Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
EMail Spam Detection
Words • 1787
Pages • 8
The following sample essay on EMail Spam Detection about data system. Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with the creation and study of systems that can learn from data. A machine learning system could be trained to distinguish between spam and non-spam (ham) emails. We aim to analyze current methods in machine learning to identify the best techniques to use in content-based spam filtering. To overcome from this problem we have used different algorithm in which some…...
Artificial IntelligenceComputer ScienceLearningStatistics
Cognizant Technology Solutions Cognizant Is A General Data
Words • 1573
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on Cognizant Technology Solutions (Cognizant). Cognizant is a general data innovation, warning, and business process enhancement (BPO) organization that serves particular business pieces over the globe. Uniform application reaction time for all the end buyers was the most remarkable need in light of the manner in which that organization performs pleasingly with its clients to decide their corporate issues and help improve their standard for achieving targets. The organization besides expected to guarantee better application execution…...
Title: International Nursing Student in Australia
Words • 614
Pages • 3
The Title Page:ID number:Student Name:Unit Code and Title:Name of Unit Coordinator:Due Date:Word count:As an international nursing student in Australia we need to be familiarize with the health care system, this week topic help us future nurses to expand our knowledge and skills to practice safety and competently in different health care settings.  As I observed my personal encounter with cultural diversity in the Aged care, I have discovered that difficulty in understanding each other’s languages is a challenge in the delivery of…...
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I am really interested in Law and would relish to study the
Words • 763
Pages • 4
I am really interested in Law and would relish to study the LLM Law Conversion Couse. I have chosen this course because I am someone who strives to make positive change and seeks justice. I feel I would be most suited to this course as I am particularly keen on wanting to further my horizon and would like to develop a more in-depth understanding around the English Legal System as well as gain insight into the core modules which will…...
AbuseDomestic ViolenceEducationLearningStudyViolence
Critical Awareness of Evidence Based Practice
Words • 1589
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on: "Critical Awareness of Evidence Based Practice". Critiquing must be an impersonal evaluation and to avoid having confirmation bias, which is the tendancy to process information by looking for, or interpretating information that is consistent with ones existing beliefs. The CASP framework I have worked on a ward for nearly 29 years prior to my latest role. Evidence based practice has been the driving force for improved patient care with Health care organisations all across the…...
Critical ThinkingLearningNursingResearchWork
Motivation Among the University System of Taiwan
Words • 741
Pages • 3
Introduction Manhood is keen on imagining themselves in varied selves, what they' are or a self that they want to be within the future is associate degree identity aside from themselves. Humans thought of that ideal self or ideal person extremely instrumental in driving and motivating the United States towards turning into that. Within the method of learning a second language (L2), motivation may be a basic issue. The need for being a competent language user nearly native speaker may…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageLanguageSecond Language
South African Higher Education Access Challenges
Words • 1659
Pages • 7
The aim of this essay is to firstly discuss what is meant by the term sociology and how sociologists understand the social phenomena by identifying and applying some of it's key features and concepts. And further more discuss the challenges of accessing and succeeding at higher education institutions in South Africa by drawing from the course readings, university rules/history, general relevant articles and lastly from a book Rebels and Rage written by a Professor that understands particularly the University of…...
Human NatureSociological ImaginationSociologyUniversity
Verbal And Non-verbal Types Of Communication
Words • 1883
Pages • 8
Socially, people communicate and interact with the desire to comprehend each other or, simply to a commonly shared idea. This can be achieved using conversational skills such as, starting and maintaining a topic, taking turns within a conversation and then finishing. Social skills are also a type of communication that are used to interact with others, both verbal and non-verbal, through gestures, body language, and our personal appearance. How people identify with individuals can lead to a greater circle of…...
Diverse Aspects of Science Education
Words • 867
Pages • 4
Apart from the temperate climate, with beautiful summers and mild wet winters at UBC, its national reputation and academic excellence validated year after year stands it out. With a vision to inspire people, ideas and actions for a better world, I have been drawn to UBC. It is committed to attracting and supporting people like myself who have the drive to shape a better world by encouraging bold thinking, curiosity and initiative, so we can realize our greatest potential. I…...
Human NatureNatureResearchSummerUniversity
Naila Rehan English reflection 3
Words • 1025
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Naila Rehan English reflection 3 about teaching strategies. Sunday, June 16, 2019 By: Naila RehanMy last math class was full of knowledge about teaching strategies. Knowing the subject or being an expert means you can introduce to young student a new concept for the first time. Today we discussed how activities can be modified according to individual needs. It is important to plan activities according to the developmental level of every child. Interest of the…...
Barriers To Communication Essay
Words • 478
Pages • 2
When we communicate, our ability to get our message across affectively to others can be hampered by a number of barriers. As a care worker it is important to recognise barriers to your own our own communication and learn how to overcome them. In health and social care and early years settings these barriers include:-Essay Example on On Barriers To Effective Communication 1.) Language As a multiethnic society, the UK, the UK has many citizens whose first language is not…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageGeneration GapLanguage
Classroom Of The Future Essay
Words • 753
Pages • 4
Wouldn’t it be great to use technology in your classroom! Wouldn’t it be fantastic to increase your intelligence, fluency and concentration! I reckon it would. Technology has yet to be fully introduced into classrooms as some schools can not get enough cash from the Government. Those schools will miss out on a dramatic increase in test scores, improved work ethics and in student behaviour by not allowing their students to get the benefits of technology in the classroom. Who doesn’t…...
Bill GatesCommunicationEducational TechnologyFutureLearningPhilosophy
The Ransom Of Red Chief Analysis
Words • 347
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on The Ransom Of Red Chief Analysis. What is the outcome of a scheme devised by two desperate men in need of money? The outcome can be just preposterous, as in the comical short story “The Ransom of Red Chief” by O. Henry. In this story, Sam and Bill are two-bit con men who need money to pull off a scheme. The con men are faced with unexpected obstacles that cause them to take extreme measures…...
Old Oregon Wood Store Case Study
Words • 542
Pages • 3
We explored three different options, given the need to create a division of work that would maximize the number of tables manufactured per day by either utilizing four or five employees and allowing the employees to either be part of the manufacturing process or manufacture tables on their own. We first decided to combine the finishing step with the packaging step since packaging required a very minimal amount of time and because the employee assigned to this function was being…...
Case StudyCommunicationEducationLearningStudy
Similarities Between Human Language And Animal Communication Pdf
Words • 480
Pages • 2
Unsurprisingly one animal which communicates in a very similar way to humans is chimpanzees, so much so that an area of the brain involved in planning and producing speech, and sign language in humans plays a similar role in chimpanzee communication. Another similarity between chimpanzee and humans is the use of body language. Chimpanzees have evolved many facial and body muscles to help them convey messages, for example erect hair shows agitation or aggression; grinning portrays fear; prolonged staring is…...
Key Influences On Learning
Words • 422
Pages • 2
This essay will be describing in detail a few of the many different influences that can and do have an effect on learning; some of these have influenced me personally. This essay is like a self analysis looking from the perspective of the learner. It will be looking at the work of some key theorists to support and back up the points. It will also discuss how others can be helped to learn and the effectiveness of doing this. Learning…...
The Rainbow Fish Essay
Words • 564
Pages • 3
The Rainbow Fish has lots of dialogue to demonstrate interaction, whereas Rumpus at the Vet has none. Pfister, plays on the reader’s feelings to make the story emotive. Feelings of, loneliness, selfishness, sadness and happiness play a big part in the story. Whereas the Author used the theme of humour in Rumpus at the Vet to enrapture his audience. The vocabulary in both books is used with children in mind; the words are easy to understand, even though some are…...
Interlanguage Errors Examples
Words • 658
Pages • 3
The learner’s developing second language knowledge. It may have characteristics of the learner’s native language, characteristics of the second language, and some characteristics which seem to be very general and tend to occur in all or most interlanguage systems. Interlanguages are systematic, but they are also dynamic, continually evolving as learners receive more input and revise their hypotheses about the second language. L2 learners process through an interlanguage, which is an independent knowledge of L1 and L2 system.Essay Example on…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLearningLinguistics
Academic Writing Essentials
Words • 303
Pages • 2
The definition of academic writing is “writing an essay, thesis, report, journal article or another document for purposes of educating the reader or achieving some scholarly aim for the writer” ( For instance, this essay would be considered academic writing based on the condition of achieving a scholarly aim for myself the “writer.” I have identified three elements that I believe are vital to good academic writing. These elements are academic vocabulary, using evidence to support your argument, and citing…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageResearch
Aesthetic Domain Activities For Preschoolers
Words • 708
Pages • 3
The domain that interests me the most is the aesthetic domain. The aesthetic domain is the appreciation of the arts and enjoyment of sensory experiences. I believe art is an important part to learning and expands the imagination and creation of a child. Art allows children to express feelings, thoughts and creativity. Although every domain is imperative to a child’s education, I believe the aesthetic domain ranks as one of the most important domains. When the aesthetic domain is compared…...
Role of TESOL Exam in Language Learning
Words • 328
Pages • 2
TASKS FOR SUBMISSION TO YOUR TUTOR Each task should be between 500 and 750 words long. TASK 1 Using what you have read in this introduction to TESOL and your own knowledge, what do you consider to be the blocks which may prevent language learning? Mastering a language is a long and windy road. On the path to learning a language, students may stumble upon many blocks and obstacles that can prevent successful learning. One of the basic principles of…...
Essay On Modern Civilization
Words • 632
Pages • 3
Stanislaus 1 Evelyn StanislausMr. A. SaenzSoc 101Oct. 14 ,2011 Early Vs. Modern CivilizationWhen we look around our world today it can be difficult to see and believe just how futile we were in our beginning. When we see all of the modern buildings ,forms of transportation and things such as language we can come to realize just how much we have grown in knowledge compared to our beginning years. Lets take a look at the ways we have changed and…...
Theory About Spending Behavior Of Students
Words • 323
Pages • 2
Students all over the world spend in several different ways, but close market research on student spending indicates that there are several common patterns that can be seen. Spending habits in adolescents is changing drastically in the last few years, but that change is almost uniform in all the metros of the world. Commercialization has begun targeting students’ spending habits a very long time ago. IFIM Students Lifestyle and Spending Habits , 2009)Essay Example on Theoretical Framework Of Budgeting According…...
Course Reflection Essay
Words • 388
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Since I have been teaching English as a foreign/second language for learners of all ages for 18 years, I thought that this course wouldn’t add much to me, but I have to admit that I found materials and learned techniques that will help me be a more effective teacher. Throughout the course I found many valuable facts, but perhaps the most valuable one was the module on different teaching methods. It helped me notice the different examples of each method…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningSecond LanguageTeaching
Rhetorical Reading Strategies And The Construction Of Meaning
Words • 290
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Rhetorical essays
Rhetorical Reading Strategies and the Construction of Meaning Summary Although the collective knowledge in the field of Pedagogy on how readers, “actually carry out this interpretive process with college-level expository text is rather limited” (Haas and Flower 167). The study in discussion would like to help the understanding of this constructive, rhetorical view of reading.Essay Example on Rhetorical Reading Strategies Throughout the article, Haas and Flower emphasize how students “are good readers in the traditional sense… yet, they paraphrase rather…...
Schools Should Ask Students To Evaluate Their Teachers
Words • 341
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. There are with no doubt a lot of good and experienced teachers, but in my opinion there are also a lot that do not belong in the classroom. Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers in order to avoid choosing bad and inexperienced teachers, in order to learn what students like and dislike about the teaching methods and to make them feel more valuable for the school.Essay Example on Why School…...
The 2011 Global UGRAD Program Analysis
Words • 456
Pages • 2
Program Description: The Office of Academic Exchange Programs in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U. S. Department of State, is pleased to announce a new exchange program for undergraduate students-the 2011 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD) The Global UGRAD Program provides scholarships for one semester or one academic year of U. S. Study in a NON-DEGREE Program. The goals of the program are to provide a diverse group of emerging student leaders, from non-elite and…...
CommunicationCurriculumHuman Nature
Reading Is An Interactive Process
Words • 518
Pages • 3
The next example of an essay is about the fact that reading is an interactive process. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Reading is an interactive process BY Jlopezl 0569 The quote “When I am reading a book, whether wise or silly, it seems to me to be alive and talking to me,” by Michel de Montaigne means that each book has a meaning and can relate to the reader in a way. Most authors…...
Physical Education Legal Basis
Words • 280
Pages • 2
Physical instruction is the preparation in physical fittingness and in accomplishments that engages psychomotor larning advancing such fittingness. It is the instruction through physical activity for the entire development of the organic structure and head of a individual. It was one time excluded in most societies. giving more importance to literacy. But one time literacy was spread. it was included in school plans because of the consciousness that fittingness helped the head. In the West. people developed a instruction system…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningPhysical EducationPrivacy
The Paradise Project Negotiation
Words • 646
Pages • 3
Post-Negotiation Analysis For The Paradise Project In this case, I was playing the role of chief project manager of the Paradise Project, and I was negotiating with my Manager of Artistic Design (Angel) and Manager of Client Contracts and Customer Relations (Elion) in order to resolve the conflict between each of them. Overall, I was satisfied with the final agreement, which paid 3,000 more pesos to Angel and ensured that he would change the color of the tiles and finish…...
Research Proposal On Poverty
Words • 575
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Poverty reduction is the complex of actions aimed to reduce the level of poverty in the world.Essay Example on Research Proposal On Poverty Poverty is only of the biggest problems of the human civilization. There always have been rich and poor people. Always one is happy and prosperous, the other is poor and simply exists in terrible conditions. The humanity has always wanted to cope with the problem of poverty, because the situation is getting worse and worse with every…...
Pedagogy Of The Oppressed Chapter 2 Essay
Words • 422
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Pedagogy of the Oppressed, falls into the political philosophy genre. After I read Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, my first thought was about the reservation boarding school system. Indian schooling started with missionaries and teachers in missionary schools were at least as interested in salvation as in education. According to many observers, the discipline of the schools usually included getting Indians to dress, speak, and act like white people.Essay Example on Summary Of Pedagogy Of The Oppressed Chapter…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningPedagogy Of The Oppressed
Parental Involvement in Schools
Words • 446
Pages • 2
Parental involvement is the participation of parents in the educational process of their children. Parental involvement is a wise decision of the government to improve the quality of education in the country. It is based on a very simple factor: total parental control over their children and constant help if they have problems with studying. When a child goes to school and has certain troubles with some subjects, the teacher often can not devote enough time to him, because classes are…...
Nintendo’s Disruptive Strategy Case Study
Words • 317
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Nintendo’s Disruptive Strategy Case #20 Nintendo started out originally as a playing card company which then focused on electronic toys and video games. When Sony came to the United States Nintendo switched its focus to non-gamers in order to compete; the Wii was their ultimate success. Video games were initially targeted to teenagers however with the growth the target market became young adults in their 20s and 30s. In addition, video games evolved into blue-ray/HD…...
BusinessCase StudyEducationLearningStrategyStudy
Nursery Placement for Infants and Toddlers
Words • 561
Pages • 3
My placement was at a nursery, which cares for children aged three months to four years. The nursery can care for six children aged 3 months to two years at one time, in addition to this they can care for fifty children aged two to four years at one time. The children could stay between seven thirty and five o clock. There parents had the option to leave them for half or a full day. Client A has been at…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguage
In Praise Of A Snail’s Pace
Words • 640
Pages • 3
In praise of a snail’s pace by Ellen GoodmanEssay Example on In praise of a snail’s pace by Ellen Goodman The author says that some rituals cannot be done faster without destroying them. This is because people want to send them via technology. She says this method will not deliver the message with the required impact since it will sound plain. Another example is communication between a teenager and the parent. The parent fears that phones and email will underestimate…...
AdolescenceCommunicationHomeworkText Messaging
Pepsico Diversity Case Study
Words • 483
Pages • 2
MGT 3302 Case #1-Diversity at PepsiCo 1. If I were just appointed the HR manager at PepsiCo, I would implement several mandatory training sessions for the employees and board members. In order for a company to integrate a diversified culture into their organization, every single member of the company has to be involved. Several key components that would be introduced would be legal awareness, cultural awareness, and sensitivity training. Legal awareness would be a very important training component due to…...
Case StudyDiversityEducationLearningSociologyStudy
Research Proposal On Language And Culture
Words • 453
Pages • 2
Language and culture are the two interrelated components which can not exist without one another, because the language is directed by culture and the type of culture is revealed in the richness of the lingual vocabulary. The idea about the relation of language and culture appear in the beginning of the 20th century when the psychologists and linguists started thinking about the factors which influence the quality and quantity of the vocabulary. The unique peculiarities of the language, the unique…...
Why Students Become Avid or Lazy
Words • 651
Pages • 3
Katerin Leal Period 6th AVID Are Students Risking Their Futures? In Christine Baron’s essay, Apathetic Students Risk Their Futures, is stated that students aren’t taking advantage of the opportunities they have by going to school because they are making up excuses and are better off socializing with others. I agree with Christine Baron, some students have become lazy for their school work. Why Students are Not Motivated However, not all students are being lazy and not doing their work, there…...
Asu Gpa Calculator
Words • 557
Pages • 3
Innovations is a power of ASU University. This educational institution is famous for its well-developed infrastructure and progressive methods of teaching. A wide range of educational programs is available here. We offer a variety of grants as well. The advantage of the ASU. Our highly qualified professors are dedicating themselves thoroughly endeavoring to bring up and educate a new generation – influential, progressive and innovative. The students, who get their education at ASU, have a chance to cooperate with the…...
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Why Students Become Avid or Lazy
...The one thing that teacher cannot do is “dumb down” the curriculum, because in the end the students aren’t receiving any challenging work. Teacher should push the students on challenging work so they can exceed their expectations. Everyone is c...
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