Essays on Computers

Free essays on Computers are articles or written pieces that are available online at no cost to readers. These essays cover various topics related to computers, such as the history of computers, computer programming, computer technology, and more. They are often written by experts in the field or by students working on related topics. Free essays on Computers provide readers with useful information, insights, and perspectives on the impact of computer technology on various aspects of life, from education to entertainment, to business and human communication. These essays offer a valuable resource for anyone interested in the subject of computers and their impact on society.
Pascal Programming
Words • 1170
Pages • 5
This sample of an academic paper on Pascal Programming reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay's introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.Pascal Programming Arieus Green Professor Gary Smith Sam Houston State University Pascal was designed in 1968, but was no published until the 1970 by the mind of a man named Niklaus Wirth. Niklaus Wirth was born in Winterthur, Switzerland in 1934 were he attended Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. Where he soon earns…...
Computer ProgrammingComputer ScienceComputersSoftware Engineering
Producing Documents
Words • 1257
Pages • 6
The following academic paper highlights the up-to-date issues and questions of Producing Documents. This sample provides just some ideas on how this topic can be analyzed and discussed. There are in electronic format but can be printed out in hand-outs if needed. C Memo – This is short note or reminder to someone else within the business. They can be printed out, although in most cases they are sent within email. L] Business Email – Email is now taken over…...
Natural Physical Environment
Words • 1447
Pages • 6
This sample essay on Natural Physical Environment provides important aspects of the issue and arguments for and against as well as the needed facts. Read on this essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.As of November 2010, Apple operates over 300 stores relied and online shop where its products are sold. The Apples well known hardware products involve Macintosh for personal computers, the pod for media players and phone. Apple employs over 49,400 employees worldwide and Apples financial results for its…...
Application SoftwareComputer ScienceComputersInformation AgePersonal Computer
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5 Disadvantages Of Keyboard
Words • 1300
Pages • 6
This sample essay on 5 Disadvantages Of Keyboard offers an extensive list of facts and arguments related to it. The essay's introduction, body paragraphs, and the conclusion are provided below.Hardware is any physical part of the computer which can be touched or seen. These are the main types of hardware:  Monitor  Mouse  Keyboard Disk Drives  Printer  Speakers  Tower Monitor Disk Drive Speakers Printer Tower Mouse Keyboard Types of hardware There are four types of hardware. Input Input is that type…...
Hewlett Packard Fort Collins
Words • 1254
Pages • 6
This essay sample on Hewlett Packard Fort Collins provides all necessary basic information on this matter, including the most common "for and against" arguments. Below are the introduction, body and conclusion parts of this essay. Fort Collins Division (FCD) was established In February of 1977, headed by Tom Kelley, and known in the beginning as a Calculator Products Group. One year later, the Ft Collins Division produced the HP-250 small business computer system and became known as the Desktop Computer…...
The Paper That Started The Study Of Computer Security.
Words • 1227
Pages • 5
This sample paper on The Paper That Started The Study Of Computer Security. offers a framework of relevant facts based on recent research in the field. Read the introductory part, body, and conclusion of the paper below.Look up ‘the paper that started the study of computer security. ” Prepare a summary of the key points. What in this paper specifically addresses security in areas previously unexamined? The RAND Report R-609-1 was commissioned by the Deputy Director in June 1967 according…...
CertificationComputer SecurityComputer VirusCrime PreventionInformation AgeInformation Technology
Polygraphic system called Hill Cipher
Words • 502
Pages • 3
Introduction We live in a world which is changing rapidly, in the past messages were transmitted via envelopes to ensure the privacy. Now that things have changed messages are now transmitted via the internet, whether its by email or other social networks. The question which is asked the most, is the information transmitted from object A to B safe or secure from third parties. The field that deals with the study of transmitting information in a private manner is known…...
CommunicationComputer SecurityCryptographyMathematics
University of the Cumberlands Research Paper on Deception
Words • 2040
Pages • 9
The following sample essay on "University of the Cumberlands Research Paper on Deception":  deception technology is the coordination of cheating procedures into security gadgets and computerization, proposed to attract assailants from authentic assets and trap or keep them in zones showed after certified limit or framework zones. Abstract Deception technology is the coordination of cheating procedures into security gadgets and computerization, proposed to attract assailants from authentic assets and trap or keep them in zones showed after certified limit or…...
Computer SecurityDeceptionLearningResearchTruthUniversity
Article On Computers And Modern Education
Words • 250
Pages • 1
With the dawn of the computer era, all aspects of the society have become influenced by technology, including education. A large number of students use computers to work on. Even though it makes our work easier, it can turn out to be a huge distraction due to things like games, social networking sites, watching movies, etc. For example, in my school, students from grade 6 have their own laptops and during the breaks or even after school on the train…...
Computer Graphics
Technical Rate Of Substitution
Words • 540
Pages • 3
The very first computer was developed to accomplish difficult calculations mainly for military purposes, after a while due to technical progress computers became inseparable part of many industries. It eased difficult calculations and improved bureaucracy. More than 20 years ago home computers started to be sold in the market. It grew its popularity since then. New Information Technology industry was introduces. New multinational companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and IBM jumped into the world markets and from the very beginning…...
Swot Analysis Of Bsnl Internet Provider
Words • 281
Pages • 2
SWOT Analysis Strengths •BSNL is the India’s leading telecommunications and broadband Internet provider. •Provides global telecommunication services 90 million customers in India; •Provides 27. 45 million fixed- wired line telephones with network connections, and local telephone exchanges; •Operates more than 72 million wireless subscriber; •Owns largest cellular provider in whole India; BSNL communication has moved into new areas as technology improves and into new innovation like Mobile communication , 3G Services for mobiles, Wimax and WLL ; •Invests in new…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingInformation AgeInformation TechnologyInternetStrategy
Software Architecture Design Patterns
Words • 812
Pages • 4
As the structured process providing a solution that meets technical and operational requirements of a project while optimizing performance and security. Architecture provides a set of abstract patterns guiding the design of a software system. This provides for problem-solving and planning to a software solution. Once the purpose and specifications of the proposed software is determined the next step is to design a plan for the solution. Design Patterns allows designers to reuse the fundamental concepts of methodologies employed from…...
ArchitectureComputer ScienceComputersDesignSoftware Engineering
Unit 3 Information Systems Assignment 1
Words • 681
Pages • 3
Richman Investments has decided to spread out their concern. We have been given their new growing projections of 10. 000 employees in 20 states. with 5. 000 located within the U. S. Richman has besides established eight subdivision offices located throughout the U. S. and has designated Phoenix. AZ being the chief central office. With this scenario. I intend to plan a distant entree control policy for all systems. applications and informations entree within Richman Investments. With so many different…...
Computer ScienceComputer SecurityInformation AgeInformation Technology
Nokia Siemens Networks Company Culture
Words • 646
Pages • 3
Report on Nokia Siemens Networks Submitted To Sir Salman Jan Group Members Table of Contents [ No table of contents entries found. ] Introduction Nokia Siemens Networks is a leading global enabler of telecommunications services. With its focus on innovation and sustainability, the company provides a complete portfolio of mobile, fixed and converged network technology, as well as professional services including consultancy and systems integration, deployment, maintenance and managed services. It is one of the largest telecommunications hardware, software and…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingElectronicsInformation AgeNokia
Research Proposal On Network Security
Words • 539
Pages • 3
Network security is a policy created by the chief administrator of the organization aimed to protect information of the company from third people. This task is very complicated, because every day programmers create hundreds of programs, which manage to break the security of the network and look through or steal the required data. One can achieve network security with the help of various things, which include strong antivirus software, strong reliable passwords, which are changed every week or month, individual…...
CommunicationComputer VirusInformation AgeInformation TechnologyNetwork SecurityResearch
Client Server Network Architecture
Words • 1007
Pages • 5
Networking – Client/Server Architecture Introduction to 2-Tier Architecture 2-tier architecture is used to describe client/server systems where the client requests resources and the server responds directly to the request, using its own resources. This means that the server does not call on another application in order to provide part of the service. Introduction to 3-Tier Architecture In 3-tier architecture, there is an intermediary level, meaning the architecture is generally split up between: 1. A client, i. e. he computer, which…...
ArchitectureComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceComputersInformation AgeInformation Technology
Types Of Output Devices
Words • 542
Pages • 3
Monitors The monitor, screen or visual display unit (VDU) is the most common computer output device. Popular screen sizes are 15 inches (38 cm) and 17 inches (43 cm). Larger monitors make working at a computer easier on the yes and are essential for use in desktop publishing and design work. Cathode ray tubes Traditional computer monitors are similar to televisions. They use cathode ray tubes (CRTs) which are large and heavy, but can produce high-quality displays. Flat panel displays…...
Computer ScienceComputersDesignElectronics
The Role Of Memory In A Computer
Words • 681
Pages • 3
Memory is an important component of any computer. A part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer, memory performs either short-term or long-term storage functions. At a conceptual level, memory can either refer to the storage devices themselves (hard drives, DVDs, etc) or to the data/information stored therein. The Random Access Memory (RAM) is the most important for the functioning of a computer, for it is essential for immediate and high-speed computing operations. But RAM has a limitation…...
Computer ScienceComputersDataInformation AgeInformation TechnologyMemory
It Has Been Said That Within The Next Few Years
Words • 572
Pages • 3
It has been said that within the next few years, smartphones will become the single most important digital device we own. Discuss the implications of this statement. A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic feature phone A smartphone can be considered as a Personal Pocket Computer (PPC) with mobile phone functions, because these devices are mainly computers, although much smaller than a desktop computer. Smartphones and Twitter were the hottest products in Japan in…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceInformation AgeInformation TechnologySmartphone
Acer Introduction and SWOT Analysis
Words • 423
Pages • 2
Introduction of Acer Acer ranks as the world’s No. 3 branded PC vendor, designing easy, dependable IT solutions that empower people to reach their goals and enhance their lives. Established in 1976, Acer Inc. employs 5,300 people in more than 100 countries. Offering a complete range of laptops, desktops and peripherals, Acer has the right solution for all your home computing needs. Market Acer competes within the PC and peripherals industry providing a personal computing solution for consumers and businesses.…...
CommunicationComputersMarketingPersonal ComputerStrategySwot Analysis
Software Configuration Management Tools
Words • 1005
Pages • 5
In this world of rapidly changing technology, it has become a need for IT companies to have people working in parallel on Software projects across different geographical locations. Under these circumstances, using Software Configuration Management tools to keep track of all the changes in the code is the need of the times. This essay outlines the definition and primary characteristics of a Software Configuration Management system, and its role in any organization. It also explains the SCM Technology used by…...
Computer ScienceComputersDataInformation AgeInformation TechnologyManagement
Basic Input Output System
Words • 561
Pages • 3
If Microsoft Windows (MS Windows), a well-known operating system, become attractive interface between human/user with computer, then BIOS is a heart that work unconsciously to collect several information that a user input. BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) are codes that have critical functions in computer system such as collecting button taps from keyboard or laying the pixel to the screen. This little program work behind the screen, translate MS Windows commands that people know them as representation of zero and one…...
Gps Microcontroller
Words • 638
Pages • 3
How to interface GPS with 8051 Microcontroller (AT89C51) Project Code: MC082 * Summary * Description * Circuit Diagram * Video * Code * Components Summary GPS has become an efficient tool in the field of scientific use, commerce, surveillance and tracking. This project presents a small application based on Global Positioning System. It depicts the use of GPS module/receiver to find latitude and longitude of its location. The data obtained from GPS receiver (GPGGA sentence) is processed by the microcontroller…...
Computer ProgrammingComputer ScienceComputersInformation Age
Disable Task Manager
Words • 243
Pages • 1
Enable Registry Editor Using Group Policy Editor 1. Click on Start. Go to Run. Users running Windows 8, Windows 7 or Vista, go to Search. 2. Type gpedit. msc and press Enter. 3. Navigate to User Configuration/ Administrative Templates / System. 4. In the work area, double click on “Prevent Access to registry editing tools”. 5. In the popup window, encircle Disabled and click on OK. 6. Normally, Registry Editor will be immediately accessible. If it is not, restart your…...
Computer ScienceComputersInformation AgeInformation Technology
Eclipse Android Emulator
Words • 610
Pages • 3
Download and install Java Development Kit (JDK) Download and unzip Eclipse IDE – go to http://www. eclipse. org/downloads/. – Download either Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Download and unzip Android SDK – go to http://developer. android. com/index. html – Select SDK tab, download SDK of your platform. Install ADT plug-in into Eclipse IDE 3. 4. Android Development Tools (ADT) is a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a…...
Application SoftwareComputer ScienceComputersSoftware Engineering
Distributed Computing Research
Words • 457
Pages • 2
Distributed computing is the way of the solution of the complicated problems which the help of several computers connected with one another into a network. Distributed computing is also the type of the parallel calculation and processing of the problem relying on the capacity of the several processors of one or more computers. The most crucial factor which enables to carry out the procedure of the distributed computing is the segmentation of the problem into the subproblems can be researched…...
Gap Between Management and Data Processing
Words • 456
Pages • 2
Computer continues to play an ever-increasing role both in our everyday lives and in organisation of all types. Within these organisations the impact of computerisation results in tremendous change and presents management in many situations with one of the most difficult of all contemporary challenges. Over the last decade, the rise in the importance of information and knowledge for business activity has become phenomenal (Marji and Philip, 2005). Information is now critical for the management and growth of business value.…...
Computer Network Assignment
Words • 527
Pages • 3
COMPUTER NETWORKS 4TH MARCH 2012 Examination Paper Answer ALL questions. Clearly cross out surplus answers. Time: 2 hours Any reference material brought into the examination room must be handed to the invigilator before the start of the examination. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Marks QUESTION 1 a) State FOUR (4) principles underpinning the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model. b) Describe the purpose of the physical layer of the OSI Reference Model. c) State THREE (3) elements of network design that relate…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceElectronicsInformation Age
Window Of Vulnerability
Words • 581
Pages • 3
CALCULATE THE WINDOW OF VULNERABILITY A security breach has been identified within a small Microsoft workgroup LAN. The workgroup consists of three primary workgroups which contain group membership lists of users within the Active Directory infrastructure that currently exists on the SMB Server that is located within the confines of the LAN structure. The security breach, which is defined as any event that results in a violation of any of the CIA (confidentiality, integrity, availability) security principles, was caused by…...
Computer NetworkingComputer ScienceComputer SecurityInformation AgeInformation Technology
Essay On Hard Disk
Words • 749
Pages • 3
By law, employers in offices need to provide tilt-able screens, adjustable chairs, snit-glare screen filters, foot supports, good lighting uncramped workstations, frequent breaks and eye tests. This has to be done by law in offices but not in schools. However, there are general guidelines to follow. There should be no trailing wires, food and drink should not be placed near a machine, electrical sockets must not be overloaded, there must be adequate space around the machine, heating and ventilation must…...
Computer ScienceComputersDataInformation AgeInformation TechnologyPersonal Computer
Biometric Input Devices Examples
Words • 873
Pages • 4
Biometrics is a combination of two words. Bio means life and metry means something to measure. Biometrics is defined as the statistical measurement of biological observations. It means using the body as a password. Biometric technologies are used to verify person by using physical characteristics and personal traits. Biometric identification systems provide a computer system that allows authorized users to log. The system has many advantages as compared with systems that provide passwords. Biometric devices and applications have been growing…...
Computer SecurityInformation AgeInformation TechnologyPrivacy
Essay On History Of Computer
Words • 813
Pages • 4
Paper Type:Personal essays
A long, long time ago, calculators were people’s fingers and rocks they picked up off the floor. Personal computers have evolved so much that now any calculation can be done in a split second by the dumbest person. Society today now relies on computers for everything. Imagine how the world would be today if we did not have such a blessing. A lot of thanks are owed to the great few who pioneered the computer and technology, for without them…...
Laptop Mechanism Description and Advantages
Words • 553
Pages • 3
A laptop computer is a personal computer that is portable or easy to carry around, and is similar to a desktop computer because it incorporates all of the same elements. Laptops are designed for internet use, producing documents, graphic design, storing files, and communicating with others. The laptop originated in the military, but was not widely used like the desktop computer, because it was too small for personal use. Also, it did not have ideal storage capacity. However, technological advancements…...
Computer ScienceComputersInformation AgeInformation TechnologyPersonal Computer
Touch Screen Technology 
Words • 527
Pages • 3
The following sample essay on Touch Screen Technology  A touchscreen is a computer peripheral that combines a display screen features (monitor) and those of a pointing device, such as a mouse or touchpad, but also with an optical stylus. This allows to reduce the number of the peripheral devices and make ergonomic software very well suited to certain functions. The touchscreen technology is used, for example, in PDA, GPS, MP3 players, smartphones, tablets, portable game consoles, automatic ticketing, ATMs, all…...
Computer ScienceComputersElectronicsInformation Age
Global Business Today
Words • 657
Pages • 3
Why is it of import to understand the difference between computing machine literacy and information literacy? Answer: Computer literacy – When you are computing machine literate. you have a general working cognition of computing machines. You understand what they can be used for. Most people know that they can type a paper. make a PowerPoint and if you have an internet entree. you may email and seek the World Wide Web for information. Information literacy- When you are information literate.…...
Apple Research Proposal Essays
Words • 556
Pages • 3
Paper Type:Proposal essays
The following sample essay focuses on essays on the Apple Research Proposal. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Apple Inc is the American corporation which produces personal and tablet computers, music players, smart phones, computer software, etc. The corporation is one of the leading ones concerning the production of the personal computers and modern operation systems with graphic interface. Due to the innovations, quality and design of the production Apple has become a brand and…...
Explore Task Written response
Words • 610
Pages • 3
Explore – Impact of Computing InnovationsWritten Response Submission Template Please see Assessment Overview and Performance Task Directions for Student for the task directions and recommended word counts. Computational Artifact 2a) FORMTEXT My Computing Innovation is cryptocurrency which is basically a digitalized form of money. It works by a person giving money to a money transmitter, which in turn digitalizes the amount and sends it to a money exchanger which converts the amount into Cryptocurrency. The amount is then sent to…...
Computer SecurityInformation AgeInformation TechnologyMoney
Implementing a wirless network
Words • 569
Pages • 3
AcknowledgementFirst and foremost, I would like to thank our lecturer, Mr.Hasitha Sampath for his valuableguidance and advice. His inspiration is what helped us to complete this coursework. Hiswillingness was what motivated us, in order to complete. He taught us the benefits ofimplementing a wireless networkBesides that a whole lot of appreciation to the whole administration of Esoft for providing uswith a good environment and facilities in order to complete this coursework. You have guidedus in every possible way. And it…...
CommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceElectronicsRadio
Next Generation Cloud Computing
Words • 809
Pages • 4
Summary In the research, the researcher focused on a number of important points in terms of computer computing, its advantages and its future by discussing these The distributed cloud architecture will use the edge of the network in the future. Two layer applications will be replaced by a new multi-layer cloud architecture. The next generation of cloud computing affects all social and scientific avenues. You will need to develop a new resource market on the edge of the network. Safety…...
Cloud ComputingComputer NetworkingComputer ScienceComputersInformation AgeInformation Technology
Pros and cons of visualization
Words • 450
Pages • 2
Schools are very different from when my parents went to school, when my parents went to school, and now, when my daughter goes to school. The differences in technology alone are striking. When my daughter was 3 years old, she could navigate the iPhone better than me. This is how her generation was brought up. Kids these days can open apps, play music, and change the background on their phone. There are many reasons for this. Technology is easier and…...
CommunicationComputer SecurityInformation AgeInformation Technology
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