Essays on Other

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Mein Fuhrer I Can Walk
Words • 324
Pages • 2
In 1962 Stanley Kubrick made a satire about Nuclear holocaust and he called it "Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb".Now, more than four decades later,Kubrick's film is an excellent example of human feelings during the early sixties.In fact, the movie continues to be relevant now, as we face our current enemy: global terrorism. To appreciate the brilliance of this film, one must take into account the psychological and social atmosphere at the…...
Who Is Hernando Cortez
Words • 333
Pages • 2
Hernando Cortez was born in 1485 in Medellin, Extremadura.He studied law at the University of Salamanca but left after two years and decided to try in the Americas. Cortez went to Santo Domingo in 1504. In 1511 he became the mayor Cuba. In 1518 Cortez went to Mexico.In 1519, Cortez, with 600 men, and 20 horses, set sail from Cuba.Cortez sailed along the coast of Yucatan and in 1519 landed in Mexico, taking the town of Tabasco. Cortez learned from…...
A Little about the Life of Ida Tarbell
Words • 314
Pages • 2
Ida Tarbell was a woman far ahead of her time. Tarbell was an extraordinary woman whose work influenced the lives of others all over. She helped transform journalism by introducing what is called today investigative journalism. Through her achievements she not only helped to expand the role of the newspaper in modern society and stimulate the Progressive reform movement, but she also became a role model for women wishing to become professional journalists. Ida Minerva Tarbell, thefirst child of Franklin…...
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Clockwork Orange Aversion Therapy
Words • 340
Pages • 2
A is one of the most controversial movies ever made.The movie is based around a thug named Alex, a teenager, who finds happiness in about any perverse action.Alex, who seems to find glory in rape, lust, and murder, tells the story from his point of view. The movie examines the usual cliches of “individual freedom”.It seems as if Alex suffers from an attempt to exercise his own vitality within a social structure too severe to support it.The film is not…...
A Clockwork OrangeOther
Original Jean Valjean
Words • 310
Pages • 2
"You no longer belong to evil, but to good.It is your soul I am buying for you.I withdraw it from the dark thoughts and from the spirit of perdition, and I give it to God!" (Hugo, 30)This dramatic statement uttered by the bishop, Magloire in Victor Hugo's Les Misérables , pierced though the many coarse protective outer layers of Jean Valjean, awakening his slumbering soul.The bishop's overall kindness and magnanimity after nineteen years of abuse in the galley sends Valjean…...
Continuation of the series of romantic books about vampires “Vampire Academy”
Words • 496
Pages • 2
After the first book, I was disappointed, I did not expect from the second raptures, but I liked it. Massive Strigoi attack, which began to cooperate with the people; Roses meeting with his mother, their difficult relationship, flows into the peaceful course of understanding; develop feelings for Dmitry and attempt to stifle love him love another…. I. Finally, the first insignia on the neck of the protagonist. In this book, unlike the previous one, clearly emerges the frame and it…...
The Tenth Man Summary
Words • 528
Pages • 3
Essay on “The Tenth Man” Having signed a deal with the Devil, whether to hope that Baryshnikov not require the payment of an increased debt? Graham Greene. How long I have not read his books? Perhaps, at school, 6-7 years. And so, today opened the first page story “Tenth”, suddenly thought – as I could so long on their own, to part with it? With Master! The Second World War. France. The hut 30 prisoners, they are kept as hostages…...
The Shadow Of The Wind Review
Words • 545
Pages • 3
Essay on “The Shadow of the Wind” «This world will disappear not by the atomic bomb, as they say in the newspapers, he would die of laughter, banal jokes and habits to turn everything into an anecdote, and vulgar». die if people stop reading and important to write books such as “The Shadow of the wind” Carlos Ruiz Safonov. This is an amazing book, which drown on the first page and do not want to break out of the words…...
The Thorn Birds Review
Words • 426
Pages • 2
Essay on “The Thorn Birds” But if you think about it … a lot of novels, designed exclusively for the female audience, became a Fund of world classics and stood on a par with other masterpieces of literature “intersexual”? “Jane Eyre” “Pride and prejudice “ Part of the” Gone with the wind “(after all, this is not a purely” female “work) Thorn Birds Book Review And, of course,” The Thorn Birds “! The novel is dedicated to the life Cleary…...
Totto Chan The Little Girl At The Window Analysis
Words • 293
Pages • 2
It would seem that difficult to write a review on a children’s book? But try to gather all your thoughts, feelings, consider and explain to others that such a wonderful saw once a long time ago, when I first picked up this book in your hands? < /p> Feeling Kazhdy times, reading this story about a little girl, I had a strange feeling that it was written by three people: a child, a young mother, an experienced man. And all…...
The Thirteenth Tale Review
Words • 462
Pages • 2
Essay on “The Thirteenth Tale” Familiarity with this book made a mixed impression on me, maybe to blame, that I had placed on her high expectations? I Recommend it as a fascinating story with lots of “skeletons in the closet” in the spirit of “historians”. I remember, I was glad that six months ago, in a fit of book shoppogolizma took and “The Thirteenth Tale” Books, their absorption rate, divided I into 4 categories:. 1 – are read immediately, a…...
The Langoliers Book
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Essay on “The Langoliers” The first two novels of the novel “Four Past Midnight”. The Langoliers Once upon a time, 100 (actually about 10) years ago, watched the show on this product. The plot is wonderful. But after reading some not very long books King, I have a feeling that one could make a huge affair (or series). The plot of my little recalled the “Sphere” by Michael Crichton, in which the ship (submarine in the form of a sphere)…...
Robert Langdon in Russia
Words • 365
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on "Lost Symbol ":we must assume that the commercials in 2025. Roberg Langdon finally gets up to Russia. He was still in appearance can be given early forties (medicine marches forward by leaps and bounds, and the first at each step kicks course it Langdon, he might even have and rejuvenate years to thirty, but his occupation is too undignified views) at the beginning we will tell about the list of cities where already gone before…...
The Cherry Orchard Critical Analysis
Words • 407
Pages • 2
The play “The Cherry Orchard” last work of the great writer, AP Chekhov. He wrote to her, being terminally ill, as if saying goodbye to beloved Russia, remembering all the most important thing of the past, present, and thinking about the future, about what he will leave behind. Different play heroes symbolize the past, present and future. For example, Ranevskaya and Guys obsessed with memories of times past, LOPAKHIN busy momentary issues, seeking to take advantage of all that he…...
South Of The Border West Of The Sun Summary
Words • 704
Pages • 3
Essay on “South of the Border, West of the Sun” Every living creature dies alone “. of k / f” Donnie Darko “ Murakami I did not like. I read the truth a little bit.” Dance-dance-dance “yes” Norwegian Wood. “By Murakami, I asked, when a wave of his popularity in Russia was asleep, and only for the sake of Japanese exoticism in literature. no, I certainly did not expect the samurai, geisha, and strokes of ink on parchment, and new…...
The Florentine sorceress Salman Rushdie
Words • 576
Pages • 3
At first glance, the new book of Salman Rushdie’s “The Enchantress of Florence” – a historical novel. But, in spite of the voluminous list of scientific sources, it is rather far from the dry facts of the tale in the entourage of the Middle Ages at the intersection of the borders of East and West. XVI century, blond stranger comes from distant lands to the court of the great Mughal sultan Akbar of the dynasty. He’s come a long way,…...
The Diamond Chariot. In 2 Volumes”
Words • 396
Pages • 2
The Diamond Chariot – a bright, fresh, exciting, beautiful and a little sad. Fandorin is in Japan, where is experiencing a lot of (together with Masa) adventures, meets their greatest love and loses it. Actively flavored with Japanese flair, this story is addictive, because we see a new look at some familiar things. Feels great interest and love Akunin to this small but stunningly original and peculiar country, customs which have conquered my imagination. The author reveals one card: it…...
The River King Book
Words • 385
Pages • 2
Essay on “River King” It is said that children can be very cruel. After reading the novel by Alice Hoffman “River King”, I can not disagree. Perhaps nothing criticized the famous TV series “School” (and, perhaps, why scold). It is really a lot of truth, though, I have not had to deal with childhood cruelty. So, teenager Gus Pierce came to study at the elite school in a small town. And everything is good, but that’s just he was very…...
Essay on “Notting Hell” Book
Words • 607
Pages • 3
No error, this is Notting- Hell, an original game author t.e.poluchaetsya instead hills -ad. The downside of living in a respectable area of ​​London. We Meet Again, this is the real heavenly place- huge flourishing British gardens and scattered his little house, costing about US $ 2000000. Clearly, since the novels of Jane Austen , Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens, Thackeray, British society has not changed. Changing attributes, but the basic foundations of the unwritten rules of the game remain the…...
My Family and Other Animals. Birds, Beasts and Relatives
Words • 358
Pages • 2
I am writing this review because it was surprised to see how few people read Gerald Durrell. In vain! Remarkable, extraordinary writer! Beautiful stylist, fun and funny storyteller, and an acute observer, to all this, the famous scientist and naturalist. Therefore, it is a small epic of the years he spent with his family on the island of Corfu, read with a smile, interest and surprise. With a smile, because Darrell that grew in surrounded by books, and next to…...
Inkheart Review
Words • 725
Pages • 3
Essay on “Inkheart” The book can become a true friend and counselor, a door to a new world and the house of the cochlea, which hide from reality. But the book can and destroy – some important connections in your understanding of the world, some values, which suddenly seem false, but whether this is Cornelia Funke, a very popular German writer, tells the story of those who loved the book so much, that managed to connect fictional, paper and ink…...
Essay on Johnny Mnemonic
Words • 685
Pages • 3
The following sample essay is the plot of the novel by Johnny Mnemonic. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Essay on “Johnny – Mnemonic” The plot of the story many know. In a nutshell: Johnny – walking flash drive, which can be downloaded in the Old, and he will deliver it by courier to whom it is necessary. Johnny was asked to translate the very important information. Here are just a mafia that Johnny…...
Lament The Faerie Queen’s Deception
Words • 511
Pages • 3
Essay on “Lament: The Faerie Queen’s Deception” It is this novel, Maggie Stiefvater made their path to success. Published by a small publishing house (Flux) in 2008, Lament going and going still rave reviews and positive ratings readers. And please – the next series of the writer is now coming from Scholastic, bought the film rights to the book and publish it all over the world Both novels are very good, but … yeah, I liked Lament .. The plot…...
Greek and Roman Tradition in Literature
Words • 580
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Epithalame": discussing theme of Greeks and Romans tradition in literature and It's impact on literature. What is prothalamium? This wedding song from the Greeks and Romans, who sang in front of the bride or bedroom suite young men and maidens. This is probably the only thing that is original in Chardon. No, I do not think it’s not bad, it’s by French popular in the thirties and sixties. In his novel describes the life of…...
The Story of an unreal man
Words • 807
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "The Story of an unreal man": some reviews I neretsenzionnye obtained even uncomfortable once in front of people, to God. Comes the man read a book, learn about it something else, but I’m here about myself, but about himself. It should be corrected, it is necessary. I’ll try. And right now. PR in this book was cool, then just take off the hat. Even if the money for the project is not repulsed, but how…...
Irwin Shaw Evening in Byzantium
Words • 886
Pages • 4
The following sample essay is about Irwin Shaw's Evening in Byzantium. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. As the increase in the number of books Irwin Shaw’s in my house, growing up, and interest in the personality of the author. But before you read this novel, I knew only that Irwin Shaw American. Look at Wikipedia made me own guess, maybe even intuition: “Lo, this is a real Irwin” And so it happened: I was…...
Black Obelisk Book
Words • 334
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Black Obelisk Book about philosophy book. The novel is set between the end of the first and beginning of the second world war in Germany during the wildest inflation in 1923. The protagonist is an employee of the company by installing headstones, young and romantic young man, passed through the crucible of war. Actually the book is his outlook on life, his relationship with the boss, friends, friends, girls and enemies in its relation to…...
Controversial Book Review: Blue Lard
Words • 331
Pages • 2
Essay on “Blue Lard” The book is controversial. I doubt that there is someone who, having read it, remain indifferent. My review will also be ambiguous. After reading the very first few pages of this book there is a desire to burn, and then thoroughly wash your hands. In order to read it to the end you need to have the courage, patience, steady mentality and a strong stomach. Very often, I had to fight the gag reflex (I’m not…...
Fan Fic for Alternate Ending of Legend Series
Words • 3465
Pages • 14
For the first few weeks while Day is in hospital, the crowd outside won’t go away. I hear their chants so often they’ve started to leak into my dreams now. Dreams that are always filled with either Day, or my brother. Or dreams where they are both notably absent… when I have those dreams it isn’t much different from reality, and that scares me the most. Metias comes to me too often to count… he warns me not to follow…...
What are ‘argosies with portly Sail’? To what does Salarino
Words • 1792
Pages • 8
. What are ‘argosies with portly Sail’? To what does Salarino compare Antonio’s argosies?The argosies are large merchant ships with their stately sails unfurled.Salarino compares Antonio’s argosies to the great lords (signiors) and wealthy citizens (rich burghers) who look down upon lesser men as they walk along street. He also says that they look like grand spectacles or pageants as they go in procession on the street.2. How are other ships capered with those of Antonio? Explain.The other ships which…...
Ten young people for whom the future
Words • 572
Pages • 3
Many of the prominent figures today are adults. Oprah, Beyoncq and many other notable accomplishments. But less often the focus is on young people who, despite their age, have already managed to establish themselves in society. Sutescatl Martinez is one such young man. “We are all indigenous to this land”,  he said in his 2015 address to Glue Glue Connector. He began discussing the list at a rally at the age of six and has grown to become the spokesman…...
Revenge Porn in the Pacific
Words • 1365
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on "Revenge Porn in the Pacific" focus on revenge porn in the pacific countries. Therefore, choosing principles (Formula of Humanity, Good will, Moral Autonomy) of deontology are the three-arguments against revenge abuse. Then conclusions are made. Revenge Porn can be define as sharing of images and video, without the consent of the person appear in that video or image and it is aimed just to hurt or abusing the victims feeling as a form of revenge.…...
Aladdin Disney movie peculiarities analysis
Words • 1036
Pages • 5
What purpose do Disney movie covers serve? To basically grab the attention of a specific audience, get them to watch and enjoy the film while receiving the message that is being told through the story. Walt Disney Pictures is famous for its works of magical and faraway places. They utilize these appeals to tell a story based on the movie cover shown before you even watch the film. Love, adventures, bad guys being defeated by heroic characters; people especially children…...
Words • 575
Pages • 3
BECOME A CHILD STAR? IT IS IMPERFECT!A child star is a performer who has gained a relatively large amount of celebrity or necognition at a young age. A study found that a desire “solely for the sake of being famous” was the most ubiquitous future goal among children , overshadowing hopes for finance, achievement, and a sense of community( Kaufman, 2013). This trend is being attracted hundreds of debates that whether the kid’s popularity is good or bad. From my…...
My Relationship With Ruby
Words • 614
Pages • 3
I saw her before she even spared him a glance. Her long dark hair picked up in the cool afternoon breeze. I watched her from a distance sensing her pain and loss in her downcast eyes. It brings me back to a time where I felt the same heartache and agony. The time I lost my innocent niece; Bindi. I told my story to the mob about the girl and the colourless man. That night they burned wood in hope…...
Tragicomedy “Terminal”
Words • 827
Pages • 4
The following sample essay on "Tragicomedy Terminal" is a review of the 2004 film directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta-Jones. The Unjust Treatment in The Terminal by Andrew NiccolLanguage can be one of the greatest barrier that we can consider especially when communicating to someone that came from a different country. The movie The Terminal who was directed by Steven Spielberg and was released on 2004, was a very meaningful movie with a great choice…...
Book Reviews for Stone Cold By Robert Swindells
Words • 676
Pages • 3
In the book Stone Cold Link starts off with a harsh life as his father goes off with a receptionist leaving him with his mother. His mum then gets a horrid boyfriend that makes disturbing comments to his mum in front of Link like taking her to bed and rounding the night off in a decent way. Vince also had a huge row with Link's sister, Carole which made her go and live with her boyfriend. Then one night Link…...
Critical analysis of Rovio Company
Words • 1695
Pages • 7
This essay is a critical analysis of Rovio Company which includes a swot analysis based on its strategical structures and operations. This essay is divided into two sections which are section A and section B. I will be critically writing on each of this sections one after the other with few examples. Four global megatrends are: Shift in global economic power, Demographic and social change, Technological breakthroughs and Rapid urbanisation. The megatrends listed have threats and opportunities which plays a…...
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
Words • 625
Pages • 3
Throughout Ken Kesey’s tremendous novel, “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”, the character of Chief Bromden develops from: a damaged, diminished man to a fully reformed human being. Randle McMurphy, a brawling gambling man enters the terrifying grey world of the institute, but he is there by choice after pleading insanity to escape prison. The arrival of McMurphy contributes to the progression of Bromden’s maturity. At the beginning of the novel Chief Bromden’s paranoid character is emphasised by the repetition…...
Foreshadowing In Rebecca
Words • 638
Pages • 3
There were never any complaints when Mrs.. De Winter was alive. Page 8) Instinctively I thought, “She is comparing me to Rebecca”; and sharp as a sword the shadow came between us. (Page 8) This is the first mention about Rebecca. It is the first quote that introduces that Mrs.. Essay Example on Write Down One Story Element That Foreshadows The Story's Tragic Ending De Winter Is constantly compared to Rebecca. The sword represents a battle and the shadow between…...
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Who Is Hernando Cortez
...They surrounded and attacked Cortez.Montezuma tried to stop the revolt, but he was stoned, and he died three days later. The Spanish were driven out of the city on June 30, 1520.In July, 1520, Cortez reached Tlaxcala.There he reorganized his army wit...
What are ‘argosies with portly Sail’? To what does Salarino
...He proposes to help Bassanio, however as, he has tremendous good will and he is sure that people will lend money against his credit. He empowers Bassanio to find out the merchant who is ready to give money against his name. He will stretch his credit...
Ten young people for whom the future
...By instilling in her students not only the ability to create art, but also to appreciate it, Woodrows teacher Marikar Mauricio discovered her passion in college and continued to teach it. She also commissions works and strives to build a permanent ar...
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