Essays on Biology

Free essays on biology refer to the academic papers that are available for public access and are not charged or restricted by any institution or platform. These essays generally cover a wide range of topics in the field of biology, including the study of living organisms, their structure, classification, evolution, behavior, and interactions with their environment. These essays can be helpful in providing insight into various biological concepts and theories and can be used as references or study materials for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of biology. Additionally, free essays on biology can benefit students who require research material for their academic projects or assignments, or those who want to expand their knowledge base in the subject area.
Immune System and Page Ref
Words • 3897
Pages • 16
Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, 9e (Marieb) Chapter 12 The Lymphatic System and Body Defenses Short Answer Figure 12. 1 Using Figure 12. 1, identify the following: 1) A lymph capillary is indicated by letter __________. Answer: D Diff: 2 Page Ref: 404 2) A lymph node is indicated by letter __________. Answer: B Diff: 2 Page Ref: 404 3) The lymph duct is indicated by lettter __________. Answer: A Diff: 2 Page Ref: 404 4) Blood capillaries are indicated…...
Env410 Toxicology Worksheet
Words • 714
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on University of Phoenix Material Toxicology Worksheet 1. Identify the different resources available for your learning in this course. Available resources during this course includes two textbooks; “Introduction to ecotoxicology,” and “A textbook of modern toxicology. ” Additional resources include various videos, complimentary transcripts to the videos, supplemental readings, the UOP online Library, and web searches. Define toxicology. Toxicology is defined as that branch of science dealing with poisons. According to Hodgson, a “poison can be…...
Environmental SciencePoisonSafetyWorkWorkplace
Language and the Brain
Words • 1612
Pages • 7
Language and the brain Many people assume the physical basis of language lies in the lips, the tongue, or the ear. But deaf and mute people can also possess language fully. People who have no capacity to use their vocal cords may still be able to comprehend language and use its written forms. And human sign language, which is based on visible gesture rather than the creation of sound waves, is an infinitely creative system just like spoken forms of…...
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IMAT Test Analysis
Words • 2750
Pages • 11
THE ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES’ INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL ADMISSIONS TEST (IMAT) TEST SPECIFICATION In partnership with Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universita e della Ricerca (MIUR) February 2013 Test Specification Test Format The IMAT will have the same structure as the existing Italian test. Candidates are allowed a total of 90 minutes to complete the test. Section 1 General Knowledge and Logical Reasoning (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving) 30 multiple-choice questions. Sections 2, 3 and 4 Science-based sections, covering: Biology; Chemistry; Physics & Mathematics. 30 multiple-choice…...
Designation of Phylum Cryptomycota Within Kingdom Fungi
Words • 980
Pages • 4
The following example essay on “Designation of Phylum Cryptomycota Within Kingdom Fungi" is an exploration of the assumption that due largely to the amount of environmental sequences collected the phylum may be as diverse as the whole kingdom fungi Designation of phylum cryptomycota within kingdom fungi Introduction The cryptomycota are considered to be to be an early branching clade of organisms, the only known members are species that belong in the genus Rozella (Lara et al 2010, Jones et al…...
Vascular Sounds, Abdominal,
Words • 4380
Pages • 18
The clinical treatments described and recommended in this publication are based on research and consultation with nursing, medical, and legal authorities. To the best of our knowledge, these procedures reflect currently accepted practice. Nevertheless, they can’t be considered absolute and universal recommendations. For individual applications, all recommendations must be considered in light of the patient’s clinical condition and, before administration of new or infrequently used drugs, in light of the latest package-insert information. The authors and publisher isclaim any responsibility…...
AddictionDrugsMedicineMelanomaPrescription Drug AbuseSkin
Discovery of the Structure of DNA
Words • 1686
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on Discovery of the Structure of DNA is about the DNA molecule and Rosalind Franklin, who made a significant contribution to the discovery of DNA structure. By the year 1952, much was known about the DNA molecule, including its exclusive role as a genetic material capable of storing nearly all the genetic information required to create a living being. The fact that was not known at that time was how the DNA molecule looked like, or…...
Movie Summary – Gattaca
Words • 300
Pages • 2
Human genetic engineering is where an individual desires to manipulate their genotype with the intention of choosing the phenotype of their newborn.Influencing a change in a tiny embryo could not only harm the adolescent but also drastically change the generations to come. Gattaca is a movie where human genetic engineering is constantly influencing and destroying the human race. Throughout the movie the “In-Valid” and the “genetically elite” are against one another because genetically engineering has taken place.The “In-Valid” is termed…...
BiologyCommunicationGattacaGenetic EngineeringGenetics
Memory by Anne Bronte
Words • 1826
Pages • 8
The following sample essay is about Memory by Anne Bronte. To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The gender of the narrator cannot be precisely determined but it can be established that the narrator is an adult who happens to be reminiscing on the good old days. From the way the speaker describes we can guess that it is probably a lady. This is in the way she has a strong emotional attachment to flowers.…...
Lenscrafters American Eye Care Services Firm
Words • 1139
Pages • 5
Introduction Canada and Puerto Rico with an estimated 860 distributed stores. Its headquarters are in Cincinnati, Ohio. They are known for prescribing sunglasses and eyeglasses and are considered the biggest optical chain in America. It started in 1983 as the only optical store to guarantee eyeglasses in less than an hour. Today, LensCrafters is one of the foremost optical retailers with immaculate customer services, excellent products and “some of the biggest names in frames” (LensCrafters, 2012). They fit lenses using…...
CustomerCustomer Relationship ManagementEmploymentEyeTarget MarketTraining
Alzheimer’s Disease Research Paper
Words • 531
Pages • 3
Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable neurodegenerative disease (progressive loss of neurons) of the brain tissue that causes progressive and irreversible loss of mental functions, including memory. This is the most common form of dementia in humans. It was first described by German physician Alois Alzheimer in 1906. The exact causes of Alzheimer’s disease are still unknown. Genetic and environmental factors contribute to its onset and development. However, there are known risk factors: some genetic anomalies, factors of cardiovascular risk or…...
Alzheimer'S DiseaseDementiaDiseaseMedicineNervous System
13 Principles of Aseptic Technique in Operating Room
Words • 1711
Pages • 7
Main Principles of Sterile Technique So, what are the principles of sterile technique? 1. ONLY STERILE ITEMS ARE USED WITHIN THE STERILE FIELD. Some items such as linens, sponges, or basins may be obtained from stock supply of sterile packages. Others, such as instruments, may be sterilized immediately proceeding the operation and removed directly from the sterilizer to the sterile tables. Every person who dispenses a sterile article must be sure of its sterility and of its sterile until used.…...
Health CareMedicineMicrobiology
Memory “Psychology Research Paper”
Words • 1106
Pages • 5
Semantic memory refers to our knowledge of words, their meanings, and their relationships to each other and to the physical world. It may be thought of as a dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus, all rolled into one (Tulving, 1972). A model of semantic memory refers to a description of how the semantic features of a word are represented, how these representations can be combined into larger units of meaning (such as phrases and sentences), what deductions can be made about a…...
Expository Essay
Words • 520
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Expository essays
Epilepsy The child feels a strange sensation overcoming their entire body. Senses become fuzzy, loses consciousness, every muscle becomes tense, mild to severe muscle twitches that last from a few seconds to a couple minutes – they regain consciousness with a pounding headache and extremely confused. What just happened? It’s labeled as a seizure – the physical changes in behavior that occur after an episode of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. People that have seizures commonly are diagnosed with…...
EpilepsyMedicineNervous System
The Circulatory System
Words • 1475
Pages • 6
General Functions             The circulatory system is the body’s main transport network and cooling system (De Graff, 1998). The human body needs many external substances to survive. We need air, food, and water. However, these substances are not readily absorbed by the body through initial intake. For example, food that is eaten and digested is not yet used to fuel the body’s billions of cells. The nutrients that have been processed need to be transported to each cell in the…...
What Is Biological Clock
Words • 2506
Pages • 11
Introduction Circadian is a combination of two Latin words, “circa” that means about and “dia” that means day. The literal meaning of circadian is “about a day.” Simply put then, Circadian Rhythm is the regular flow of activity within a day. Human Circadian Rhythms are biological activities that follow a 24-hour cycle regulated by the human “biological clock” (Klein, et al., 2007). This “biological clock” tells the body how to respond accurately to the changing settings in the environment. One…...
MedicineNervous SystemSleep
Enzyme Catalase
Words • 339
Pages • 2
The following example essay on "Enzyme Catalase" describes a substance that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide formed during biological oxidation into water and molecular oxygen and is found in almost all organisms, and is involved in tissue respiration. Enzymes are proteins that function as biological catalysts (Perry, Morton 2007). They maintain the body’s stable internal balance, and without them life would be impossible (Sullivan, 2013). Enzymes are capable of speeding up reactions that otherwise would happen at a slower…...
BiologyCatChangeChemical ReactionChemistryEnzyme
Recalling Boosts Brain Activity & Memory
Words • 1065
Pages • 5
Assignment 04 Part A: Muscle Reading 1. Reviewing information increases brain activity, especially the long-term memory. The more you recall or access information, the easier to remember it. 2. Before you read preview, outline, question. While you read read, underline, answer.     After you read recite, review, review again. 3. The first part of muscle reading is to picture yourself go through the material and make up questions. The second is to work your muscles as you read. The third…...
ConsciousnessEducational TechnologyLeadershipLearningMemoryReading
A Lab Report on Microbial Growth
Words • 999
Pages • 4
Typical hosts of this species are humans and other warm-blooded animals, where a favorable temperature of ICC is usually maintained in the intestinal tract. S. Epidermis may cause urinary tract infections (Tutsis) and infections associated with intramuscular devices such as prosthetic heart valves, shunts, etc. (Babushka, 2004). The second microorganism that was analyzed during this procedure was Escherichia coli. E. Coli is a gram-negative and bacillus (rod-shaped) bacterium, that thrives in an optimum temperature of 37th commonly found in the…...
Sordaria Fimicola Lab Report
Words • 1783
Pages • 8
The model, Sardinia familial, reproduces wrought the process of Meiosis and their chromosomes cross over in Prophesy I (Stern). S. Familial have different crossover frequencies between the slopes in Evolution Canyon; there are higher crossover frequencies on the SF compared to the NFG. One possible explanation of this outcome is the harsh conditions on the South side causing an increase in crossing over. To prove if climate conditions really did have an effect on crossover, we controlled the conditions in…...
Dissertation: Disability and Sport
Words • 5032
Pages • 21
Abstract The purpose of the study was to explore why there are so few disabled women taking up sport and leisure activities worldwide. Five research objectives were set to help to achieve this aim. They were: to introduce the issue of disability in sport via a literature review; to establish how gender is presented as it intersects with disability; to examine the role of media in sport for disabled; to interview professional tennis players; and to draw a conclusion and…...
Phylum Annelida Species Description and Features
Words • 515
Pages • 3
Phylum Annelida L. annelleus = little ring Annelida have bodies consisting of many essentially similar ringlike segments (somites or metameres). This segmentation usually shows in both external and internal features, including muscles, nerves, and circulatory, excretory and reproductive organs. Phylum Annelida This phylum is divided into three classes: Oligochaeta: Earthworms - Most earthworms and their equals are inhabitants of damp soil and fresh waters. Hirudinea: Leeches - The leeches are found mainly in fresh water or on moist ground. Polychaeta:…...
Juvenile Delinquency However as a Field of Study
Words • 799
Pages • 4
Various theories have been proposed to explain the cause of juvenile delinquency, this have ranged from the logical to the most basic and instinctive. Juvenile delinquency however as a field of study is a relatively modern development, in the past, societies punished juvenile offenders as if they were nothing more than young criminals. This practice was based on the thinking that the causes of delinquency are not any different from the causes of criminal action and should be punished as…...
CrimeEducationHeredityHuman NatureJuvenile DelinquencyLearning
Mental Illness – Autism
Words • 1269
Pages • 6
The following sample essay on the topic "Mental Illness - Autism" will explain the history and background of the disease, signs and symptoms, and identify neurotransmitters associated with autism. It also describes the treatment and how the patient's environment can help or hinder successful treatment. The word autism, which has been in use for about 100 years, comes from the Greek word autos, meaning  self. The term describes conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction- hence a…...
AutismDiseaseMedicineMental DisorderNervous System
Osteoporosis essay
Words • 1626
Pages • 7
Osteoporosis “Thirty-five year old Donna Duckworth is learning how to care for her newborn of five weeks, when she bends over the baby’s crib and feels something give in her back. The next day and the following week, the pain becomes unbearable in her back. She is breast-feeding and does not want to take any medication so she lives with the intense and continuing pain. Within a few weeks, she can no longer stand it so she goes to see…...
Genetics: Test Questions
Words • 6299
Pages • 26
Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A Genetics test questions Multiple Choice Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. ____ 1. Pea plants were particularly well suited for use in Mendel's breeding experiments for all of the following reasons except that a. peas show easily observed variations in a number of characters, such as pea shape and flower color. b. it is possible to completely control matings between different pea plants.…...
To find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea
Words • 2465
Pages • 10
The aim of my experiment is to find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea (pondweed). To do this I will place the light intensity to various distances and observe the amount of oxygen bubble given off from the reactionPrediction:I predict that as the light intensity changes the rate of photosynthesis will increases of decreases dependent on the amount of light intensity. This will be observed by counting the amount of oxygen bubble given off from…...
BiologyCarbon DioxideChemistryPhotosynthesisWater
Biology Vitamin C Lab Report
Words • 1931
Pages • 8
It is crucial for essential diet. It breaks down easily hen the food is heated or let around too long on our shelf. Vitamin C is one of the most popular supplements, great thanks to the dedication of the Nobel prize winner - scientist named Lines Palling. He took up to about 25 grams of the vitamin every day for year. Palling ended up almost dying in the age of 96, but was still actively working and mentally sharp at…...
BiologyDiseaseMedicineVitaminVitamin C
Vision of My Dream India
Words • 3723
Pages • 15
Of Drugs and Youth By Billy I Ahmed Ads by Google Are you in Class XII? Join the new GNIIT. Learn IT using digital syllabus on loaded notebook NIITCareers. com/GNIIT Furniture China 2011 The Top furniture expo in Asia To bring you the Best Value! www. furniture-china. cn SBI Life - Flexi Smart Savings plan with Guaranteed returns. Know more! www. sbilife. co. in Today, the problem of drug abuse among the youth has assumed a greater significance and heightened…...
Introduction to Prokaryotes Lab Report
Words • 971
Pages • 4
Prokaryote are the oldest known life-forms, having existed for the last 3. 5 billion years. Microscopic in size, they are single-celled organisms. Prokaryotic species can survive in extreme habitats that the other life-forms are not capable of inhabiting. Prokaryote have different shapes, the three most common shapes are spherical (Cisco), rod shaped (bacilli), and spiral (spiral). The prokaryotic cellular structures are unique to their classification. Prokaryote have an external cell wall and a plasma membrane. The cell wall keeps the…...
Biology Beetroot Lab Report
Words • 2586
Pages • 11
Lastly carbohydrate molecules of the membrane are relatively short-chain polysaccharides, which has multiple functions, for example, ell-cell recognition and acting as receptor sites for chemical signals. The plasma membrane is a permeable membrane. An important role of the plasma membrane is to maintain the integrity of the cell, holding the cell contents together. Membrane permeability is a quality of the cell's plasma membrane which allows certain substances to pass while forming a barrier against others, controlling exchanges between the cell…...
BiologyCarbohydrateCell MembraneChemistryExperimentWater
Unknown Microbiology Lab Report
Words • 919
Pages • 4
Materials and Methods A mixed culture of two unknown bacteria was provided by the instructor. The methods used for identification of the two unknown bacteria were in the laboratory manual by Dry. Floyd and Dry. Kennedy (1) unless otherwise noted. The first step that was used was a three streak method, described in Lab 4, on a Blood Heart Infused/'Triplicate Soy Agar plate to isolate the two unknown bacteria. Once the two bacteria were incubated, grown, and isolated they were…...
Transpiration Lab Report
Words • 207
Pages • 1
Plants transpire the least when it is dark and there is lots of humidity. Photosynthesis does not occur without light and the humidity prevents water from diffusing out the leaf. RESULTS: [pick] DISCUSSION: Our class data showed that the transpiration pull was the second highest in humidity and in the dark. This data is incorrect, in this given condition because in plants, transpiration is controlled by water potential. This change in water potential in leaves causes a gradient by which…...
Influence of Frequency on Neuron Stimulation
Words • 697
Pages • 3
Controlled Variables Frequency of stimulation Type Of neuron Experiment 2: Effect of Frequency of Stimulation on Action Potential Generation 1. Dependent Variable Frequency to stimulation Type of neuron Stimulus Strength (voltage) 4. Which part Of the neuron was stimulated? Action potential is first generated in the dendrites of the neuron, or where the neuron receives the action potential of Other neurons. 5. Where was membrane potential measured? 6. What was used to measure membrane potential? RESULTS See Table 3: Membrane…...
BiologyBrainNervous SystemNeuron
Leukemia Case Study
Words • 4033
Pages • 17
Leukemia are cancers of the blood- forming tissues. White blood cells may be produced in excessive amounts and are unable to work properly which weakens the immune system. The patient is a 68 year old male admitted on 02/07/201 S with chief complaint of weakness and shortness of breath. Patient was admitted to the medical- surgical unit with pneumonia. Description of Condition First of all, What is Leukemia? In healthy person, white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow…...
Psychology-Ch. 4 Sleep and Dreams
Words • 3671
Pages • 15
Paper Type:Exploratory essays
biological rhythms are periodic physiological fluctuations in the body. biological rhythms We are unaware of most _______, such as the rise and fall of hormones and accelerated and decelerated cycles of brain activity, but they can influence our behavior. biological rhythms These rhythms are controlled by biological clocks, which include annual or seasonal cycles such as the migration of birds and the hibernation of bears, and 24-hour cycles such as the sleep/wake cycle and temperature changes in the human body.…...
BrainDreamFlashcardsJet LagNervous SystemNightmare
1999 ap lit exam questions – "Remembrance"
Words • 735
Pages • 3
The poem deals with all of the following EXCEPT the A) aftermath of a terrible loss B) discipline required to address grief C) power of time to alter grief D) emotions experienced as grief abates E) happiness that follows after grief has passed E) happiness that follows after grief has passed The second stanza (lines 5-8) primarily serves to A) dramatize the power of thoughts to sustain romantic feelings in the speaker B) indicate how loneliness causes the speaker to…...
FlashcardsGriefHuman NatureMemory
Psychology-Chapter 7
Words • 537
Pages • 3
George Miller found that the average person is able to keep about ____ digits in mind at a time. seven Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of aan episodic memory. The memory of things that happen to us or occur in our life are referred to as episodic memory. Recall of what your professor said in class is ____ memory, and recall of what you wore that day are instances of ____ memory.…...
Ebbinghaus’s Forgetting Curve & Memory Processes
Words • 1176
Pages • 5
Ebbinghaus found that information is forgotten ________. quickly at first, then tapers off gradually The processes of encoding, storage, and retrieval are seen as part of the ________ model of memory. information processing The portion of memory that is more or less permanent is called ________. long-term memory According to Robert Sternberg, ________ refers to the ability to break problems down into component parts, or analysis, for problem solving. This is the type of intelligence that is measured by intelligence…...
FlashcardsHuman NatureIntelligenceLearningMemory
Psych Chapter 7
Words • 4811
Pages • 20
For students to show the best performance on their exams, they are advised to engage in distributed practice. To aid students in their retention of information, which subsequently enables them to earn higher exam scores, memory researchers would highlight the use of elaborative rehearsal. The fading of memory with the passage of time marks decay and which of the "Seven Sins of Memory"? Transience Lamont is walking through his local health and nutrition store. An employee comes up and asks…...
EpistemologyFlashcardsHuman NatureJean PiagetMemory
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What Is Biological Clock
...Kelly, G. (2006). “Body Temperature Variability (Part 1): A Review of the History of Body Temperature and its Variability Due to Site Selection, Biological Rhythms, Fitness, and Aging.” Alternate Medicine Review...
To find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea
...The aim of my experiment is to find out how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in elodea (pondweed). To do this I will place the light intensity to various distances and observe the amount of oxygen bubble given off from the reactionP...
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