Essays on Research

Free essays on research are written documents available online for students and researchers to use as a reference or guide when conducting their own research. These essays cover various topics related to research methods and techniques, data analysis, and report writing. They provide valuable insights and examples of best practices for conducting research in different fields and disciplines. Free essays on research are an essential resource for students seeking to improve their research skills and gain a better understanding of research concepts and practices.
Overpopulation Occurs When The
Words • 829
Pages • 4
Although I do believe we are facing the crisis of over population, one might ask what exactly can be defined as overpopulation. Through common sense, overpopulation occurs when the number of people living in a certain region, who depend on resources for survival, is significantly bigger than the amount of resources available to them. This as a result, can lead to people living poorer and unhealthier lives compared to others. Currently the world is increasing by 80 million people per…...
Birth ControlEgyptOverpopulationPopulationPopulation GrowthResearch
Custom Subliminal Messages
Words • 932
Pages • 4
After reading the article, what hypothesis do you think the researchers were testing in this study? Looking at the article of Merikle and Skanes, they analyzed the relationship revolving around the actual effects of subliminal tapes on the way it enhances or helps users in their problems pertaining to various health reasons. “The present study was a direct attempt to evaluate possible placebo effects that may occur following regular listening to subliminal audiotapes” (Merikle and Skanes, 1992, p. 773) In…...
Human NatureHypothesisReasonResearch
Theoretical Perspective In Research
Words • 907
Pages • 4
According to the Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry “postmodernism is an attitude toward the social world at the current stage of its historical development—more of a diagnosis than a theory” (Schwandt 1997, 201). Using this definition “Children and the Revolution” most comfortably fits into the theoretical perspective of postmodernism. This becomes obvious in the very first lines of the article when the author states her opinions in terms of the current social atmosphere (Craig 2006, 125). More evidence of this theory…...
Case StudyPerspectiveResearchTheoryWork
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Bound by Bonds: Sons & Lovers Analysis
Words • 644
Pages • 3
A major subject in “Sons & A ; Lovers” is bondage and flight. Every major character is held surety by another character or by their environment. Her hubby. her household and her choler at the family’s societal position hold Mrs. Morel surety. She has no friends to be seen or money of her ain to utilize. Her flight from her bondage is her decease. She was unhappy her whole life and lived though another homo as a beginning of felicity.…...
Media Personal Statement
Words • 604
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Personal essays
A book about TV production stated that: “for most people, television is just another of those amenities that we take for granted: it is part of our everyday life like radio, films, and newspapers”. Not for me. I am an overseas student from Vietnam who always knew from the bottom of her heart that TV and film production is what she wants to do above all else. I remember once I read in a book: ‘the media is the most…...
CommunicationHuman NatureMediaResearch
Example Of Research Paper About Education
Words • 558
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
A learning style is the complex of models and techniques which are supposed to help students receive new information and understand it better making the educational process more effective. It is obvious that students are different and everyone has his own abilities and skills and everyone has his own methodology of education and receiving new facts. Naturally, the world famous pedagogues have invented numerous styles and techniques of learning which can facilitate the process of education considerably. The first one…...
Research Paper On Restoraunt Proposal Essays
Words • 522
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
A restaurant is a type of business which focuses on cooking food and serving drinks to its clients. Generally, restaurants are specialized in the cooking of complicated dishes which can not be prepared easily at home. Today a restaurant is a serious business which can bring high profit. On the other hand, it can be additional option of big hotel and other business, because every serious company has a firm restaurant which supports the main business with the additional income.…...
Gore’s Endgame Grounds Location
Words • 561
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The Grounds Is At That Place That W. L. Gore and Associates Aspire to Run Into The End of Human Dealings. With their promise to supply a challenging. opportunity-rich. work environment with sensible occupation security. Gore & A ; Associates is able to promote hands-on invention and in term maximising single potency. while cultivating and environment that Fosters creativeness and besides to run with high unity. Their system works. and they have proven this to…...
CommunicationHuman NatureResearch
Methods Of Inquiry In Criminal Investigation
Words • 770
Pages • 4
1. What are the methods of enquiry and how are they used in condemnable probe? The method of enquiry is based on garnering discernible. empirical and measureable grounds. Basically. methods of enquiry are ways that an research worker gathers the information for the instance that they are look intoing. Methods of enquiry are used in condemnable probe by roll uping grounds. statement aggregation. and traveling through electronic databases and even the cyberspace. The methods of enquiry are all used in…...
HypothesisResearchScientific Method
Comparative Analysis Example
Words • 729
Pages • 3
0906 Writing May 30, 2011 Comparative Analysis The poem “Against Idleness and Mischief” written by Isaac Watts and the poem “How Doth the Little Crocodile” written by Lewis Carroll are two pieces of work that are always being compared and contrasted. The two poems are written by different poets in different times, however, they are very similar with each other in perspectives like the form, writing style, subject. Comparing to Carroll’s poem, “Against Idleness and Mischief” is more positive, educational…...
Research Proposal About Bullying
Words • 525
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Workplace bullying is a phenomenon of the negative and even harmful treatment of the certain employees making their work complicated and often unbearable. The bullying is often conducted in the harsh form and the attacker has the aim to abuse the victim and make her feel neglected. It is obvious that the problem of workplace bullying has always existed in the human society, because interpersonal conflicts are quite natural for people. In fact, it is important to reduce the frequency…...
AbuseBullyingEmploymentResearchSocial PsychologyWorkplace Bullying
Renaissance Research Paper
Words • 553
Pages • 3
Renaissance art was born in the second half of the fourteenth century and continued to develop throughout the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, gradually covering one after another, all the countries of Europe. Renaissance art reflected the specific nature of the transitional epoch. Renaissance, which was closely linked to Florence and its society, is undoubtedly one of the most exciting in the history of Western civilization. It not only showed the world a whole galaxy of artists and humanist thinkers, but…...
CultureMedieval EuropeRenaissanceRenaissance ArtResearchUniversity
Essay On Rudyard Kipling
Words • 543
Pages • 3
Rudyard Kipling (Bombay, British India, December 30, 1865 – London, 18 January 1936) was a British writer. His books for children since their publication have known a success that has never wavered. The most famous are The Jungle Book (1894), The Second Jungle Book (1895), Just So Stories (1902), Puck, pixie the hill (1906). He was considered an “innovator in the art of the short story,” a precursor of the science fiction, and one of the greatest writers of children’s…...
CommunicationCultureResearchRudyard Kipling
Water Treatment Research Proposal
Words • 516
Pages • 3
Wastewater treatment is the process of the reasonable utilization and purification of wastewater with the help of various means. Wastewater is quite a dangerous substance, because polluted water is harmful for the human health, the life of animals and fish. People require only pure water for various purposes (drinking, cooking, washing, etc.) so a system of the effective wastewater treatment is the need for everyone, because the amount of pure water on the planet is reducing constantly. People have to…...
NaturePollutionResearchWaterWater Pollution
Water Research Proposal
Words • 532
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Water supply is the provision of water to the individuals, industrial objects, private and public organizations with the help of the system of pumps and pipes. Water supply depends on the water quality greatly, because the government and the companies which are responsible for the water supply do not have right to provide people with poor quality and dangerous water. There are three essential purposes of water supply. First of all, the water is supplied for the domestic needs. People…...
AgricultureNatureResearchWaterWater QualityWebsite
Renewable Energy Thesis Proposal
Words • 529
Pages • 3
Renewable energy is the type of inexhaustible energy which can be used in all spheres of human life. Today people use many kinds of energy, which are not considered to be everlasting: gas, oil, coal, etc. Moreover, these types of energy are not ecologically safe and they ruin the environment and cause pollution of all types. Then, nuclear power stations are even more dangerous, because their wastes cause serious problems for people, animals and plants. Besides, such resources as oil,…...
EnergyPhysicsRenewable EnergyResearch
Research Proposal On Social Media
Words • 574
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Social media is the kind of mass media which is represented by the Internet, computer technologies and software used to provide people with information of all kinds. Social media is becoming more and more important and popular nowadays and very soon it is expected that it will replace all other kinds of media, like periodicals, radio and television. Newspapers are already starting to lose their positions in the world of mass media, because of the fast development of the informational…...
CommunicationEntertainmentInternetMediaResearchSocial Media
Proposal Essays
Words • 525
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Hydrology is the science which studies the water resources of Earth and analyzes the processes and phenomena which are related with water. Hydrology belongs to the circle of the sciences which study the physical and geographical peculiarities of Earth, its hydrosphere in particular. The subjects of the research are the water objects: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps and the water in its different conditions: snow, ice, underground waters, etc. At first hydrology developed like a simple branch of physical…...
Example Of Research Proposal In Education
Words • 537
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Primary education is the first stage of education for everyone. Children of the age of six start their education at primary school, where they are taught the basic knowledge and develop their skills. The major subjects which are taught in primary school are reading, writing and arithmetics, because these three skills are the basic ones for the people who want to exist normally in the human society and gain higher education in future. Naturally, primary education is the obligatory nearly…...
CommunicationHuman NaturePrimary SchoolResearch
Pharmacology Research Paper Topics
Words • 531
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Pharmacology is a medical and biological science about the influence of drugs on the human organism and in the broader meaning it is the discipline about the physically active substances in general and their influence on the biological systems. If substances are used in pharmacotherapy, they are called pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmacology is informally divided into the general and direct branches and each branch has its own field of research and methodology. The purpose of the general pharmacology is to observe…...
Health CareMedicinePharmacologyResearch
Research Proposal On Reading Difficulties
Words • 544
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Reading skills are the skills which are appropriate for people and say much about their intelligence. Reading is the ability to perceive and understand written or printed symbols called letters. People started writing several thousands of years ago and it was a great development of the human civilization and the revolution in the development of knowledge. When people started to record facts about their life and develop different genres of literature, the necessity of being able to read became really…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningReadingResearch
Research Proposal On Outsourcing
Words • 547
Pages • 3
Outsourcing is the practice of the transmission of certain business processes and functions of one company to the sourcing of another company, which works in the same sphere. Outsourcing is the youngest business process, which is considered to be very effective for both sides which signed the contract. When one company can not or does not want to carry out some processes, mostly connected with finance, it can devote this job to the related company. The main advantage of outsourcing…...
Research of Different Literacy Types
Words • 441
Pages • 2
Literacy is the ability of a person to read literary sources to gain knowledge and discover new interesting facts useful for life. Moreover, literacy is also the ability to write using proper stylistic devices and feel the language in the text. Then, a person who is considered to be literary should be able to read critically, that means possess critical thinking skills. Most people who can read never try to understand the meaning of the content, some idea hidden there.…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingCultureLearningLiteracyResearch
Motivation For Research Proposal
Words • 535
Pages • 3
Motivation in learning process is the action of encouraging the student to develop his knowledge and to get involved into the educational progress. It is natural that the process of education requires the participation of the two sides – the student’s and the teacher’s side. The role of the teacher is not just to provide the student with knowledge and facts on the topic under research but also motivate his learning constructively. There are two types of motivation – outer…...
The History of Bowling.
Words • 574
Pages • 3
Bowling is a game that was popularized in the United States and is to reverse the pins with a ball. Bowling is a game with six or ten pins, developed in the nineteenth century in the northeastern United States. The federation American Bowling Congress was founded on September 9 1895. The first championship was held in Chicago in 1901. To write a good research paper on bowling use free sample research papers, which will help you understand that traditional bowling…...
Bodybuilding: A Muscle-Stimulating Sport
Words • 542
Pages • 3
Bodybuilding is amateur or professional sports discipline. It is based on the muscular development of the body by stimulating the hypertrophy of skeletal muscle as a result of the weight training while reducing the body fat for the better visual muscle separation. Originated in ancient Greece, the modern bodybuilding appeared in Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. Prussian strongman Eugen Sandow who is generally considered as “The Father of Modern Bodybuilding” became famous through the demonstration of his…...
BodybuildingHuman NatureResearch
Aviation Research Topics
Words • 538
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Aviation is the theory and practice of the flight in the planet’s atmosphere and space and the name of the complex activities related with this practice. Aviation is also the complex name of the organizations and services which use aircraft (planes, helicopters, etc) for various purposes. Aviation is this meaning is divided into the civil and military branches, which are used for transportation and military purposes. The bases of the development of technical sides of aviation are the disciplines: aerodynamics…...
Biodiversity Research Paper Topics
Words • 551
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Biodiversity is the variety of life in all its manifestations. In addition, biodiversity is usually used to refer to the diversity at three levels of organization: genetic diversity (diversity of genes and their), species diversity (diversity of species in the ecosystem) and, finally, ecosystem diversity, i.e., the diversity of the ecosystems themselves. Basic scientific concepts of biodiversity were formulated only in the mid-twentieth century, which is directly linked to the development of quantitative methods in biology. Origin of the term…...
BiodiversityBiologyEcologyEcosystemNatural EnvironmentResearch
Solutions To School Dropout
Words • 860
Pages • 4
Are you sitting down? Each year, more than a million kids will leave school without earning a high school diploma that’s approximately 7,000 students every day of the academic year, Without that diploma, they’ll be more likely to head down a path that leads to lower-paying jobs, PC)ere health, and the possible continuation of a cycle of poverty that creates immense challenges for families, neighborhoods, and communities. For some students, dropping out is the culmination of years of academic hurdles,…...
Human NatureResearchSchoolStudent
Andrew Jackson Essay
Words • 632
Pages • 3
 After reviewing Andrew Jackson’s positive and negative actions, it has come to a conclusion that he was in the position of a hero. In the 1800’s President Andrew Jackson showed he was a hero to the reduce in Federal debts, winning the Battle of New Orleans, and hearing the voices of the people and giving them the chance to vote for their president. Despite all his positive work, he also made many negative decisions, but none mayor and serious. Andrew…...
Andrew JacksonReasonResearchTrail Of Tears
Transformational Leadership Research Paper
Words • 527
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Transformational leadership is the kind of leadership which improves motivation, spirit and productiveness of the followers with the help of various mechanisms. In this case the leader is the model of the behavior and work and the followers want to look like him. At the same time, the leader should not only possess authority, but also qualification in order to see the strong and weak sides of his team and distribute only the tasks which would not be too complicated…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLeadershipResearchTransformational Leadership
Business Process Reengineering Research Paper
Words • 566
Pages • 3
Is the complicated process of analysis, optimization and reorganization of the business processes with the aim to achieve higher rates of production and as a result profit. Business process reengineering is a difficult process which requires time and knowledge. A professional businessman should involve the most talented experts to create the best model of reengineering and compose the documentation which will be the basis of the necessary changes. Business process reengineering uses all the useful and effective facilities which can…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingManagementResearch
Samsung Proposal
Words • 526
Pages • 3
Samsung group is one of the greatest groups of companies in South Korea which was founded in 1938. In the international market Samsung is known as one of the best producers of electronics. The history of Samsung is very long and interesting and runs to the first part of the 20th century. At that time Korea was a Japanese colony and it is obvious that it was difficult to start and develop business there. Nevertheless, Lee Byung-chul, a smart entrepreneur…...
Proposal About Parental Involvement And Academic Performance
Words • 528
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Academic performance is the student’s success achieved during the period of studying at high school, college and university. Much attention has always been paid to academic performance because parents and teachers believe that the total academic progress and achievements will help students with the process of career-making and the process of work itself. It is obvious that there is at least some sense in these words, because really, when a child gets used to treating the educational process with responsibility,…...
CommunicationCritical ThinkingHuman NatureResearch
Oil And Gas Management
Words • 365
Pages • 2
Oil and gas are the most important and valuable resources nowadays, because they play the key role providing people, plants and factories with energy. Then, nearly every automobile works with the help of gas, which is made from oil. No wonder, oil and gas are the most expensive resources which are concentrated in the hands of the richest people of the world, because it is difficult to imagine a more profitable business. Evidently, oil is important for the process of…...
ManagementNatural EnvironmentPollutionResearchWater
Women Empowerment Proposal
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Women empowerment is the process of treating women like the equal companions with the same rights and duties as men have. Since the dawn of the human civilization women have always been treated like the lower gender and their main duty was to take care of children and household chores. Today the situation is completely different. Women work, build careers, rest the same way as men do. Nevertheless, women still suffer from numerous stereotypes and prejudices, which often affect their…...
CommunicationEmpowermentFeminismHuman NaturePlagiarismResearch
In Mrs Tilscher’s Class
Words • 625
Pages • 3
“Over the Easter term, the inky tadpoles changed from commas into exclamation marks.” Tadpoles could be imagined as being the same shape as commas at birth, and later on growing up to be of similar shape of the exclamation mark, which is also a metaphor. The reason to why this sentence has been added could be because the Carol Ann Duffy would like to remind the readers of the main topic of the poem which is about change. (From the…...
Battle Royal Ellison Summary
Words • 322
Pages • 2
There are many symbols in Ralph Ellison's story "Battle Royal."Ellison's story is full of excellent symbolism of how African-Americans have struggled throughout history to fight for their equality. The narrator starts off the story by describing his grandfather's dying last words.In his last words, the grandfather expresses his wishes for future generations to continue the struggle for black equality.Ellison uses many symbols in this story to demonstrate the lack of black equality.Among these symbols are: the battle itself, the brief…...
Hower House – A Victorian Mansion
Words • 350
Pages • 2
Hower House is a Victorian Second Empire Italianate Mansion; it was built in 1871 by architect Jacob Snyder.The home belonged originally to John Henry Hower and his wife Susan.The house was occupied by the Howers and there descendants until 1793 when it was donated to the University of Akron by Grace Hower Crawford.The time that was represented by the Hower House was 1871 to around 1973.Some facts I learned were that the fireplaces in the Hower House are actually stone…...
Philippine Election 2004: A Communication Analysis
Words • 304
Pages • 2
An Evaluation of the 2004 Philippine Election Campaign Using Lasswell;s Model of Communication Comparing the recent Philippine election with the past ones, one would notice the great dependence on media during the campaign of the candidates in the recent race. It seems that most candidates really knew the extent of media;s influence in the outcome of the elections.Moreover, the results of the election further indicate how much media plays a part in our decisions for our country.Harold Lasswell;s communication model…...
CommunicationHuman NatureModelResearchWork
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Overpopulation Occurs When The
...Therefore, a country cannot look past this overpopulation problem and just prioritize their efforts towards finding solutions to tackle this problem. Although a bunch of solutions exist, some of them should not be approached as they contradict with h...
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