Bobby Anne Mason’s “Wish” Short Story Analysis

Bobby Anne Mason’s “Wish” actually pursues the different issues with regards aging and how it actually involves an individual in becoming the best he could be as a person towards his growth. Aging is a normal issue among humans. However, the process by which people go through with the said phase of life is quite different based form the different perspectives of each person towards life and its zest towards one’s own being and development. This is what is particularly handled within the narration of Bobby Anne Mason in the said story.

She particularly used language that would likely be more affecting to the people who are involved in the said phase of life. To emphasize the said use of language, the author particularly utilized the words to send forth emotional point of understanding that actually brings forth a clarified vision to the readers so as to understand the real message behind the story. Besides this particular fact, the author has also been able to convey a particular understanding to readers with regards the implication of the matter with regards the life-wishes of aging individuals.

The touching way by which the author introduced the message of the story has actually increased the capability of the story to become a picturesque of the human life’s reality that is obviously striking to the human mind. With the descriptions that she used, she was able to touch the reality of the matter that raises the truth about the wishes of those nearing their life’s end.

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With all the elements of physical and mental weakness that is actually involved in the situation, it could be observed that the matter is of serious consideration among humans today.

People who have members of their family undergoing this phase would better understand the said situation in a matter of realizing the hardships and wishes that the aged individuals are being faced with. Overall, the clarity of narration that mason presented made her story a strong manifestation of the truth about wishes and its implication in the times of human aging.


Mason, Bobbie Ann. “Wish. ” The Art of the Story. Ed. Daniel Halpern. New York: Penguin Group, 1999. 380-386.

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Bobby Anne Mason’s “Wish” Short Story Analysis. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Bobby Anne Mason’s “Wish” Short Story Analysis
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