Essays on Learning

Free essays on learning are written to help students understand the different theories, methods, and practices related to the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills. These essays cover a wide range of topics, including the psychology of learning, principles of effective teaching, instructional design, e-learning, and more. They contain useful insights, research findings, and real-life examples that help readers gain a deeper understanding of how learning works and how it can be optimized. These free essays on learning are typically written by experts in the field or talented students who have a passion for the subject matter, and serve as valuable resources for anyone interested in improving their learning experience.
Solutions To School Dropout
Words • 860
Pages • 4
Are you sitting down? Each year, more than a million kids will leave school without earning a high school diploma that’s approximately 7,000 students every day of the academic year, Without that diploma, they’ll be more likely to head down a path that leads to lower-paying jobs, PC)ere health, and the possible continuation of a cycle of poverty that creates immense challenges for families, neighborhoods, and communities. For some students, dropping out is the culmination of years of academic hurdles,…...
Human NatureResearchSchoolStudent
Proposal About Parental Involvement And Academic Performance
Words • 528
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Academic performance is the student’s success achieved during the period of studying at high school, college and university. Much attention has always been paid to academic performance because parents and teachers believe that the total academic progress and achievements will help students with the process of career-making and the process of work itself. It is obvious that there is at least some sense in these words, because really, when a child gets used to treating the educational process with responsibility,…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHuman NatureResearch
Early Morning in Masbate Coast Village
Words • 252
Pages • 2
Summary The day starts early for a group of children at a remote coastal village in Masbate, an island province in the central Philippines. Even before dawn breaks, several children and a few adults line the seashore, busily preparing their boats and nets for a day of squid fishing. The children say they still have time to go to their classes, walking for hours through tall grasses along hilly landscapes to reach school. Their elementary school teacher, Melchor Rojas, though,…...
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Reading Is neither Neutral, nor Natural
Words • 808
Pages • 4
The different generations of past and present times would also have many contrasting views on particular characters such as Worru. Additionally, the study of past texts, such as The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams and Coonardoo by Katherine Suzanne Prichard, allows me to comprehend the meaning behind the symbol of alcohol in The Dreamers and how it is a representation of escapism for people in degrading ways of society. In the beginning of The Dreamers by Jack Davis, we are…...
CultureReadingThe Glass Menagerie
Leontes Winter’s Tale
Words • 1004
Pages • 5
“From sanity to madness in 350 lines”. Explore the presentation of Leontes in Act 1 focussing closely on language and imageryAs with many of Shakespeare’s plays, we are introduced to the protagonist through the conversation of two of the more minor characters. We are instantly made aware of Leontes and Polixenes’ friendship. The fact that they were “trained together in their childhoods” combined with the reference to them as the states of which they are head (“Sicilia” and “Bohemia”) shows…...
LanguageLinguisticsNatureWilliam ShakespeareWinter
An Example of Self Eulogy for My Friend Peter
Words • 848
Pages • 4
‘Eulogy’: A eulogy is a speech or piece of writing, usually at a funeral, in which a person who has just died is praised. Thesis Statement For Eulogy Peter was an intelligent and bright man. He lived a wonderful life. He was my friend who cried with me and advised me when I had problems with my work. I cannot tell you what it was, but I am happy that I had friend who always stayed next to me every…...
Bachelor'S DegreeDentistry
Ben Franklin Essays
Words • 331
Pages • 2
This report tells of the many accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin, and of how he became known as a hero of America. It explains how he rose from poverty by working hard. The report spreads out Ben Franklin's life and the accomplishments he made during it, all from his birth to his death. You will find the discoveries and inventions he made, the way traveled in his life, and how he did all he could to improve society. When you finish…...
Benjamin FranklinCommunicationLibrary
Culture and Gender in Composer Canonization
Words • 323
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Marcia Citron The works of a composer are not the only factor used to determine canonization; culture and gender play a large part in this process. Citron shows how the Western art canon is the result of a complex mixture of opinions, traditions, and interests that often go unacknowledged and unchallenged. The term'canon' was applied to music in last twenty years, defined as a "specified group or body of related works." 1It is debatable as…...
CommunicationCultureCurriculumGenderHuman NatureMusic
Paulo Freire Quotes
Words • 298
Pages • 2
Everyone has a different way of learning. Some enjoy listening to lectures and taking notes, others enjoy having a hands-on learning experience, and there are other people that enjoy doing both.I will be discussing two learning techniques that Paulo Freire discussed in his analysis of a teacher-student relationship entitled, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." One of the techniques discussed is called the "banking" concept, and the other is called the "problem-posing" method. I willfirst discuss the concept of banking, where you…...
Bilaan Story Of Creation
Words • 370
Pages • 2
For millions of years people have made myths about how the earth and the people on it were created. I decided to compare the Iroquois creation story compared to the Bilaan creation story. The Iroquois lived inthe low lands of Southern Ontario and Quebec and parts of the United States as where Bilaan is an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Midanao.This Philippine language is spoken by approximately 300,000. Iroquois believe that along time ago before the world was…...
Creation MythEarthLanguageSeaWater
Hei Ren Toothpaste
Words • 317
Pages • 2
Can a global message be created? The answer is positive. Because of the globalization, a world message is demanded by "the citizens on the earth", and also, human beings are really intelligent enough to be creative on a world-wide slogan or message. However, there are still some predictable barriers in the way of the creation of the global message. One is the language barriers, and the other is culture conflicts. The language barriers are obvious because there is no such…...
ChinaCommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguage
Clinical Case Studies For Nursing Students
Words • 895
Pages • 4
Imagine you are following the doctor as part of your nursing training. Before you enter the examining room the physician pulls the chart off the door and hands it to you. You enter the room and greet the patient.  What is your tentative diagnosis? Each question is worth 3pts. Clinical Case 1 The throat is red, raw, and has a “beefy” look; lymph nodes are swollen, patient is feverish and fever is high: blood samples reveal bacteria in a chain.…...
EducationEpidemiologyHealthInfectious DiseasesLearningMedicine
Aqualisa Product Quartz Case Study
Words • 849
Pages • 4
1. Aqualisa spent three years and €5.8 million developing the Quartz. Was the product worth the investment? Is Quartz a niche product or a mainstream product? What is the Quartz value proposition to plumbers? To consumers? Answer: In my personal opion, it was worth for the Aqualisa to spend three years and €5.8 million developing the Quartz because of the tremendous potential market demands. For 60% of families had shower with lot of mechanical problems and inconvenient use experiences, Quartz…...
Case StudyEducationLearningStudy
Essay About School Life
Words • 786
Pages • 4
Paragraph Writing on My School Life I believe a good teacher can stimulate and help to improve the minds and lives of countless students by sharing with them gift of knowledge and believing in them. Early childhood is an important period of life. Childhood is the time when growth is great and learning is rapid. During my school life, I had many teachers. But there are two teachers that impressed me the most. After I finished my middle school in…...
Art Teaching Methods
Words • 886
Pages • 4
Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Research Report Arts traditionally played an important role in the life of the human society. Naturally, it could not fail to affect education. As a result, nowadays the necessity to implement arts in the process of education is getting to be evident. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply a variety of teaching methods which basic elements and principles of arts are integrated into. Regarding this paper the possible implementation of art,…...
Importance Of Mechanics In Writing
Words • 697
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Exploratory essays
What is mechanics in writing? The goal of the mechanics of writing is to make the writing precise and grammatically correct. It is directed to make the writing systematic and being concerned about how to be correct in spelling, punctuation, italics and so on. The mechanics of writing are the rules that must be followed while preparing research paper so that the research strategies and the format becomes systematic and consistent in all academic sectors. If one does not follow…...
What Did The Human Genome Project Accomplish
Words • 728
Pages • 3
MOLECULAR BIOLOGY BBT 3206 HUMAN GENOME PROJECT NAME:PRABAKARAN SIVANANTHAN NRIC:881009-07-5703 880831-08-7097 What is a genome? A genome is an organism’s complete set of DNA, including all of its genes. Each Genome contains all of the information needed to build and maintain that organism. In humans, a copy of the entire genome more than 3 billion DNA base pairs is contained in all cells that have a nucleus. What was the Human Genome Project and why has it been important? The…...
EducationGeneticsHuman Genome ProjectLearningProjectScience
School Is Bad For Children John Holt
Words • 670
Pages • 3
Is School Bad for Children? John Holt Education has always been an intense topic of discussion among many cultures and different groups of people. For many years it was believed that without formal structured education, academic success couldn’t be achieved. Today that idea has been challenged and proved invalid by homeschooling, online classes and alternative learning of all sorts. In the article,”School is Bad for Children,” American author and educator John Holt talks about the failures and flaws within our…...
Failing Grades Research
Words • 826
Pages • 4
Failing Grades, Research Paper A Survey on Failing Grades in School A Term Paper Presented to Mrs. Grace G. Cabahug Faculty, High School Department University of Cebu In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement In English IV Submitted by: Kennon Kurt G. Tura Ian B. Simbra Lorenz Gayle P. Tolentino Algelou E. Taghoy 4 – Bronze S. Y. 2011 – 2012 Table of Contents Chapter I – The problem and its settings. Introduction Statement of the Problem Significance of the…...
CommunicationHuman NatureUniversity
Review of John Truscott’s L2 article
Words • 653
Pages • 3
The article argues that grammar correction in L2 writing classes is harmful to many students. The second language (L2) writing courses assume that individuals from non-English speaking communities often acquire language through practice and experience. The class assignments targeting such students involve tasks that require them to retell information in the form of narratives, expository or argumentative essays. However, Truscott (1996) found that the L2 courses do not always achieve the targeted benefits. According to the researcher, substantial studies have…...
CommunicationLanguageLearningSecond Language
Literature Essay
Words • 294
Pages • 2
Some people respond differently to works of art such as science fiction and other forms of fiction. Personally I found that science fiction is based on a form of sociological study of the future in that the author seem to believe that the things that they are writing are going to happen in the future. With science fiction, one is able to follow a mathematical or logical projection of the future. In the past, I have read genre fiction. The…...
CommunicationFutureLiteracyScience Fiction
Explain Barriers When Supporting Learning Activities And How To Overcome These
Words • 800
Pages • 4
Describe the Sorts of Problems that Might Occur when Supporting Learning Activities and How to Deal with These Unorganised planning: If a lesson has not had the appropriate amount of planning or if the staff that are involved in the activity are not aware of their role and what is expected it can cause confusion during the lesson meaning it will not flow and the children will have disturb learning. To prevent this it is important that all member of…...
Causes Of Stress In College Students
Words • 736
Pages • 3
College Students and Stress College Students In our society, various factors can attribute to the cause of stress which can affect or destabilize the functioning of an individual. However, many from various sects of life go through stress once, twice or more in their lifetime. Colleges provide for new students the idea of unlimited freedom which inspires the student and make such individuals zealous and very motivated, but little is said about the demand and responsibility that is expected from…...
College StudentsEducationHealthLearningMental HealthStress
The effects of computer games in Student Habits
Words • 1022
Pages • 5
INTRODUCTIONThe rise of digital technology and social media has expanded the ways we can communicate with each other, different application from the computer have taken over. Of course, technology has tremendously transformed the youth’s hobby and has contributed a lot in everyday activities. The Generation Z is matching in numbers without gadgets or computer their lives will be dulled.Specifically, it gave a big leap to business, the government, and education. According Albert Einstein. “It has become more appalling obvious that…...
Educational TechnologyInformation AgeInternetLearningStudentVideo Game
Conclusion Given the importance of learning foreign languages
Words • 848
Pages • 4
ConclusionGiven the importance of learning foreign languages to adults and their need to develop their language skills in this study, we tried to analyze and understand more about this process, about education psychology and more specifically perceptions and attitudes of the two groups of actors for this ever-changing process. We have tried to provide our assistance in a field that requires further research, with regard to the approaches and strategies used in teaching.According to sociology of education and according to…...
EducationEducational PsychologyHuman NatureLanguageLearning
Reflective writing 4
Words • 1058
Pages • 5
Webster University in TashkentTESL 5750 EAP COURSEGroup U-1Niyazova FerideReflective teaching journalIntructor: Dr Vino Reardondate: 19.09.2019The article by Charles ,M and Pecorari ,D (2016) 'Academic discourse' is a useful material for the EAP teachers which includes essential features of discourse and the problems which EAP students always encounter to produce academic and semantically and logically connected texts. It involves all the vital aspects that should be taken into consideration carefully when developing academic resources.Initially I begin to analyze Variations in academic…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Case study2 is about a professional incident in which an employee
Words • 981
Pages • 4
Case study#2 is about a professional incident in which an employee whom was promoted to Head Office was new to his role and within a short time within his role he was advised to attend to the meeting which his boss Mr. Ketan could not attend as he was absent. Within this meeting of all Product Managers were called to attend. Satish which was the newly promoted employee was scrutinized by the VP, Mr. George whom Mr. Preet made clear…...
Case StudyEducationLearningLifeProfessionStudy
After reading the book The Art Of Being Human by Richard Janaro
Words • 2004
Pages • 9
After reading the book The Art Of Being Human by Richard, Janaro and Thelma Altshuler my knowledge of the humanities grew intensely. The book states that the word “humanities” actually came from the term “humanism.” This meant the study of what the best minds of classical Greece and Rome have accomplished, they were considered the great artists, writers, and philosophers. At the beginning of the fourteenth century cultures of Greece and Rome had set a huge artistic and political revolution,…...
Business Management and Application
Words • 714
Pages • 3
Business management has many applications that are used in real life, in various ways such as managing a construction program or even being a head teacher in a high school. My personal eureka moment would be when I first discovered business, which was when I chose the wrong option for my GCSE’s, I had to cope with it for a whole year; but then I found myself drawn towards it, and now I have a passion for this subject. I…...
BusinessBusiness ManagementCommunicationExperienceLearningManagement
Augmented Reality
Words • 1071
Pages • 5
Introduction Augmented Reality (AR) is technology computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified by a computer which is categorized in creative technology. Although AR has been discovered since the last 40 years, it is still new to the field of education especially in developing countries. Several studies have found out that it is suitable to be used…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningPhilosophyReality
Technology Proposal ProjectBackground Almost 750000 Americans
Words • 1446
Pages • 6
Technology Proposal ProjectBackgroundAlmost 750,000 Americans every year are victims of sepsis and the number of cases continues to grow. Sepsis the tenth leading cause of death in the United States and an estimated 28-50% of those patients die. Sepsis evolves over time and can be hard to detect. Sepsis is missed in many patients because the changes can come quickly.Nurses are aware that sepsis can be fatal but may not be prepared to recognize it early and ensure appropriate emergency…...
History of Critical Discourse Analysis
Words • 966
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Critical essays
The following sample essay on History of Critical Discourse Analysis tells the story of the beginning of the CDA and the concept of CDA in general. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) started at the University of East Anglia in the 1970s, but it was not broadly developed by linguists such as Teun Van Dijk or Ruth Wodak started to study it the 1990s. Van Dijk proposed a sociocognitive approach to CDA connecting three aspects: discourse, cognition and society. Some people are…...
Moving From Canada to India and Back
Words • 590
Pages • 3
I was just 10 years old in grade 4 when one day I returned home from school and my parents told me tanvi we are going back to india. I was shocked, I didn't know how to react. There were way too many questions clouding my mind, when did this happen? Why didn't I know anything ? When did mom and dad figure stuff out? Id only been to india once before that, when I was a toddler. I only…...
AmericaCanadaCommunicationHuman NatureLanguageLife
After reading Please Stop Laughing at Me A Women’s
Words • 967
Pages • 4
After reading “Please Stop Laughing at Me: A. Women’s Inspirational Story” by Jodee Blanco, really hit home to me because my younger sister and a few of my closest friends have been victims of bulling. The book is actually about Jodee Blanco’s personal experiences with bullying and dealing with it first-hand. I actually enjoyed reading this book and honestly would tell other people my age to read the book as well, it is just a known thing that bullying mostly…...
“12 Years a Slave” by Steve Mcqueen
Words • 1051
Pages • 5
In this essay I will be discussing a movie directed by Steve McQueen, twelve years a slave. I will speak about McQueens use of visual language in a selection of scenes from the film and put my opinion on whether I think the movie is a true invention or a false invention. Twelve years a slave is a devastating yet remarkable movie about the life of Solomon Northrup who was a free man but along his path in life, he…...
LanguageReasonSlaverySocial Issues
Design and Society: Nike Shoes
Words • 1001
Pages • 5
The following example essay on "Design and Society: Nike Shoes" discussing the life cycle of shoes, more specifically towards a certain famous brand called Nike who’ve really taken the initiative to be trend setters for a better carbon foot print in society. Introduction Many people own shoes and quite a number of them add more to their collection. The misfortune is that many of us want more and more causing the planet to suffer due to poor environmental decisions. How…...
Experiential Learning Report Internship
Words • 3325
Pages • 14
UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FACULTY OF HOTEL & TOURISM MANAGEMENT EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING REFLECTIVE REPORT (HTC403) ELEMENT HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR BY WESTIN 28 JANUARY - 18 MAY 2019 NUR ARUNEB IMAN BINTI AZMAN 2016648068 BACHELOR IN CULINARY ARTS MANAGEMENT (HM245) Report Submitted In Part of A Fulfillment To Complete Culinary Internship For The Semester of MARCH 2019 – JULY 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah S.W.T. our creator. I am so blessed that I have managed to put an end to my…...
Words • 1017
Pages • 5
UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMASCOLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGNESPA?A, SAMPALOC, MANILAREQUIRMENTS ELICITATIONRESEARCH PAPER PRESENTED ATUNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMASCOLLEGE OF FINE ARTS AND DESIGNIN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE COURSENATIONAL SERVICE TRAINING PROGRAMSUBMITTED BY:LEAN VINCENT R. EDROZOC CFAD 7SUBMITTED TO:MS. SHEILA RUTH MASANGKAYABSTRACT?Requirements elicitation is the practice of researching and discovering the requirements of a system from users, customers, and other stakeholders. It is also reffered as requirement gathering. The term elicitation is commonly used in books and research to determine that…...
CommunicationEducationInformation TechnologyLearningManagementUniversity
Barriers To Communication In Health And Social Care
Words • 2184
Pages • 9
Chosen Setting – Community CentreP3 – Describe the barriers to communication in health and social care and their effects on service usersWhy does communication go wrong?Communication goes wrong when the communication cycle does not work, this can be due to many reasons such as the meaning of a message is not clear, people not willing to listen or when unfamiliar terms or language are used. In this I will outline the different barriers to communication and how to overcome these.Barriers…...
CommunicationDisabilityEnglish LanguageHealthLanguageNoise
Disabled and Out Out
Words • 675
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Disabled and Out Out" is about two poems written by Wilfred Owen and Robert Frost. Both of these works talk about disability. After reading and understanding multiple poems all dealing with different themes and topics, I first preferred talking about The Bright Lights Of Sarajevo by Tony Harrison, because I was obsessed by how the poet used the theme of war and love throughout his poem. This made me interested because of how different those…...
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FAQ about Learning

What Did The Human Genome Project Accomplish
...What were some of the ethical, legal, and social implications addressed by the Human Genome Project? The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) program was founded in 1990 as an integral part of the Human Genome Project. The mission of the EL...
Explain Barriers When Supporting Learning Activities And How To Overcome These
...Help to prevent this by make lessons interesting & relevant; increase student involvement & interaction. Include multiple sources of learning – multi-sensory, practicals, field trips, hands on, project work, activities. One or more highly d...
Case study2 is about a professional incident in which an employee
...I would be happy to have Preet as my boss because he displayed professionalism at all cost even when he wanted to address the situation at the present moment. I admire the fact that he is a reasonable and logical man. He would make a great leader and...
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