Essays on Research

Free essays on research are written documents available online for students and researchers to use as a reference or guide when conducting their own research. These essays cover various topics related to research methods and techniques, data analysis, and report writing. They provide valuable insights and examples of best practices for conducting research in different fields and disciplines. Free essays on research are an essential resource for students seeking to improve their research skills and gain a better understanding of research concepts and practices.
Room Division Essay
Words • 319
Pages • 2
The guest cycle and the operational and managerial activities for each stage. They should also be able to come up with reports on evaluating operations in the rooms division. Communication between housekeeping and other Hotel departments. Human resources in the rooms division department and its importance. Course Outline 1 . The Rooms Dolls Introduction Organization of the Rooms Division Organization of rooms division department Interrelationship and communication within rooms Division department with other departments 2. Housekeeping The role of the…...
CommunicationHuman NatureManagementResearch
Vitamin C Lab Report
Words • 866
Pages • 4
The following graph shows this relationship even more clearly. The plots were joined using a trend line so that the trend can be seen more clearly, Graph 2: Concentration of ascorbic acid (M) against Volume added to decolonize DUCKPIN The following graph shows that the concentration of ascorbic acid (5) in the rest fruits (indicated by the blue diamond-shaped dots) is higher than the concentration in processed fruit juices (indicated by the blue squares). All the points in the fresh…...
ExperimentLemonPineappleResearchVitaminVitamin C
The Work of Washington Irving
Words • 535
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The Work of Washington Irving tells the story of an American writer who was the first to receive European recognition. The first American romantic, “the father of American Romanticism,” Washington Irving (1783-1859) was the first U.S. writer whose work (and not the personality, as in the case of Benjamin Franklin) has received European recognition. Irving himself, a witty and extremely modest man, explained the reasons for his popularity: “Enlightened Europe was struck by the fact…...
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Kouzes And Posner Model
Words • 677
Pages • 3
The events of that day served as fuel for me to continue my education into leadership and learn to be the best leader I could possibly be, while never failing my followers as my Captain did hat day. In the day to day operations of an organization, nothing can have a more profound effect than the quality of leadership Implemented daily. This Is why successful leaders around the world believe In and lead with the Souses Poster model of leadership.…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLeadershipModelPrivacyResearch
Century Hospitality
Words • 792
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Century Hospitality": the differences between the 18th century and contemporary hospital. According to Ackroyd (Ackroyd, 2005), London hospitality took its origins in “public place of cookery” by the Thames in the 12th century. Then followed cook shops in the 16th century and eating houses, taverns or coffee shops, incredibly famous in the 18th. Without denying, London hospitality has undergone lots of changes to become what it is nowadays. Or … has it? Are there real…...
CoffeeCultureHealth CareHospitalReasonResearch
Knowledge Gained From Experience
Words • 534
Pages • 3
The comparison between learned in books and knowledge gained from experience The education is the most important thing in our life, without it we can’t solve our problem and the logic thinking. By the way any education in my opinion will be benefit whatever it is depend on the book or our skill, the doctor have to study in the book and be good doctor by the way the barber is not depend in the book he has to looking…...
Stages Of Dying
Words • 433
Pages • 2
Thanatology, or the study of death and dying, has gone through significant growth since the 1950s, when Herman Feifel’s “Meanings of Death” was introduced to the behavioral science field. Before then, dying and death were mainly the concerns of poets and mystics. Death was considered a word to be avoided as much as possible by physicians, and as a topic of restriction even by psychologists. Since that time the research and writings of Robert Fulton, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, among others, have…...
DeathHuman NatureResearch
Emergency Evacuation Procedures Example
Words • 874
Pages • 4
Testing and Maintenance of Emergency Evacuation Procedures ItemAction required & pass/fail requirementFrequency of action Monthly6 monthly12 monthly Emergency plan INSPECT the emergency plan and check for relevancy to the facility. ? Emergency evacuation equipment INSPECT the emergency evacuation equipment and check for compliance with the emergency plan. ? Emergency response procedures INSPECT the emergency procedures and test for relevancy to the facility by conducting an evacuation exercise for a nominated incident covered by the emergency procedures. Training INSPECT training records…...
Emergency ManagementResearchSafety
Michaela Cullington
Words • 343
Pages • 2
Technology has changed our lives in the past twenty years. In the past, if we wanted to have a conversation with someone it was needed to find the person and go to the place they were to talk to them. However, today all it is need a cellphone, and you can talk with three or four even five people at the same time. Nowadays there are many ways to communicate to someone, and one of the most important ways is…...
AdolescenceCommunicationCultureResearchText Messaging
What Is Cultural Diffusion
Words • 659
Pages • 3
Sylvester Rimando Geography 2 September 19 2012 Cultural Diffusion: Sushi Sushi is one example of cultural diffusion in which went on to expand on a global scale from a native treat of Japan into an international delicacy. To scope out on how sushi became an international sensation, there are 4 factors that identify the chronicles of its origins and through an expansion of this treat internationally. These 4 factors are: the hearth (originating from) , evolution (how has it changed…...
Process Paper Example
Words • 719
Pages • 3
Students producing entries in the exhibit, media, and performance categories* must also write a “process paper. ” This paper introduces your topic, explains how you developed your entry, and documents your research. It is important to do a good job on this part of your entry because it is the first thing that people look at when evaluating History Day entries. The process paper contains three parts: the title page, a research description, and the annotated bibliography. *The research paper…...
Max Stafford Clark
Words • 425
Pages • 2
Stafford-Clark researches every play he does and expects his company to do the same, the company are expected to read around the subject of the play not Just through books, but wrought interviewing relevant people. Stafford-Clacks style of work is verbatim theatre, a type of documentary theatre. People are interviewed and their stories told in a verbatim way. Multimode is also used so that actors can play multiple characters. ‘The Permanent Way* is an example of his work, based around…...
ActorCommunicationHuman NaturePrivacyResearch
Social and Economic Issues in Source C
Words • 712
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Source C": tells about the social and economic problems of the early nineteenth century. Source C was written by Charles Dickens who became a famous author and was acutely aware of the social and economic problems of the early nineteenth century so his facts are likely to be reliable. He was alive at the time of the Andover Workhouse scandal so he would have bee aware of the terrible conditions some workhouses were in and…...
Charles DickensCommunicationOliver TwistResearchWork
Battle Of Dunkirk Summary
Words • 938
Pages • 4
Source A, B and C are useful when finding out what the Battle of Dunkirk was like because they are three different accounts of a personal experience of Dunkirk. The first source, source A is useful because it describes the evacuation of men from the beaches of Dunkirk back to Britain. The author of source A describes it as a “terrible night for there was hardly any army and the ones they did have were useless”. This suggests that the…...
MilitaryNazi GermanyResearch
Barangay Information Management System
Words • 761
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Informative essays
Significance of the Study -This survey was made to happen out that the usage of abode information system will decrease the clip for the dealing of encoding. Besides in utilizing this system it can acknowledge the individual involve in this survey. To the Barangay – It will assist for them to decrease the clip for the dealing of encoding. The system will be the nose count like holding a system of the barangay for all of its components and new…...
Effects of Online Gaming on Students Academec Performance
Words • 459
Pages • 2
Introduction The following sample essay on effects of online gaming on students academec performance. In the present time, most adolescents get hooked on to online gaming. Online games are video games played through a form of computer network. Online games can range from simple text based games to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Gaming faces criticism y groups who point out that some of the programs contain objectionable content. As the children clicked…...
AdolescenceCommunicationHuman NatureResearchVideo Game
Clinical Psychology Essay
Words • 841
Pages • 4
Running head: Clinical Psychology Paper Clinical Psychology Paper Launita D. Joseph University of Phoenix Clinical Psychology Paper When psychology is mentioned one will think about the study of the mind. Several topics may be discussed under psychology. Psychology is a discipline that involves the scientific study of human or animal mental functions and behaviors. However, clinical psychology is integrated with theory, science, and practice to understand, predict, and remove maladjustment, discomfort, and also to promote humans to adapt, adjust, and…...
Human NatureResearch
Construction On Research Paper
Words • 535
Pages • 3
Road construction is a complex of various operations, which includes activities in several areas: design, construction, repair, and maintenance of roads. The quality of road construction has much to say about any country, because it indicates not only the level of economic development of the country, but is also the necessary component of creating a positive image of the country abroad. Road construction begins, where necessary, by land clearing and stump removal. These operations then allow archaeologists to carry out…...
BridgeClimate ChangeConstructionResearchRoad
Credibility Essay
Words • 1099
Pages • 5
The following essay sample on "Credibility Essay": capacity assessment of Credibility of websites and review of website regarding fish oil. Research is an important part of finding the appropriate CAM therapy that will help the patient’s symptoms. The information that is obtained during research could be full of opinions and not facts. Since we want factual information instead of opinions it is important that we are sure the information we are looking at is a reliable and credible source. Criteria…...
Penny Lab Report
Words • 498
Pages • 2
Research Question: What is the percent composition of Copper and Zinc in a positive penny? Aim: The purpose is to determine the percent composition of Zinc and Copper metals in a post-1983 penny with the use of HCI. Variables: Independent Variable: percent composition of Zinc. Dependent Variable: percent composition of Copper. Controlled Variable: Military of HCI, and year tot penny. Apparatus: Beaker Goggles penny Distilled Water Method: Note that HCI is an acid and must be cautious around this acid…...
Kepler’s 3rd Law
Words • 605
Pages • 3
Research Question: Is it possible to verify Kepler’s 3rd law using a database? Hypothesis: I believe that it is possible to verify Kepler’s 3rd law using a database due to the nature of the law. Kepler’s law states that the square of the time of one orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of its average orbital radius. Mathematically this looks like: Where T is the orbital period and R is the orbital radius. As a result we can see that: In…...
Science Reflection Paper
Words • 348
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Reflection paper Sci-114 In this reflection paper I will address the elements of the course that I found most challenging, the areas which informed my understanding of an aspect of Earth science with what I already knew and list the areas I would have liked to have explored more in depth. In addition to this reflection paper I will address the concerns of global warming as well. The most challenging part of the course by far was the virtual lab…...
CommunicationHuman NatureResearchUnderstanding
Qualitative vs Quantitative Research
Words • 617
Pages • 3
Qualitative vs. Quantitative In this paper I will be explaining the differences between qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research will help you learn about individuals experiences of emotion and behavior, and explains human behavior into detail. Whereas quantitative research will be in hard numbers, it will provide you with data and is the most common method of research. Qualitative research should, in my opinion, be the most common method of research due to the fact that it focuses on certain…...
DataResearchScientific MethodStatistics
Purdue Gpa Calculator
Words • 558
Pages • 3
Purdue GPA calculator helps the potential students evaluate the proximity of getting the chance to study at the University. It is a handy instrument for all students being in the pursuit of the place of studying. The Purdue University is one of the most popular and well-developed research universities of the USA. This institution leads the field of the aviation industry and space technology, and students are engaged in flight training. The studying programs in the field of mechanical engineering,…...
Kiosk Proposal Sample
Words • 348
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Project Proposal COMP4013- PROJECT MANAGEMENT Contents 1Introduction 2Background of the Study 3General Problem 3a. General Problem 4General Objective 4a. Specific Objectives 5Scope 6Limitation INTRODUCTION Grading is a complex topic that involves philosophical, pedagogical, and pragmatic issues for all students. We all have our own ideas of how grades should be assigned, and what they should tell us about the student’s performance. Since the Polytechnic University of the Philippines – SMB Campus, the Grading system of this University has gone under…...
CommunicationQualitative ResearchQuantitative ResearchSocial Science
Research Paper On Pond Paper
Words • 398
Pages • 2
The following example of an essay about Research work on pond paper. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Pond Water TITLE: By: Jacob O’Connor November 21, 2011 Jennifer Mertz BIO 101 SEC 3A Mid Michigan Community College HYPOTHESIS: If the pond water is not treated and is good quality water then there will be new organisms and plant life in the pond water ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to observe and understand what…...
DataObservationPlasticQualitative ResearchQuantitative ResearchResearch
Ethical Dilemma Case Analysis
Words • 1044
Pages • 5
People find it easier to cheat what is received as a large, faceless entity like a corporation or the government than to cheat a friend or acquaintance, experts say. Games, 2002) Ethics is so important within our society that most ethical values have been integrated into the laws of our land. Society has to have ethical behavior in order to keep the supportive order that has been set. An ethical dilemma is a situation in which a decision must be…...
AuditEthical DilemmaEthicsPersonalityReasonResearch
Peer Tutoring Essay
Words • 512
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Peer tutoring is the process of education characterized by the fact that the teacher of the tutee is his classmate or merely the person of the same age and social status. Peer tutoring is a favorite tradition practiced in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Smart students are involved in the teaching process and share their knowledge with their contemporaries trying to improve the current progress of the latter. The system of peer tutoring is straightforward. If…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningResearch
Paper Presentation Competition
Words • 1919
Pages • 8
Paper  presentation  competition  at  college  was  always  going  to  be  tough.  I  started  my  preparation  with  going  into  deep  research  on  topic  of  my  paper.  Secondary  data  collection  and  questionnaire  were  the  methods  that  I used  for  collecting  data.  I  consulted  with  the  concern  faculty  to  guide   me  further.  On  the  basis  of  recommendations  told  by  the  faculty,  I  made  the  required  changes.  Finishing  the  paper  with  ample  amount  of  time  left  for  the  presentation  helped  me  in  preparing  for …...
CommunicationCompetitionCritical ThinkingHuman NatureResearchStrategy
Nikola Tesla Essay
Words • 332
Pages • 2
Nikola TeslaBy far the most controversial scientist in mankind history. Father of alternate current. Edisons main rival. Elecktrotechnical magician and many more. This is just a few nicknames for such an outstanding person – Nikola Tesla. I have been impressed by this great man, since my high school, as I was studying electrotechnics after my decision to become a technician was made. His brilliant inventions have caught my heart and have never released it.Nikola Tesla was an american inventor with…...
Nikola TeslaResearchThomas Edison
Investigatory Project
Words • 746
Pages • 3
Natural Mosquito Repellant A Science Research Project In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in Science And Technology I Melvin T. Magsayo March 2012 ABSTRACT This research entitled NATURAL MOSQUITO REPELLANT conducted by KAYE ANGELLIE C. NAPIGKIT of Lanao Chung Hua School. One problem of today especially with regards to health is the disease caused by mosquito. Mosquitoes are a family of small, midge-like flies, the Culicidae. It is said to be the most dangerous species on earth. It carries virus…...
Dengue FeverInfectious DiseasesMalariaMicrobiologyResearch
Research Proposal On Network Security
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Network security is a policy created by the chief administrator of the organization aimed to protect information of the company from third people. This task is very complicated, because every day programmers create hundreds of programs, which manage to break the security of the network and look through or steal the required data. One can achieve network security with the help of various things, which include strong antivirus software, strong reliable passwords, which are changed every week or month, individual…...
CommunicationComputer VirusInformation AgeInformation TechnologyNetwork SecurityResearch
Thorpe Park Marketing Mix
Words • 626
Pages • 3
Ml- Compare the marketing techniques used by the two organizations. Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of each. Thorpe Park Thorpe park use many different way of promoting Its self’s. The way that Thorpe Park promotes its self is very clever and reaches out to a certain audience of people. For MI I will be looking at the different ways that Thorpe park and compare that market promote their self’s and the products. Promotion Technique There are servile techniques that…...
Analysis Paper Example
Words • 577
Pages • 3
Message body Reasoning and Analysis Paper Assignment—CMS 11, Sec. 8531 This assignment is a reasoning and analysis paper. What you have to do is to select one of the two movies listed below, and then develop a paper in which you analyze how both the halo effect (or the reverse halo effect) and the thesis expressed in Prof. Comila Shahani-Denning’s article are reflected in the movie. Be aware that the halo effect is not always about physical appearance. Also, although…...
BiasCommunicationHuman NaturePlagiarismResearch
Animal Testing Research Paper
Words • 559
Pages • 3
Medical testing on animals is a generic term for the use in the research, testing substances and products in education and training purposes as well as in the diagnosis of diseases and production of biological products. The definition of animal testing varies between countries. The species of animal that is used primarily in medical testing on animals are mice, rats, fish and wildfowl. Even rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, dogs, cats, cows and monkeys may occur in testing on animals. One…...
Animal TestingResearch
Investigatory Project Using Mango Peelings
Words • 715
Pages • 3
Mango peelings notation acids like Gaelic acid, caffeine acid and lactic acid which scientifically, these acids are known to be producing electricity. This study will involve literature search on the composition of raw mango peelings explicitly on the acid content in determining its competency to produce electrical charges and processing the extract from the peelings to distinguish the voltage required for a motor-generated device. Introduction problems is the peels Of the mango (Magnifier indict L. ) fruit. Several methods have…...
Parent Trap Theory
Words • 499
Pages • 2
Madison Schleder Parent Trap My belief is that parents do have an influence on their child. In the younger years from birth to age 5 they do a lot for you and teach you right and wrong and not to talk to strangers. Then as you get to the older part of your teenage years your parents are preparing you for the real world and what you have to do in order to make it out there. Now that they…...
FamilyHuman NatureParentResearchSocial Psychology
Analysis of Five Famous Paintings
Words • 351
Pages • 2
Legen has it that Venus and Mars had an affair which resulted in three progeny.  To the disdain of the gods, Vulcan, Venus’ husband, caught them together in a metal net.  Botticelli’s Venus, meekly ponders her exhausted conquest as impish satyrs sport with his lance and helmet.  Allegorically, this suggests that love and beauty will surmount war and strife.  However, the erotic nuances of the work, and the swarm of wasps around Mars’ head are reminders that the victory is…...
“Dimensions of Temporality in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural”
Words • 956
Pages • 4
The following example essay on "Dimensions of Temporality in Lincoln's Second Inaugural" is an analysis of an article of the same name by Michael Leff that analyzes Lincoln's speech. Just how does the melding of the secular with that of the sacred obfuscate time and influence an audience and a country?  This is what Michael Leff sets forth to examine in his article “Dimensions of Temporality in Lincoln’s Second Inaugural.”  Relying in part on the works of Amy Slagell and…...
Abraham LincolnResearch
Jim Delaney, president of Apex Door, has a problem
Words • 261
Pages • 2
No matter how often he tells his employees how to do their jobs, they invariably “decide to do it their way” as he puts it, and arguments ensue between Jim, the employee, and the employee’s supervisor. One example is the door-design department, where the designers are expected to work with architects to design doors that meet the specifications. While it’s not “rocket science “as Jim puts it, the designers invariably make mistakes-such as designing in too much steel, a problem…...
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What Is Cultural Diffusion
...The authentic sushi will end up as a premium delicacy for the rich. Street sushi will gradually include imitation fish that the industry finds this unattractive. The process of diffuse in sushi has slowly drifted into other parts of the world. In 197...
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