Essays on Teaching

Free essays on teaching are available online for educators and students who are interested in learning more about various aspects of teaching. These essays cover a wide range of subjects, such as the history of education, classroom management techniques, innovative teaching methods, and much more. They are written by experienced educators and scholars who have a wealth of knowledge to share. Reading these essays can help inspire and inform teachers as they seek to improve their practice and better serve their students. And because they are free to access, anyone can benefit from these valuable resources.
My Activities and Duties as a School Prefect
Words • 780
Pages • 4
I have chosen to do my piece of coursework on the school based activity of being a prefect and the duties that come with it. I chose to do this activity because its something I know will eventually make a difference to the school itself, be it little or big, and the school community as a whole. I also found that this activity was quite interesting, as something new happened everyday whether it is while completing duties or just a…...
Conducive Learning Environment
Words • 972
Pages • 4
However, discipline does not mean strictly, the withdrawal of personal liberty and authority: on the other hand it provides one with the deadline to use its freedom in a right manner. But that too is possible only if they do not take law in their own hands. Anywhere we go discipline is necessary in any institution whether it is an educational institution, or even in the political field, in social or religious matters, even on street and even while you…...
Favorite Theory of Development for Teachers
Words • 953
Pages • 4
How they move, walk, run go up the stairs, etc. 2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth? 3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc. 1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults. 2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their concerns? Emotional 1 . Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily cries, mood-shifts) 2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they…...
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How Teachers Make Students Hate Reading Summary
Words • 962
Pages • 4
How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading”, proposes the notion that teachers are inevitably demoralizing the minds of children, thus forcing them to generate a fervent aversion towards reading. To start, Holt touches base on how teachers frequently test their students on the specifics of the assigned reading and whether or not they are able to comprehend certain components from it. For several reasons, Holt disagrees with this commonly used method, mostly due to the act that teachers are focusing so…...
Essay On Year Round Schooling
Words • 742
Pages • 3
How is Year Round Schooling Beneficial? Literature Review Charles Casey Year round schooling has been present in society since the early 1800’s as well as the debates of its benefits. Year round schooling allows children to attend in a staggered schedule with no long breaks. It is said children who attend year round schools have better retention rates and teachers are able to better execute their curriculums. Year round schooling offers more curricular activities to lower income families thus allowing…...
Disadvantages Of Homeschooling Essay
Words • 510
Pages • 3
Homeschooling is when pupils are educated at place by parents or coachs instead than go toing public or private school. Many parents home school their kids to maintain them sheltered from the environment and the universe. I believe homeschooling should merely be an option in utmost state of affairss because there are legion disadvantages. The three major disadvantages are the deficiency of resources. the deficiency of forbearance from parents. and the deficiency of socialisation with equals. Students that are homeschooled…...
Ppp Lesson Plan
Words • 268
Pages • 2
Group activity with a ball in a circle. Teacher presents situation I. E ‘classroom’ and throws ball to a student. Student who receives ball states something they are allowed/ not allowed to do, ‘l can’t talk over the teacher’ Introduces concept of can/can’t giving student opportunity to use the term can/ can’t if they know it. This would be a controlled activity. For a lead in you need to create interest and set the scene. They won’t be able to…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningTeaching
Developing Early Writing
Words • 706
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on "Developing Early Writing": examples of speaking and listening strategies in the early years. From personal experience in an early years setting it can be suggested that allowing individual children to bring in toys or other items from home on selected days, and holding an American style ‘show and tell’ where the child will talk about his item, not only produces good results for the class but will have children talking to each other if they…...
Example Of Counterculture
Words • 517
Pages • 3
Family Counterculture” “l believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the war. These are the years from Greatest Love Of All song of Whitney Houston. After listening lyrics of this song, I realized that children are very Important In our life because they are the happiness of family today and the future of our world. Thus, investment for children is investment for our future. However, it is not easy to raise hillier to be…...
Indiscipline In Schools
Words • 766
Pages • 4
Causes within school; this might include the following, The teacher taking the lesson is a supply teacher and so is not recognised by the pupils as a figure ofauthority, because he/she is only temporarily teachingthat class. Also the supply teacher may not know the individual names of the pupils – this may give certain kids the excuse to ignore the teacher while he/she is attempting to communicate with them, for a time before they pretend to notice the teacher actually…...
School As A Social System Essays
Words • 812
Pages • 4
Briefly about school as social system. As a social system, the school is the accumulation of the integral components of interacting socially and have a gait that depends between each other. Zamroni (2001) states that the approach microcosmis see school as a world itself, in which have elements to be called a society, as leaders, government, community or the rules and norms and social groups. In accordance with the structural functional approach, institutions are like the small community school which…...
Lifelong Learning Essay
Words • 401
Pages • 2
Assignment 001-Level 3 Roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Task A Part a) I am an outdoor adventure instructor and legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice form a key part of what I do. Without these items in place understanding your roles and responsibilities as a teacher could become confusing with many mistakes being made. In relation to legislation for what I do the main Acts I adhere to are: * The Health and Safety at Work Act…...
Assessment In The Classroom Essay
Words • 550
Pages • 3
Assessment is the process of obtaining information about a student academic status in school. According to Gronlund and Waugh (2009), assessment is a continueous process, and an integral part of the classroom instruction process. “It helps in determining learning readiness, in monitoring and improving learning, and in grading or clarifying students achievement ” (p. V). The purpose of assessment is to obtain information about a student academic status in order to make decisions on how to help students, teachers and…...
CommunicationEducational PsychologyLearningTeaching
Synoptic Review
Words • 689
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Reflective essays
An attempt to categorise required teaching skills was made by Kyriacou (1998) who distinguished “decision making skills” and “action skills”. In essence this distinction identifies the ability of making decisions about your own teaching and then the skills required for the successful execution of those decisions in the classroom. With this categorisation in mind when I address the teaching strategies that I have employed I will concentrate on the decisions that I made in preparation for teaching. My own planning…...
I Want To Be A Teacher Essay
Words • 683
Pages • 3
All of my life I have been surrounded by teacher’s. Teacher’s that teach all the subjects and teachers that teach only one. I have also been around kids all of my life. I have seen just how important teacher’s are to kids. How they are the foundations of everything the kids learn. I have chosen to go into the field of education because I want to be one of those teachers that get kids ready for life. Having little cousins…...
The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling
Words • 589
Pages • 3
Homeschooling is a practice of external education usually involving student parents or hired tutor. The necessity of the homeschooling is stipulated by a few factors; the parents’ lifestyle and the needs of a child. In the family with two working parents, it is practically impossible and senseless to educate the child in external form, as it quite difficult to hire a teacher for all necessary objects. For such form of training, there is necessity in a constantly present adult who…...
Early Morning in Masbate Coast Village
Words • 252
Pages • 2
Summary The day starts early for a group of children at a remote coastal village in Masbate, an island province in the central Philippines. Even before dawn breaks, several children and a few adults line the seashore, busily preparing their boats and nets for a day of squid fishing. The children say they still have time to go to their classes, walking for hours through tall grasses along hilly landscapes to reach school. Their elementary school teacher, Melchor Rojas, though,…...
Paulo Freire Quotes
Words • 298
Pages • 2
Everyone has a different way of learning. Some enjoy listening to lectures and taking notes, others enjoy having a hands-on learning experience, and there are other people that enjoy doing both.I will be discussing two learning techniques that Paulo Freire discussed in his analysis of a teacher-student relationship entitled, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." One of the techniques discussed is called the "banking" concept, and the other is called the "problem-posing" method. I willfirst discuss the concept of banking, where you…...
Essay About School Life
Words • 786
Pages • 4
Paragraph Writing on My School Life I believe a good teacher can stimulate and help to improve the minds and lives of countless students by sharing with them gift of knowledge and believing in them. Early childhood is an important period of life. Childhood is the time when growth is great and learning is rapid. During my school life, I had many teachers. But there are two teachers that impressed me the most. After I finished my middle school in…...
Art Teaching Methods
Words • 886
Pages • 4
Teaching Methods: Visual and Performing Arts Research Report Arts traditionally played an important role in the life of the human society. Naturally, it could not fail to affect education. As a result, nowadays the necessity to implement arts in the process of education is getting to be evident. In such a situation, it is necessary to apply a variety of teaching methods which basic elements and principles of arts are integrated into. Regarding this paper the possible implementation of art,…...
School Is Bad For Children John Holt
Words • 670
Pages • 3
Is School Bad for Children? John Holt Education has always been an intense topic of discussion among many cultures and different groups of people. For many years it was believed that without formal structured education, academic success couldn’t be achieved. Today that idea has been challenged and proved invalid by homeschooling, online classes and alternative learning of all sorts. In the article,”School is Bad for Children,” American author and educator John Holt talks about the failures and flaws within our…...
Explain Barriers When Supporting Learning Activities And How To Overcome These
Words • 800
Pages • 4
Describe the Sorts of Problems that Might Occur when Supporting Learning Activities and How to Deal with These Unorganised planning: If a lesson has not had the appropriate amount of planning or if the staff that are involved in the activity are not aware of their role and what is expected it can cause confusion during the lesson meaning it will not flow and the children will have disturb learning. To prevent this it is important that all member of…...
Naila Rehan English reflection 3
Words • 1025
Pages • 5
The following sample essay on Naila Rehan English reflection 3 about teaching strategies. Sunday, June 16, 2019 By: Naila RehanMy last math class was full of knowledge about teaching strategies. Knowing the subject or being an expert means you can introduce to young student a new concept for the first time. Today we discussed how activities can be modified according to individual needs. It is important to plan activities according to the developmental level of every child. Interest of the…...
Role of TESOL Exam in Language Learning
Words • 328
Pages • 2
TASKS FOR SUBMISSION TO YOUR TUTOR Each task should be between 500 and 750 words long. TASK 1 Using what you have read in this introduction to TESOL and your own knowledge, what do you consider to be the blocks which may prevent language learning? Mastering a language is a long and windy road. On the path to learning a language, students may stumble upon many blocks and obstacles that can prevent successful learning. One of the basic principles of…...
Course Reflection Essay
Words • 388
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Reflective essays
Since I have been teaching English as a foreign/second language for learners of all ages for 18 years, I thought that this course wouldn’t add much to me, but I have to admit that I found materials and learned techniques that will help me be a more effective teacher. Throughout the course I found many valuable facts, but perhaps the most valuable one was the module on different teaching methods. It helped me notice the different examples of each method…...
CommunicationHuman NatureLearningSecond LanguageTeaching
Schools Should Ask Students To Evaluate Their Teachers
Words • 341
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Evaluation essays
Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. There are with no doubt a lot of good and experienced teachers, but in my opinion there are also a lot that do not belong in the classroom. Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers in order to avoid choosing bad and inexperienced teachers, in order to learn what students like and dislike about the teaching methods and to make them feel more valuable for the school.Essay Example on Why School…...
Parental Involvement in Schools
Words • 446
Pages • 2
Parental involvement is the participation of parents in the educational process of their children. Parental involvement is a wise decision of the government to improve the quality of education in the country. It is based on a very simple factor: total parental control over their children and constant help if they have problems with studying. When a child goes to school and has certain troubles with some subjects, the teacher often can not devote enough time to him, because classes are…...
Why Students Become Avid or Lazy
Words • 651
Pages • 3
Katerin Leal Period 6th AVID Are Students Risking Their Futures? In Christine Baron’s essay, Apathetic Students Risk Their Futures, is stated that students aren’t taking advantage of the opportunities they have by going to school because they are making up excuses and are better off socializing with others. I agree with Christine Baron, some students have become lazy for their school work. Why Students are Not Motivated However, not all students are being lazy and not doing their work, there…...
My School Leaving Farewell Speech
Words • 404
Pages • 2
Esteemed Director Sir, Principal, Teacher’s &; my junior Colleagues. Good Morning to all of you. Now it’s time for the moment in all our lives, the moment when we leave our childhood behind and step into the world to forge our own paths in life. Obviously School days are the most memorable days to everyone. I want to share my feelings and attachment with this school with all of you. Firstly, I am thankful to my parents to join me…...
Classroom Management Research Proposal
Words • 468
Pages • 2
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Classroom management is the teacher’s activity aimed at the organization of the appropriate educational process and maintenance of the productive behavior and discipline among students. It is obvious that the educational process is not only the material supply of the classroom (furniture, equipment, energy, water, heating supply, etc), but also the creation of the healthy intellectual background and atmosphere in the classroom for the maintenance of the intellectual and moral development of students. Classroom management is closely connected with psychology…...
Essay About Distance Learning
Words • 545
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
Distance learning is the type of the educational process which is characterized with the use of the high technologies in the transition of information from teacher to student and vice versa and the student does not require attending classes at the college or university physically, because he is able to receive the same information but in the virtual way.Essay Example on About Distance Learning Distance learning has become a popular activity, because it enables students to save much time and…...
Teacher As A Nation Builder Essay
Words • 358
Pages • 2
Essay Example on Teachers Are Nation Builders Essay OnTHE TEACHER AS A NATION BUILDERThe importance of the instructor in national life can non be over-emphasized. It is he who influences the immature minds of the young person. He treats and attempts to model the life material into assorted signifiers. The hereafter of the state is fashioned by him through the procedure of instruction. A state seeking to process in front on the roads to come on can go forth the…...
Importance Of Music
Words • 562
Pages • 3
Music has accompanied people from time immemorial. In ancient times, music was part of religious ritual; in the Middles Ages, the first polyphonic compositions were written to praise God, and from the Renaissance, the world has seen an enormous development of different music forms. Today, you can hear music everywhere, at a concert, at home and even in a supermarket. It is difficult to imagine what the world would be like if there were no music.Essay Example on Music Nowadays…...
Computers are an important part of everyday life Computers and
Words • 1041
Pages • 5
Computers are an important part of everyday life. Computers and their technology give us access to a great volume of information that makes it easier to be a successful student. Years ago, computers were not an option and our resources were mostly in books, films and libraries. Although having access to a computer is good, computer literacy is a must. Having basic computer skills assist students in achieving success in school and in their professional environment. It is important to…...
One of the major jobs of being a teacher is to maintain
Words • 464
Pages • 2
One of the major jobs of being a teacher is to maintain the school’s reputation. This story is about the yearly visitation of the superintendent and district supervisors in every schools.The story starts with the preparation of everything, from the classrooms, to the food, to the lodgings of the supervisors, and even their lesson plans. They made it so that they can impress and get the favor of the supervisors who will be inspecting the place. This act is like…...
Development and Validation of a Burnout Scale Among Science
Words • 1100
Pages • 5
Teaching is said to be one of the stressful jobs often times having an intense interaction with students, parents and peers (Bakker et. al., 2006). One of the serious problems in school settings is teacher burnout (Blanford, 2009). Thousands of highly effective teachers in the United States were being affected by it for it is told to be as a serious psychological condition. Some researcher even showed that burnout among primary and secondary school teachers is high most in North…...
What is life? Life is the mixture of joy happiness pleasure comfort
Words • 2037
Pages • 9
What is life? Life is the mixture of joy, happiness, pleasure, comfort, misery, failure, problems and challenges. Life is like walking road. Sometimes it becomes bumpy road and sometimes it becomes as smooth the mirrors in the palace of peace.This explains all the way from beginning to the end of my life. My life from beginning was very fun as I grew up in large family. I was born in July, 18, 1999 and my mother gave me name rabia…...
Everyone is Born Different family Nackground
Words • 564
Pages • 3
Also that, different family background will have different kinds of lifestyle. Although we are born in different lifestyle, we can get the same achievement with other those born in wealthy family background. So that, if you need to get your own achievement in your life, you should put more effort in your life than other. So, I will share a major achievement in my life. Eighteen years ago, I was born in a ordinary family. And I am same with…...
Written Assessment
Words • 2303
Pages • 10
Part A – CHCPRT001Task 11. Locate the child protection information relating to the state you will be working in as an education support worker and answer the following:a) The name and date of the current state legislation for child protection.Child Protection and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.b) Who is a mandatory reporter in the state in which you work? Or, who is required to make a report of suspected child abuse/risk of harm, in the state in which…...
Cultural Encounters
Words • 1654
Pages • 7
The following sample essay on "Cultural Encounters".  One of the methods in which nations and individuals associate together is through Cultural Encounters. In order to know what Cultural Encounters is, we must distinguish what is the meaning of Culture in the first place. Culture is the features of a particular group of people within societies which they shared the beliefs, religious practices, behaviour, rituals, objects, language, and other features. It touches our self-satisfaction, our value and the welfare of our…...
We've found 240 essay examples on Teaching

FAQ about Teaching

How Teachers Make Students Hate Reading Summary
...For example, it took him woo years to realize and accept the fact that his sister was correct, and ever since he has never ceased to proclaim his beliefs. Throughout the piece, Holt changes in the aspect of his tone. Towards the beginning, Holt was a...
Explain Barriers When Supporting Learning Activities And How To Overcome These
...Help to prevent this by make lessons interesting & relevant; increase student involvement & interaction. Include multiple sources of learning – multi-sensory, practicals, field trips, hands on, project work, activities. One or more highly d...
Why Students Become Avid or Lazy
...The one thing that teacher cannot do is “dumb down” the curriculum, because in the end the students aren’t receiving any challenging work. Teacher should push the students on challenging work so they can exceed their expectations. Everyone is c...
What is life? Life is the mixture of joy happiness pleasure comfort
...My personal values are important to me. My personal values are respect of my alders and believe in God. That is believe in God that never allow me to lose patience and enhance my faith. I feel as a friend to Allah Almighty and Allah helps me whenever...
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