Essays on Biology

Free essays on biology refer to the academic papers that are available for public access and are not charged or restricted by any institution or platform. These essays generally cover a wide range of topics in the field of biology, including the study of living organisms, their structure, classification, evolution, behavior, and interactions with their environment. These essays can be helpful in providing insight into various biological concepts and theories and can be used as references or study materials for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of biology. Additionally, free essays on biology can benefit students who require research material for their academic projects or assignments, or those who want to expand their knowledge base in the subject area.
Ch.7 Practice Test Questions
Words • 3885
Pages • 16
Roseanne claims that she can remember instances of childhood sexual abuse that started at 6 months of age. Why are most psychologists likely to be skeptical of this and other such claims? Because infantile amnesia makes it unlikely that these are true memories from that age Although you have never taken a class with Dr. Hua, you walk into class, sit down, open your notebook, and wait for the professor to begin his lecture. What concept is being illustrated? Schema…...
chp 7 quiz questions
Words • 1870
Pages • 8
Paper Type:Personal essays
After presenting groups of research participants words like thread, eye, pin, syringe, sewing, sharp, and thimble, a memory researcher asks the participants whether they remember seeing the word needle. The fact that many participants do is an example of permastore.memory illusion. amnesia. déjà vu. memory illusion A key theme that has emerged from the memory research literature is that all explicit and implicit memories are stored in the hippocampus.memory illusions are evidence of serious memory problems such as Alzheimer's disease…...
AmnesiaBrainFlashcardsMemoryNervous System
PSY101 memories
Words • 2652
Pages • 11
George Miller found that the average person is able to keep about ____ digits in mind at a time. seven When an old piece of information interferes with your proactive The memory problem called retroactive interference happens when leaning new information interferes with your memory of old information. Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of aan episodic memory. Explicit memory, also called ____ memory, can be clearly stated or explained declarative The memory…...
AmnesiaBrainFlashcardsMemoryNervous System
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Sensation: Color and Absolute Threshold
Words • 10615
Pages • 43
Paper Type:Persuasive essays
Sensation and Perception If you need any assistance from our essay writing service, just let us know! Below are questions and answers to the topic 'Perception and Sensation.' Key: Answer, Page, Type, Learning Objective, Level Type A=Applied C=Conceptual F=Factual Level (1)=Easy; (2)=Moderate; (3)=Difficult LO=Learning Objective SG=Used in Study Guide p=page MULTIPLE CHOICE The ABCs of Perception Learning Objective- 3. 1 What is sensation and how does it enter the central nervous system? 1. ______ are the raw data of experience,…...
EyeNervous SystemPainPerceptionSenseVision
Extended essay on Mimicry in humans
Words • 3397
Pages • 14
  The confederates in the video described a picture and touched or rubbed their face. A base line period was recorded of the frequency that the participants touched or rubbed their face. It was found that participants were detected to touch or rub their face more frequently when viewing the video of the in group member when compared to the baseline period. Conversely, when the out group member was presented the frequency of face touching or rubbing decreased because the…...
AutismHuman NatureNervous SystemProsocial Behavior
The Lambda Protocol Physics Investigation
Words • 990
Pages • 4
This experiment is designed to produce DNA bound in gel to fragment according to the restriction enzyme used to cut it up and to the sizes of these subsequent fragments. The aim of this experiment is to produce a DNA fragmentation, which will be of known sizes because the entirety of the DNA genome has been mapped. So running D NA alongside other DNA will allow the size of the other DNA to be found. Prediction: As in the experiment…...
Artificial Organs
Words • 297
Pages • 2
The worldwide shortage of available donor organs provides little to no hope for patients wishing to have a chance at new life. According to the Texas Organ Sharing Alliance, there were 79,466 patients on the U. S. National Waiting List as of January 1, 2002, with only 6,148 donors in the country that year. In response to the organ shortage, scientists have made recent advances in transplant technology with the development of two new types of organ replacement: xenotransplantation and…...
Developmental Psychology: Key Terms
Words • 836
Pages • 4
Behavioral Modification- a formal technique for promoting the frequency of desirable behaviors and decreasing the incidence of unwanted ones (good behavior is reinforced). Classical Conditioning- a type of learning in which an organism responds in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about a response (dog responds to bell thinks of food). Operant Conditioning- a form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened by its association with positive or negative responses…...
BrainChild NeglectLearningMotivationPersonality
Cardiovascular System, Study Guide
Words • 2357
Pages • 10
Chapter 18 The Circulatory System: Blood True / False Questions 1. Hemostasis is the production of formed elements of blood. Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand Section: 18. 1 Introduction Topic: Cardiovascular System 2. Blood viscosity stems mainly from electrolytes and monomers dissolved in plasma. Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand Section: 18. 1 Introduction Topic: Cardiovascular System 3. Lymphoid hemopoiesis occurs mainly in the bone marrow. Difficulty Level: Remember/Understand Section: 18. 1 Introduction Topic: Cardiovascular System 4. Oxygen and carbon dioxide bind to different parts…...
Marfan Syndrome
Words • 1031
Pages • 5
The following example essay on "Marfan Syndrome" talks about an inherited connective tissue disease characterized by pathological changes in the heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system and eyes. Have you ever wondered about the diseases that you can get from your parents? One of these major diseases that can change someone’s life is called the Marfan Syndrome. Marfan Syndrome is a disorder of connective tissue that is inherited from the parents. The bones and circulatory system are usually the parts…...
Compare and Contrast Vertebrate and Invertebrate Vision
Words • 2186
Pages • 9
Although vertebrates and invertebrates originally evolved from a common ancestral root, both have developed very different physical utilities for vision. Both are fairly effective and have taken many millions of years to evolve. They contain many common underlying mechanisms but differ in the features used to provide them. The definition of an eye is 'an organ of visual perception that includes parts specialized for optical processing of light as well as well as photoreceptive neurons' (Alberts). The main feature of…...
Is Wal-Mart’s Mission and Vision the Same as Stakeholders?
Words • 892
Pages • 4
Wal-Mart Mission, vision, goals, and objective Since it’s beginning in 1962 by Sam Walton , Wal-Mart has always been a company that has presented the image that they will go the extra mile for customer satisfaction. Wal-Mart has overcome difficult times by using many different tactics enabling them to grow and expand in times when most companies experienced hard times. Their Strategic Management is superb but even in their success the question that arises is: Are Wal-Mart's stated Mission, vision,…...
Dstinction Between Early-Selection and Late Selection in Models of Attention
Words • 2480
Pages • 10
Attention is the ability to take a hold of the mind and select one from many simultaneous objects or thoughts, discarding some things in order to deal with others more effectively (James,1890, as cited in Norman, 1976) . In every day life there are so many things that can be attended to and so certain aspects have to be selected over others. Some tasks that are carried out require very little attention and others require less the more time that…...
MetaphysicsModelNervous SystemPerceptionWork
Target identification and feature integration theory
Words • 1239
Pages • 5
The effect of distractors on target identification was studied using 118 participants, from Warwick University. The experiment was based on work done by Treisman and Gelade (1980), who developed the feature integration theory. Each participant completed a visual search computer program consisting of three conditions. As well as these conditions as a factor there was also the varying display sizes such as 4, 8 and 16, and with the target being either present or absent in the trials. The mean…...
ExperimentHuman NatureNervous System
Relations Between Fisher Body and General Motors
Words • 856
Pages • 4
The initial relationship between Fisher Body, a producer of auto bodies, and General Motors was a long-term contract of ten years. Such contract agreed that GM would only purchase its metal bodies from Fisher body with a price formula set to equal Fisher Body's variable cost plus 17. 6 percent. (Klein 1998: 241) One would then ask why this was necessary since it restricted GM from being able to switch to other partners and use the market as its efficient…...
Gwen Harwood Critical Study
Words • 951
Pages • 4
An Australian poet who, seems to develop an imaginative, rich form of poetry through the use of recurring themes. Complex language techniques and even further through the use of sophisticated structures only seen in the most prestigious of poems in the modern era. Gwen Hardwood has a tendency to write poetry that is significant in all eras, cultures and/or societies of the world as she captures, and develops them Into a strong universal theme that recurs strongly. These themes seem…...
Adam And EveCultureLanguageLearningMemoryPoetry
“A Terribly Strange Bed” and “The Whole Town’s Sleeping”
Words • 881
Pages • 4
Throughout this essay I intend to compare and contrast the effectiveness of the different narrative styles used in the two short stories, A Terribly Strange Bed and The Whole Town's Sleeping. The stories were written about one hundred years apart, The Whole Town's Sleeping in 1950 and A Terribly Strange Bed, much earlier in 1856. This means that not only will the portrayal of the stories vary based upon the individual styles of writing of the authors but also the…...
Definition And History Of Foster Care Social Work Essay
Words • 3544
Pages • 15
Paper Type:Definition essays
New World Enclopedia ( 2012 ) defines surrogate attention as full-time replacement attention of kids outside their ain place by people other than their biological or adoptive parents or legal defenders. ] History of Foster attention Placement of kids in surrogate places is a construct which goes as far back as the Old Testament, which refers to caring for dependent kids as a responsibility under jurisprudence. Early Christian church records indicate orphaned kids lived with widows who were paid by…...
BrainFoster CareLifeMental DisorderNeuronSocial Work
Psychological Analysis of “The Butterfly Effect” Essay
Words • 2399
Pages • 10
This paper revolves around the four chief psychological facets of the 2004 film The Butterfly Effect which are memory retrieval in Evan. injury in the characters. depression. and Evan’s therapy. In memory we will look through the protagonist’s. Evan. yesteryear and how he represses his memory and retrieves them back as grownup. In injury we will look at the different events Evan’s friend Lenny experiences and how it affects his life and gives him traumatic upsets. Following. we will analyze…...
Major Depressive DisorderMemoryMental Health
The Science of Improving the Stock
Words • 4877
Pages • 20
The following sample essay focuses on the science of inventory improvement. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Eugenics Research The word "eugenics" was coined in 1883 by British mathematician Francis Gallon, who defined it as "the science of improving the stock. " The eugenics movement, he said, would be dedicated to allowing "the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable. " The movement had its…...
EugenicsHeredityNazi GermanyRacism
Human Relationships and Life Transitions
Words • 2121
Pages • 9
The following sample essay is about human relationships and life transitions being . To read the introduction, body, and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. Throughout this essay. I will be discoursing the passage of adolescence. This passage is a phase of development between childhood and maturity. from approximately 12 to 20 old ages of age. This passage from childhood to maturity is smooth for some but unsmooth for others ( Caspi. 2000 ) . This essay will discourse predictable…...
AdolescenceHuman DevelopmentHuman NatureLovePubertyRelationship
Words • 1946
Pages • 8
IntroductionIt is indispensable that we better our nutrient production and distribution in order to feed and maintain a turning universe population free from hungriness, while at the same clip cut downing the environmental impacts of high populations and bettering the quality life for most worlds. This will necessitate continued development and responsible use of scientific finds and new engineerings. With the increasing demand of harvest manufacturers for new high giving up cultivars and the demand of consumers for agricultural merchandises,…...
BiotechnologyChemistryDnaGenetic EngineeringGeneticsRice
The Pulfrich phenomenon
Words • 2564
Pages • 11
Introduction What is the Pulfrich Phenomenon? The following sample essay on The Pulfrich phenomenon.  This creates the semblance that an object oscillating on a frontal plane appears to follow an egg-shaped tract. The most widely accepted theory for this semblance is that cut downing the brightness of a stimulation to the retina of one oculus causes comparatively slower excitement of the photoreceptors ( ) and hence a delayed processing of the image relation to the other oculus.  This creates…...
BrainEyeLightNervous SystemPerceptionVision
Contrast Sensitivity Measurements
Words • 2171
Pages • 9
The following example essay on "Contrast Sensitivity Measurements" talks about an experiment that would help was to find if comparable contrast sensitiveness measurements could be taken utilizing different psychophysical methods. Introduction Contrast Sensitivity is defined as the ability of the oculus to observe luminosity contrast " . ( Millodot, M, 2009 ) It is of import as it makes objects stand out from one another. Contrast Sensitivity proving provides a better apprehension of the patients public presentation of real-world undertakings…...
ContrastLightNervous SystemVision
Thomas Hardy – Analysis of Three Poems
Words • 2128
Pages • 9
An epitaph is an inscription upon a tomb, in few verses for the casual observer to read carefully. It is usually carved in stone and is very synthetic. The Elegy is much more lengthy than an epitaph. The two genres differ not only in lengths, but also in subject matter, since the epitaph is a 'report' concerning the deceased, the elegy is an expression of 'mourners'' sorrow. As for the setting and space, the epitaph is part of a spatial…...
He Glass Menagerie’ by Tennessee Williams
Words • 1329
Pages • 6
  The play inaugurates with lengthy description as to the setting and stagecraft, followed by the entrance of the narrator, Tom Wingfield, who soon states that ‘the play is memory’ and makes it clear that we are viewing events through the lens of his memories, intensifying emotions and extracting significances in the way that memories do. When the scene progresses, we as an audience also have an insight to recollections within recollections, such as those of Amanda as she recounts…...
DreamMemoryMusicThe Glass Menagerie
The evolution of the tennis racket
Words • 685
Pages • 3
Until about thirty years ago, wooden rackets were largely the popular rackets used by the majority of tennis players. As the trend to developing new technologies and increasing one's ability to play, new rackets arose from many new companies. These new rackets were made of metal and metal composites as well as included many advantages over the older wooden rackets. However, the introduction of this new generation of rackets proved not to be as valuable to companies and to the…...
Compared to the original Daniell Cell
Words • 2918
Pages • 12
By completing and testing this hypothesis our group believes that it will factor in the aim of increasing the voltage and current of our Daniell Cell. Hypothesis 2 According to the Standard Reduction Potentials for Half-Reactions table, our group hypothesises that by changing the half cells so that their E0 values are a greater distance apart that the voltage and current will show an increase and improve the Daniell Cell. The general make up of a Daniell Cell is two…...
Event Management: HIV/Aids Awareness Day
Words • 1730
Pages • 7
The following example essay on "Event Management: HIV/Aids Awareness Day" is a report on one of the most important areas of work to prevent the spread of HIV infection is to inform the public through large-scale communication campaigns. Event direction is a uninterrupted procedure that revolves around the use of undertaking direction patterns, in the creative activity and scheduling of events such as conferences, seminars, festivals and concern exhibitions ( Polivka 1996 ) . It involves the planning, monitoring and…...
ConsciousnessEpidemiologyEvent ManagementInfectious DiseasesManagementMicrobiology
Javelin Analysis
Words • 1003
Pages • 5
Aerobic Power/cardio-vascular endurance Javelin throwers need little or no aerobic power/cardio-vascular endurance because their event is purely anaerobic and lasts for such a short period of time that in needs only fast twitch fibres to achieve success. Anaerobic power/speed Javelin throwers undoubtedly need very good anaerobic power and speed because they take part in an event, which only takes a short period of time and requires a maximal effort. In terms of muscle fibres that they need to achieve the…...
Schizophrenia therapies: evaluation
Words • 1559
Pages • 7
Outline and evaluate two or more therapies used in the treatment of Schizophrenia (24 marks) There is no established permanent cure for Schizophrenia, but there are a variety of therapies which help prevent schizophrenic episodes and also help sufferers deal with their mental illness. One of the main types of therapy used is drug therapy. Drug therapy involves issuing a patient psychotherapeutic drug(s) which are used to alter the chemical functioning of the brain by affecting the action of neurotransmitters.Neurotransmitters…...
MedicineMental HealthNervous SystemPsychosisPsychotherapySchizophrenia
Hunger, Eating, and Health
Words • 14447
Pages • 58
Hunger, Eating, and Health Why Do Many People Eat Too Much? 12. 1 12. 2 12. 3 12. 4 Digestion, Energy Storage, and Energy Utilization Theories of Hunger and Eating: Set Points versus Positive Incentives Factors That Determine What, When, and How Much We Eat Physiological Research on Hunger and Satiety 12. 5 12. 6 12. 7 Body Weight Regulation: Set Points versus Settling Points Human Obesity: Causes, Mechanisms, and Treatments Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa ISBN 0-558-78571-9 Biopsychology, Eighth Edition,…...
Contentious Bones a Case Study on the Skeletal System Wh Cliff
Words • 431
Pages • 2
Your 80 year-old great aunt, Persis, was placing a canning jar on the top shelf of her pantry when she stepped awkwardly off the stool and twisted her leg at the hip. She felt a sharp pain in her hip and, after collapsing to the floor, found she could no longer stand. She was taken to the emergency room where an X ray showed that the neck of her femur was fractured. More detailed X ray images revealed reduced bone…...
Concepts of Beauty in Modern Society
Words • 880
Pages • 4
The following sample essay talks about the concepts of beauty in today's society. Read the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay, scroll down. The concept of beauty is a controversial issue in today’s look-oriented modern society as the media constantly tries to give it a set definition. Motivated by material profit, television programs, glamorous magazines, and fashionable websites often provide their own distorted image of the perfect human being. However, due to the fact that it is a subjective…...
Human Cogntive Architecture – Pattern Recognition
Words • 5421
Pages • 22
One may be tempted to suppose that we, who experience the world through vision, experience a very different world from the worlds expereinced by bats or dolphins, who rely more on hearing, dogs or rats who make greater use of smell … or spiders or scorpoins who are attuned to mechanical variations. But at sufficiently abstract level, our worlds are all the same three dimensional Euclidean world - Roger Shepard (Solso 1994) (73) Visual pattern recognition influences several areas -computer…...
Effects Of Ultraviolet Light On The Eye
Words • 2606
Pages • 11
Various eye problems have been associated with overexposure to sunlight. Cause Ultraviolet Ray WHY? People are unaware of what UVR can cause to their vision/eye sight. WHY? Insufficient spread of information to the public. Sub Problem How can we completely inform the public about the dangers caused by the UVR? Introduction Another radiation from the sun can harm not only your skin but also your eyes. Extended exposure to the sun’s UV rays has been linked to eye damage, which…...
EyeLightOzone LayerSunVision
Biology Virtual Lab- Parts of a Flower
Words • 441
Pages • 2
Tip of the stamen that produces pollen containing sperm| Filament| Slender stalklike part of the stamer that supports the anther| Ovary| Swollen base of the pistil that contains the ovules| Ovule| eggs that develop into seeds after they are fertilized| Petals| Colorful leaflike parts that attract insects and other animals for pollination| Pistil| Structure that contains the female reproductive organs| Sepals| Leaflike parts that enclose flower during bud stage| Stamen| Pollen producing part of a flower, consisting of a stalk…...
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