scientifically, but also for wrists. Michelangelo was one of the great artists that captured the Renaissance through art. He captured the Renaissance in an art piece named Ancestors of Christ: figures (detail). This picture is a picture of a child that represents peacefulness and humanism. The painting was done in 1511 in Cappella, Vatican. The painting is assumed to represent salmon, as Emil…...
The First Gladiatorial Games in Rome
The first gladiatorial games in Rome were in 264 BC and they became a very popular form of public spectacle quickly. They were originally associated with funeral rituals, but in they Republic they were related to the winter and spring equinoxes. The gladiators involved faced death when entering the arena and attempted to triumph over it, but were usually not victorious. Many people today relate these games to the sports played in modern times. Although some things about the Roman…...
Ancient RomeCommunicationCultureGladiatorRoman Empire
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