Free essays on Language are resources that students can use to learn about different aspects of language, such as grammar, syntax, phonology, and semantics. These essays offer insights into the rules and principles that govern language use and provide practical tips and strategies for improving one's ability to communicate effectively. Some essays may also examine the role of language in society, including its influence on culture, politics, and identity. Whether you are a student studying linguistics, a teacher looking for instructional materials, or simply interested in exploring the complexities of language, free essays on language can be a valuable resource.
Characters’ Feelings in Sister Maude and Nettles
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Sister Maude. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. Scannell’s ‘Nettles’ shows how a powerful relationship can spark protective impulses; when the persona’s son ‘fell in the nettle bed’, he ‘slashed in fury’ at the nettles to halt their destructive consequences. However, in ‘Sister Maude’, Rossetti demonstrates how an equally powerful relationship can evolve into a destructive drive with negative results,…...
The Withered Arm Essay
This sample of an academic paper on The Withered Arm reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below. “The withered arm is a short story about two women who live in the English countryside. The two main women in the text are portrayed negatively by the author, Thomas Hardy. The story was written in the 19th century and thus it was acceptable to portray women negatively in this patriarchal society.…...
CultureEnglish LanguageWitchcraft
Mariana Tennyson
The sample paper on Mariana Tennyson familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.The mood in Tennyson’s poem is reflective of the state of mind of Mariana. Mariana, taken from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure, is despondently isolated as she waits and waits for her lover, Angelo, to arrive. But he never does, hence the abandoned and derelict tone. In Marianna, Tennyson represents Mariana’s state of mind through using objective correlatives –…...
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Sheenagh Pugh: An Overview
The sample paper on Sheenagh Pugh familiarizes the reader with the topic-related facts, theories, and approaches. Scroll down to read the entire paper.The concept of ‘journey’ is one which pervades much of both Carol Ann Duffy’s and Sheenagh Pugh’s poetry, in literal and allegorical terms. Various devices and imagery are used in order to convey this concept, having varying effects on the reader, which will be analysed in the subsequent paragraphs. The theme of travelling is present in ‘Originally’ by Duffy,…...
Adam And EveCultureLanguageLinguisticsLitteringPoetry
Unique Communication System of Humans
Worlds are the lone species that has evolved an advanced system of communicating between persons. Whereas other species communicate through ritualized and repetitive vocals, calls, or gestures, worlds have developed lingual systems that can show a literally infinite assortment of separate and distinguishable ideas both vocally every bit good as written. This unbelievable evolutionary spring is what distinguished worlds from all other beings on Earth. But it ca n’t, nevertheless, go unmentioned the unbelievable communicating systems animate beings, more specifically…...
Personal Reading History Essay
When I was a younger I don’t remember if I was read to or not, but I read a lot of books. I enjoy reading books because they allow me to reach new heights in my imagination. At my age many kids say that reading is boring and is for losers. I think it’s cool to read and will continue to read throughout my life. I have read many different types of books from fiction to biographies. The longest book…...
CommunicationCultureEducationEnglish LanguageLearningReading
Defining and Explaining Morphology
WHAT IS MORPHOLOGY? It is the study of words formation or the internal structures of words. DERIVATIONAL AND INFLECTIONAL MORPHOLOGY Derivation: it is process of creating a new word out of an old word usually by adding a prefix or a suffix to change its meaning or function. Most derivational morpheme changed the parts of the speech. Morphology Summary Examples: -ance changes the verb resemble into noun resemblance. Derivation prefix de, is added to verb base construct to get verb…...
The Art Of Losing Poem
This essay is mainly focused on Elizabeth Bishop’s poem One Art, and the recurrent theme of “losing”, depicted as an art, or as the poet might say: “the art of losing”. This paper will also focus on the poem’s form and the way in which the usage of certain conventions, such as tone, language, syntax (adjectives, adverbs and verbs) and form help to convey the poet’s message, which suggests that loss can lead to the mastery of “the art of…...
Misjudgments about Students
There are several misjudgments about students or student’s community at large. A new student, who enters the college for the first time, makes an impression of himself on the minds of his friends, teachers and others, with whom he interacts. (For convenience of writing this essay the male gender has been chosen) This impression is made consciously. Most students try to project a positive impression, yet the image created invariably varies with each person .The image the student tries to…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLanguage
Hypothesis About the Origin and Nature of Emotions by James Lange
The following sample essay focuses on hypothesis about the origin and nature of emotions by James Lange. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The world is a big place, filled with people full of curiosity and with their own individual quests. People are constantly talking, looking, hearing, smelling, and gaining knowledge from things and people from their environment. The scope of knowledge gained on a day to day basis is therefore vast. To what extent…...
Body LanguageLanguageMetaphysicsTruth
Miss Julie Analysis
The use of language in Miss Julie is very complicated and simple throughout the play and also was written in 1888. The language of the play is Swedish written by August Strindberg but was translated into English by Kenneth McLeish and when you translate a language into English its really hard to make it sense. In my opinion the playwright uses different types of language; and also how the play has different types high and low classes for example Miss…...
Poem John Clare First Love
The verse form First Love by John Clare is written about the poet’s feelings of unanswered love for a affluent farmer’s girl. Mary Joyce. The poet uses assorted unusual effects in the verse form to convey this sense of loss. supplying deep penetrations into his head in a apparently simple and brief piece. Combined with words which reflect the temper in each poetry. these make it a really powerful verse form. An unusual signifier of contrast is used in First…...
Emotive Language Examples
The two texts look at the event from opposite viewpoints. Of the two I thought that the language used in the first article was more shocking and made the event sound devastating and more like a disaster compared to the way in which the event was described in the second article. One of the main reasons it sounded more realistic and shocking was because statistics were used to show the readers just how bad the disaster really was. Another reason…...
Educational Psychology Essay
The textbook speaks of a cultural “mismatch” that may interfere with a student’s ability to succeed in a traditional classroom. Describe the types of mismatches that might occur related to each of these traditional educational practices: a. The daily school time schedule b. The use of Standard English c. Whole-class question-answer sessions Traditional Education Essay d. Classroom competition Many people regulate their lives by the clock: Being on time to appointments, social engagements, and the dinner table is important. This…...
CommunicationCultureDialectEnglish LanguageLanguagePsychology
The Sea Raiders
The sentence structure varies in the two different narratives. The author of “The Sea Raiders”, H. G. Wells, uses longer sentences overall than the author of “The Fog Horn” (Ray Bradbury). This is because “The Sea Raiders” was written in the Victorian era, unlike “The Fog Horn”, which is more modern – from the nineteen seventies. Therefore H. G. Wells uses a lot of archaic language throughout the story, and this alters the sentence length. In “The Fog Horn”, Ray…...
CultureLanguageVictorian Era
Data Control Language
The security is a very important feature of any table mainly because when there are multiple people that require access. Any of these people may only need access to a specific table to edit the information and placing limitations on this access enables the database manager to maintain better control of any of the sensitive information as well as to ensure that the data is accurate and integrity. I think a class scheduler, for example, would only need access to…...
Computer ScienceDataInformation AgeInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyLanguage
Judith Ortiz Cofer The Myth Of The Latin Woman
The Perspective of Cultural Differences “The Myth of the Latin Women” by Judith Ortiz Cofer, the author states how she has been treated by different people in different countries due to their conception of her as a Latin woman. She points out several incidents where she is viewed, stereotypically, as a woman only capable of being a housewife and as a sexual object. She also shows the cross-cultural conflict Hispanics have to deal with on an everyday basis. This country,…...
Blood Brothers Narrator
The narrator’s role in ‘Blood Brothers’ is quite unusual. The convention of the narrator in most plays is such that they are usually brought on to introduce the next part of the play and then move offstage and the play continues. However, in Blood Brothers the narrator is a physical character and is on stage all of the time. At the beginning of the play the narrator says, “So did y’ hear the story of the Johnston twins? ” This…...
CultureEnglish Language
Bootstraps Villanueva
The following sample essay on "Bootstraps Villanueva": the main points of Gee’s piece Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics, Villanueva’s piece Excerpts from Bootstraps: From an Academic of Color, and Priors piece Tracing Process: How Tests Come into Being are discourse. In the first reading Gee describes the main discourses, which are primary discourse, and secondary discourse. Primary discourse was explained more as the influence of your language and writing from your house hold, and family. Then secondary discourse would be the…...
CommunicationCultureHuman NatureLanguageLinguistics
Tok Ways Of Knowing
The main reason why I positioned perception above the other four WOKs is because perception, among others, is the one tool that is absolutely necessary to gain knowledge. Regardless of how much knowledge of reasoning, emotion, or language you possess, it all revolves around the idea of perception. Perception, in my view, is the ability to understand various matters at ease, a skill which represents basis of the course. I believe it is perception that ultimately gives shape to ambiguous…...
Speech On Personality
The following sample essay on "Speech On Personality": the reference to speech personality. In Russian linguistics the term was introduced in the early 30’s by V.V.Vinogradov. In the same period such question was discussed by Humboldtians (L. Weisgerber). Later the notion of “speech personality” was investigated by a range of prominent scholars, such as Yu.N. Karaulov, V.I. Karasik, O.B. Sirotinina and others. Besides, this problem is interdisciplinary, since it covers the areas traditionally studied not only by linguists, but also…...
Theoretical Analysis Example
The dependency between government and media is a contentious issue in contemporary times. The media, once termed the Fourth Estate due to the unique role it plays in society, is supposed to be the conscience of the First Estate, namely the government. Yet, a simple analysis of the functioning of media organizations makes obvious that its role had deviated from the purported ideal. Rather than serving the interests of the general public, the media is shown to serve vested interests…...
Noam ChomskyPolitical SciencePoliticsSociology
Common Grammatical Errors
The conclusions and recommendations part of the dissertation were divided into the demographic details, a summary of the common grammatical errors and the recommendations of the research. Majority of the participants on the study, i. e. 50% are 18 years old. This is followed by a 40% rate of 19 year-old students and 10% rate of 20-year-old students. In relation with this, majority of the participants are female and they comprised 60% of the participant- population. This is followed by…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguageLinguistics
What I Learned From The Broken Spears
The book The Broken Spears is a very interesting and illuminating scholarly work about the important historical event of the Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs. Author Miguel Leon-Portilla had undertaken the arduous task of translating key passages from the native-American Nahuati language accounts of the Spanish invasion and conquest. In the latest edition of the book the author has fleshed out more details and facts, making it a definitive work of this event. I learn a great deal by reading…...
Se Habla Espanol Essay
The author Tanya Maria Baritones decided to give her article a Spanish title prepared me for the subject by showing me that it will be about Spanish in some way or form. It led me to also believe that in the use of “Se Habit Espanola” Baritones was trying to hence that it is used in a variety of places with the same three words. Connecting it to the stereotypical Latino that they are all the same did support my…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageSpanish Language
Systemic Functional Grammar
Systemic functional grammar ( SFG ) is a signifier of grammatical description originated by Michael Halliday. Michael Halliday ( born 13 April 1925 ) is a British linguist who developed the internationally influential systemic functional lingual theoretical account of linguistic communication. His grammatical descriptions go by the name of systemic functional grammar ( SFG ) . Halliday describes linguistic communication as a semiotic system. “not in the sense of a system of marks. but a systemic resource for meaning” .…...
Personal Response Essay
She was rejected because she represented an ethnic group, which society then classified as a half-breed, neither Cree nor French. ” Though I cannot say that have personally experienced, to the same extent as Pique, the same type of alienation, I would have to say that I can relate to her with regards to being a “half-breed. ” Coming from a family of multicultural backgrounds I’ve never really noticed, that unlike most full blooded Filipinos, I actually stood out because…...
CultureEnglish Language
Acquainted With The Night Essay
Robert Frost’s verse form “Acquainted with the Night” is told from the point of position of an unknown individual. This individual tells a narrative about how he/she has taken legion late dark walks. specifically in the rain. Using tone. enunciation. the rubric. construction imagination. and linguistic communication. Frost writes a verse form about a person’s late dark experiences to associate to similar experiences that a reader may hold encountered. With Frost’s word pick and the rubric he chooses to state…...
Japanese Animation Culture
RESEARCH PROPOSAL: REPRESENTATIONS OF CULTURE IN JAPANESE ANIMATION BY: ASHA JHINA ROLL NO. : 0914152 SUMITTED TO: DR. SAGARIKA GOLDER CHRIST UNIVERSITY BANGALORE Animation, more commonly known as cartoons is a very integral part of a child’s growing years. A medium which started out with a sole purpose of providing entertainment has progressed into a kind of a new-age education method. Cartoons/animations are not merely a tool to keep viewers occupied, it aims to familiarise people with their culture and…...
Rabindranath Tagore Essay
Rabindranath Tagore ] ( 7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941 ) . sobriquet Gurudev. was a Bengali polymath who reshaped his region’s literature and music. Writer of Gitanjali and its “profoundly sensitive. fresh and beautiful verse” . he became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. In interlingual rendition his poesy was viewed as religious and erratic ; his apparently hypnotic personality. fluxing hair. and other-worldly frock earned him a prophet-like repute in the…...
CultureLanguageRabindranath Tagore
How Babies Learn Language: Surprising Discoveries
Patricia Kohl discusses amazing discoveries about how babies and young children learn language. Professor Kohl explains that language has a critical p eroded for learning. Babies and children are geniuses until the age of seven, and then the ere is a decline. After a child goes through puberty, the universal listening skills are n inexistent. Kohl refers to babies as “Citizens of the World”, which means that they can did fraternity all the sounds of all languages. Adults are “culture…...
CommunicationCultureLanguageLanguage AcquisitionLinguistics
Oral Communication Essay
Nonverbal communication is the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) cues between people. Messages can be communicated through gestures and touch, body language or posture, physical distance, facial expression and eye contact, which are all types of nonverbal communication. Speech contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, rate, pitch, volume, and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation, and stress.Likewise, written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial…...
Body LanguageCommunicationHuman NatureLanguageLinguisticsNonverbal Communication
Classification and Explanation Parts Of Speech
Nouns are a part of speech typically denoting a person, place, thing, animal or idea. These are the subjects in the sentence. Kinds of Nouns Common Nouns A common noun is the word used for a class of person, place or thing. Examples: * Car * Man * Bridge * Town * Water * Metal * Ammonia Proper Nouns A proper noun is the name of a person, place or thing (i. e. , its own name). A proper noun always starts with…...
Extenuating Circumstances Essay Examples
Krog’s use of imagery throughout this poem conveys her message with emphasis. For example, when she mentions how ‘every word stubbornly’ (1) tilts into writing, the personification there could be interpreted to say that her writing has a mind of its own and how they don’t want to be only a piece of writing but more. She also refers to how ‘it leaks’ (4) strangely. The connotation implied by the word ‘leaks’ is negative, because when something is leaking, the…...
The Whitsun Weddings
Larkin explores the gap between romantic yearning and disillusioned pragmatism in the lives we lead. Examine what Larkin has to say about this gap in a choice of poems from “The Whitsun Weddings” Philip Larkin wrote to engage his reader in the downsides and apparent depression of a post-war period in which aspirations and hope were high, as well as the romantic yearnings which seemed to be present in the majority of the population. Larkin wrote to explore the gulf…...
Importance Of Standard English
Language plays and important role in human life. Out of all the languages in the world, English is considered as the international language The British rules introduced English in Indian schools. English is a window language. It is the most widely spoken language in the world. Through this language, India can establish her contacts with the developed nations of the world. Although Hindi has been pronounced as the national language in India, some non-Hindi speaking states have not yet accepted…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageHindiImportance Of EducationLanguage
World Schools Debating
Just being able to argue well does not make you a good debater – just as being able to kick a ball will not make you a good soccer player. There are various rules to debating, depending on what style of debating you are using. There can be British parliamentary debating, Oxford style debating, SACEE style, and most importantly – World Schools Style debating. The rules for World Schools debating were invented in Australia decades ago, as an answer to the…...
CommunicationLanguagePolicyPublic SpeakingSchool
Classification Of Phraseological Units
INTRODUCTION Phraseology is a study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units, in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. The classification of phraseological units can be different. According to Vinogradov, there are phraseological combinations, unities and fussions. The Koonin’s classification is the latest outstanding achievement in the Russian theory…...
Language Limits Thought
The following sample essay on "Language Limits Thought": in this essay author attempts to answer the question, “Does language determine or limit thought?” I intend to explore the ways in which language limits (or determines) thought and the ways in which language empowers thought. To begin with, I will try to give a brief explanation the nature of language. Language doesn’t only include spoken words but can also be body language, signals such as semaphore, or codes even animals -although…...
John Agard Half Caste Poem Analysis
In the poem “half-caste” John Agard uses a variety of metaphors. He refers to things that are multicoloured to get his point across “yu mean when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas” John Agard is trying to tell his audience that Picasso doesn’t just use one colour in his paintings, he uses a variety of colours, which makes the painting more interesting. This relates to John Agard because he is a mixture of two colours, which makes…...
CommunicationCultureEnglish LanguageLanguagePoetry
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