Ambiguous Claims and Ambiguity Quiz

Ambiguous Claims Quiz I (See related pages) Your Results: The correct answer for each question is indicated by a . Identify the ambiguity in these examples. 1 “A claim whose ambiguity is due to the ambiguity of a particular word or phrase. ” B) Semantic ambiguity. 2 “A claim whose ambiguity is due to a problem with its structure. ” B) Syntactic ambiguity. 3 “A claim whose ambiguity rests on a confusion between a collection of entities or individual entities. ” A) Grouping ambiguity. 4 This morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas.

B) Syntactic Ambiguity 5 Hands were around before forks were. A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity 6 Our mothers bore us. A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity 7 I thought your driveway was longer than it is. A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity 8 Newspaper headline: Unskilled Workers Get Shot at Jobs. A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity Americans have shown themselves willing to drop nuclear weapons.

A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity 10 Dad, for my lunch tomorrow you should peel the star fruit and then cut it into pieces and put them in a plastic bag. It’s easier that way. A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity 11 Sign in front of a vacant lot: “Fine for Littering”. A) Semantic Ambiguity B) Syntactic Ambiguity C) Grouping Ambiguity D) No ambiguity

Newspaper Headline: “unskilled Workers Get Shot At Jobs.

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” Identify The Type Of Ambiguity.

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Ambiguous Claims and Ambiguity Quiz
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