Essays on Research

Free essays on research are written documents available online for students and researchers to use as a reference or guide when conducting their own research. These essays cover various topics related to research methods and techniques, data analysis, and report writing. They provide valuable insights and examples of best practices for conducting research in different fields and disciplines. Free essays on research are an essential resource for students seeking to improve their research skills and gain a better understanding of research concepts and practices.
Can you Really Rely on Statistics?
Words • 1230
Pages • 5
Are people becoming more gullible or are we becoming too lazy to find out the real truth? We learn from a young age that numbers speak the truth, but is that really true or are we being manipulated into believing what others want us to believe? We as people are very opinionated about everything. We all have our own set of views and tend to not deviate from them. We also tend to think research and numbers are reliable and…...
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
Words • 594
Pages • 3
The university representatives are Dr. John Sutherlin, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research. ULM has a total of fifteen sports. For men there is baseball, basketball, cross country, track and field, golf and football. The women's sports include basketball, beach volleyball, cross country, golf , soccer, softball, track and field, tennis and volleyball. University of Louisiana Monroe conference is sunbelt. Some of the schools that ULM football plays are Southeastern, southern Mississippi, Texas A&M, Troy Georgia State, OLE Miss,…...
Sarah And Tim Waddington’s Wedding Story
Words • 1730
Pages • 7
Just got married, they were so happy, and ready to enjoy the many years ahead of them with each other. The day after their wedding, the couple headed to South America for their honeymoon. Sarah had been feeling below the weather, and a little down since the wedding rehearsal the day before the wedding, she brushed it off though because her mother told her they were just wedding day jitters. On the airplane Sarah felt so nauseous, though she still…...
ResearchStem Cell Research
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Stem Cell Policy Changes
Words • 928
Pages • 4
What is the Problem the public policy seeks to solve? This policy hopes to accomplish the ability for federally funded researchers to research more Embryonic stem cells that George Bush restricted. To allow for more research to be done on stem cells will create a heather and more efficient medical treatment to regenerate muscles and organs. With the research there is now stem cells have the ability to cure 10 diseases with many more to come with more research. Allowing…...
PolicyResearchStem Cell Research
A Rundown of How Stem Cell Research and Treatment Works
Words • 574
Pages • 3
This section offers a summary regarding the background of the topic concerning how Stem Cell Research and treatment works and its purpose together with its application in the real world. The stem cells are usually capable of developing into different cell types both in the embryonic period as well as during growth. The stem cells can undergo self-renewal and may be induced to develop into an organ or tissue-specific cells. Current stem cell research together with the therapy is based…...
ResearchStem Cell ResearchWork
Clinical Applications and Therapeutic Options
Words • 662
Pages • 3
Of non-coding RNAs ncRNAs are emerging as central molecules in the development of next generation therapies. Such treatment could be direct by blunting effects of the ncRNAs with antagomirs or delivery of non-coding RNA, when expression levels of these are decreased. Indirect methods iare based on delivery of the same molecules within microvesicles, such as exosomes, or through cells such as adult stem cells. The development of treatments to target any of the non-coding RNAs must consider which vehicle would…...
Research MethodsStem Cells
Running Head: Values Reflection Paper
Words • 886
Pages • 4
As a counselor-in-training, I face difficult circumstances each day. My patience is tested each day as I have to make tough decisions in my profession and life. I, therefore, have values to guide my daily working while shaping my reactions and priorities. They act as markers thus helping in determining whether my life is headed in the right direction and what to when it is out of the way. Whenever I realize that my words and actions are aligned with…...
Research Article on Mexican Traditional Medicine
Words • 510
Pages • 3
For research paper, I will be discussing the topic of Mexican Folk Medicine within the South Texas region. My research will utilize secondary sources (such as journal articles, books, and two academic dissertations) to piece together a general overview of Mexican Folk Medicine (illnesses cured, remedies, notable healers, etc.), as a means of providing my paper with a bit of background information. Along with these secondary sources, my paper will utilize primary sources mainly in the form of local newspaper…...
Resilience’s Impact on Coping with Life’s Challenges
Words • 1968
Pages • 8
Throughout years, many researchers have studied how resilience affect one’s ability to handle life’s challenges through self-inner emotions that are taking place. With my paper, one will be introduced to a fraction of that research conducted via a series of surveys. A total of 207 students were split into three groups. One group participated in a survey catered to answer the question of whether or not there was a correlation between resilience and self-esteem. The second group participated in a…...
South University Online Jullyn Torres
Words • 407
Pages • 2
What is empirical research? Empirical research is obtaining understanding by utilizing the structured monitoring encounters, or quantification. The opposite is non empirical research this involves obtaining understanding by utilizing the un structed procedure, for example, scrutiny of oneself encounters, and beliefs.  What are variables? Variables are components an individual anticipates converting, make different, can have various principles. Independent variables impact the component that is reliant. Here the scientists exploit the research and answer that is gained at the end. A…...
ResearchSelf Confidence
Research Article on The use of The Red Line in Boyle Heights
Words • 600
Pages • 3
In this paper, I will examine the use of redlining in Boyle Heights, CA from the 1930s - 1960s and its influence on the creation of public housing projects. Boyle Heights, is located just East of Los Angeles’ downtown central business district and is considered to be one of the earliest residential communities in Los Angeles. Beginning in the 1870s, developmental activity within Los Angeles began to sprawl due to the construction of the Southern Pacific Railroad which connected Los…...
Los AngelesResearch
Unit 2 Research Paper
Words • 620
Pages • 3
This research paper explains the background of Josef Mengele and analyzes the actions of Mengele demonstrating genocide by his involvement of selections and doing many horrible experiments on Jewish twins. In my opinion, genocide means killing large amounts of innocent people. Dr. Josef Mengele demonstrated genocidal actions during the Holocaust by doing horrible experiments on Jewish twins and separating men and women to prevent births. Background Josef Mengele was born March 16, 1911, in Gunzburg Germany. Josef Mengele's parents were…...
GenocideJosef MengeleResearch Methods
Research Super Size Me
Words • 877
Pages • 4
Super Size Me is an extreme example of transformative consumer research looking at consumption issues in our country as well as the lack of ethics in the food industry. For 30 days Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald; 3 times a day, trying everything on the menu at least once. He walked about 5,000 steps a day, the average steps an American male takes but did no other exercise other than that. The final rule was he must Super Size…...
ResearchSuper Size Me
Social Science Research Methods
Words • 1569
Pages • 7
Civic honesty is about human’s compliance with norms of good conduct. It is a human behaviour that one would encounter in daily life when interacting with others, or when observing others interact. To understand such human behaviour, in this case, civic honesty, easy way is to rely on personal experience and beliefs. However, this method is subjective as it is only based on one’s experience/encounter. Other methods such as knowledge from experts could be overestimated, and knowledge from popular media…...
HonestyResearch MethodsSocial Science
Elon Musk Research Paper
Words • 2146
Pages • 9
Elon Musk is a CEO and entrepreneur who has founded or co-founded several companies. Musk is best known today for his ambition of putting a colony on Mars and for being the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Musk and his proposed projects would help propel humanity into the future. Unfortunately, many of these projects are not feasible or realistic now or any time in the near future and especially not in the time that Musk has claimed. Musk was not…...
Elon MuskResearchTesla Motors
How Normative Social Norms Affect
Words • 1856
Pages • 8
Social norms are defined as, 'the implicit or explicit rules a group has for the acceptable behaviors, values, and beliefs of its members”. People work to tirelessly to obtain acceptance and standing within a social group, and in doing so, conform to that group’s ideals, ideology, and manner. Because human beings are social animals it is a part of our DNA that makes up to long for social acceptance. But, changing our moral views and behavior to fall in line…...
ResearchSocial Norms
Distraction Is Not Effective at Reducing Procedural Pain in Children
Words • 1514
Pages • 7
I was allocated to topic 2 ‘distraction is not effective at reducing procedural pain in children’ and I decided to argue against this statement. This topic is based on strong evidence based practice and critical analysis of studies which were used to support my debate. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used for the purpose of investigation and analysis of non-pharmacological interventions Quantitative research is generally a systematic approach used to quantify variables, which are numerically quantifiable. Also, a quantitative…...
Child DevelopmentDataHealth CareResearch
Gender Stereotypes in Cartoons
Words • 2118
Pages • 9
The following sample essay on:" The Gender Generalizations or Stereotypes That Exist in the Animations and Cartoons". This thesis aims to investigate about the gender generalizations or stereotypes that exist in the animations and cartoons, explicitly, the princess culture that Disney has created influences gendered actions and behavior of adolescent girls in ages amid 3-12 years. Qualitative study was done to understand the influence of animated films; especially influence and part of Disney animated films in the lives of young…...
AdolescenceGenderGender RolesIdentityInfluence Of Mass MediaResearch
Climate Control Synthetic Yarn Clothing Developed at
Words • 722
Pages • 3
Climate Control Synthetic Yarn Clothing Developed at Maryland VarsityHow often we have to remove our clothes when the climate is too hot or add more clothes when it is too cold? An innovative fabric developed by scientists may help you remain comfortable irrespective of the climatic conditions.The new fabric made from synthetic yarn by YuHuang Wang and Ouyang Min of University of Maryland is capable of adjusting to the heat conditions prevailing in the atmosphere. When it is cold outside…...
ClothingEducationHuman NatureLearningResearchSocial Media
Air Monitoring Device Project
Words • 2086
Pages • 9
The term ‘poor air quality’ is used to describe an environment that is not suitable for humans/animals to be in, possibly causing an immediate or long-term effect to the person breathing in this air. This project attempts to design and develop an air monitoring device that will alert the registered user if there are any urgent issues that arise within the environment. The device will also attempt to warn the user of any unusual readings, by comparing the current pollution…...
Computer ScienceComputersResearchSoftware Engineering
Everything In Life Is A Choice You Make
Words • 887
Pages • 4
We have come down to the end of this book. In short I'm trying to convince you that simple practices of simple principles can make a huge difference in the success you achieve in whatever youendeavor. The final C is calibrate. the word calibrate simply means to keep an instrument accurate. The implementing of all the former chapters are of no use if 1st they are not utilized and 2nd they must be kept in accurate working order. Commitment. Challenge.…...
Human NatureResearchThought
A typical Comingofage Story in Literature often Portrays
Words • 933
Pages • 4
A typical coming-of-age story in literature often portrays the protagonist character’s evolution from childhood/adolescent to adulthood. Coming-of-age stories can habitually be told through the adult main character’s flashbacks of their younger past. It might show pivotal moments which internally or externally alter them, and perhaps their path in life. Within the three coming-of-age stories we read, which included Sherman Alexie’s This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, AZ, ZZ Packer’s Brownies, and Reginald McKnight’s The Kind of Light That…...
Human NaturePrejudiceRacismResearchSociologyStereotypes
Hwang Jini a famous Joseon Dynasty kisaeng artists who worked
Words • 2513
Pages • 11
Hwang Jini, a famous Joseon Dynasty kisaeng (artists who worked to entertain others, such as the aristocrats and kings) who lived from 1506 to 1560, is an eternal name in Korean literary history as one of the most celebrated female poetry writers. Although she wrote extensively during her life, her remaining works are limited to six shijo, an indigenous Korean poetry form, and seven hanshi, or poems written in Chinese. Hwang Jini’s poetry mirrors that of many other kisaeng poets…...
STATEMENT OF PURPOSEBeing a well wisher of the Mother Nature
Words • 989
Pages • 4
STATEMENT OF PURPOSEBeing a well wisher of the Mother Nature and having volunteered in several social development initiatives, I have now decided to take a step forward in my career to broaden my expertise in the field of Natural Resource Management. It involves development and management of three essential sources of life namely water, food and energy in a sustainable manner.The school I studied was the place where one could witness the ocean of knowledge and intellectual wisdom. As part…...
EngineeringEntrepreneurshipNatural EnvironmentResearchStructural EngineeringSustainability
Awojobi clinic Eruwa: running a successful rural hospital in Nigeria.
Words • 2992
Pages • 12
INTRODUCTION As a student who wants to see medical practice to advance in Nigeria, visiting Awojobi Clinic Eruwa (ACE) was one of the best things the Ibarapa offered me. The zeal to stay back home and practice a kind of medicine that is driven by indigenous technology and available manpower was born through that visit. This is particularly important in an era like ours when there is a mass exodus of doctors to greener pastures across the globe, especially to…...
Health CareHepatitisMedicineOrgan DonationResearchSurgery
Social Media: Virtual Life and Freedom of Expression
Words • 2612
Pages • 11
Introduction Social media is a platform which provides a kind of virtual life for a people to openly express feeling, opinions and beliefs. Various events are affected by peoples sentiments which provided by the social media. Unfortunately, hateful speech and abusive language target or harassed the many users engaging online, either on social media or forums. So before publication of the any online content there is a need of detecting such hateful and abusive language. The services provided by different…...
Artificial IntelligenceCyber LawLanguageLearningResearchSocial Media
Words • 1736
Pages • 7
MANAGING ENTERPRISE IN THE 21ST CENTURYSTUDENT NAME: BABACIU RAMONA OANASTUDENT ID NUMBER:1808621MODULE NAME: MANAGING ENTERPRISE IN THE 21ST CENTURYMODULE NUMBER: BMSK4006_LONLECTURER NAME: MUSHFIQUR RAHMANTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction……………………………………………………………Description…………………………………………………………….Feelings and Thoughts……………………………………………….Evaluation and Analysis………………………………………………Gibbs’ Reflection Model Conclusion……………………………….Conclusion………………………………………………………………Future action…………………………………………………………….References……………………………………………………………….IntroductionThe purpose of this report is to reflect and analyse on the module Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century and how this helped me to develop some skills.In first term, for the module Managing Enterprise in the 21st Century we were asked by the lecturer to present…...
Requesting Funds for Rural Tuition Project
Words • 580
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on applying funds tells about requesting for rural tuition project funding. As a Project Manager from Inasis Bank Muamlalat UUM. I have been working on a project entitled Applications for Edu Treatment. I would like to request funding to run the program of Edu Treatment for students from rural areas. In the five short years since its founding, the SOLS 24/7 Malaysia has played a major role in the transformation of education from a rural area…...
CurriculumHomeworkHuman NatureLearningLife SkillsResearch
Coverage of Indus Delta Related Issues, Analysis of Daily Dawn
Words • 2593
Pages • 11
Abstract The Paper is analysis of Newspapers, Dawn and Kawish about the coverage of Daily Dawn and Kawish Newspapers of Indus delta and related Issues of Fisherman community living around the Indus Delta area. Its analysis of How Dawn and Kawish, one of the largest and widely read newspapers coverage, Fisherman and people of Indus delta to help solve issues related with their lives. Its commentary and analysis to assess the coverage and suggest improvements for the media and people.…...
Green Roof Application in Doha
Words • 2706
Pages • 11
The following sample essay on "Green Roof Application in Doha": discussing of environment problem and issue of green roof. Abstract: Green roof infrastructure became an important option for the residential buildings in western countries. It has a big role in improving biodiversity, in addition to a significant number of economic, environmental and social benefits. Despite all these advantages, Doha has a lack of green roof application; maybe it is due to some people's misconceptions, that green roofs are not suitable…...
ConstructionEngineeringResearchStructural EngineeringSustainabilityTechnology
My Favorite Political Film Analysis
Words • 1234
Pages • 5
Research Essay: Analysis of My Favorite Political Film The Greatest of all Time in Indian CinemaTo begin with, there are many movies that represent politics, power and conflict in visual presentation. According to me, Bahubali 2: The conclusion is the best political movie I have ever seen. This movie is all about conflict in kingdom call Mahesmati, who had a great king in their history. (Prasad, Yarlagadda, Rajamouli, 2017). In this movie two brothers, who are very powerful that they…...
Paper On The Illusion of Multitasking and Its positive effect
Words • 1723
Pages • 7
In the past, the need to multitask wasn’t as demanding as today’s needs. People are using their phones while executing and juggling multiple things. How can we discern if were multitasking? Do we just think that we are juggling multiple tasks? Switching back and forth between multiple tasks is more likely what's going on. What people think is multitasking is actually pretty fluid. People who think they are multitasking and view it as such tend to do better than a…...
BrainNervous SystemPsychologyResearch
Words • 1458
Pages • 6
RELATION OF BALL VELOCITY WITH TESTS OF EXPLOSIVE FORCE AND TESTS OF SPRINTINGEnver Tahiraj1, Abedin Bahtiri2, Martin Berisha3, Jeton Havolli21Strength and Conditioning coach of Soccer , Pristina, Kosova2College Universi, Pristina, Kosova3Ph.D Candidat, Faculty of Kineziology, Zagreb, CroatiaINTRODUCTIONSoccer is one of the most popular and attractive as well as very profitable sport. Being a collective sport football is based on playing of 11 players who fulfills tasks in defensive, midfield and attacking activities. Football has evolved in many aspects, starting on…...
Human Body Systems
Words • 1033
Pages • 5
The following example essay focuses on the systems of the human body. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. "When you shift from a compulsion to survive into a heartfelt commitment to serve, your life cannot help but explode into success. " To begin with, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Shivani and I hail from Mohali, SAS Nagar, Punjab, India. There are seven members in my family. My grandparents are retired government…...
Bachelor'S DegreeBiologyEconomicsIndian Automobile IndustryIndustryPharmacy
The Periodic Table Defined My Lifestyle
Words • 647
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on The periodic table defined my lifestyle. Ever since the first grade, Dmitri Mendeleev has been my hero. When I first saw the periodic table, I was in awe; the colors, the patterns, the symmetric shape—everything mesmerized me. Ever since that moment, the periodic table has defined the way I live. Just as Mendeleev put together a seemingly random assortment of elements to form the now infamous periodic table, I loved putting together the seemingly random…...
BiologyFree PapersMathematicsResearch
Difference between a DNP and a PhD in Nursing
Words • 428
Pages • 2
Difference between a DNP and a PhD in NursingNameInstitutionInstructorCourseDateDifference between a DNP and a PhD in NursingIt is important for nurses to know the difference between a DNP and a PhD in pursuing a doctorate in nursing. Both of these programs are doctoral options in nursing with the PhD being the traditional way of achieving a doctorate in nursing (Cherry & Jacob, 2017). The DNP was created later on in an effort to encourage more nursing students to pursue their doctorate. Although the two doctoral options are meant to achieve the same objectives, there…...
Health CareNursingResearch
For My Intern Report On Super Star Group, I Have Collected Both Primar
Words • 1102
Pages • 5
Methodology:For my intern report on Super Star Group, I have collected both primary data and secondary data.1. For primary data, I have talked with my supervisor and the employee of SCM department to know the company very well.2. For Secondary data, I have used the information of Super Star Groups websites.Limitations of the StudyI have tried to make a well- informed report but like every research, I have also faced few problems. There were some limitations while preparing my intern…...
DataResearchSupply Chain Management
The founder of Yen Beauty Nail Make Up is Ms Tan
Words • 1139
Pages • 5
The founder of Yen Beauty Nail & Make Up is Ms. Tan Mei Yen. The shop was opened in December 2016 and located at Kuantan Pahang, but they already have their own precious regular and loyal customer. This is because of the nice environment and five-star services that they provided. Yen Beauty Nail & Makeup offered a lot of services, bridal makeup, and hairdo, a day or dinner make up. However, it currently focused more on nail services. Yen Beauty…...
BeautyDataDesignInterior DesignLoveResearch
Building Trust in a Digital Age
Words • 1436
Pages • 6
The following example essay on "Building Trust in a Digital Age" discusses how ICTs can assist NPOs transparency to enable them to become more accountable. There are real concerns related to trust in the information communicated by non-profit organizations (NPOs). According to the mass media, NPOs are not accountable and allocate their resources inappropriately (Greenlee, 2000). The non-profit sector defends these allegations by claiming only some non-profits aren't viable and abuse the public, accusing the media of doing the sector…...
Accounting EthicsCommunicationDataEthicsInternetMarketing
MRR1 A1 Metacognitive Reading Report
Words • 543
Pages • 3
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A Rundown of How Stem Cell Research and Treatment Works
...The media has been a critical component on the dissemination of the stem cell related research and therapy. Majority of the new sources or media have been supportive of the new technology owing to its potential benefits in managing incurable and dege...
How Normative Social Norms Affect
...The social norms of today have become a popular blog post, internet headlines, viral videos, and provocative television, all with the capacity of having negative impacts in societies throughout the globe. The Word of God has outlined that we are not ...
Hwang Jini a famous Joseon Dynasty kisaeng artists who worked
...In order to be able to illustrate a Korean rhetorical map of knowledge meticulously and closer to reality, we need to analyze a wider and deeper range of synchronic and diachronic documents. Beside literary rhetoric, Korean rhetoric, whose studies ar...
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