Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
Critical Analysis Of A Newspaper Article Example
Words • 297
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Critical essays
In the article „We did it! ” published on 2nd January 2010 in The Economist, the author presents women’s current situation on the labor market and the changes it has experienced over the past years. He states that female empowerment is “the biggest social change of our times”. However, he points out that there is still no equality between men and women. The latter still obtain lower wages for the same work, there still exists the problem of the glass…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingNewsNewspaperSociology
Use of Imagery in the Poems
Words • 599
Pages • 3
In both of the poems, ‘Search for my Tongue’ and ‘Blessing’ the poets use imagery in interesting ways to describe two totally different things; in Search for my tongue the poet uses the image of a plant to describe how the person’s first language comes back to her, and in Blessing the poet describes the water pipe bursting as a sort of miracle. The poem Search for my tongue is about how a student from America believes she has lost…...
To Pursue Higher Education
Words • 555
Pages • 3
I believe myself to be a lifelong learner. Therefore, I consider both formal education and practical experience to be essential for my personal growth. Besides, I am convinced that it is education alone that is necessary to solve all problems of the world. Learning is the preliminary step in the right direction – that is, to solve all world problems. I trust the fact that learning can improve personalities, and refine human behavior as well as attitudes.Essay Example on To…...
CommunicationHigher EducationHuman NatureLearning
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Two News Articles On The Same Topic
Words • 503
Pages • 3
I am analysing two newspaper articles, one from The Daily Mirror and the other The Guardian. Both articles are revealing the next James Bond actor: Daniel Craig. The papers are written for different types of people. The Mirror is aimed at working class people and The Guardian is aimed at professional, people. Both papers use different types of language for the readers to understand. The Mirror uses simple language.Essay Example on Analysing Two News Articles Fronting The Same Subject For…...
My School Leaving Farewell Speech
Words • 404
Pages • 2
Esteemed Director Sir, Principal, Teacher’s &; my junior Colleagues. Good Morning to all of you. Now it’s time for the moment in all our lives, the moment when we leave our childhood behind and step into the world to forge our own paths in life. Obviously School days are the most memorable days to everyone. I want to share my feelings and attachment with this school with all of you. Firstly, I am thankful to my parents to join me…...
Early And Middle Adulthood Paper
Words • 574
Pages • 3
Early and Middle Adulthood Crystal Hicks October 6, 2011 Marcy Caldwell PSY/280 University of Phoenix Adulthood does not have any sign to declare its presence (as adolescence is declared by puberty). In technologically innovative countries, the life span is greater than age 70. In early adulthood, most individuals are interested in processing the knowledge that it takes to become intimate, these individuals are wanting to form relationships and find the intimate love connection that they are seeking. Some long-term relationships…...
AdolescenceAdulthoodDivorceHuman DevelopmentHuman NatureLifestyle
Minit Lube Case Study
Words • 289
Pages • 2
Date: September 12, 2011 1. What constitutes the mission of Minit-Lube? To provide fast, reliable and superior service in a customer friendly environment while ensuring lowest possible prices. 2. How does the Minit-Lube operations strategy provide competitive advantage? A narrow products strategy could be defined as lubricating automobiles that allows the subsequent development of more focused and efficient operations. Because of limited task variety, high repetition, good training, and good manuals, quality should be relatively easy to maintain. The process…...
Case StudyCommunicationEducationLearningManagementNegotiation
Convention Of Academic Writing
Words • 350
Pages • 2
Conventions of Academic Writing Composition 2 April 21, 2011 Conventions of Academic Writing While writing you are required to type your papers in one of several different forms. The form you write your research/essay paper in is solely up to your instructor. Some of the styles consist of Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), footnote system, and numbering system. During my writing time, the style I mostly use is APA with this style it includes a title page,…...
Catapult Science Fair Project Hypothesis
Words • 346
Pages • 2
Catapult ExperimentEssay Example on Catapult Research Project This research project has given us the possibility to merge together a few of the things that we really enjoy and transform it into a knowledgeable research project. Choosing an idea and topic for this project was honestly that hardest part of the whole process, yet, after some research and thinking, we came up with a creative and fun idea. We decided to build our own mini catapult out of regular school supplies…...
Classroom Management Research Proposal
Words • 468
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Classroom management is the teacher’s activity aimed at the organization of the appropriate educational process and maintenance of the productive behavior and discipline among students. It is obvious that the educational process is not only the material supply of the classroom (furniture, equipment, energy, water, heating supply, etc), but also the creation of the healthy intellectual background and atmosphere in the classroom for the maintenance of the intellectual and moral development of students. Classroom management is closely connected with psychology…...
Argumentative Essay About Bilingual Education
Words • 331
Pages • 2
Argumentative Essay on Bilingual Education Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages. Bilingual Education is being taught school subjects in two different languages. The United States is home to millions of immigrants each with their own native backgrounds. The United States require the immigrants to learn the full English languages when settling into the country. The schools should give the opportunity to bilingual students, or new student immigrants the advantage to learn the English language or to be taught…...
Bilingual EducationCommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLearning
In Reference To Her Children
Words • 491
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Critical essays
Anne Bradstreet was perhaps the first established poet to voyage to the new world from England. In her poem “In Reference To Her Children”, expresses the love and sadness experienced throughout life raising her children and her devotion towards her everlasting reward. Anne Bradstreet was very proud that she raised good children and instilled them with religious and moral values. Anne says, “I had eight birds hatched in one nest” (1). This infers that she might have raised her children…...
Anne BradstreetLearningLoveReference
Surveying for Chapter 1 Reading (p. 8-18)
Words • 376
Pages • 2
Appendix H SQ3R Worksheet Selected Reading: Chapter 1 p 8-18 SurveyHow did you survey? I surveyed my reading by the chapter title and paragraph titles to get a quick overview of the reading. Then I looked through the chapter and read thru and looked at all tables and figures. QuestionWhat questions did you ask? Mostly I asked questions about how I can personally apply these techniques. A lot of my questions were related to adapting my reading style, such as…...
Advantages Of Early Marriage Essay
Words • 473
Pages • 2
Advantages and disadvantages of marrying young Marriage is believed to be one of the most important commitments made in life. It leads to serious changes in social roles and responsibilities, so marrying someone should be a mature and thought-out decision. There are many factors which affect the stability of the union and one of them is considered to be the age of the pair. For instance, young people seem to take marriage too lightly nowadays. Many teenagers get married because…...
AdolescenceFamilyGeneration GapHuman NatureMarriageUniversity
Why Do You Want To Study Criminal Justice Essay
Words • 496
Pages • 2
A career in Criminal Justice can be an exciting and very rewarding road to travel. It has a high risk of danger, but the capture of someone who has harmed another human being is a great reward. As a law enforcement official, you can help to keep criminals off the street and provide safety to the community. The main concern for me would be to provide a safe environment for our children. There are a lot criminals out there, who…...
Criminal JusticeEducationJusticeLawLearningStudy
Gobbledygook Examples
Words • 267
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Definition essays
10/2/2011 Gobbledygook Gobbledygook is defined as when someone uses an extended amount of words in order to stretch their sentences out. According to Stuart Chase the author of “Gobbledygook” was founded by the Federal Security Agency and was said to help “Break out of the verbal squirrel cage”. Examples of Gobbledygook can be found in such places as academic and legal talk. An example of Gobbledygook can be found in the legal world.Essay Example on Gobbledygook Examples Gobbledygook is defined…...
Viscosity Research Paper
Words • 520
Pages • 3
Viscosity (internal friction) is one of the transfer phenomena, the property of the fluid bodies (liquids and gases) to provide resistance to the movement of one part to the others. As a result, there is a dissipation in the form of work heat expended in moving.Essay Example on Research s On Internet Mechanism of internal friction in liquids and gases is that the randomly moving molecules carry pulse from one layer to another, leading to equalization of speed – is…...
ChemistryCivil EngineeringForceFrictionMechanical EngineeringPhysics
Sample Proposal On Girl Child Education
Words • 587
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Girl child education is the involvement of the female children into the process of education. Evidently, years ago an educated girl was quite a rare phenomenon. Till the beginning of the 20th century families concentrated on educating their male members, because educating girls did not meet their cultural, financial and ethic requirements. In the majority of the countries of the world girls were deprived of the chance to gain education, because they were believed to have completely different functions in…...
Early Childhood EducationHuman NatureReasonResearch
Face Recognition Project Proposal
Words • 526
Pages • 3
Face recognition is the practical branch of pattern recognition, which is aimed at the automatic localization of the face on a photo and if it is required at the identification of the person on the basis of her face. The function of face recognition is already used by a few corporations manufacturing IT products, personal computers and smart phones (for example, the face recognition software Picasa, iPhoto, etc.).Essay Example on Facial Recognition The task of face recognition is supposed to…...
CommunicationInformation AgeInformation TechnologyLearningProjectResearch
Research On Homeschooling
Words • 578
Pages • 3
Homeschooling, education otherwise, individual tuition, or home school is a form of education where parents undertakes the responsibility for their children’s education. Many different forms exist.Essay Example on Research On Homeschooling Most common is that parents (especially for the older students) serve more as mentors than as a teacher. Knowledge and skills can be obtained in the most diverse ways and from a variety of formal and informal contexts. Homeschooling can be full-time, part-time, combined with distance learning for short…...
EducationHomeHomeschoolingHuman NatureLearningLife
Civil Engineering Research Proposal Topics
Words • 530
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Civil engineering is the engineering in the sphere of building construction, which embraces all the stages of the embodiment of the building projects: projecting, constructing and exploitation of the objects. In the narrower meaning civil engineering is the complex of the engineering and consulting services in the planning, constructing and exploitation of the industrial, infrastructural and other objects.Essay Example on Thesis Proposal Civil Engineering The history of civil engineering starts from the 12th century with the development of the weapon…...
Civil EngineeringEducationEngineeringLearningScienceTechnology
Education Management Research Proposal
Words • 582
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Educational management is the complicated set of activities and policies which are aimed at the maintenance of the quality of the educational process on its all levels. Educational management touches upon a great number of various disciplines, related with sociology, economics, political sciences, psychology, business and management, etc. The problem of educational management is quite serious, because it is important to organize the educational p process well and prepare the work of the educational institution well. The administration of every…...
BusinessCommunicationCurriculumHuman NatureManagementResearch
Essay About Distance Learning
Words • 545
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Distance learning is the type of the educational process which is characterized with the use of the high technologies in the transition of information from teacher to student and vice versa and the student does not require attending classes at the college or university physically, because he is able to receive the same information but in the virtual way.Essay Example on About Distance Learning Distance learning has become a popular activity, because it enables students to save much time and…...
Jejemon Language Expressions Paragraph
Words • 661
Pages • 3
Essay Example on Thesis About Jejemon Language Jejemons. are you one of them? Essay Example on Thesis About Jejemon Language Recently. person tagged me in a eldritch exposure in facebook demoing Jejemon…I ne’er knew that freakin word and didn’t attention until I saw on the intelligence what they are. what it means and why the snake pit it’s being aired everyplace. Well. at least in Phil. This hub is all about Jejemon. What is Jejemon? What is Jejemon truly? It…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
About Sujata Bhatt
Words • 435
Pages • 2
Essay Example on Sujatha Bhatt Sujata Bhatt ( B. 1956 ) grew up in Pune but emigrated with her household to the United States in 1968. She studied in the States having an Master of fine arts from the University of Iowa and went on to be writer-in-residence at the University of Victoria. Canada. More late she was sing chap at Dickinson College. Pennsylvania. She presently lives with her hubby and girl in Bremen. Germany. Her first aggregation. Brunizem. won…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
The Prince Rhetorical Analysis
Words • 642
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Rhetorical essays
Machiavelli was seeking to derive the favour of a local leader by giving him advice. Through the usage of repeat. historical mention. and persuasive apothegms Machiavelli efficaciously conveyed the of import accomplishments required to be a prince. Machiavelli repeated himself legion times throughout the piece. The intent of this was to relay the importance of the advice given. To exemplify this point. Machiavelli says that if a prince wants his people to esteem him. he must “keep his custodies off…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageRhetoricThe Prince
Essay Example on Conventional Elements
Words • 430
Pages • 2
Literature has elements by which we can analyse the piece ( book. verse form. drama. etc. ) written. These elements are ; secret plan. character. puting. subject. construction. point of position. struggle. enunciation. prefiguration and symbolism ( Scholes. 1991 ) Three of them will be explained here further. The secret plan of the literature is the manner the narrative goes. the line of the narrative. the manner it starts. develops and terminals. Basically. the secret plan tells us what happens…...
Teacher As A Nation Builder Essay
Words • 358
Pages • 2
Essay Example on Teachers Are Nation Builders Essay OnTHE TEACHER AS A NATION BUILDERThe importance of the instructor in national life can non be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the young person. He treats and attempts to model the life material into assorted signifiers. The hereafter of the state is fashioned by him through the procedure of instruction. A state seeking to process in front on the roads to come on can go forth the…...
Orange Fruit Peelings As Tile Cleaner Investigatory Project
Words • 614
Pages • 3
Essay Example on Orange Peel Investigatory Project Introduction. Chapter I Seville orange, sour orange, bighead orange, or marmalade orange refers to a citrus tree (Citrus x uranium) and its fruit. It is hybrid between Citrus maxima (pommel) and Citrus reticulate (mandarin). Many varieties of bitter orange are used for their essential oil, which is used in perfume, as a flavoring and as a solvent. The Seville orange variety is used in the production of They have been the most cultivated…...
Language Education Goals: Creating a Bicultural Society
Words • 539
Pages • 3
 Essay Example on Pride And Prejudice Bridget Jones Diary Stern (1992) assumes that the ultimate goal of language education is to create a bicultural learner. This is primarily a North American approach to language teaching. Some textbooks are beginning to emerge that directly address the challenges of learning languages in multicultural context. On the other hand language learning as enculturation involves integrating learners into the target culture so that they can become as close to it as possible. In this…...
CommunicationCultureCurriculumLanguageLearningSecond Language
Essay Example on Aculturation
Words • 350
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Example on Aculturation We Americans have a very important decision to make. It will affect the future of our country, maybe even its future existance. Unfortunately, most Americans are not even aware of what’s happening. It all has to do with immigration, legal and illegal. When I was a boy, my favorite uncle was my Uncle Fritz. His name was actually John, but when he went to work in the saw blade factory there were…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageImmigrationSwitzerland
Interior Design Essay
Words • 287
Pages • 2
In their article, "Interior design education within a human ecological framework," Kaup, Anderson and Honey (2007) argue for an interdisciplinary model of interior design education that would incorporate the study of human ecology. Kaup, Anderson and Honey contend that such an approach would enhance the overall skill set of interior designers, allowing them to provide a greater benefit to businesses, homeowners and communities, while also addressing some of the perceived training gaps in current interior design education. While Kaup, Anderson…...
ArchitectureCommunicationCurriculumDesignHuman NatureInterior Design
Symbolic Communication
Words • 384
Pages • 2
Language includes non-verbal as well as verbal symbolic communications. There is Sign language and Body Language. All communication with others is symbolic and involves the use of language, sound, bodily gesture and expression. Symbolic communications are demonstrated by the cars we drive, the houses we live in, and the clothes we wear (e. g. uniforms – police, military). The most important aspects of symbolic communication are the words we use. Sociality is both necessary and sufficient for symbolic communications to…...
Entering Into The Serpent Summary
Words • 649
Pages • 3
Gloria Anzaldua wrote two essays Entering into the Serpent and How to Tame a Wild Tongue. It is difficult for me to understand because both of these two essays are in English and Spanish. I think it is the author’s purpose that let people know how difficult it is to suffer from different cultures and languages. Anzaldua mainly talks about the differences in cultures and languages to show how she fights against people’s common sense of American culture. First, she…...
Psychosocial Development In Early Childhood Essay
Words • 419
Pages • 2
What sets human beings apart from other members of the animal kingdom is their power of mental functioning. It is strange therefore that the mental health and development of babies is not given the same attention as physical health and development. This is probably due to the fact that without physical life there is no mental life, and priority must be given to keeping babies alive at all. So child health programs emphasize breastfeeding, cleanliness, immunization and nutrition.Essay Example on…...
Child DevelopmentChildhoodHuman Development
Importance Of Music
Words • 562
Pages • 3
Music has accompanied people from time immemorial. In ancient times, music was part of religious ritual; in the Middles Ages, the first polyphonic compositions were written to praise God, and from the Renaissance, the world has seen an enormous development of different music forms. Today, you can hear music everywhere, at a concert, at home and even in a supermarket. It is difficult to imagine what the world would be like if there were no music.Essay Example on Music Nowadays…...
Justification Of The Problem
Words • 536
Pages • 3
This research is to be conducted in response to the concerns that have been principally motivated by the disturbing racial crime statistics which have revealed relatively high levels of criminality and growing rates of incarcerations among the African and Hispanic American populations. Moreover, approximately 90% of youth gang members who are directly related to juvenile delinquency are non-whites (Schmalleger, 2007).Essay Example on Statement Of The Problem Research Example Hence, special attention and emphasis should be given to racial ethnicity in…...
Cheating Is A Bad Habit
Words • 332
Pages • 2
Wrong Cheating is wrong in many ways and is unfair to those who to achieve the grade they strive for. Also cheating students pass with the grade but not with the knowledge that the other students do, they undermine the value of knowledge. Cheating is also a betrayal of trust between the student teacher relationship, after the incident of being caught cheating the student will no longer have the teachers trust.Essay Example on Why Is Cheating Wrong Cheating overall is…...
CheatingCommunicationHuman NatureLearning
Compare And Contrast Two Famous Singers
Words • 545
Pages • 3
Two singers: 50 cent and Jay Sean In the present time, it is without a shadow of a doubt, partly a fashion trend to listen to music vocalizes by highly professional singers. The youth, counting me, listen to beloved singers on portable amp’s on a constant basis. In other words, new fans of singers are emerging and gathering up as the singers gaining popularity. Bluntly put, the singer with the best song, image and with the highest spectators perceived as…...
CommunicationContrastCultureEnglish LanguageReasonSinging
Grades More Important Than Learning
Words • 595
Pages • 3
What Is more important, the grade or the lesson learned? Most students go to class to make a good grade, so that when It comes on their report card It looks great. Others want the good grade because It Is what their parents want. However all of these reasons that I have and not listed are all wrong. Reason enough for this Is that your are not getting anything from It, nothing, Nadia, zilch. The main reason why we go…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningReason
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Why Do You Want To Study Criminal Justice Essay
...These that I have talked about are just some of the ones to make me pursue a criminal justice career. I want to be in criminal justice to lessen these crimes that are harmful to society. I feel that a lot of innocent people are brought down every day...
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