
Augmented Reality (AR) is technology computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified by a computer which is categorized in creative technology. Although AR has been discovered since the last 40 years, it is still new to the field of education especially in developing countries.

Several studies have found out that it is suitable to be used in the education field.

In fact, AR has already been implemented in several subjects. But, it is still emerging for education purposes. In another meaning, Augmented Reality is not exactly a new technology, but it has only started to make its way into education strategies. With this technology it is possible to overlay reality with a context sensitive virtual world that gives numerous possibilities for educators to enhance the learning experience. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of augmented realty on education methods in terms of motivation , interaction, and faster.


Traditionally, students memorize their lessons using books. However, With the advancement of smartphones technology and the availability of Internet, many applications for learning and memorizing are being designed in effective ways. It is important for learning and education institutions to look at the technological trends that are emerging nowadays to improve on the learningprocess of students memorizing so that it will continue adjusting & ahead of the competition.

Visual Learners

First of all we have to talk about a visual learner as an example of most of people.

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There has been always a common question in memorization which is, “What is the best method to memorize and the answer is never the same. This is because, every one of us has a different learning style that best suits us Visual Learning style:

  • Remember what they see rather than what they hear.
  • Remember diagrams and pictures.
  • Have trouble remembering verbal instructions.

So, the implementation of augmented reality in memorizing and understand for visual learners is undoubtedly most efficient especially in helping visualization learners as augmented reality not only allow the learners to see but also interact with the system. Thus, this technology proposes on the learning application integrated to help visual learner memorizing and understanding what they read effectively.

The main aim of this technology is to create an application that can be an aid for visual learner to facilitate the process of memorizing as well as understanding the behind meaning of the contexts through pictures, mind maps, videos, etc.

Commercial Benefit & potential Profit in AR Education Sector

Recent studies shows that Augmented reality market application in the education industry is expected to be a USD 7 million market by 2020. Some Institutes invest currently in upgrading to the AR capabilities will have a competitive edge in attracting students and also right talent pool to keep up with the upcoming boom.

Universities and colleges can also use AR technology to create an experience for students to experience parts of their key college areas like the library, classrooms, recreational areas and others and give a virtual tour of the college through AR and VR applications.

How are Will be Used for Education

There are different methods of utilizing AR in educations. One if these based on Never Mind application where they using Augmented Reality for memorization. This application is designed to support human memory. This application combine the memory palace memorization method with augmented reality technology to create a tool to help anyone memorize more effectively.

This application can be used and changed according to the user preferances an the method application which may produce a mind map, diagram, charts and pictures to make it effective for the visual learners.

The motivation tool of Augmented reality: In this technology, it acts as a tool to motivate student and encourage participation. The majority of people like surprises because there is that pleasant sense of anticipation when there are really curious about something new and we therefore are eager to find out what it is. Every new lesson will be a new journey for students and this is the beauty of augmented reality.

The Engagement of Augmented Reality

Augmented reality can support students to become more engaged during classes with new ways of content presentation and enhancing collaboration. An interactive content presentation with context-aware information on the learners’ devices can help them to connect with the lesson on a deeper level. It makes possible to give students information at the point of need.

More engaged and motivated learners will always learn faster because their attention and energy is concentrated on the learning material throughout the learning process. AR technology can help keep students concentrated by making the learning materials more interesting and engaging.

It can improve the learning curve even more by offering students practical knowledge as well. In many cases theoretical knowledge isn’t enough to become a true connoisseur of a field of study. Students often need a hands-on experience to fully acquire mastery of the class, which is hard to gain, especially where skills can’t be practiced in real life situations.

The Simulation of Augmented Reality

Where realistic situations are hard or expensive to reproduce in the learning process, AR technology could be used to create simulations and situational role plays where students can begin to build their practical knowledge. And, by improving the efficiency of the learning process and offering the possibility of creating realistic simulations at a lower cost, AR technology can help schools and universities to save money in the long run.

This technology focuses on how effective is to help augmented reality and some benefits of implementing such technology in student memorization in a systematic, easier and faster ways.

I believe that this technology will be the best tools to help the people who interested in education and especially for memorizing. Thus, I wish that organizations and governments get the most benefit by utilizing the technology for their students and learners. Augmented Reality has many benefits, like making students more motivated to learn, transforming classrooms with interactivity, or supporting students learn faster.

In other words, AR technology in education increases student engagement and motivation, enables learners to use their imagination, and encourages them to be curious. Imagination and curiosity being the building blocks of innovation, they are especially important to keep alive in each and every student, so we all can have a future to look forward to.

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Augmented Reality. (2019, Dec 03). Retrieved from

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