Essays on Politics

Free essays on Politics are academic papers that deal with various aspects of political science. They cover different topics, such as political philosophy, government systems, international relations, and civil rights. These essays are written by experts in the field of political science, and they offer a wealth of information and insights. They provide readers with a deeper understanding of political concepts, theories, and practices, and help them develop critical thinking skills when it comes to political issues. Free essays on Politics are excellent sources of information for students, scholars, and anyone interested in politics and the workings of government.
I Am a Muslim: The Personal and Social Impact of Islamophobia
Words • 1529
Pages • 7
Have you ever been a subject of discrimination or one of society's victims? Whether it is sexism, racism, Islamophobia, or homophobia. Everyone believes they are accepted by society until one person makes a bad decision that leads to the suffering of the group of people they're associated with. For instance, due to the 9/11, Muslims, Desi people, and Arabs around the world are being punished for a horrible event that was pinned on them. Racists and Islamophobic people assume all…...
IslamophobiaPoliticsSocial Issues
The Caste System in India and the Oldest Form of Social Stratification
Words • 3688
Pages • 15
In recent times, India has been getting more frequent coverage of a woman getting acid thrown in her face or getting sexually assaulted by a group of men. These egregious crimes have been highly publicized in the local and international news making headlines all across the world. Laws have been put in place to protect these women from attacks from their male perpetrators but these laws have been proven to be ineffective as these attacks and acts of violence still…...
Caste SystemPoliticsSocial Issues
The Issue of Americans Defaulting on Student Loans
Words • 578
Pages • 3
Americans are defaulting on student loans at a record high, while no standards for giving loans are currently enacted. Lawmakers are now speaking out against the no standards policy and exploring setting financial regulations and underwriting standards. Americans are defaulting on student loans at an all-time high, leading to talks about restricting who can borrow money for higher education. For many years there has been no underwriting standards set by the federal government in regards to its student-loan program. Currently,…...
EducationPoliticsStudent Loans
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The Introduction of the Ottoman Empire to International Financial Markets
Words • 2057
Pages • 9
The introduction of the Ottoman Empire to international financial markets in the second half of the nineteenth century was followed by a rapid expansion in their outstanding foreign debt levels, (resulting in eventual default in..) eventually defaulting on the loans in 1881. The solution was to introduce international financial control (IFC) over the finances of the debtor state to compensate the losses of foreign creditors through regular transfer of revenues, largely through the establishment of the Ottoman Public Debt Administration…...
BusinessFinancial MarketsPolitics
Eleanor Roosevelt as One of the Most Revered First Ladies in History
Words • 980
Pages • 4
Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most admired first ladies ever. Her intelligence, friendliness, warmth, humanity, and charm, were just a few words that describe the person that she was. Throughout Eleanor Roosevelts life she graced the world with a presence that many people looked towards for friendship or just advice. Eleanor Roosevelt is someone that in my eyes is a hero. For the period in time, which she lived being a woman and gaining the respect of both males…...
CultureEleanor RooseveltSocial Class
The Life of 32nd First Lady of America, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt
Words • 1837
Pages • 8
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was the 32nd First Lady of America. Born on October 11, 1884, she grew as an orphan from the age of ten. Her life took a turning point in March 1905, when she married Franklin D. Roosevelt, a distant cousin and future U.S President. In her early marriage, she was concerned with the responsibilities of parenthood, and, as such, her life was restricted to domestic chores. In her autobiography, she laments that "for ten years, I was…...
Eleanor RooseveltFeminismWomen'S Rights
The Political Position of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn
Words • 973
Pages • 4
The presidential race can bring out true colors in citizens all over the United States, as well as in the presidential candidates themselves. Due to the current presidential race being constantly broadcasted, we as U.S. citizens may forget about political figures in other places, such as the UK. Throughout this essay, I will discuss current presidential candidate Bernie Sanders by using five key terms that I believe describe him, along with ways in which he is comparable to British parliamentarian…...
Bernie SandersPoliticsSocialism
Who Would Be the Most Effective President among Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders
Words • 770
Pages • 4
Hilary Clinton, was the first lady of Arkansas and of the US. She was also the US senator from New York and the US secretary of state. Based on these credentials I don't think that I would call her an expert, but she certainly is not a novice and has some political experience under her belt. I like the sound of her plan to install half a billion solar panels in the US, however, this would be very costly and…...
Bernie SandersDonald TrumpPolitics
Discrimination among the Voters of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders
Words • 850
Pages • 4
Prejudice is a preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members. Discrimination is unjustified negative behavior toward a group or its members (Myers, 2005). Each instance begins with a negative feeling and can possibly lead to acting on said negative feeling. Everyone knows about the prejudice and discrimination that happened to black people way back in the day when we were slaves, moving into indentured servants, and finally to fully free individuals with the institution of Jim Crow…...
Bernie SandersPrejudiceRacism
Fighting Inequality: Ideas Proposed by Bernie Sanders, Carly Fiorina and Donald Trump
Words • 1523
Pages • 7
For this final project, I have chosen to analyze the platform and political history of presidential candidates Democrat Bernie Sanders, Republican Carly Fiorina and Republican Donald Trump. I have examined their records on inequality, how they deal with they have dealt with issue of inequality in the past, how they address it now and ultimately proclaim who I feel has the best plan to combat inequality and which plan will be most effective. To begin, I examined each candidate's position…...
Bernie SandersEmploymentPolitics
A Review of Rachel Maddow’s Interview with Bernie Sanders
Words • 321
Pages • 2
There's an interview with Bernie Sanders, a democratic presidential candidate. Rachel mentions a little about his view on gays and also how he criticized Hillary Clinton for pointing out something false. Furthermore, Rachel informs Bernie that there's a budget deal in Washington to lift debts. There will be cuts on social security and medicare as a result, and Bernie says that he does not support this because his goal is to expand social security benefits. Furthermore, Rachel also talks about…...
Bernie SandersHillary ClintonPolitics
Democratic Debate Between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton
Words • 305
Pages • 2
The Democratic Debate today got right to business. It was held in Flint, Michigan, which was a city that had much of its water contaminated. The city's residents voiced their concerns to the Democratic party nominees, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton vowed to eliminate lead in soil, paint, and water within five years. Apparently, this can cost over a trillion dollars, but if it's possible, it would be worth it. We would be creating a new infrastructure for…...
Bernie SandersHillary ClintonPolitics
A Comparison of Julius Caesar and Fidel Castro, Two Dictators
Words • 483
Pages • 2
I am going to compare two great leaders. One from this century, and one from the reign of Caesar. It is interesting to see how throughout history that all the great dictators thought alike. Though they might differ in details all of them basically followed the same pattern. And I think that is the case with Caesar and Fidel. One of the main similarities between Caesar and Fidel is their early life. Both leaders came from middle class families. Each…...
Fidel CastroJulius CaesarPolitics
The Life and Presidency of Fidel Castro
Words • 687
Pages • 3
Fidel Castro Ruz was born on May 13, 1927, on his family's sugar plantation near Biran, Oriente province, Cuba. His father, originally an immigrant laborer from Galicia, Spain, became owner of a 23,000-acre plantation. As a boy, Castro worked in the family's sugar cane fields and, at 6 years old, convinced his parents to send him to school. He attended two Jesuit institutions, the Colegio Lasalle and the Colegio Dolores, both in Santiago. In 1942 he entered the Colegio Belen,…...
CubaFidel CastroPolitics
The Influence of Fidel Castro in Cuba
Words • 1605
Pages • 7
Almost every nation has been through an event or taken an action that has injured its international image and prestige, an event in which it was universally and domestically embarrassed. For America, this was the Bay of Pigs. Theodore Draper called it, " One of the most rare events in history- a perfect failure". Even president John F. Kennedy described it as "The worst experience of my life". Few other military actions taken by the United States were as disastrously…...
CubaFidel CastroMilitary
The Impact of Fidel Castro on the Society and International Position of Cuba
Words • 869
Pages • 4
Fidel Castro took a small satellite nation of the United States of America and turned it into one of the most successful communist states in the world. His policies and charisma have caused him to be one of the most beloved communist leaders in the world. Castro created a Communist nation that, while European communists were failing and falling victim to corruption and Asian communists were starving and oppressed, it was still going strong. His personal strengths turned schemes that…...
Cold WarCommunismFidel Castro
A History of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Role of Fidel Castro in the Sixties
Words • 577
Pages • 3
This is probably the closest mankind has ever gotten to extinction. This was a time when tensions were at its highest. For the first time in the history of the world, man could've made the earth look like an apple eaten down to the core. Of course, I am talking about the one and only Cuban Missile Crisis. The U.S. was kicking the Soviet Union's butt in the arms race. The Soviet Union's missiles were only powerful enough to be…...
Fidel CastroMilitaryPolitics
United States’ Presence in Cuba During Fidel Castro’s Cuban Revolution
Words • 763
Pages • 4
U.S. and Cuban relations have had a very interesting history. Some times have been better than others but ultimately relations between the two nations have not been good. Historically the U.S. has had a dominant presence on the island and made their political and economic presence known very early. Authors Rabe and Lipman show two different yet similar aspects of the presence and views the U.S. had in Cuba during and before the Cuban Revolution lead by Fidel Castro. In…...
CubaFidel CastroPolitics
Early Chinese Civilizations: From the Xia Dynasty to the Zhou State
Words • 456
Pages • 2
Agriculture in early Chinese society began about 7000 B.C.E. in inland river valleys. It would be along the Yellow River in the north that the first settled agriculture would occur. By 5000 B.C.E., agriculture would move to along the Yangtze River towards the south with the primary crop being rice. The Chinese would make efficient use of the land and through the crops maintain a sufficient diet over thousands of years. Neolithic China would adopt many social traditions unique to…...
CultureHistory Of ChinaPolitics
The Downfall and Collapse of the Quing Dynasty in China
Words • 1449
Pages • 6
When the last Chinese Dynasty - the Qing, collapsed in 1911-1912 it marked the end of a nation's long imperial history. The Qing Dynasty founded in 1636, simply put is a story of decline. The Qing dynasty isn't entirely responsible for their downfall, but rather, the combination of external forces from European Nations, specifically Britain, prompted many wars and the pressuring demand for free trade caused countless internal issues such as famine, floods as well rebellions. The combination of external…...
History Of ChinaPoliticsTrade
The Relationship Between the US and Its NATO Allies
Words • 595
Pages • 3
Throughout the global expansion, the US has remained the center and leader of NATO, American interest, namely the war on terror and the desire to preserve American supremacy, has driven much of NATO’s transformation and global affairs, When the US chose to plunge into the Middle East after the September 11 attacks, NATO was dragged along, and a similar phenomenon occurred more recently with the US’s shift in focus to the Pacific, Global partners, especially Australia and Japan, proved themselves…...
Cold WarNatoPolitics
How Has NATO Affected the Relations Between the United States and Europe?
Words • 573
Pages • 3
As the Second World War came to a close, the ruins of Europe coalesced once more into division and opposition. How has NATO affected relations between the United States and Europe? The beginning of the Cold War saw twelve Western democracies bound together in the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO) out of mutual need, a relationship that deteriorated within a decade, causing strife that would continue after the Cold War and into a new era of US-led global intervention. Under…...
Foreign PolicyNatoPolitics
The International Crisis in Ukraine and the Relationships Between Russia and NATO
Words • 955
Pages • 4
Ukraine’s geological position between Europe and Russia has left the country divided culturally and politically. Western Ukraine mostly speaks Ukrainian and align itself more towards Europe, while Eastern Ukraine shares a cultural heritage with Russia. Recently, tensions escalated when Russia invaded Crimea, annexing the region, and offering military assistance and supplies to pro-Russian militants in the East, Russia’s actions have added stress to the relations between Russia, NATO countries, and the European Union. Through analyzing the Crimean crisis with the…...
European UnionNatoPoliticsUkraine
A Personal Opinion About the Establishment of the UN and NATO
Words • 1022
Pages • 5
Today, the people live in a world of relative peacefulness. Yes, there have been two wars in the last few years in the Balkan regions, but these wars only involved two countries at a time. Contrary to the belief of many Americans, the US. was not in Bosnia or Kosovo for the purpose of fighting a war, They were there to keep peace in the region and to stop the inhumane acts being committed by the leaders of a few…...
The Issues on Why Voter Turnout is Low in Texas
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Hispanics are a minority here in the state Texas. However, their numbers have been growing at a steady, significant rate. This gives the Hispanic community a powerful voice when it comes to political activity. Yet, despite this many choose not to vote for a variety of reasons, This in turn lowers Texas political involvement and has a negative effect on our government. There are several reasons on why voter turnout is so low, this essay will go over three main…...
ElectionsPoliticsVoter TurnoutVoting
The Effects of Modern Technology in Voter Turnout
Words • 802
Pages • 4
Today's generation has seen the massive increase in modern technology, specifically in the aspect of media. As television and the Internet become more impactful on society, the more attention paid to the radio and newspapers decrease. One of the prominent effects from media use is displayed in the campaign techniques of the United States' presidential election candidates. The trend change among media outlets is due to the modernizing times. Less American people find it important listen to talk radio and…...
CommunicationPoliticsVoter Turnout
The Influence of the Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendment on Voter Turnout in the United States
Words • 840
Pages • 4
Both the fifteenth and nineteenth amendment influenced voter turnout by altering the Constitution to influence the amount of suffragists at the poll. The fifteenth amendment increased the electorate body by giving African-American men the right to vote(”Fifteenth Amendment"). In the years after the fifteenth amendment was passed, voter turnout noticeably increased African-American participation in the polls("Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution"). More African-American voters meant more overall ballots cast on Election Day. Voter turnout did not only significantly increase…...
AccountabilityPoliticsVoter TurnoutVoting
A Study of the Barriers in Getting a Good Voter Turnout
Words • 1009
Pages • 5
One of the main hurdles to democracy is voter turnout. This has been an issue that has troubled many political scientists for decades. Some political scientists have proposed solutions to this problem. One of these solutions is to make voting compulsory, This sounds good in theory but in reality, it is not practical because it opposes the American values laid forth in the Bill of Rights and Constitution, many voters do not vote based upon merits, and many theories on…...
DemocracyPoliticsVoter TurnoutVoting
An Ongoing Issue of the Increasing Voter Turnout by Texas Government
Words • 527
Pages • 3
Across the world there have been countless ideas or ways to increase political awareness. The biggest and most effective way for the people to make an impact on their government is by voting. This entails raises the question why voter turnout is so law there are many variables as to why they are so low some would say it’s individualism, or others would say they want to leave it to the “informed”. That raises another question; why aren’t people informed…...
ElectionsPoliticsVoter TurnoutVoting
A Study of Race as a Factor on Voter Turnout
Words • 2283
Pages • 10
Does voter turnout amongst various races stem from a lack of resources or JLlSI plain laziness? The determining factors have been studied and pondered in the minds of many for years. The effect of race on voter turnout is often hypothesized and associated with lower levels of voter mobilization. weaker mobilizing institutions, and higher barriers to voter participation. Furthermore, America has seen several trends and fluctuations in the turnout of minority voter throughout history. Unfortunately, minority voters have not been…...
ElectionsPoliticsVoter TurnoutVoting
An Overview of the Phillis Wheatley Revolution in American and Its Major Players
Words • 911
Pages • 4
How does one write about revolution? Must he describe the powers that rule, or should he paint in the reader s mind a picture of the rising anger the persons seeking justice withhold? In the midst of the 1770 s, three writers expressed such vivrd opinions. A speech presented by Patrick Henry on March 23 of 1775, the poem To His Excellency General Washington, by Phillis Wheatley. and the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson all share the theme…...
CulturePhillis WheatleyPolitics
Society During the Black Arts Movement in the Poem For Saundra by Nikki Giovanni
Words • 523
Pages • 3
Within Nikki Giovanni poem, “For Saundra”, one can assume that poem speaks about the society during the Black Arts Movement. In stanza 2. lines 879, the speaker's neighbor asked ".t. do you ever write/ tree poems..." In line 15, Giovanni replies through her view point that the environment which she was living in was filled with asphalt...” This help reveal the image of what the mid 20th century In New York looked like with black musicians. artists. and poets trying…...
Nikki GiovanniPoetryPolitics
The Effects of the Time Period and Culture on the Writing Style Present in Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior
Words • 524
Pages • 3
The purpose of Genre Crossing: Kingston's The Woman Warrior and its Discursive Community is to show the different way to analyze any text in a demeanor that is both sensitive in a political and cultural aspect. The author focuses on The Woman Warrior, as an example of how the time period and the culture heavily influenced the writing of the author’s writing style and the themes that are recurring in the novel. Kingston alludes to ideas such as Chinese American…...
CommunicationCulturePoliticsThe Woman Warrior
The Girl in the Book The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston
Words • 524
Pages • 3
Even when faced with physical and verbal abuse, the silent girl in “A Song for a Barbarian Reed Pipe” refused to speak, By this act, the silent girl is the most sympathetic character in The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston Asian children, especially daughters, have a tendency to listen to their parents and do not dare to retort or fight back, “I reached up and took the fatty part of her cheek, not dough, but meat, between my thumb…...
CulturePoliticsSocial PsychologyThe Woman Warrior
The African American Oppression in Their Eyes Were Watching God
Words • 1213
Pages • 5
Upon its release in 1937, long overdue from the age of African American expressionism that materialized during what we now know as the Harlem Renaissance, Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God drew widespread criticism from many prominent and contemporary writers for Hurston's failure to take on racial tensions and racial discrimination. Perhaps the most trenchant of criticism came from Richard Wright, a fellow contemporary author and civil rights activist who typically used his writing as a means of…...
PoliticsSocial IssuesTheir Eyes Were Watching God
Identity and Self-Actualization in Their Eyes Were Watching God
Words • 1623
Pages • 7
In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, written by Zora Neale Hurston, the concept of identity and self-actualization is prominent throughout the life of the protagonist Janie Crawford. The novel depicts the trials, tribulations, and triumphs that Janie experiences in life and love in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Hurston depicts Janie's life as a mixed-race woman living in a time when women were kept cleaning and cooking in the home, however, Janie goes through life wanting…...
PoliticsSocial IssuesTheir Eyes Were Watching God
A Summary and Interpretation of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Words • 699
Pages • 3
World War II was a horrific war that cost several hundred, if not thousands, of people their lives. Through a multitude of bombings and attacks, many people were forever scared for the rest of their days. There are many books and novels that talk about World War II, and one of those fictional accounts based on the truth and facts of the war is SlaughterhouseFive by Kurt Vonnegut. Billy Pilgrim is a character who, among time traveling and being on…...
MilitaryPoliticsSlaughterhouse FiveWar
Potential Roles of the World Bank and Urban Sector Contributions
Words • 1131
Pages • 5
Today, it is imperative for the World Bank (‘the Bank’) to search for new and stronger roles to play in international development in the light of changing development community and emerging global issues. Newcomers in the development community have been empowered with large financing resources. The emerging countries have also started to heal the development gap, now providing financial and technical support to their less fortunate neighbors. Multilateral agencies, bilateral aid agencies, and private banks and investors have made continuous…...
BankPoliticsPovertyWorld Bank
The Development of the World Bank
Words • 704
Pages • 3
Since the establishment of the World Bank in New Hampshire in 1944, it has expanded from a single institution to five closely associated institutions. The World Bank’s mission is based on the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) to bounce back from post-war development. The World Bank’s initial goal was to help rebuild European countries severely affected by World War II. The World Bank then began to focus on Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Later during the 19505 and…...
HealthHealth CarePoliticsWorld Bank
Society’s Imbalance in Bartleby
Words • 636
Pages • 3
Through characterization, setting, and theme, Herman Melville, a Romantic author, illustrates the imbalance between American social classes and the decay of social concord through his short story masterpiece, Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street He creates very distinct and symbolic characters that represent the different social positions in life, the worker and the wealthy employers. Bartleby, a mere worker in the company of the attorney, embodies the feelings of the “common man” and indirectly forces the narrator to…...
EmploymentPoliticsPovertyWall Street
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FAQ about Politics

Who Would Be the Most Effective President among Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders
...Based on what we know so far about these candidates I believe that Bernie Sanders would be the best option. He may be a novice, but that hasn't stopped most men from being preside...
How Has NATO Affected the Relations Between the United States and Europe?
...This was to stop the advancement of the Soviets into Eastern Europe and contain the advancement of Communism. Overall, NATO has had a significant impact on the relationship between the United States and Europe, facilitating greater cooperation on sec...
The Issues on Why Voter Turnout is Low in Texas
...Addressing these issues will require a concerted effort from both policymakers and community members. This could include measures such as expanding early voting periods, increasing voter education initiatives, and addressing gerrymandering and other ...
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