Essays on Writer

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Descartes’ Discourse and Meditations Comparison
Words • 1527
Pages • 7
If we take a look at the historical context of the Discourse on Method, it was written around the time the Thirty Years' War was ravaging Europe, and the book was seen as some sort of reaction to this destructive event with a quest to establish an unshakeable foundation for order. The conflict from within of Christendom (Catholics pitted against Protestants) on who has the privileged access to divine truth was still ongoing, and Descartes presented a truly radical idea…...
Rene Descartes
Truth in Rousseau & Machiavelli
Words • 645
Pages • 3
In Rousseau's First Discourse, and in Machiavelli's The Prince, there is a shared belief that telling the truth has a circumstantial obligation and some situations require not doing so. Whether it is for the benefit of yourself or others, telling the truth is a decision that must be analyzed for each circumstance. Machiavelli describes a conditional approach to telling the truth as he describes how a prince must be deceptive like a fox in order to gain power. Rousseau offers…...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Justice and Sustainability in Rousseau’s First Discourse
Words • 1183
Pages • 5
The First Discourse, written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau offers insight unto the teaching of justice; which is heavily discussed in the inclusion of Cyrus' remarks from his schooling experiences. This marks only the beginning of the dialogue of justice; however it shapes the essence of where Rousseau directs his weight in the topic. Furthermore, Rousseau offers insight as to how justice may replace instinct, which contradicts the theme of Cyrus' reasoning for his actions within the dialogue. This introduces further points…...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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A Review of Discourse on Inequality, a Book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Words • 1675
Pages • 7
"The moral part of love is an artificial sentiment, born of usage in society, and cultivated by women with much skill and care in order to establish their empire over men, and so make dominant the sex that ought to obey". How does Rousseau explore relationships between love, gender and power in the Discourse on Inequality? Rousseau creates a patriarchist relationship between love, gender, and power in the Discourse on Inequality. This can be easily outlined in a metaphorical triangle;…...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Life and Work of Ralph Ellison
Words • 341
Pages • 2
Ralph Ellison was born in Oklahoma City in the year of 1914. Both Ralph and his younger brother were raised by their mother who was a nursemaid, a janitor and a domestic. Ralphs father died when he was only three years old. Ellison originally did not plan on being a famous author, rather he expected to become a musician and composer. At the age of 19, Ellison enrolled at Tuskegee Institute with a major in music. Specifically, he studied classical…...
Ralph Ellison
The Influences of Ralph Ellison in His Book Negro Oklahoma City
Words • 415
Pages • 2
In Ralph Ellison's piece Negro Oklahoma City, Ellison's profound interest in music, books and the world around him is expressed through his educated language. As one of the three most "present" influences on Ralph Ellison's work, music holds an important role in Ellison's life. Ellison's attitude toward music can be described best with the phrase "artistic discipline," which he defines as "once one picked up an instrument it was difficult to escape." Ellison goes on to describe music as enjoyable,…...
Ralph Ellison
An Analysis of Ralph Ellisons Works and Its Impact to Its Readers
Words • 1084
Pages • 5
Ralph Ellison is an African-American author who composed many powerful works during the Jim Crow era, when severe racial inequality was a prominent and pressing issue in the United States. Due to various factors, including Ellison's racial background and the time period in which the author lived, a few commonly recurring topics found in Ellison's work consist of the harsh division and brutal injustices that occurred between whites and blacks in the southern part of the United States at that…...
Ralph Ellison
The Power of Women in the Rings Trilogy, Three Novels by J. R. R. Tolkien
Words • 1298
Pages • 6
Women have often been the center of debate within Tolkien‘s trilogy, as they appear very sparsely and only for short amounts of time and interaction. However, the women shown so far are not simply the owner of a tavern or a field hand but instead elven ladies and wives of powerful beings in Middle-earth and have been shown to rival the power of their male counterparts in more than one instance. Not all influence the hobbits and their quest permanently,…...
FantasyFictionJ.R.R TolkienThe Hobbit
The Use of Invisibility in the Hobbit, a Novel by J. R. R. Tolkien
Words • 1730
Pages • 7
Throughout Tolkien’s The Hobbit, there are many instances of liminality the secret entrance to the Mountain is a door made of rock that is a wall until the correct moment the key is inserted. The opening is also part of the outside and inside; it is both above ground and underground. The tunnel the company becomes trapped in is a liminal space because it is both a passage and a cave these instances of liminality are important because Tolkien uses…...
J.R.R TolkienPhilosophyThe HobbitThought
The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. R. Tolkien
Words • 581
Pages • 3
The fully-formed fellows finally begin their journey towards the fires of Mount Doom but must first cross a formidable mountain known as Caradhras. The company believes it can cross without much trouble but Gandalf suggests traveling through it by going through Moria, a series of underground tunnels formerly used as mines. Aragorn adamantly refuses due to the evil reputation that surrounds moria and specifically calls out Gandalf, saying that is too dangerous for him to be in Moria. However, after…...
FictionJ.R.R TolkienLiterature
Corruption of Power in The Fellowship of the Ring
Words • 701
Pages • 3
As civilizations of men arose from primitive lifestyles thousands of years ago, so arose the need for structure. a government — a leader. A leader, once he ascends in these civilizations, thus acquired power power is something that all men have craved from the beginning of this advancement into societies of greed and feudalism and has continued to corrupt kings and emperors, and warriors throughout history. History then inspired literature Macbeth, Animal Farm, and The Great Gatsby, all classic literature,…...
CivilizationFictionJ.R.R TolkienLiterature
Bilbo’s Motivation of Desire in the Novel The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
Words • 435
Pages • 2
In the novel, The Hobbit, by J. R. R. Tolkien, the protagonist is Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a hobbit, which is from a race of small, chubby people with furry toes Hobbits are about half the size of humans. In this novel, all of the characters are driven by their motivation to achieve what they need, Bilbo is driven by the motivation of desire, Bilbo’s motivation in the novel is desire because he was trying to get back his lost…...
FictionJ.R.R TolkienLiteratureThe Hobbit
Pressure changes characters in Miss Rosie and Richard Cory
Words • 408
Pages • 2
The poem "mrs. Rosie" and “Richard Cory" both deal with people whose lives changed due to the pressures from the lives around the. Georgia Rose is the main character in "Mrs. Rosie" who was once the most beautiful girl in Georgia and turned into a girl when lived on the streets. She felt great pressure which caused her life to take a major downturn. The speaker talking about Georgia Rose states, “ who used to be the best gal in…...
CultureEdwin Arlington RobinsonLiteraturePoetry
Deception of Appearance in Edwin Arlington Robinson’s “Richard Cory”
Words • 548
Pages • 3
In "Richard Cory" Edwin Arlington Robinson explores the deception oi appearances. Richard Cory was a wealthy man, admired and envied by those who consider themselves less fortunate than he. Seemingly, Richard Cory was the model of success. dignity, and wealth, a standard to which every man was measured. However, Richard Cory didn‘t have everything; the desire to live through Richard Cory. Robinson illustrates how appearances can be deceiving and how depression and despair is not confined to the “people on…...
Edwin Arlington RobinsonLiteraturePoetryPsychology
Times of War in Miniver Cheevy, a Poem by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Words • 318
Pages • 2
The poem “Miniver Cheevy” written by Edward Arlington Robinson is about a boy who wishes he was born in an earlier time period with warriors and Medicine “Miniver loved the days of old when swords were bright and steeds were prancing. The vision of a warrior bold Would set him dancing" Miniver is bored of the place he lives in and wants to fight “Miniver cursed the commonplace and eyed a khaki suit with loathing"  Miniver feels as though he…...
Edwin Arlington RobinsonFictionLiteraturePoetry
The Quest of Self Understanding in the Novel Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Words • 927
Pages • 4
The quest for self-understanding is a long, enduring journey, in Siddhartha, an Indian novel by Herman Hesse, a young Brahmin goes on a quest to find Atman, one’s individual self. This Brahmin, Siddhartha, lived with other Brahmins and absorbed much of their knowledge throughout his childhood the Brahmin lifestyle, a highly revered priestly class in India, doesn’t satisfy Siddhartha‘s craving for learning. Siddhartha’s quest to find an understanding of himself leads him down the paths of the Samana, the merchant,…...
Herman HessePhilosophyReligionSpirituality
Choosing Danger in Siddhartha
Words • 1767
Pages • 8
Is it better to allow oneself to be subjugated by others rather than follow a dangerous path? This is a very difficult question to answer, since both choices can be detrimental, if a person chooses to allow themselves to be subjugated by others, they’ll have no freedom. Choosing this means they’ll never be able to make their own decisions. However, if they choose the dangerous path, they might be hurt more than if they allow themselves to be subjugated by…...
ChildHappinessHerman HessePsychology
Siddhartha’s Timeless Cycle of Life
Words • 667
Pages • 3
Sometimes, the best teacher is one’s own self in Herman Hesse's story, Siddhartha. Siddhartha, the main character, undergoes many trials searching for enlightenment, peace, and happiness, sometimes even within himself. Hesse's motif—the river—teaches Siddhartha to embrace the timelessness and cyclic nature of life in order to accept the idea that reaching joy and success is not a destination, but rather a lifelong journey. Like the river flows without end, so do Siddhartha’s opportunities to redeem himself, even though he has…...
HappinessHerman HessePhilosophyWater
Archetypes of a Hero in Star Wars by George Lucas and Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
Words • 550
Pages • 3
In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell explores the underlying similarities between heroes of a wide range of literary works. He explains the fundamental characteristics of a hero, which remain in play across mythology and literature. As the title suggests, the face of an archetypal hero may vary the presence of a protagonist is central to the plots of most movies and books, but all heroes, are united by certain criteria that make them heroes. Like the four…...
CultureHerman HesseHeroLiterature
The Use of Symbols in Siddhartha, a Novel by Herman Hesse
Words • 282
Pages • 2
A symbol is a noun that has a deeper meaning or intentionally represents another noun or concept. ”Things are going downhill for me!” laughing the while; and, as he said this, his glance fell on the river, and he saw the river going downward, too, moving constantly downstream, but singing merrily as it went." Siddhartha, pg 51 In Siddhartha, the reoccurring river arguably represents many overall concepts, but the river especially serves to represent the path of Siddhartha’s enlightenment and…...
CultureHerman HessePhilosophyRiver
The Revenge of Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo, a Novel by Alexandre Dumas
Words • 1488
Pages • 6
During the course of the novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, the main protagonist, Edmond Dantes also known as. The Count of Monte Cristo, gains many new friends and new enemies which will go hand in hand with each other, Gradually as Dantes receives knowledge and education from Abbe Faria his plans for revenge on the men who put him in prison for life for their own selfish reasons becomes more evolved. For example, in such a way that with…...
Alexandre DumasFictionMoneyPrison
Novel the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Words • 273
Pages • 2
One of the best novels I have read is The Count of Monte Cristo. This book is about a man, Edmond Dantes, who gets arrested for a crime he did not do He gets arrested. Then at the jail he meets a man, Abbe Faria, who teaches him to survive and fight, so he does not lose his mind. The book was written in 1844, by French author Alexandre Dumas. He is best known for his historical novels of high…...
Alexandre DumasFictionLiteratureNovels
Dante’s Religion & Unplanned Event in Monte Cristo
Words • 1372
Pages • 6
Subsequent to its release in the Journal des Debuts in 1844, the French novel, “Le Comte de Monte» Cristo" was deemed a forbidden book by the Catholic Church due to its discussion of controversial topics In spite of this, the story became popular and continues to thrive over one hundred years following its release, being translated into a plethora of languages, sparking the plot for multiple films and television shows, and being read by students across the globe. The novel…...
Alexandre DumasBeliefPhilosophyReligion
A Literary Analysis of William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130
Words • 1131
Pages • 5
Shakespeare's sonnet 130 is part of the "Dark Lady" sonnets in which the speaker describes a woman he's in love with. In Sonnet 130, the poet compares the beauty of his lover to the traditional beauty standards that are typically written about during this time, things such as red lips, fair skin, and rosy cheeks. In the second stanza he goes on to describe that he loves the sound of her voice, but knows that music sounds better, and that…...
SonnetSonnet 130William Shakespeare
The Use of Hopeless Diction and Repetition to Portray Insecurities in Sonnet 29
Words • 565
Pages • 3
In Shakespeare's gloomy poem, "Sonnet 29," the speaker depressingly talks about his feelings of being an outcast through the use of hopeless diction and repetition, while portraying his insecurity around the people he envies. Through the use of a simile, the defeated tone shifts to a lighter tone when he is reminded of someone he loves, conveying that love is a powerful force that can bring someone who is having a hard time out of the dark. The speaker begins…...
PsychologySonnetWilliam Shakespeare
The Longing for a Woman in Sonnet 97, a Poem by William Shakespeare
Words • 366
Pages • 2
In Sonnet 97, Shakespeare's longing and separation from a women can be measured by the cold depressing times of winter, even though they are apart during the summer. Summer is winter without her and every pleasure is ultimately a sorrow. Shakespeare's Sonnet puts anyone in his shoes to show how much he misses a women. The speaker is a male adult and speaks in a tone of longing and depression throughout the first 8 lines. This tone changes to a…...
PoemsSonnetWilliam Shakespeare
A Critique of Sonnet 71 by William Shakespeare
Words • 337
Pages • 2
One of Shakespeare's Sonnets, Sonnet 71 is a bit of a dreadful poem which he really explains his feelings towards being dead. Shakespeare tries to tell his friends and family that they shall not worry when he is gone. Never forget him when he is gone and don't act like the other deaths and overreact. The poem starts off with the line saying "No longer mourn me when I am dead." Shakespeare is trying to say don't talk about me…...
PoetrySonnetWilliam Shakespeare
A Personal Opinion on the Style, Tone, and Imagery of Edgar Allan Poe’s Poetry
Words • 432
Pages • 2
I first heard of Edgar Allen Poe through my father, he read poetry of his and he really liked a poem called “Annabel Lee”. When he first read it to me when I was younger I thought it was a cute little love poem and that was it, I didn't think much of it. When given this assignment, I felt this was the perfect time to do something I always wanted to do and I was very excited to look…...
Annabel LeeEdgar Allan PoeLiterature
A Review of Edgar Allan Poe’s Poem on His Love for His Lost Wife, Annabel Lee
Words • 347
Pages • 2
In Poes poem he describes his love for his lost wife, Annabel Lee. He knew the love that they shared was true and everlasting because they loved without restraint. Their love was so true that the seraphs of heaven even envied them. The seraphs jealousy caused them to take the life Annabel Lee. Their attempt to extinguish the love between Poe and her only backfired. The seraphs were angry because only the heavenly things were to be perfect. Not saying…...
Annabel LeeEdgar Allan PoeLove
The Element of Dark Romanticism in Edgar Allan Poe’s Annabel Lee
Words • 1409
Pages • 6
"Annabel Lee" is one of the literary pieces of work done by Edgar Allan Poe in 1849 just a few months before his death. Consequently, he was an American poet, critic and editor under the American Romantic Movement concept. This poem is purely all about the beautiful romantic and painful memories of the persona. As in the poem the persona remembers his long gone love of Annabel Lee. The narrator knew Annabel Lee as a young girl in many years…...
Annabel LeeEdgar Allan PoePoetry
American in Hills Like White Elephants
Words • 843
Pages • 4
Readers often enjoy characters than they can relate to or look up to. For example, heroes and characters with good intentions are commonly found to be the readers favorites. However, characters who are insensitive or rude can also be memorable characters. In Ernest Hemingway's short story, "Hills Like White Elephants", The American is insensitive towards Jig, which makes him an unsympathetic character. In the beginning, the American is insensitive when he states his opinion about the the decision Jig must…...
Ernest HemingwayFictionHills Like White Elephants
A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway
Words • 961
Pages • 4
Studies show that the human race cannot survive without the water produced by rain. This precipitation provides the earth with not only a plentiful supply of drinking water but also a means for trees to flourish and emit oxygen. Moreover, rain essentially plays a crucial role in literary classics; however, its significance drastically differs from its importance in actuality. In Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, the motif of rain conveys the main characters' attitudes about love and war through…...
A Farewell To ArmsErnest HemingwayLiterature
The Philosophy of Modernism in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises
Words • 654
Pages • 3
By the end of World War 1 the viewpoints of people in society had drastically changed. People were no longer living their lives with purpose due to the failure of previous beliefs. The people of the world once believe that God was on their side and that he would protect them, but after the first World War, people began to question this and so became the philosophy of "making everything new", the philosophy of Modernism. During this time period, artists…...
Ernest HemingwayModernismPhilosophy
Authority and Justice in The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Words • 351
Pages • 2
Authority and justice in the play The Crucible have had to be equally woven in order for justice to have been served. In the play the authority in Salem is the court. Danforth who is the head of the court is has too much authority and is able to manipulate his ways to carry out "justice". He does this by not stopping the rampant and irrational accusations of witchcraft. Instead he twists his logic around to make it seem like…...
Arthur MillerThe CrucibleWitchcraft
Literary Devices in The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Words • 1248
Pages • 5
Normality is the halfway point between the perfected personas people portray, and the genuine truths that people hide. It is rare nowadays to wander into the most intimate corners of someone's mind, and to bare witness of people's most truthful feelings. Mask-wearing and secret-bearing are what humans are, but in many ways, their secretive selves are reflections of the complexities of modern society. Arthur Miller's The Crucible takes place in a time of a much greater simplicity, in a community…...
Arthur MillerForgivenessTruth
The Virtuous Character of Rebecca Nurse in The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Words • 473
Pages • 2
There are many characters throughout the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, that aren't necessarily moral. With young girls constantly pointing their fingers, men acting to prideful that they are blind, and the lack of reason in Salem, it is hard to find one unflawed character. However, there was one virtuous character that stood out in my eyes. Rebecca Nurse has a demeanor like no other in Salem. Her saintliness is prominent in the small town; the only people to…...
Arthur MillerThe CrucibleWitchcraft
Ego and Its Consequences in The Crucible, a Play by Arthur Miller
Words • 973
Pages • 4
Much of The Crucible is a character study with ego and depravity on full display. Arthur Miller presents many pre-existing rivalries that we watch unravel right before our eyes, and the coldness of some antagonists towards people can be downright upsetting. Many of the scenarios in Act One unfold rapidly and force the reader to understand the tension built long before any timeline provided within the text. Much of the rivalry and consequence of the novel come from hubris and…...
Arthur MillerReligionThe Crucible
Sherlock & Criminal Doctors in Speckled Band
Words • 540
Pages • 3
In 1892, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" in The Strand magazine. "The Adventure of the Speckled Band" is a short story about an investigation performed by detective Sherlock Holmes. Holmes investigates the strange circumstances around Julia Stoner's death, who her twin sister Helen believes has a link to their stepfather, Dr. Gimesby Roylott. Throughout the investigation, Holmes remarks “doctors make the greatest criminals." This statement is found true in this case, when Holmes proves…...
Arthur Conan DoyleSherlock HolmesThe Adventure Of The Speckled Band
A Personal Narrative About the Impact That the Pieces by Maya Angelou Have Made
Words • 472
Pages • 2
An amazing poet, author, historian, singer, dancer, actress and civil rights activist, Maya Angelou has remained a solid rock throughout her many endeavors. Although deceased now, Maya Angelou's work continues to move me in a positive direction. Her words, whether expressed orally or on page, continue to promote self-examination, equality and friendship. The amazing words in her poem have allowed me to believe that, "we are more alike than unalike." She reminds others that with all of the oppression, violence…...
CultureMaya AngelouPolitics
An Analysis of On the Pulse of Morning by Maya Angelou Using a Historical Lens
Words • 268
Pages • 2
Although "On the Pulse of Morning" might be analyzed using a Historical lens, the Philosophical lens offers a more personal approach to Angelou's poem, which allows the the reader to better understand the intentions of this piece. Overall, this work does not follow any rhyme scheme or structure; this method of writing gives the author significantly more freedom in expressing her message. This, however, changes in lines 41-47, which have a very apparent rhyme scheme, "So say the Asian, the…...
Maya Angelou
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