Free essays on Language are resources that students can use to learn about different aspects of language, such as grammar, syntax, phonology, and semantics. These essays offer insights into the rules and principles that govern language use and provide practical tips and strategies for improving one's ability to communicate effectively. Some essays may also examine the role of language in society, including its influence on culture, politics, and identity. Whether you are a student studying linguistics, a teacher looking for instructional materials, or simply interested in exploring the complexities of language, free essays on language can be a valuable resource.
Hitlers First Photograph
In the second poem “Hitler’s first photograph”, Szymborska is mulling over the infinite opportunities with which a child is presented. She, and we, know the outcome for this particular child, but the persona in the poem is unaware; this is why we call this type of poem a dramatic irony: “Will he grow up to be an L.L.D.?”, “Where will those tootsy-wootsies finally wander?”. She uses this to make us think that had he developed differently, the world might have…...
Adolf HitlerCultureLanguagePoetryPrivacyWar
John Agard Half Caste Poem Analysis
In the poem “half-caste” John Agard uses a variety of metaphors. He refers to things that are multicoloured to get his point across “yu mean when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas” John Agard is trying to tell his audience that Picasso doesn’t just use one colour in his paintings, he uses a variety of colours, which makes the painting more interesting. This relates to John Agard because he is a mixture of two colours, which makes…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoetry
This Be The Verse Analysis
In Philip Larkin’s poem, “This Be the Verse,” he uses strong language to get across his message of that no one should have children. The title already gives hints to the attitude of this poem. The title “This Be the Verse” sounds like the Larkin is stating that this is the guide that we should all live by. Specifically, “verse” gives off a very biblical feeling making it sound official and used by people centuries ago. Also the defined article…...
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The Grammatical Function Hierarchy
The following sample essay on The grammatical function hierarchy. In linguistics, a great deal of work revolves around phrase structure and comprehension of that phrase structure: ‘decoding’ it, if you will. This is something that concerns many different linguistic specialists, from syntacticians to translators, and in order to examine the phrase structure (noun phrase {NP}, verb phrase {VP} etc.) it is vital to understand the elements that make up such a phrase structure and how they interact with one another.…...
Phrase Structure and Its Understanding in Linguistics
The following sample essay is about the structure of a phrase and its understanding in linguistics. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. In linguistics, a great deal of work revolves around phrase structure and comprehension of that phrase structure: ‘decoding’ it, if you will. This is something that concerns many different linguistic specialists, from syntacticians to translators, and in order to examine the phrase structure (noun phrase {NP}, verb phrase {VP} etc.) it is vital…...
Deborah Tannen Essay
In Deborah Tannen’s “The Power of Talk” basely describe a different linguistic style between men and women when they interacted with people. Those different in linguistic style were shaped when they were grew up. Also, as they were different in linguistic style, it would shaped them into certain type of behavior in the future and create misunderstanding during conversation. This reading reminds me when I was working for my first job. My manager asked me if it was all right…...
CommunicationConversationHuman NatureLanguageLinguistics
Convergence Of The Twain
In April 1912, the RMS Titanic sank, with the loss of 1,517 passengers. In the weeks that followed, numerous responses to the disaster were published, one of which was Hardy’s “The Convergence of the Twain”. The poem portrays a view of the disaster relating to the complex relationship between the two dominant forces of man and nature, and the understatedly devastating consequences of the “consummation” of man’s hubristically flawed ambitions with the enduringly relentless power of the “Spinner of the…...
A Golden Age Tahmima Anam
In “A Golden Age,” by Tahmima Anam, the story is centred around Rehana and her struggle to keep her family and nation united during the Bangladeshi war of independence. The story describes Rehana’s bravery and how she manages to keep her family together despite the tumultuous occurrences of the Bengali people from before partition to the formation of a distinct nation. The trauma as described in the novel are primarily centred around Rehana’s loss of her husband and the separation…...
Mental Cases Summary Analysis
In “The Show”, I believe Owen uses many different techniques in order to present his feelings about war to the reader. I would take the word “present” to mean how Owen affects what the reader is thinking and feeling in order to communicate his feelings about war to us effectively, and what methods he uses to do this, looking closely at the language, form and imagery of “The Show” in comparison to some of his other poems. In “The Show”,…...
Human NatureLanguageMetaphorPainPoetry
Daily Mirror Target Audience
I have decided to compare two newspaper articles, one from the tabloid “The Daily Mirror” and the other from the broadsheet “The Guardian”. Both papers on Friday January the 13th 2006 covered the tragic story of the 345 deaths, caused by stampede at the annual hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. Since the story is relevant to current issues, I believe it will conjure an array of diverse language. The comparison of language usage will be predominantly achieved through my analysis of…...
Gist Reading Tasks Celta
I have chosen an authentic article, for it “gives students taste of ‘real’ language in use, and provides them with valid linguistic data for their unconscious acquisition” (Swan 1 985, p. 85). Furthermore, an authentic text provides learners with opportunities to “experience language as it is used beyond the classroom” (Nana 1999, p. 80) as opposed to scripted texts. Thus, an authentic text proves to be more essential to LET for it should engage and challenge students at this level.…...
CommunicationLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLearningLinguisticsReading
The Lovely Bones Summary Example
How does Sebold use representations of speech and other literary techniques to portray the character of Grandma Lynn in the following extract and in one other extract in the novel? In The Lovely Bones, Grandma Lynn plays a key role in reconnecting the Salmon family following Susie’s death. Throughout the novel, Sebold and uses a variety of different literary techniques to portray her character to the reader. The extract is the scene where Lynn is first introduced, which Sebold uses…...
Head Of English Poem Analysis
How do poets create the illusion of the speaking voice? Write about Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘Head of English’ and one other poem from section one. In your answer show how language is used in both poems to convey attitudes and values. ‘Head of English’ by Carol Ann Duffy explores the idea of stereotypical teachers and how G.B. Shaw’s dictum, “He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches” may apply. Carol Ann Duffy is almost scornful towards her main character as…...
Carol Ann DuffyCultureEnglish LanguagePoetry
Frances Cornford
Grown ups are old on purpose. Grown ups are grand on purpose. This is what the speaker first thinks in Cornford’s “Childhood”. But as the poem goes on he reaches an epiphany; realising that grown ups are no more in control of their destiny as he, a child is. The speaker’s perception is limited by their understanding of the world and growing up. It is only after an encounter with an aunts friend does she come to a realisation. Cornford…...
Jack London Essay
Genealogic Classification and typology of languages. 2. Language as a Social Phenomenon. Definition of Language. Functions of the Language. 3. Languages as a Systemic System . Language Levels and Components. The History of the English Language 1. Theories of Language Evolution. Periodization of English and Main Events in the History of English 2. Common LinguisticFeatures of Ancient and Modern Germanic Languages 3. Grammatical andLexical Peculiarities of Old English 4. Main Features ofMiddle English: Phonetics, Grammar, Vocabulary 5.The Characteristicsof Early Modern…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Many People Prefer To Watch Foreign Films Rather Than Locally Produced Films
Foreign films such as Hollywood blockbusters have been prevailing globally and enjoy a wide range of fans, which poses a tremendous threat to the local film industry. A comprehensive analysis concerning the reasons of this phenomenon and whether the government should provide financial aid to support the local film industry will be discussed in this essay. Why such a substantial number of people are willing to see foreign films are mainly attributed to three factors, including the fine production, human…...
My Evolving Speech Syntax
For a while, I have been studying my speech syntax. I have noticed that In certain situations, my idiolect adapts and alters slightly. There are many words that I frequently use and others that tend to appear in certain conversations, but disappear in others. I have an accent which is a mix between Kent and Essex, as I moved from Essex to Kent, and – from my collect – have picked up the Kenneth accent in addition to my previous…...
Explain Why Different Communication Methods Are Used
Explain why different communication methods are used in the business environment Different communication methods are used in the business environment because the purpose of communication is for humans to be able to understand each other for different reasons. So if we develop a range of communication skills we can use them to help, learn or explain something to people. We also communicate to help one another, listen to each other’s problems and solve difficulties we face in life. If you…...
Body LanguageCommunicationConversationLanguageLinguisticsPunctuation
Standing Nude: Three Poems Analysis
Essay comparing a similar theme in three different poems from the section ‘Standing Female Nude’ The theme I’ve chosen to consider is how Carol Ann Duffy adopts different personas and displays the character effectively through the use of language, style and content. The three poems I’ve chosen are ‘Standing Female Nude’ Comprehensive’ and ‘The Dolphins’. I’ve chosen these poems because they all have entirely different characters which are all shown effectively by Carol Ann Duffy. To begin with the poem…...
Carol Ann DuffyCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoemsPoetry
Introduction to Indo-Aryan Dogri Language
Dogri is an Indo-Aryan language. Though it is chiefly spoken in the scenic region of Jammu, the presence of Dogri language can also be felt in northern Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and other places. The people speaking Dogri are called Dogras, whereas the belt where it’s spoken is called Duggar. It was only recently that the Dogri language received official recognition in the country. It was recognized as an “independent modern literary language” of India, based on the unanimous recommendation of…...
Essay Spider Diagram
Difference between children and adults| Children| Adults| Not slang – would be inappropriate| Can use slang| Adapted to their level- might not understand| Can use irony and jokes| Informal – as its easier to understand| Formal or informal depending on the person| Down to their physical level| Can use more complicated vocabulary| Specific Tone of voice | More serious| Writing – letters, emails, boards, notes etc. Writing – letters, emails, boards, notes etc. Tone of voice – can show you…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguage
Bilingual Education Research Paper
Despite having many researches proving that bilingual children provide greater than the monolingual children, there is constant debate whether to provide bilingual children with bilingual education or programs that focus uniquely on acquiring English. Bilingual education is the teaching of all subjects in school using two different languages — English and Spanish or Chinese depending which is the native language of the student. Definition According to Ovando, Combs and Collier bilingual education is not a single uniform program or a…...
Bilingual EducationCommunicationCultural GlobalizationCultureLanguageLinguistics
Death Is Better Than Slavery
Death is better than slavery- Harriet Ann Jacobs African Americans were treated like property and forced to work against their will. They were treated like animals beaten, sold, and raped for no reason at all. Slavery was hell on earth; many slaves would rather die than continue to live. Working in the heat for hours on hours with no water or food was torture. But they had no choices, for example they were unable to learn how to read and…...
Demonstrative Forms Of Communication
Demonstrative communication can be described as a process of delivering and receiving verbal and nonverbal as well as written and unwritten messages. Verbal and written messages are reinforced with demonstrative communication. The expression of “Dress for Success” can be interpreted many different ways depending on the sender and receiver. For example, a young man arrives to an interview dressed in a suit and tie. He has a tattoos slightly peeking out of the collar of his shirt and a small…...
Body LanguageCommunicationHuman NatureLanguageNonverbal Communication
Which Line From The Poem Evokes A Sense Of The Place And Time?
Composed upon Westminster by William Wordsworth is a celebration poem about how beautiful London is; an embodiment of purity where city and nature are deeply connected. This is surprising and therefore memorable as Wordsworth is regarded as one of the best Nature poets and therefore it is odd that he is praising the city, especially seeing as Wordsworth had attacked the city in the Prelude. It is presented almost as if it is a diary entry, a description of one…...
LanguageLiterary CriticismPhilosophyPoetrySonnetTime
A Different History Poem Essay
Commentary – A Different History (by Sujata Bhatt) ‘A different history’ by Sujata Bhatt is a poem written about the social and political concern of the lost of cultural identical renouciation of Indian identity. The poet has used sentence pattern, motifs, symbolisms and imagery predominantly in this poem to emphasize the problem of younger generations losing their roots and identities. The poem begins with the use of the motif “Great Pan” who is the god of the wild, shepherds and…...
CultureEnglish LanguageIronyLanguagePoetry
Pathetic Fallacy In A Christmas Carol
Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol is a morality tale of a selfish and bitter Ebenezer Scrooge and his visits from 3 spirits representing his past, present and future, bringing him into a complete change of character and reconciliation for his wrongs. It is based in a gloomy social divided 19th century London. The story is split between 5 staves (chapters). For my essay I will explore the language techniques such as repetition, exaggeration, similes, pathetic fallacy etc that Dickens has…...
A Christmas CarolCharles DickensChristmasHolidaysLanguageLinguistics
Causes Of Poor Pronunciation
Causes and solutions to pronunciation problems Kim 12008815x, so He Hong Kong is one tooth most preferred locations tort international business in Asia Pacific, and is becoming more 50, Naturally business English skills is becoming increasingly important. Business English skills can be categorized into three different parts. These parts are writing, presentation and communication. All are equally important, but this essay will focus more on communication. To be be more specific, it will focus on pronunciation Error, when first came…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
Language Analysis Comparing Two Articles Example
Both text A and text B are published online Each text describes cultural misunderstandings They each describe cultural misunderstandings *Students would benefit from reading either text A or text 8 Students would benefit from reading either text *Neither text A nor text B gives enough evidence to support their claims Neither text gives enough evidence to support their claims *Note the ‘either or’ – ‘neither nor’ structure Form Three Sentence connectors – to link two independent clauses Comparison Contrast too…...
Compare And Contrast Posters
Both the film posters are effective in promoting the film and conveying meaning to the audience. They both use many effective visual devices to do this. The gesture codes are effective visual devices that are used to show facial expressions and body language. Film poster one presents us with a very strong opening image. That of a towering ferocious ape, King Kong. Kong is presented in a crouching pose, shielding the female protagonist from the audience. His protective state suggests…...
Body LanguageContrastKing KongLanguageWebsite
Bobby Anne Mason’s “Wish” Short Story Analysis
Bobby Anne Mason’s “Wish” actually pursues the different issues with regards aging and how it actually involves an individual in becoming the best he could be as a person towards his growth. Aging is a normal issue among humans. However, the process by which people go through with the said phase of life is quite different based form the different perspectives of each person towards life and its zest towards one’s own being and development. This is what is particularly…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguageLiterary GenreRealityShort Story
Gloria Anzaldua Essay
The following sample essay on Gloria Anzaldua Essay tells about Tan’s mother and relations. Anzaldua would not really agree with Tan’s goal for her writing. In a society where perfection is practically expected but impossible to achieve, language is one of the many ways that anyone around us can judge us. It is as Tan said, “…the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended…...
CommunicationCultureDialectEnglish LanguageLanguageSpanish Language
Escape Analysis
Analysis of the story “The Escape” by Somerset Maugham. Sometimes men cannot say “No” to women, although they want it, and that’s why they have to make up some situations to make women say them “No”. The short story “The Escape” written by Somerset Maugham is exactly about this case, about the conflict between man and woman, and this escape is the main theme of the text. The idea of the story is that one should put on his thinking…...
Ambiguous Claims and Ambiguity Quiz
Ambiguous Claims Quiz I (See related pages) Your Results: The correct answer for each question is indicated by a . Identify the ambiguity in these examples. 1 “A claim whose ambiguity is due to the ambiguity of a particular word or phrase. ” B) Semantic ambiguity. 2 “A claim whose ambiguity is due to a problem with its structure. ” B) Syntactic ambiguity. 3 “A claim whose ambiguity rests on a confusion between a collection of entities or individual entities.…...
Physical Journey In Literature Analysis
A physical journey is an act of travelling from one destination to another, which may seem like a rudimentary process at first, but are often far more intricate. Physical journeys may consist of challenges but may lead to a vast range of positive experiences to benefit the traveller. The two poems, ‘Migrants’ and ‘Drifters by Bruce Dawe and related text Journey to freedom by Hai-Van Nguyen are all successful texts which cleverly conveys the travellers journey’s resulting in a positive…...
Essay About Studying English
1. Studying English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Some people believe that the students have to go abroad to study English while other people claim that beside learning English in an English-speaking country, there are a number of ways to study this language. I am strongly persuaded by the latter idea by the following reasons. First of all, it cannot…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLearningStudy
Celta Lesson Plan
|Name |Date |Lesson no. Start time |Length | | |30-11-11 |3 |14:00 |40 minutes | |Melissa Sanchez | | | | | |Class (level, nationalities, comments) | | | | | |Pre-intermediate | | |Turkish, Syrian, Mexican, Chinese. | |Lesson aims |Assumptions (about what the students already know/can do) | | | | |Skills: Speaking (fluency practice of Past simple and Continuous) and Writing (a narrative) |The Ss may be able to use the Past simple and continuous when speaking…...
Leontes Winter’s Tale
“From sanity to madness in 350 lines”. Explore the presentation of Leontes in Act 1 focussing closely on language and imageryAs with many of Shakespeare’s plays, we are introduced to the protagonist through the conversation of two of the more minor characters. We are instantly made aware of Leontes and Polixenes’ friendship. The fact that they were “trained together in their childhoods” combined with the reference to them as the states of which they are head (“Sicilia” and “Bohemia”) shows…...
LanguageLinguisticsNatureWilliam ShakespeareWinter
Bilaan Story Of Creation
For millions of years people have made myths about how the earth and the people on it were created. I decided to compare the Iroquois creation story compared to the Bilaan creation story. The Iroquois lived inthe low lands of Southern Ontario and Quebec and parts of the United States as where Bilaan is an Austronesian language spoken on the island of Midanao.This Philippine language is spoken by approximately 300,000. Iroquois believe that along time ago before the world was…...
Creation MythEarthLanguageSeaWater
Hei Ren Toothpaste
Can a global message be created? The answer is positive. Because of the globalization, a world message is demanded by "the citizens on the earth", and also, human beings are really intelligent enough to be creative on a world-wide slogan or message. However, there are still some predictable barriers in the way of the creation of the global message. One is the language barriers, and the other is culture conflicts. The language barriers are obvious because there is no such…...
ChinaCommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguage
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