Language Analysis Comparing Two Articles Example

Both text A and text B are published online Each text describes cultural misunderstandings They each describe cultural misunderstandings *Students would benefit from reading either text A or text 8 Students would benefit from reading either text *Neither text A nor text B gives enough evidence to support their claims Neither text gives enough evidence to support their claims *Note the ‘either or’ – ‘neither nor’ structure Form Three Sentence connectors – to link two independent clauses

Comparison Contrast too but also although similarly however likewise whereas while in contrast on the other hand Start or middle position Although / whereas / while text C is the longest, text A uses more complex language.

Text C is the longest, although / whereas / while text A uses more complex Middle position Text C is the longest but text A uses more complex language. Text C focuses on cultural communication. Likewise/ Similarly text B looks at intercultural communication.

Text C is the longest. In contrast,/On the other hand,/However, text A uses more complex language. Text C is the longest; in contrast,/on the other hand,/however, text A uses Middle or end position Cultural communication is the focus of text B and also text C. Cultural communication is the focus of text B and text C also. End position Cultural communication is the focus of text B and text C too. Text C focuses on cultural communication. Text A looks at intercultural communication too.

Compare Contrast Language

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Language Analysis Comparing Two Articles Example. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Language Analysis Comparing Two Articles Example
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