Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
The Wallace Group Case Study
Words • 545
Pages • 3
The Wallace Group has maintained, for quite some time, Mr.. Wallace as president of each of the company’s entities. This, however, is leading to some problems. With Mr.. Wallace in charge of all operations he lost sight of problems and resolutions. It is necessary to bring into play a strategic management plan. With a strategic management plan the company will employ the ” … Input and commitment to lower level management… (Wheeled et al, 2004).Essay Example on The Merchant Of…...
Case StudyCommunicationEducationHuman NatureLearningManagement
Environmental Sanitation Essay
Words • 551
Pages • 3
The exterior of the establishment including the building structure, parking space, landscaping, doors and windows. The exterior design is also responsible for attracting customers. The exterior must be clean, safe and pest-free. I. Proper Water Supply Adequate water us apply and proper sewage disposal are vital to the sanitation of the establishment thus drinking water must only be obtained from an approved source.Essay Example on Environmental Protection And Conservation Of The Ecosystem When another non-public water system is used, it…...
Civil EngineeringConstructionPublic HealthWater
Market Research Situation Analysis Coop
Words • 625
Pages • 3
In the following sample essay about the analysis of the market research situation Coop. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Marketing UP and Quality UP recommends three pronged approach 1) Conduct focus group 2) Brand image monitoring survey – pilot for a continuous brand tracking program 3) Customers will be paid to visit the coop and the competition and they will not know which Company paid them Turnaround – really expensive marketing strategies Executive meeting…...
Case StudyChickenEducationFoodLearningStudy
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Essay Example on Identify The Sound Device
Words • 490
Pages • 2
The following sample essay is a Sample Essay on Identifying a Sound Device. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Teams are created for certain products and brainstorming involves every single person throwing out any idea that comes to their head, which In turn produces groundbreaking innovations and designs. They also promote entrepreneurship and creativity through managerial decisions to not assign any titles to their employees. This enables everyone in the organization to feel equal and…...
Case StudyCommunicationEducationEntrepreneurshipHuman NatureInnovation
Benefits Of Peer Editing
Words • 192
Pages • 1
Peer editing is very essential for student to be a good writer since It provides 3 benefits. Firstly, it helps the writer to edit the language. The language edit ensures clear and correct language, Including grammar and word usage. Moreover, It helps to avoid creating mistake and to make sure whether the reader can understand our writings or not. Secondly, It also Improves the content In our writing. We can focus on the structural integrity and usefulness of topics as…...
Projectile Motion Essay
Words • 310
Pages • 2
In this lab we will compare different parameters of a launched projectile. This includes time of flight, initial velocity, initial vertical velocity, initial horizon natal velocity, range, time of Max height. All these data points are collect Ted for 300, 400, 450, 500, 600, 700. Date for the 00 angle is was only in tail velocity, and time of flight.Essay Example on Vacuum Cleaner Research Paper Pdf We will then study the relationship of these data points as a function…...
The Overprotected Kid Summary
Words • 621
Pages • 3
In the opening of the article, the author criticizes that children of the 21st century have lost many of the childhood experiences such as playing in mud and rolling tires. The author uses the technique of descriptive language to create imagery. The use Of imagery not only create a realistic picture Of the situation but further engages the audience. ‘The ground is muddy in spots and at one end slope down steeply to a creek”. Rosin uses a small amount…...
ChildHuman NatureLanguagePlayground
Organizational Behavior Case Study Sample
Words • 670
Pages • 3
In speaking with Elizabeth, I would mention that the store Is performing well and has been meeting expectations thus far. After being positive about the store’s performance I would lead into the issues I am having with the management there. At this point, I have not been able to get the complete story from all involved so I would be delicate in how I described it to Elizabeth. From the complaints received, I don’t believe it is an issue that…...
BehaviorBusinessCase StudyEducationHuman Resource ManagementLearning
Example on If Jesus Walked The World Today
Words • 467
Pages • 2
In act, children too seem to be very mature and learn to fend for themselves in pressure driven times. They tend to be more capable of handling different situations, though being underestimated by their parents and teachers. To my way of thinking, wisdom does not necessarily point to a higher capacity to figure out something or Judge acts with prudence it means caring about your life, learning from your mistakes without repeating them from vanity and being smart enough to…...
My Sample of an Anglo Saxon Boast
Words • 207
Pages • 1
I am the astute descendant of Martha and John and the imposing model of two gallows, puckish boys. My superlative childhood was engulfed with the colors of my parent’s motherland, the aroma of family cooked meals, on a lukewarm summer nights, and with my household walls Jam-packed with melodious tempos. My oddly hazy adulthood entailed of incalculable hours painfully tackling books, constantly interpolating on the completion of the cruelty. Now, allow me drape your ears with my dear dexterity, And…...
Disposition of My Strongest and Weakest Points
Words • 654
Pages • 3
I found it easy to peg these six as my strongest and weakest points and thought through of how to issues each and every one of them. Am a very’ accepting person, I’m the first person to introduce myself to the new kid in class, and often found myself giving tours to many new kids when was in high school. I’ve listed adaptable to change as one of my weakest points because of how accepting am. Was the first person…...
ChildCommunicationEarly Childhood EducationHuman Nature
Add Math Project 2019
Words • 608
Pages • 3
Experience classroom environments which are Hellenizing, interesting and meaningful land hence improve their thinking skills. Experience classroom environments where knowledge and skills are applied in meaningful ways in solving real-life problems. Experience classroom environments where expressing ones mathematical thinking, reasoning and communication are highly encouraged and expected. Experience classroom environments that stimulates and enhances effective learning. Acquire effective mathematical communication through oral and writing, and to use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas correctly and precisely.Essay Example on…...
Female Workers In Japanese Silk Factories Essay
Words • 591
Pages • 3
Did the Cost Outweigh the Benefits? Help wanted! Long hours! Low pay! Unfair labor contracts! How could you turn us down? This might seem crazy but many people wouldn’t turn them down. They needed work and a paycheck. Even though the workers paid very little money and had long hours they still worked because once you’re in it’s hard to get out. So, did the cost outweigh the benefits for female Japan silk workers? The cost outweighed the benefits for…...
Demonstrative Speech Essay
Words • 421
Pages • 2
Attention grabber : *Good morning to our beloved English lecturer and my lovely classmates* (do my opening with sign languages without talking to create suspense). Guess by now all of you might already have a clue of what my topic is. That’s right , it’s sign language. Purpose : Today, I will be demonstrating how to do American sign language.Essay Example on Example Of Demonstrative Relation to audience : It is possible to have at least one deaf person In…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLinguisticsSign Language
Paper on Conclusion Of a Software Project
Words • 278
Pages • 2
Conclusion On overall, the project has achieved its objectives. The project has provided a client/server application for food ordering system and was successfully built using Visual Basic 6. 0 software. It provides a more convenient and accurate method for staff in the restaurant since orders are transferred to server in the kitchen immediately and displayed to the chefs for further process. In view of time saving, less time consuming by waiting and transferring order by staff in restaurant. In other…...
Application SoftwareInformation AgeInformation TechnologyInternetLearningPersonal Computer
5 Subfields Of Anthropology
Words • 296
Pages • 2
Archaeologists dig and search for remains of past cultures such as bones, pottery, and tools. The Archaeologists are trying to learn how people lived before us and why they did. An Archaeologist might study “The battle of Clapped” something from right In the Niagara Region. They would excavate find weapons, uniforms, and bones.Essay Example on Five Fields Of Anthropology They would be able to learn a lot from what they dug up to see how they did things during their…...
Reasons Why Students Should Be Allowed To Carry Backpacks In School
Words • 638
Pages • 3
Also, backpacks are an excellent place for students to hide objects that are prohibited. Firstly, backpacks are very bulky and awkward. In a classroom, there is no designated space for backpacks to be kept so students might put It on the back of their chair, put It on their desk, or even leave them on the floor. This then causes many accidents because people are not always looking at the ground as they walk so many students and teachers could…...
How Bias Influences Critical Thinking
Words • 432
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Critical essays
As our American society continues to evolve into a society with a better understanding and acceptance of its’ people’s differences, however, there are some ideologies and rules put into place that I feel there is no reason to change. For example, I feel that women should not serve on the front lines of combat and continue to operate within the combat supportive roles. As a female Army Veteran of both Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and Operation Iraqi Freedom in…...
BehaviorBiasCritical ThinkingSocial PsychologyThought
Paramedic Case Study Essay
Words • 312
Pages • 2
A CT was ordered and revealed lesions on the left brain about 2-3 cam’s long. Patient was scheduled to leave for Texas tomorrow for further evaluation. Patient’s wife describes this recent event as “mild ticks to the left arm with short Intermittent breaks In seizure activity. ” Patient’s vital signs were 136/78 with a pulse of 112. Breath sounds are clear and heart sounds are normal. DNS reveal diminished grip in left arm. Wife state’s this is normal since his…...
Case StudyEducationHealth CareLearningMedicineStudy
Listening Reflection Paper
Words • 371
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Active Listening Reflection The active listening study performed In class was, In my opinion, a fun and Information e exercise. The study was a memory retention test that allowed students to measure the amount of words out of the total 15 words that they could recall within one minute. The study was conducted multiple TTL mess with 3 columns with 5 words In each to attempt to memorize as many words while listening to music for one minute.Essay Example on…...
Magazine Article Conventions
Words • 594
Pages • 3
A feature article differs from a straight news story In several ways. A news story provides Information about a (generally current) event or situation. A feature article has more functionality and longevity- It Interprets news, adds depth, opinion or entertainment.Essay Example on Structural Conventions Headline: The headline of a feature article uses bold and descriptive language to draw the attention of the reader. Also works to construct a vivid image In the mind of the reader. Headline is always visually…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageNews
Scope And Delimitation
Words • 319
Pages • 2
Results for ‘scope and delimitation of gadgets’ Displaying 1 – 30 of 1,500Thesis Scope And Delimitation Scope And Delimitation measures can we create to avoid redundancy of debtors files? The proposed system, Money Lending Information System will… Scope And Delimitation Scope and Delimitation Scope In our payroll system the master file records contains the employee management which the HR could add, edit or delete them. This study is limited to the evaluation of the academic performance between the participants that…...
CommunicationInformation AgeLibraryReading
Restaurant Case Study Example
Words • 447
Pages • 2
Kabab-ji Restaurant Case Study How do customers judge the quality of a restaurant?Restaurants Case Study 1- By friendly and pleasant staff , helpful and knowledgeable people about the products and services they provide. 2- By restaurant hygienic and menu well presented 3- Freshness of the goods used by customers which served in restaurant Customer satisfaction. a. The price, quickness of service, and atmosphere of a restaurant affect restaurant customer satisfaction. In addition of that quality of both food and service…...
Case StudyEducationHobbyLearningLifeRestaurant
Bank Management System Project Proposal
Words • 461
Pages • 2
Management in Banking System Project Summary (Should not be more than half a page)Banking Proposal The goal of this section is to present the reasons for doing this project as well as stating all of the project’s objectives. In this section, in particular, it is very important to write concisely and clearly. Before you begin writing you should be able to answer the following questions: Why are you doing this project? * What will you be doing? How will you…...
BusinessCommunicationEducationHuman NatureLearningManagement
Paper on Describing The School Environment
Words • 441
Pages • 2
Describing the School Environment (Observation Essay) Rondo Central Elementary School has a good environment. It is surrounded by many colorful ornamental plants and trees which are refreshing and nice to look at. As I’ve entered the school, observed that the surroundings were clean and well-managed. We went to the principals office to have permission and a purpose that we would be conducting an observation. I noticed that the office was clean, floors properly polished and wings were well-arranged. School Observation…...
Cda Competency Statement
Words • 318
Pages • 2
Competency Statement 1 The goals in my classroom are to achieve the objective of safety by providing the children with safe environment and equipped children to explore without any injuries. Another goal is to promote healthy habits. Another one is to promote a good age appropriate learning environment. Competency Goal 1 healthy learning environment Functional Area 1: Learning Environment: One of my goals is to maintain a safe environment for the children in my care to play and explore in.How…...
ChildCommunicationHuman NatureLearning
Compare Grammar Translation Method And Direct Method
Words • 272
Pages • 2
Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method These are the two oldest methods for teaching foreign languages. Grammar Translation Method first appeared in the 18th century and was originally used for teaching old languages like Greek, Latin then failed in teaching communication skills. After that, the Direct Method was built with the attempts to overcome the weakness of the Grammar Translation Method. As a result of that, there are many differences between the principles of these two methods which will be…...
Computers are an important part of everyday life Computers and
Words • 1041
Pages • 5
Computers are an important part of everyday life. Computers and their technology give us access to a great volume of information that makes it easier to be a successful student. Years ago, computers were not an option and our resources were mostly in books, films and libraries. Although having access to a computer is good, computer literacy is a must. Having basic computer skills assist students in achieving success in school and in their professional environment. It is important to…...
Nvq Level 3 “Health and Social Care Course”
Words • 1008
Pages • 5
Description: What happened? I recently attended a study day for my NVQ level 3 Health and Social Care course. The study day comprised of an hour session on reflective writing and completing reflections. One of the NVQ assessors gave a talk around the requirements of reflective writing and its importance as a skill within the healthcare setting. Models such as Gibbs (1988) reflection model were discussed and templates provided to aid the NVQ students in the completion of their coursework.…...
DementiaHuman NatureLearningStudy
In the beginning of the movie Barnum’s crush Charity is learning the
Words • 960
Pages • 4
In the beginning of the movie, Barnum’s crush Charity is learning the social norms of being “ladylike” and polite. She is learning the norms of drinking tea politely, which is a rule on how to behave properly in society. When Barnum makes her laugh which causes her to spit out her tea, the disapproval of this action or sanction can be seen when Charity’s father scolds her for this behavior and sends her away to a school. The two go…...
CharityEducationHuman NatureLearningSocial PsychologySocial Stratification
Poetry Is the Patterned Arrangement of Language Which Helps
Words • 493
Pages • 2
The following sample essay focuses on poetry and its ability to evoke emotions and feelings. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Poetry is the patterned arrangement of language which helps create rhythm through expressing and invoking certain emotions and feelings in a very strenuous way. Poems come in every size; their length isn`t what matters. What really matters in a poem in the message it`s trying to convey. This message is usually hidden in the…...
CommunicationCultureEducationLanguageLiterary GenreLiterature
Nusret Market study Company Profile
Words • 1178
Pages • 5
The following sample essay focuses on Nusret market study Company Profile. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Company Profile This paper is to make a market study for the international globally known restaurant called, Nusr-et Steakhouse. The goal of this paper is to list down all the possible risks as well as opportunities to help the company decide whether opening a branch of the steakhouse in the Philippines is feasible or not. This is important…...
the age of intelligent blue collar work
Words • 1194
Pages • 5
The Age of Intelligent Blue Collar WorkHave you ever been engaged in a discussion with someone about what you wanted to be when you grew up and they said, “you should strongly consider a career as a mechanic!” It’s highly doubtful that this suggestion ever became much of a topic of consideration as an actual (more concise language) possibility due to the stigma of blue collar work. Blue collar jobs haven’t typically been viewed as a type of work that…...
Problem of Technology Addiction
Words • 1871
Pages • 8
Paper Type:Common App essays
The following sample essay on "Problem of Technology Addiction": describing and discussing issue of technology addiction of today youth. Introduction A. Background of the Problem Today, students are very familiar with smartphones, no exception students at the Faculty of Literature, especially 2017 class students, English Literature Department. every student use smartphone. Most of these students use smartphones as their communication tool. In fact, some students use more than one cell phone. Students tend to use smartphones for many reasons, such…...
DataEnglish LanguageFacebookInternetLanguageLanguage Acquisition
One of the major jobs of being a teacher is to maintain
Words • 464
Pages • 2
One of the major jobs of being a teacher is to maintain the school’s reputation. This story is about the yearly visitation of the superintendent and district supervisors in every schools.The story starts with the preparation of everything, from the classrooms, to the food, to the lodgings of the supervisors, and even their lesson plans. They made it so that they can impress and get the favor of the supervisors who will be inspecting the place. This act is like…...
Background of studyLighting is an important element in modern
Words • 565
Pages • 3
Background of studyLighting is an important element in modern life with excessive impact on basic human needs, visual comfort to grant a sense of wellbeing, visual performance to allow the carrying out of visual tasks, even in challenging circumstances (Altomonte, 2008). There is evidence that lecture venue lighting might be fundamental for students learning. Lecturers and students have clear preferences about lighting (Schneider, 2003).according to Ashrafian and Moazzen (2019), Appropriate illumination is crucial to the quality of an indoor environment.…...
Human NatureLearningResearchStudy
OJT Narrative Report
Words • 2015
Pages • 9
Paper Type:Narrative essays
On the Job Training is included in the curricculum in college because it will help the students with no experience to have an idea how to work in a company, it will give them experience relevant to their chosen career. It enables the student trainees the opportunity to provide the learnings or knowledge they have acquired from their professors inside the classroom. On the Job training need to take by the college students within a required specific number of hours.On…...
CommunicationCurriculumHuman NatureTrainingVocational Education
History Project
Words • 647
Pages • 3
HistorySBA Task 2King Edward VII SchoolNAME AND SURNAME : THEMBA NKOSIHOUSE: CROFT 5TEACHER : MR ErasmusDATE :10 MayWORD COUNT:Nationalism refers to an ideology, a form of culture, or a social movement that focuses on the nation. It emphasises the collective of a specific nation. As an ideology, nationalism holds that 'the people' in the doctrine of popular sovereignty is the nation.  Nationalism ultimately is based on supporting one’s own nation.  A great part of the authentic writing in Afrikaans managing Afrikaner…...
User Agreements and Makerspaces
Words • 523
Pages • 3
A growth number of, computer program deposit an infinite amount of staff and mental faculty particularly at the world and academic tier have begun to incorporate exploiter accord for their students. Similar to library acceptable use insurance policy AUPS manufacturing business space, exploiter correspondence provide command, and parameters to a library's maker acquisition space describe engineering and education offered and explain expectations for the space. Makerplace in program library is quite nascent to the theatre user agreements for these spaces…...
CommunicationInternet PrivacyLibraryWebsite
INTRODUCTIONAcademic and Employability Skills are considered
Words • 1689
Pages • 7
INTRODUCTIONAcademic and Employability Skills are considered essential qualification for a lot of jobs position and they have become necessary for an employment success in business environment (Jackson, 2014). Academic skills can be defined as approaches which are applied to learning.The aim of this report is to analyse and reflect on some skills that I have learned and gained on the first term on the module Academic and Employability Skills, and some skills that I still need to develop. These are…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHuman NatureSkillsThoughtWork
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Reasons Why Students Should Be Allowed To Carry Backpacks In School
...Backpacks In class will allow restricted items including electronics devices, weapons and drugs to be smuggled easily into class. In summary, backpacks in class provide more trouble than advantages. They are unnecessarily large and space consuming wh...
How Bias Influences Critical Thinking
...It is defined as the belief that we see reality as it really is – objectively and without bias; that the facts are plain for all to see; that rational people will agree with us; and that those who don’t are either uninformed, lazy, irrational, or...
Poetry Is the Patterned Arrangement of Language Which Helps
...Towards the end of the poem, we see a contrast between these lines: yet did I never breathe its pure serene/ till I heard Chaplain speak out bold and loudly. Here we see how he`s truly been brought to life as he reads the translation of Chapman, whic...
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