Essays on Language

Free essays on Language are resources that students can use to learn about different aspects of language, such as grammar, syntax, phonology, and semantics. These essays offer insights into the rules and principles that govern language use and provide practical tips and strategies for improving one's ability to communicate effectively. Some essays may also examine the role of language in society, including its influence on culture, politics, and identity. Whether you are a student studying linguistics, a teacher looking for instructional materials, or simply interested in exploring the complexities of language, free essays on language can be a valuable resource.
Importance Of Mechanics In Writing
Words • 697
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Exploratory essays
What is mechanics in writing? The goal of the mechanics of writing is to make the writing precise and grammatically correct. It is directed to make the writing systematic and being concerned about how to be correct in spelling, punctuation, italics and so on. The mechanics of writing are the rules that must be followed while preparing research paper so that the research strategies and the format becomes systematic and consistent in all academic sectors. If one does not follow…...
Review of John Truscott’s L2 article
Words • 653
Pages • 3
The article argues that grammar correction in L2 writing classes is harmful to many students. The second language (L2) writing courses assume that individuals from non-English speaking communities often acquire language through practice and experience. The class assignments targeting such students involve tasks that require them to retell information in the form of narratives, expository or argumentative essays. However, Truscott (1996) found that the L2 courses do not always achieve the targeted benefits. According to the researcher, substantial studies have…...
CommunicationLanguageLearningSecond Language
Conclusion Given the importance of learning foreign languages
Words • 848
Pages • 4
ConclusionGiven the importance of learning foreign languages to adults and their need to develop their language skills in this study, we tried to analyze and understand more about this process, about education psychology and more specifically perceptions and attitudes of the two groups of actors for this ever-changing process. We have tried to provide our assistance in a field that requires further research, with regard to the approaches and strategies used in teaching.According to sociology of education and according to…...
EducationEducational PsychologyHuman NatureLanguageLearning
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Reflective writing 4
Words • 1058
Pages • 5
Webster University in TashkentTESL 5750 EAP COURSEGroup U-1Niyazova FerideReflective teaching journalIntructor: Dr Vino Reardondate: 19.09.2019The article by Charles ,M and Pecorari ,D (2016) 'Academic discourse' is a useful material for the EAP teachers which includes essential features of discourse and the problems which EAP students always encounter to produce academic and semantically and logically connected texts. It involves all the vital aspects that should be taken into consideration carefully when developing academic resources.Initially I begin to analyze Variations in academic…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
History of Critical Discourse Analysis
Words • 966
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Critical essays
The following sample essay on History of Critical Discourse Analysis tells the story of the beginning of the CDA and the concept of CDA in general. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) started at the University of East Anglia in the 1970s, but it was not broadly developed by linguists such as Teun Van Dijk or Ruth Wodak started to study it the 1990s. Van Dijk proposed a sociocognitive approach to CDA connecting three aspects: discourse, cognition and society. Some people are…...
Moving From Canada to India and Back
Words • 590
Pages • 3
I was just 10 years old in grade 4 when one day I returned home from school and my parents told me tanvi we are going back to india. I was shocked, I didn't know how to react. There were way too many questions clouding my mind, when did this happen? Why didn't I know anything ? When did mom and dad figure stuff out? Id only been to india once before that, when I was a toddler. I only…...
AmericaCanadaCommunicationHuman NatureLanguageLife
“12 Years a Slave” by Steve Mcqueen
Words • 1051
Pages • 5
In this essay I will be discussing a movie directed by Steve McQueen, twelve years a slave. I will speak about McQueens use of visual language in a selection of scenes from the film and put my opinion on whether I think the movie is a true invention or a false invention. Twelve years a slave is a devastating yet remarkable movie about the life of Solomon Northrup who was a free man but along his path in life, he…...
LanguageReasonSlaverySocial Issues
Barriers To Communication In Health And Social Care
Words • 2184
Pages • 9
Chosen Setting – Community CentreP3 – Describe the barriers to communication in health and social care and their effects on service usersWhy does communication go wrong?Communication goes wrong when the communication cycle does not work, this can be due to many reasons such as the meaning of a message is not clear, people not willing to listen or when unfamiliar terms or language are used. In this I will outline the different barriers to communication and how to overcome these.Barriers…...
CommunicationDisabilityEnglish LanguageHealthLanguageNoise
Title: International Nursing Student in Australia
Words • 614
Pages • 3
The Title Page:ID number:Student Name:Unit Code and Title:Name of Unit Coordinator:Due Date:Word count:As an international nursing student in Australia we need to be familiarize with the health care system, this week topic help us future nurses to expand our knowledge and skills to practice safety and competently in different health care settings.  As I observed my personal encounter with cultural diversity in the Aged care, I have discovered that difficulty in understanding each other’s languages is a challenge in the delivery of…...
Motivation Among the University System of Taiwan
Words • 741
Pages • 3
Introduction Manhood is keen on imagining themselves in varied selves, what they' are or a self that they want to be within the future is associate degree identity aside from themselves. Humans thought of that ideal self or ideal person extremely instrumental in driving and motivating the United States towards turning into that. Within the method of learning a second language (L2), motivation may be a basic issue. The need for being a competent language user nearly native speaker may…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageLanguageSecond Language
Verbal And Non-verbal Types Of Communication
Words • 1883
Pages • 8
Socially, people communicate and interact with the desire to comprehend each other or, simply to a commonly shared idea. This can be achieved using conversational skills such as, starting and maintaining a topic, taking turns within a conversation and then finishing. Social skills are also a type of communication that are used to interact with others, both verbal and non-verbal, through gestures, body language, and our personal appearance. How people identify with individuals can lead to a greater circle of…...
Barriers To Communication Essay
Words • 478
Pages • 2
When we communicate, our ability to get our message across affectively to others can be hampered by a number of barriers. As a care worker it is important to recognise barriers to your own our own communication and learn how to overcome them. In health and social care and early years settings these barriers include:-Essay Example on On Barriers To Effective Communication 1.) Language As a multiethnic society, the UK, the UK has many citizens whose first language is not…...
CommunicationEnglish LanguageGeneration GapLanguage
The Ransom Of Red Chief Analysis
Words • 347
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on The Ransom Of Red Chief Analysis. What is the outcome of a scheme devised by two desperate men in need of money? The outcome can be just preposterous, as in the comical short story “The Ransom of Red Chief” by O. Henry. In this story, Sam and Bill are two-bit con men who need money to pull off a scheme. The con men are faced with unexpected obstacles that cause them to take extreme measures…...
Similarities Between Human Language And Animal Communication Pdf
Words • 480
Pages • 2
Unsurprisingly one animal which communicates in a very similar way to humans is chimpanzees, so much so that an area of the brain involved in planning and producing speech, and sign language in humans plays a similar role in chimpanzee communication. Another similarity between chimpanzee and humans is the use of body language. Chimpanzees have evolved many facial and body muscles to help them convey messages, for example erect hair shows agitation or aggression; grinning portrays fear; prolonged staring is…...
The Rainbow Fish Essay
Words • 564
Pages • 3
The Rainbow Fish has lots of dialogue to demonstrate interaction, whereas Rumpus at the Vet has none. Pfister, plays on the reader’s feelings to make the story emotive. Feelings of, loneliness, selfishness, sadness and happiness play a big part in the story. Whereas the Author used the theme of humour in Rumpus at the Vet to enrapture his audience. The vocabulary in both books is used with children in mind; the words are easy to understand, even though some are…...
Interlanguage Errors Examples
Words • 658
Pages • 3
The learner’s developing second language knowledge. It may have characteristics of the learner’s native language, characteristics of the second language, and some characteristics which seem to be very general and tend to occur in all or most interlanguage systems. Interlanguages are systematic, but they are also dynamic, continually evolving as learners receive more input and revise their hypotheses about the second language. L2 learners process through an interlanguage, which is an independent knowledge of L1 and L2 system.Essay Example on…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLearningLinguistics
Academic Writing Essentials
Words • 303
Pages • 2
The definition of academic writing is “writing an essay, thesis, report, journal article or another document for purposes of educating the reader or achieving some scholarly aim for the writer” ( For instance, this essay would be considered academic writing based on the condition of achieving a scholarly aim for myself the “writer.” I have identified three elements that I believe are vital to good academic writing. These elements are academic vocabulary, using evidence to support your argument, and citing…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageResearch
Role of TESOL Exam in Language Learning
Words • 328
Pages • 2
TASKS FOR SUBMISSION TO YOUR TUTOR Each task should be between 500 and 750 words long. TASK 1 Using what you have read in this introduction to TESOL and your own knowledge, what do you consider to be the blocks which may prevent language learning? Mastering a language is a long and windy road. On the path to learning a language, students may stumble upon many blocks and obstacles that can prevent successful learning. One of the basic principles of…...
Essay On Modern Civilization
Words • 632
Pages • 3
Stanislaus 1 Evelyn StanislausMr. A. SaenzSoc 101Oct. 14 ,2011 Early Vs. Modern CivilizationWhen we look around our world today it can be difficult to see and believe just how futile we were in our beginning. When we see all of the modern buildings ,forms of transportation and things such as language we can come to realize just how much we have grown in knowledge compared to our beginning years. Lets take a look at the ways we have changed and…...
Course Reflection Essay
Words • 388
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Since I have been teaching English as a foreign/second language for learners of all ages for 18 years, I thought that this course wouldn’t add much to me, but I have to admit that I found materials and learned techniques that will help me be a more effective teacher. Throughout the course I found many valuable facts, but perhaps the most valuable one was the module on different teaching methods. It helped me notice the different examples of each method…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningSecond LanguageTeaching
Nursery Placement for Infants and Toddlers
Words • 561
Pages • 3
My placement was at a nursery, which cares for children aged three months to four years. The nursery can care for six children aged 3 months to two years at one time, in addition to this they can care for fifty children aged two to four years at one time. The children could stay between seven thirty and five o clock. There parents had the option to leave them for half or a full day. Client A has been at…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguage
Research Proposal On Language And Culture
Words • 453
Pages • 2
Language and culture are the two interrelated components which can not exist without one another, because the language is directed by culture and the type of culture is revealed in the richness of the lingual vocabulary. The idea about the relation of language and culture appear in the beginning of the 20th century when the psychologists and linguists started thinking about the factors which influence the quality and quantity of the vocabulary. The unique peculiarities of the language, the unique…...
Use of Imagery in the Poems
Words • 599
Pages • 3
In both of the poems, ‘Search for my Tongue’ and ‘Blessing’ the poets use imagery in interesting ways to describe two totally different things; in Search for my tongue the poet uses the image of a plant to describe how the person’s first language comes back to her, and in Blessing the poet describes the water pipe bursting as a sort of miracle. The poem Search for my tongue is about how a student from America believes she has lost…...
Two News Articles On The Same Topic
Words • 503
Pages • 3
I am analysing two newspaper articles, one from The Daily Mirror and the other The Guardian. Both articles are revealing the next James Bond actor: Daniel Craig. The papers are written for different types of people. The Mirror is aimed at working class people and The Guardian is aimed at professional, people. Both papers use different types of language for the readers to understand. The Mirror uses simple language.Essay Example on Analysing Two News Articles Fronting The Same Subject For…...
Convention Of Academic Writing
Words • 350
Pages • 2
Conventions of Academic Writing Composition 2 April 21, 2011 Conventions of Academic Writing While writing you are required to type your papers in one of several different forms. The form you write your research/essay paper in is solely up to your instructor. Some of the styles consist of Modern Language Association (MLA), American Psychological Association (APA), footnote system, and numbering system. During my writing time, the style I mostly use is APA with this style it includes a title page,…...
Argumentative Essay About Bilingual Education
Words • 331
Pages • 2
Argumentative Essay on Bilingual Education Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages. Bilingual Education is being taught school subjects in two different languages. The United States is home to millions of immigrants each with their own native backgrounds. The United States require the immigrants to learn the full English languages when settling into the country. The schools should give the opportunity to bilingual students, or new student immigrants the advantage to learn the English language or to be taught…...
Bilingual EducationCommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLearning
Gobbledygook Examples
Words • 267
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Definition essays
10/2/2011 Gobbledygook Gobbledygook is defined as when someone uses an extended amount of words in order to stretch their sentences out. According to Stuart Chase the author of “Gobbledygook” was founded by the Federal Security Agency and was said to help “Break out of the verbal squirrel cage”. Examples of Gobbledygook can be found in such places as academic and legal talk. An example of Gobbledygook can be found in the legal world.Essay Example on Gobbledygook Examples Gobbledygook is defined…...
Essay Example on Conventional Elements
Words • 430
Pages • 2
Literature has elements by which we can analyse the piece ( book. verse form. drama. etc. ) written. These elements are ; secret plan. character. puting. subject. construction. point of position. struggle. enunciation. prefiguration and symbolism ( Scholes. 1991 ) Three of them will be explained here further. The secret plan of the literature is the manner the narrative goes. the line of the narrative. the manner it starts. develops and terminals. Basically. the secret plan tells us what happens…...
Jejemon Language Expressions Paragraph
Words • 661
Pages • 3
Essay Example on Thesis About Jejemon Language Jejemons. are you one of them? Essay Example on Thesis About Jejemon Language Recently. person tagged me in a eldritch exposure in facebook demoing Jejemon…I ne’er knew that freakin word and didn’t attention until I saw on the intelligence what they are. what it means and why the snake pit it’s being aired everyplace. Well. at least in Phil. This hub is all about Jejemon. What is Jejemon? What is Jejemon truly? It…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
About Sujata Bhatt
Words • 435
Pages • 2
Essay Example on Sujatha Bhatt Sujata Bhatt ( B. 1956 ) grew up in Pune but emigrated with her household to the United States in 1968. She studied in the States having an Master of fine arts from the University of Iowa and went on to be writer-in-residence at the University of Victoria. Canada. More late she was sing chap at Dickinson College. Pennsylvania. She presently lives with her hubby and girl in Bremen. Germany. Her first aggregation. Brunizem. won…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
The Prince Rhetorical Analysis
Words • 642
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Rhetorical essays
Machiavelli was seeking to derive the favour of a local leader by giving him advice. Through the usage of repeat. historical mention. and persuasive apothegms Machiavelli efficaciously conveyed the of import accomplishments required to be a prince. Machiavelli repeated himself legion times throughout the piece. The intent of this was to relay the importance of the advice given. To exemplify this point. Machiavelli says that if a prince wants his people to esteem him. he must “keep his custodies off…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageRhetoricThe Prince
Language Education Goals: Creating a Bicultural Society
Words • 539
Pages • 3
 Essay Example on Pride And Prejudice Bridget Jones Diary Stern (1992) assumes that the ultimate goal of language education is to create a bicultural learner. This is primarily a North American approach to language teaching. Some textbooks are beginning to emerge that directly address the challenges of learning languages in multicultural context. On the other hand language learning as enculturation involves integrating learners into the target culture so that they can become as close to it as possible. In this…...
CommunicationCultureCurriculumLanguageLearningSecond Language
Essay Example on Aculturation
Words • 350
Pages • 2
The following sample essay on Example on Aculturation We Americans have a very important decision to make. It will affect the future of our country, maybe even its future existance. Unfortunately, most Americans are not even aware of what’s happening. It all has to do with immigration, legal and illegal. When I was a boy, my favorite uncle was my Uncle Fritz. His name was actually John, but when he went to work in the saw blade factory there were…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageImmigrationSwitzerland
Symbolic Communication
Words • 384
Pages • 2
Language includes non-verbal as well as verbal symbolic communications. There is Sign language and Body Language. All communication with others is symbolic and involves the use of language, sound, bodily gesture and expression. Symbolic communications are demonstrated by the cars we drive, the houses we live in, and the clothes we wear (e. g. uniforms – police, military). The most important aspects of symbolic communication are the words we use. Sociality is both necessary and sufficient for symbolic communications to…...
Entering Into The Serpent Summary
Words • 649
Pages • 3
Gloria Anzaldua wrote two essays Entering into the Serpent and How to Tame a Wild Tongue. It is difficult for me to understand because both of these two essays are in English and Spanish. I think it is the author’s purpose that let people know how difficult it is to suffer from different cultures and languages. Anzaldua mainly talks about the differences in cultures and languages to show how she fights against people’s common sense of American culture. First, she…...
Compare And Contrast Two Famous Singers
Words • 545
Pages • 3
Two singers: 50 cent and Jay Sean In the present time, it is without a shadow of a doubt, partly a fashion trend to listen to music vocalizes by highly professional singers. The youth, counting me, listen to beloved singers on portable amp’s on a constant basis. In other words, new fans of singers are emerging and gathering up as the singers gaining popularity. Bluntly put, the singer with the best song, image and with the highest spectators perceived as…...
CommunicationContrastCultureEnglish LanguageReasonSinging
Benefits Of Peer Editing
Words • 192
Pages • 1
Peer editing is very essential for student to be a good writer since It provides 3 benefits. Firstly, it helps the writer to edit the language. The language edit ensures clear and correct language, Including grammar and word usage. Moreover, It helps to avoid creating mistake and to make sure whether the reader can understand our writings or not. Secondly, It also Improves the content In our writing. We can focus on the structural integrity and usefulness of topics as…...
The Overprotected Kid Summary
Words • 621
Pages • 3
In the opening of the article, the author criticizes that children of the 21st century have lost many of the childhood experiences such as playing in mud and rolling tires. The author uses the technique of descriptive language to create imagery. The use Of imagery not only create a realistic picture Of the situation but further engages the audience. ‘The ground is muddy in spots and at one end slope down steeply to a creek”. Rosin uses a small amount…...
ChildHuman NatureLanguagePlayground
My Sample of an Anglo Saxon Boast
Words • 207
Pages • 1
I am the astute descendant of Martha and John and the imposing model of two gallows, puckish boys. My superlative childhood was engulfed with the colors of my parent’s motherland, the aroma of family cooked meals, on a lukewarm summer nights, and with my household walls Jam-packed with melodious tempos. My oddly hazy adulthood entailed of incalculable hours painfully tackling books, constantly interpolating on the completion of the cruelty. Now, allow me drape your ears with my dear dexterity, And…...
Female Workers In Japanese Silk Factories Essay
Words • 591
Pages • 3
Did the Cost Outweigh the Benefits? Help wanted! Long hours! Low pay! Unfair labor contracts! How could you turn us down? This might seem crazy but many people wouldn’t turn them down. They needed work and a paycheck. Even though the workers paid very little money and had long hours they still worked because once you’re in it’s hard to get out. So, did the cost outweigh the benefits for female Japan silk workers? The cost outweighed the benefits for…...
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